
научная фантастика

Let IDRoPs change your point of view…Chris Brosnahan is the winner of the 2013 30 Hour Novel Competition, run by authonomy and The Kernel magazine. His debut thriller, set in a future where augmented reality is widespread, will have you hooked.I push…
Let IDRoPs change your point of view…Chris Brosnahan is the winner of the 2013 30 Hour Novel Competition, run by authonomy and The Kernel magazine. His debut thriller, set in a future where augmented reality is widespread, will have you hooked.I push…
Where I Found You
A touching and emotional novel from the author of Richard and Judy pick YESTERDAY’S SUN.Maggie Carter knows Victoria Park like the back of her hand. She knows which routes around the park are easiest to navigate; she knows what time of year the most …
A touching and emotional novel from the author of Richard and Judy pick YESTERDAY’S SUN.Maggie Carter knows Victoria Park like the back of her hand. She knows which routes around the park are easiest to navigate; she knows what time of year the most …
What is the role of technology in society? The Role of Technology in Society: A Comprehensive Guide to its Advantages, Disadvantages and Ethical Aspects
This book examines the role of technology in society, from its historical evolution to its current and future impact. It discusses the benefits and drawbacks of technology, ethical considerations, and emerging technologies. It provides insights into …
This book examines the role of technology in society, from its historical evolution to its current and future impact. It discusses the benefits and drawbacks of technology, ethical considerations, and emerging technologies. It provides insights into …
A Splendid Future
Alfred is a normal lad who lives in his very normal tomorrow, maybe our tomorrow. A world that has changed much, perhaps without really changing. Looking for social redemption, he accepts a proposal that will take him far from home for a long time. W…
Alfred is a normal lad who lives in his very normal tomorrow, maybe our tomorrow. A world that has changed much, perhaps without really changing. Looking for social redemption, he accepts a proposal that will take him far from home for a long time. W…
The War of the Worlds / Война миров. Уровень 2
«Вчера около семи часов вечера марсиане покинули корабль-цилиндр и, передвигаясь под прикрытием металлических щитов, разрушили станцию Уокинг и близлежащие дома. Батальон Кардиганского полка уничтожен, выживших нет. Подробности неизвестны», – читали …
«Вчера около семи часов вечера марсиане покинули корабль-цилиндр и, передвигаясь под прикрытием металлических щитов, разрушили станцию Уокинг и близлежащие дома. Батальон Кардиганского полка уничтожен, выживших нет. Подробности неизвестны», – читали …
Is it possible to do without war and save life on planet Earth?
I wrote this little book about our beautiful planet Earth, as various natural disasters have become more frequent due to global warming.
I wrote this little book about our beautiful planet Earth, as various natural disasters have become more frequent due to global warming.
The Lost World
Не находите времени практиковать английский? Отправляйтесь на его поиски в «Затерянный мир» Артура Конана Дойля! Вам предстоит путешествие вместе с чудаковатым профессором Челленджером. Он совсем не похож на Шерлока Холмса, но не менее обаятелен! «За…
Не находите времени практиковать английский? Отправляйтесь на его поиски в «Затерянный мир» Артура Конана Дойля! Вам предстоит путешествие вместе с чудаковатым профессором Челленджером. Он совсем не похож на Шерлока Холмса, но не менее обаятелен! «За…
Climate of the future. 2200 year
The proposed two stories suggest looking at the future in a constructive way. A few years after writing the stories, it can be said that the future is gradually becoming the present. Build in your mind new neural connections by looking at the world’s…
The proposed two stories suggest looking at the future in a constructive way. A few years after writing the stories, it can be said that the future is gradually becoming the present. Build in your mind new neural connections by looking at the world’s…
Magic machines and something else
This book will open your eyes to what is happening in our world and what is behind the events that are presented to us as a historical necessity, why artificial intelligence has emerged and what the future holds.
This book will open your eyes to what is happening in our world and what is behind the events that are presented to us as a historical necessity, why artificial intelligence has emerged and what the future holds.
The fourth president
Vasily Lomakin, a life lover and adventurer, sets himself a noble goal — to save humanity from the coronavirus, and plunges into the world of fantastic and dangerous adventures. Natural humor and resourcefulness often help him out in desperate situat…
Vasily Lomakin, a life lover and adventurer, sets himself a noble goal — to save humanity from the coronavirus, and plunges into the world of fantastic and dangerous adventures. Natural humor and resourcefulness often help him out in desperate situat…
The Island of Doctor Moreau
The Island of Doctor Moreau is an 1896 science fiction novel by English author H. G. Wells. The text of the novel is the narration of Edward Prendick, a shipwrecked man rescued by a passing boat who is left on the island home of Doctor Moreau, a mad …
The Island of Doctor Moreau is an 1896 science fiction novel by English author H. G. Wells. The text of the novel is the narration of Edward Prendick, a shipwrecked man rescued by a passing boat who is left on the island home of Doctor Moreau, a mad …
Time Jumps. The Paradigm of Immortality
He considers it his duty to save humanity from a real threat, exposing himself to the risk of death. Peter Wright is the founder of a business empire, a successful billionaire and a pilot with unique abilities and iron nerves. A warrior, merciless to…
He considers it his duty to save humanity from a real threat, exposing himself to the risk of death. Peter Wright is the founder of a business empire, a successful billionaire and a pilot with unique abilities and iron nerves. A warrior, merciless to…
Человек-невидимка / The Invisible Man
Перед вами самый известный роман Герберта Уэллса «Человек-невидимка» – увлекательная история безумного и гениального ученого, совершившего удивительное открытие. Текст произведения адаптирован и снабжен параллельным переводом на русский язык. Для про…
Перед вами самый известный роман Герберта Уэллса «Человек-невидимка» – увлекательная история безумного и гениального ученого, совершившего удивительное открытие. Текст произведения адаптирован и снабжен параллельным переводом на русский язык. Для про…
The Invisible Man / Человек-невидимка
Что если человек овладеет способностями, дающими ему неограниченную власть над другими? Ответ можно найти в блестящем романе знаменитого фантаста Герберта Уэллса «Человек-невидимка». Это история о талантливом ученом по имени Гриффин, который смог со…
Что если человек овладеет способностями, дающими ему неограниченную власть над другими? Ответ можно найти в блестящем романе знаменитого фантаста Герберта Уэллса «Человек-невидимка». Это история о талантливом ученом по имени Гриффин, который смог со…
The Time Machine
The Time Machine is a science fiction novella by H. G. Wells, published in 1895 and written as a frame narrative. One of the most renowned works of science fiction, The Time Machine reflects on the adventures of The Time Traveller-a man who construc…
The Time Machine is a science fiction novella by H. G. Wells, published in 1895 and written as a frame narrative. One of the most renowned works of science fiction, The Time Machine reflects on the adventures of The Time Traveller-a man who construc…
The Lost World / Затерянный мир
Сэр Артур Конан Дойль (1859–1930), шотландский и английский врач и писатель. Широкую известность получили его увлекательные детективные произведения, приключенческие и научно-фантастические, юмористические, а также исторические романы. Кроме того, он…
Сэр Артур Конан Дойль (1859–1930), шотландский и английский врач и писатель. Широкую известность получили его увлекательные детективные произведения, приключенческие и научно-фантастические, юмористические, а также исторические романы. Кроме того, он…
New edited version.
New edited version.
The main hero of the short-story is Peter Blear — 35 y.o. professor of Ancient History at American University. Peter Blear is rather shy man, who lives lonely and is despised by his boss Joann. But on his vacation he goes back…
The main hero of the short-story is Peter Blear — 35 y.o. professor of Ancient History at American University. Peter Blear is rather shy man, who lives lonely and is despised by his boss Joann. But on his vacation he goes back…
The End Justifies the Means
"…Hesitating, Lena halted at the bottom of the stairs. If she didn’t get herself into a mess bringing enrichment – it would mean that something awful happened to her: Lena Pearl became reasonable! On the other hand, the fake investigator’s diploma, t…
"…Hesitating, Lena halted at the bottom of the stairs. If she didn’t get herself into a mess bringing enrichment – it would mean that something awful happened to her: Lena Pearl became reasonable! On the other hand, the fake investigator’s diploma, t…
Kronos: The Infinity. 18+
«Kronos: The Infinity» is the personal literary work of mine, Albert Alcherbad, only inspired by H.P. Lovecraft’s «From Beyond», and written in its honor! The Kronos developed another view point on these difficult questions, like The Entity, The Infi…
«Kronos: The Infinity» is the personal literary work of mine, Albert Alcherbad, only inspired by H.P. Lovecraft’s «From Beyond», and written in its honor! The Kronos developed another view point on these difficult questions, like The Entity, The Infi…

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