
космос и вселенная

Checkmate on the issue of extraterrestrial life on the planet Mars There Is Life. Amazing Discoveries on Mars
About scientific discoveries on Mars begins its journey with the help of a new interdisciplinary scientific instrument of expertise in the soil science and mineralogical field, created by K. N. Pilyugin. Each find opens up a veil of mystery that has …
About scientific discoveries on Mars begins its journey with the help of a new interdisciplinary scientific instrument of expertise in the soil science and mineralogical field, created by K. N. Pilyugin. Each find opens up a veil of mystery that has …
Alma-Ata – discouraging charm in the Centre of Asia. The subjective guidebook
…I saw this unusual city for the first time in 1958. It was my birthday. And I realized that it is really different from any other city of the world later, after I visited and roamed many cities of this another world. Among them there is a dozen of s…
…I saw this unusual city for the first time in 1958. It was my birthday. And I realized that it is really different from any other city of the world later, after I visited and roamed many cities of this another world. Among them there is a dozen of s…

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