

The Languages of Smaller Populations: Risks and Possibilities. Lectures from the Tallinn Conference, 16–17 March 2012
16.–17. märtsil 2012 toimus Eesti Rahvusraamatukogus rahvusvaheline ja interdistsiplinaarne konverents, mille pealkirjaks ja teemaks oli „Väikerahvaste keelte riskid ja võimalused“. Ürituse patrooniks oli Riigikogu esimees pr Ene Ergma, president Too…
16.–17. märtsil 2012 toimus Eesti Rahvusraamatukogus rahvusvaheline ja interdistsiplinaarne konverents, mille pealkirjaks ja teemaks oli „Väikerahvaste keelte riskid ja võimalused“. Ürituse patrooniks oli Riigikogu esimees pr Ene Ergma, president Too…
At the Mountains of Madness
On an expedition to Antarctica, Professor William Dyer and his colleagues discover the remains of ancient half-vegetable, half-animal life-forms. The extremely early date in the geological strata is surprising because of the highly-evolved features f…
On an expedition to Antarctica, Professor William Dyer and his colleagues discover the remains of ancient half-vegetable, half-animal life-forms. The extremely early date in the geological strata is surprising because of the highly-evolved features f…
The Sad Story of a Vampire
Eric Count Stenbock was at the end of 19th century one of those eccentric dandies, who were influenced by Oscar Wilde. As the heir of an aristocratic Swedish family he inherited the largest manor in Estonia – Kolga (Kolk). But most of his short life …
Eric Count Stenbock was at the end of 19th century one of those eccentric dandies, who were influenced by Oscar Wilde. As the heir of an aristocratic Swedish family he inherited the largest manor in Estonia – Kolga (Kolk). But most of his short life …
Life of Richard Wagner
The classic biography on the Bavarian maestro, Richard Wagner. Covers his life from birth and youth to death. This book has been specially formatted for devices that support EPUB3. 1.0
The classic biography on the Bavarian maestro, Richard Wagner. Covers his life from birth and youth to death. This book has been specially formatted for devices that support EPUB3. 1.0
Twelve Years a Slave
Now a major motion picture nominated for nine Academy Awards. Narrative of Solomon Northup, a Citizen of New-York, Kidnapped in Washington City in 1841, and Rescued in 1853. Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup is a memoir of a black man who was…
Now a major motion picture nominated for nine Academy Awards. Narrative of Solomon Northup, a Citizen of New-York, Kidnapped in Washington City in 1841, and Rescued in 1853. Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup is a memoir of a black man who was…
Paul Verlaine
“No poet of recent years has possessed this need of expressing his life to others, more imperatively, pitifully, or tragically than Paul Verlaine, because no other poet was so weak to the press of destiny.” From prominent writer Stefan Zweig comes t…
“No poet of recent years has possessed this need of expressing his life to others, more imperatively, pitifully, or tragically than Paul Verlaine, because no other poet was so weak to the press of destiny.” From prominent writer Stefan Zweig comes t…
Armastuse otsus
Astara, kelle maadeuurijaist vanemad hukkusid maavärinas, on rahvusvaheliselt tuntud rikka Sir Roderick Worfieldi hoolealune. Külastades pärast neiu koolilõpetamist Pariisi, ostavad nad Johann van Aacheni maali «Parise otsus». See annab Sir Roderick…
Astara, kelle maadeuurijaist vanemad hukkusid maavärinas, on rahvusvaheliselt tuntud rikka Sir Roderick Worfieldi hoolealune. Külastades pärast neiu koolilõpetamist Pariisi, ostavad nad Johann van Aacheni maali «Parise otsus». See annab Sir Roderick…
The Legend of Sleepy Hollows
Washington Irving,s classic tale of romantic schoolmaster Ichabod Crane and his terrifying encounter with the Headless Horseman. Author’s vivid imagery involving the wild supernatural pursuit by the Headless Horseman has sustained interest in this po…
Washington Irving,s classic tale of romantic schoolmaster Ichabod Crane and his terrifying encounter with the Headless Horseman. Author’s vivid imagery involving the wild supernatural pursuit by the Headless Horseman has sustained interest in this po…
Vaskratsanik. Esimene raamat. Leningrad
Paullina Simons sündis 1963. aastal Leningradis ja asus kümneaastaselt koos perega elama Ameerika Ühendriikidesse. Ta on kirjutanud mitu ingliskeelset romaani, millest menukaim on „Vaskratsanik”. „Vaskratsanik” on liigutav lugu venelanna Tatjana ja A…
Paullina Simons sündis 1963. aastal Leningradis ja asus kümneaastaselt koos perega elama Ameerika Ühendriikidesse. Ta on kirjutanud mitu ingliskeelset romaani, millest menukaim on „Vaskratsanik”. „Vaskratsanik” on liigutav lugu venelanna Tatjana ja A…
Wizard Willard’s Dragon Farm
This is a fun fairy tale, written by a 10-year-old boy about an entrepreneurial wizard who began to breed dragons. And then the thieves came… The fairy tale can be read in two different types of letters. First, it can be read in standard upper and lo…
This is a fun fairy tale, written by a 10-year-old boy about an entrepreneurial wizard who began to breed dragons. And then the thieves came… The fairy tale can be read in two different types of letters. First, it can be read in standard upper and lo…
The 7 Words of Creation
The ancient World was created with the 7 Words of Creation, which are in the form of 7 magical artifacts. When a person weilds it, it gives the bearer an enourmous power to change the Allness. Long time ago, the Words of Power got split into 14 oppos…
The ancient World was created with the 7 Words of Creation, which are in the form of 7 magical artifacts. When a person weilds it, it gives the bearer an enourmous power to change the Allness. Long time ago, the Words of Power got split into 14 oppos…
Where time meets truth
This is a story about a young man misleading travels and challenges in life, about different people and places he visited. About home a school. Love and hate. Money and happiness. Vodka and vices. From life itself. Many readers might recognize themse…
This is a story about a young man misleading travels and challenges in life, about different people and places he visited. About home a school. Love and hate. Money and happiness. Vodka and vices. From life itself. Many readers might recognize themse…
Letters not sent. Sari: "A Few Nights Of Romance"
Romantic short novel «Letters not sent» follows the story of Miia. She lives in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, and manages a small dance school while raising two kids with her husband. Unexpectedly, Miia finds out that she has inherited half a hous…
Romantic short novel «Letters not sent» follows the story of Miia. She lives in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, and manages a small dance school while raising two kids with her husband. Unexpectedly, Miia finds out that she has inherited half a hous…
The Soup
The Soup is an amazing story of seafaring and wars around the Baltic Sea from sixteenth to the nineteenth century. It’s written by Jorma Rotko, an Estonian Finn who has worked as a fisherman, skipper, journalist, and tv-producer and lived years in th…
The Soup is an amazing story of seafaring and wars around the Baltic Sea from sixteenth to the nineteenth century. It’s written by Jorma Rotko, an Estonian Finn who has worked as a fisherman, skipper, journalist, and tv-producer and lived years in th…
Liblikad pimedusest
Õudusloo peategelaseks on pereisast krematooriumiomanik, kes oma äri päris eetiliselt ei aja ja seetõttu tumedate jõudude küüsi langeb. Loevad Priit Öövel, Aiky Öövel, Maia Öövel ja Mattias Öövel.
Õudusloo peategelaseks on pereisast krematooriumiomanik, kes oma äri päris eetiliselt ei aja ja seetõttu tumedate jõudude küüsi langeb. Loevad Priit Öövel, Aiky Öövel, Maia Öövel ja Mattias Öövel.
Kolm yksiklast
Kuhu unistused meid viivad? Milline on suurim lähedus ja eraldatus? Kas inimese elu määravad aeg ja tavad või miski muu? Seto kylaravitseja Darja, varalahkunud trubaduur Nick Drake ja vaimuvägilane Uku Masing – hetked ja lood sulavad nende kyismuste…
Kuhu unistused meid viivad? Milline on suurim lähedus ja eraldatus? Kas inimese elu määravad aeg ja tavad või miski muu? Seto kylaravitseja Darja, varalahkunud trubaduur Nick Drake ja vaimuvägilane Uku Masing – hetked ja lood sulavad nende kyismuste…
Dead End
Life regularly brings us so much of unexpected, and the most of it is unpleasant, and sometimes really terrifying, taking away all our strength and breaking us. And then, when we appear in an extremely desperate situation and suppose that it just cou…
Life regularly brings us so much of unexpected, and the most of it is unpleasant, and sometimes really terrifying, taking away all our strength and breaking us. And then, when we appear in an extremely desperate situation and suppose that it just cou…
... kes pole kunagi söönud homaari
Keskealine Aliis on Prantsusmaalt koju tagasi tulnud ja oma elu uutesse rööbastesse juhtinud. Kuid ühel hetkel tuleb tal naasta lapsepõlvekoju – väikeasulasse, mida ta pole üle kahekümne aasta külastanud. Otsekui virvatulukesed meelitavad mälestused …
Keskealine Aliis on Prantsusmaalt koju tagasi tulnud ja oma elu uutesse rööbastesse juhtinud. Kuid ühel hetkel tuleb tal naasta lapsepõlvekoju – väikeasulasse, mida ta pole üle kahekümne aasta külastanud. Otsekui virvatulukesed meelitavad mälestused …
The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard
The hero, Etienne Gerard, is a Hussar officer in the French Army during the Napoleonic Wars whose most notable attribute is his vanity. Conan Doyle, in making his hero a vain, and often rather uncomprehending Frenchman, was able to satirise both the …
The hero, Etienne Gerard, is a Hussar officer in the French Army during the Napoleonic Wars whose most notable attribute is his vanity. Conan Doyle, in making his hero a vain, and often rather uncomprehending Frenchman, was able to satirise both the …
Sherlock Holmesi lood I. Etüüd punases
Arthur Conan Doyle´i kunagi oma lõbuks kirjutatud lood on tänapäeval klassikaks saanud. Tema kangelased Sherlock Holmes ja doktor Watson on paljudele lugejatele sedavõrd omaseks saanud, et Holmesi nimele tuleb veel praegugi kirju, kus talt palutakse …
Arthur Conan Doyle´i kunagi oma lõbuks kirjutatud lood on tänapäeval klassikaks saanud. Tema kangelased Sherlock Holmes ja doktor Watson on paljudele lugejatele sedavõrd omaseks saanud, et Holmesi nimele tuleb veel praegugi kirju, kus talt palutakse …

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