
учебная и научная литература

Glacial Geology
The new Second Edition of Glacial Geology provides a modern, comprehensive summary of glacial geology and geomorphology. It is has been thoroughly revised and updated from the original First Edition. This book will appeal to all students interested i…
The new Second Edition of Glacial Geology provides a modern, comprehensive summary of glacial geology and geomorphology. It is has been thoroughly revised and updated from the original First Edition. This book will appeal to all students interested i…
Palaeobiology II
Palaeobiology: A Synthesis was widely acclaimed both for its content and production quality. Ten years on, Derek Briggs and Peter Crowther have once again brought together over 150 leading authorities from around the world to produce Palaeobiology II…
Palaeobiology: A Synthesis was widely acclaimed both for its content and production quality. Ten years on, Derek Briggs and Peter Crowther have once again brought together over 150 leading authorities from around the world to produce Palaeobiology II…
Digital Neuroanatomy
This multimedia resource offers a complete introduction to neuroanatomy with superb, clear and thoroughly labeled images and illustrations within an elegant navigation structure. It emphasizes the practical aspects of how to identify neuroanatomical …
This multimedia resource offers a complete introduction to neuroanatomy with superb, clear and thoroughly labeled images and illustrations within an elegant navigation structure. It emphasizes the practical aspects of how to identify neuroanatomical …
Enhancing Me
Science is developing more and more potential for human beings to enhance themselves. The pace of change is rapid, and some people are already warning that we are heading for a post-human future populated by ever-lasting, self-sustaining intelligence…
Science is developing more and more potential for human beings to enhance themselves. The pace of change is rapid, and some people are already warning that we are heading for a post-human future populated by ever-lasting, self-sustaining intelligence…
Visceral Circulation
The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss r…
The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss r…
Pathological Pain
This book brings together contributions from key investigators in the area of pathological pain. It covers the molecular basis of receptors and channels involved in nociception, the possible messages that cause neuropathic plasticity, spinal plastici…
This book brings together contributions from key investigators in the area of pathological pain. It covers the molecular basis of receptors and channels involved in nociception, the possible messages that cause neuropathic plasticity, spinal plastici…
Magnetic Fields
A unique resource for physicists and engineers working with magnetic fields An understanding of magnetic phenomena is essential for anyone working on the practical application of electromagnetic theory. Magnetic Fields: A Comprehensive Theoretical Tr…
A unique resource for physicists and engineers working with magnetic fields An understanding of magnetic phenomena is essential for anyone working on the practical application of electromagnetic theory. Magnetic Fields: A Comprehensive Theoretical Tr…
Fluid Mechanics
This book examines the phenomena of fluid flow and transfer as governed by mechanics and thermodynamics. Part 1 concentrates on equations coming from balance laws and also discusses transportation phenomena and propagation of shock waves. Part 2 expl…
This book examines the phenomena of fluid flow and transfer as governed by mechanics and thermodynamics. Part 1 concentrates on equations coming from balance laws and also discusses transportation phenomena and propagation of shock waves. Part 2 expl…
Geometric Mechanics
For physicists, mechanics is quite obviously geometric, yet the classical approach typically emphasizes abstract, mathematical formalism. Setting out to make mechanics both accessible and interesting for non-mathematicians, Richard Talman uses geomet…
For physicists, mechanics is quite obviously geometric, yet the classical approach typically emphasizes abstract, mathematical formalism. Setting out to make mechanics both accessible and interesting for non-mathematicians, Richard Talman uses geomet…
Geometric Mechanics
Mechanics for the nonmathematician-a modern approach For physicists, mechanics is quite obviously geometric, yet the classical approach typically emphasizes abstract, mathematical formalism. Setting out to make mechanics both accessible and interesti…
Mechanics for the nonmathematician-a modern approach For physicists, mechanics is quite obviously geometric, yet the classical approach typically emphasizes abstract, mathematical formalism. Setting out to make mechanics both accessible and interesti…
Spoken English. МР3
Аудиоприложение к книге Spoken English. Пособие по разговорной речи для школьников
Аудиоприложение к книге Spoken English. Пособие по разговорной речи для школьников
Физика (in English). Учебник для вузов
Учебник содержит как теоретический материал, так и примеры решения типовых задач по таким разделам физики, как «Механика», «Молекулярная физика» и «Термодинамика». Представлены методические указания по решению задач, а также база задач для самостояте…
Учебник содержит как теоретический материал, так и примеры решения типовых задач по таким разделам физики, как «Механика», «Молекулярная физика» и «Термодинамика». Представлены методические указания по решению задач, а также база задач для самостояте…
All sciences. №8, 2023. International Scientific Journal
The international scientific journal «All Sciences», created at OOO «Electron Laboratory» and the Scientific School «Electron», is a scientific publication that publishes the latest scientific results in various fields of science and technology, whic…
The international scientific journal «All Sciences», created at OOO «Electron Laboratory» and the Scientific School «Electron», is a scientific publication that publishes the latest scientific results in various fields of science and technology, whic…
Review of Court Practice in Cases on Protection of Consumer Rights in Russia 2023
This publication is of interest to specialists in protection of consumer rights. The book shows actual court practice in Russia in this sphere.
This publication is of interest to specialists in protection of consumer rights. The book shows actual court practice in Russia in this sphere.
Petrochemistry & Green Planet: Pipe Dream or Reality?
In the book “Petrochemistry & Green Planet: Pipe Dream or Reality?”, we will delve into the intricate world of the petrochemical industry, examining its significance in today’s society and its environmental impact.
In the book “Petrochemistry & Green Planet: Pipe Dream or Reality?”, we will delve into the intricate world of the petrochemical industry, examining its significance in today’s society and its environmental impact.
How the Neonomads will save the world. Alter-globalism edition
This is a thought-provoking book that offers an unorthodox view on the existing human civilization, and offers a radically different paradigm to solve existing problems of humanity and to achieve a sustainable future. It is addressing the problems of…
This is a thought-provoking book that offers an unorthodox view on the existing human civilization, and offers a radically different paradigm to solve existing problems of humanity and to achieve a sustainable future. It is addressing the problems of…
The Septins
The authors represent most of the key figures and the work and the book as a whole is an essential reference for the newcomer or specialist in this area and for any student of eukaryotic cell structure and function. This is an important and wonderful…
The authors represent most of the key figures and the work and the book as a whole is an essential reference for the newcomer or specialist in this area and for any student of eukaryotic cell structure and function. This is an important and wonderful…
The Interferons
At long last, the first book to cover all important areas of interferon science in one volume. Top scientists, including many pioneers in the field, highlight the role of interferons as research tools and as therapeutic agents in clinical application…
At long last, the first book to cover all important areas of interferon science in one volume. Top scientists, including many pioneers in the field, highlight the role of interferons as research tools and as therapeutic agents in clinical application…
Дизайн урока и планирование с нуля / Lesson Design and Planning from scratch. Technology integration
Как начать? Как включить технологии в ваш план урока? И включение технологий в учебники. Все ресурсы проекта. Справочник для самостоятельного изучения и практическая книга. Основы того, чтобы быть эффективным учителем. Стандарты мира 21 века. Язык ан…
Как начать? Как включить технологии в ваш план урока? И включение технологий в учебники. Все ресурсы проекта. Справочник для самостоятельного изучения и практическая книга. Основы того, чтобы быть эффективным учителем. Стандарты мира 21 века. Язык ан…

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