
иностранные языки

Japanese For Dummies
Learn to speak Japanese—the fast and easy way Japanese is the gateway to the rich culture of the exciting and complex island nation of Japan. Some people get intimidated by the prospect of speaking Japanese—worried that it's just too complex and diff…
Learn to speak Japanese—the fast and easy way Japanese is the gateway to the rich culture of the exciting and complex island nation of Japan. Some people get intimidated by the prospect of speaking Japanese—worried that it's just too complex and diff…
Chinese Phrases For Dummies
Hundreds of useful phrases at your fingertips Speak Chinese – instantly! Traveling to China but don't know Chinese? Taking Chinese at school but need to kick up your conversation skills? Don't worry! This handy little phrasebook will have you speakin…
Hundreds of useful phrases at your fingertips Speak Chinese – instantly! Traveling to China but don't know Chinese? Taking Chinese at school but need to kick up your conversation skills? Don't worry! This handy little phrasebook will have you speakin…
Polish For Dummies
The ultimate quick and easy guide to learning Polish Polish can be a difficult language to master. It is pronounced phonetically and has several unique characters in its alphabet, but with Polish For Dummies in hand, you'll find yourself speaking lik…
The ultimate quick and easy guide to learning Polish Polish can be a difficult language to master. It is pronounced phonetically and has several unique characters in its alphabet, but with Polish For Dummies in hand, you'll find yourself speaking lik…
Modern Standard Arabic Grammar. A Learner's Guide
Modern Standard Arabic Grammar is comprehensive guide that introduces readers to the basic structure and grammar of the Arabic language. Its features include: Comprehensive coverage of Arabic grammar and structure in current standard use (MSA), from …
Modern Standard Arabic Grammar is comprehensive guide that introduces readers to the basic structure and grammar of the Arabic language. Its features include: Comprehensive coverage of Arabic grammar and structure in current standard use (MSA), from …
Загадочная история Бенджамина Баттона / The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
История американской и мировой литературы невозможна без упоминания имени Фрэнсиса Скотта Фицджеральда; его произведения признаны мировой классикой. В романах автора нашел свое отражение так называемый ≪век джаза≫ – период в истории Америки с момента…
История американской и мировой литературы невозможна без упоминания имени Фрэнсиса Скотта Фицджеральда; его произведения признаны мировой классикой. В романах автора нашел свое отражение так называемый ≪век джаза≫ – период в истории Америки с момента…
Кентервильское привидение / The Canterville Ghost
Книга содержит упрощенный и сокращенный текст слегка грустного, но при этом необыкновенно ироничного рассказа английского писателя О. Уайльда, повествующего о взаимоотношениях американской семьи, купившей старинный замок, и не нашедшего себе пристани…
Книга содержит упрощенный и сокращенный текст слегка грустного, но при этом необыкновенно ироничного рассказа английского писателя О. Уайльда, повествующего о взаимоотношениях американской семьи, купившей старинный замок, и не нашедшего себе пристани…
Historia Langobardorum
The Latin version of the history of the Lombards, to be translated is only the preface and the other parts in Italian it is very short and if you have already done the history of the Lombards by Paolo Diacono you have already practically finished the…
The Latin version of the history of the Lombards, to be translated is only the preface and the other parts in Italian it is very short and if you have already done the history of the Lombards by Paolo Diacono you have already practically finished the…
Сказки дядюшки Римуса / Tales of Uncle Remus
Сказки дядюшки Римуса – это весёлые и поучительные рассказы о приключениях Братца Кролика и Братца Лиса. Истории, которые легли в основу сказок, были собраны и обработаны американским писателем Джоэлем Чандлером Харрисом во время работы на плантации …
Сказки дядюшки Римуса – это весёлые и поучительные рассказы о приключениях Братца Кролика и Братца Лиса. Истории, которые легли в основу сказок, были собраны и обработаны американским писателем Джоэлем Чандлером Харрисом во время работы на плантации …
Сам себе учитель английского
Аудиоприложение к книге «Английский язык. Сам себе учитель».
Аудиоприложение к книге «Английский язык. Сам себе учитель».
Английский с Брэмом Стокером. В гостях у Дракулы и другие таинственные истории / Bram Stoker. Dracula’s Guest and Other Weird Stories
Странные, будоражащие воображение рассказы автора бессмертного «Дракулы» ирландца Брэма Стокера (1847–1912) адаптированы в настоящем издании по методу Ильи Франка: снабжены транскрипцией, дословным переводом на русский язык и необходимым лексико-грам…
Странные, будоражащие воображение рассказы автора бессмертного «Дракулы» ирландца Брэма Стокера (1847–1912) адаптированы в настоящем издании по методу Ильи Франка: снабжены транскрипцией, дословным переводом на русский язык и необходимым лексико-грам…
Easy Learning French Conversation
A unique guide to communicating in French. It will help you to find out more about French culture and to practise your spoken French with a free downloadable audio file.An ideal tool for learners of French at all levels, whether at school, in evening…
A unique guide to communicating in French. It will help you to find out more about French culture and to practise your spoken French with a free downloadable audio file.An ideal tool for learners of French at all levels, whether at school, in evening…
On The War In Africa
On the war in Africa. The book contains the translation in English and the original Latin text of De Bello Africo and a background taken from the second book of De Bello Civili by Gaius Julius Caesar which helps understanding the historical story.
On the war in Africa. The book contains the translation in English and the original Latin text of De Bello Africo and a background taken from the second book of De Bello Civili by Gaius Julius Caesar which helps understanding the historical story.
Collins Gem Polish Phrasebook and Dictionary
A handy Polish phrasebook and dictionary, easy-to-read design and simple navigation, Gem Polish will give you the right word at the right time – every time for your travels in Poland.Communicate with ease in all of the most common travel situations. …
A handy Polish phrasebook and dictionary, easy-to-read design and simple navigation, Gem Polish will give you the right word at the right time – every time for your travels in Poland.Communicate with ease in all of the most common travel situations. …
Collins Gem Czech Phrasebook and Dictionary
The market's most indispensable phrasebook and dictionary has been reinvented for ereaders, and is better than ever. With the most up-to-date travel information, easy-to-read page design and simple navigation, Gem Czech will give you the right word a…
The market's most indispensable phrasebook and dictionary has been reinvented for ereaders, and is better than ever. With the most up-to-date travel information, easy-to-read page design and simple navigation, Gem Czech will give you the right word a…
Collins Gem Croatian Phrasebook and Dictionary
The market's most indispensable phrasebook and dictionary has been reinvented for ereaders and is better than ever. With the most up-to-date travel information, easy-to-read page design and simple navigation, Gem Croatian will give you the right word…
The market's most indispensable phrasebook and dictionary has been reinvented for ereaders and is better than ever. With the most up-to-date travel information, easy-to-read page design and simple navigation, Gem Croatian will give you the right word…
Easy Learning Italian Conversation
A unique guide to communicating in Italian. It will help you to find out more about Italian culture and to practise your spoken Italian with a free downloadable audio file.An ideal tool for learners of Italian at all levels, whether at school, in eve…
A unique guide to communicating in Italian. It will help you to find out more about Italian culture and to practise your spoken Italian with a free downloadable audio file.An ideal tool for learners of Italian at all levels, whether at school, in eve…
Easy Learning Spanish Conversation
A unique guide to communicating in Spanish. It will help you to find out more about Spanish culture and to practise your spoken Spanish with a free downloadable audio file.An ideal tool for learners of Spanish at all levels, whether at school, in eve…
A unique guide to communicating in Spanish. It will help you to find out more about Spanish culture and to practise your spoken Spanish with a free downloadable audio file.An ideal tool for learners of Spanish at all levels, whether at school, in eve…
Group Work: B2+
Work together for academic success*The Collins Academic Skills Series – winner of the ELTon 2014 Innovation in Learner Resources Award.*Collins Academic Skills Series: Group Work will give you the skills you need to work well with others, and help yo…
Work together for academic success*The Collins Academic Skills Series – winner of the ELTon 2014 Innovation in Learner Resources Award.*Collins Academic Skills Series: Group Work will give you the skills you need to work well with others, and help yo…
Numbers: B2+
Statistics and data for the non-specialist*The Collins Academic Skills Series – winner of the ELTon 2014 Innovation in Learner Resources Award.*At university you may be expected to analyse complex data and present your findings, whatever your area of…
Statistics and data for the non-specialist*The Collins Academic Skills Series – winner of the ELTon 2014 Innovation in Learner Resources Award.*At university you may be expected to analyse complex data and present your findings, whatever your area of…
Amazing Composers: A2-B1
The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history.Contents:Johann Sebastian Bach who wrote the Brandenburg ConcertosWolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the child geniusGiuseppe Verdi who wrote the operas Aida and La TraviataJohann Strauss, ‘The Waltz King’P…
The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history.Contents:Johann Sebastian Bach who wrote the Brandenburg ConcertosWolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the child geniusGiuseppe Verdi who wrote the operas Aida and La TraviataJohann Strauss, ‘The Waltz King’P…

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