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Collaborative Capitalism and the Rise of Impact Investing
Investing with the explicit goal of creating financial returns alongside measurable social and environmental benefits is catching fire. Wall Street's biggest players are rushing to provide clients with access to new impact investing options, amid gro…
Investing with the explicit goal of creating financial returns alongside measurable social and environmental benefits is catching fire. Wall Street's biggest players are rushing to provide clients with access to new impact investing options, amid gro…
The Energy World is Flat. Opportunities from the End of Peak Oil
A stronger, more informed approach to the energy markets The Energy World Is Flat provides a forward-looking analysis of the energy markets and addresses the implications of their rapid transformation. Written by acknowledged expert Daniel Lacalle, w…
A stronger, more informed approach to the energy markets The Energy World Is Flat provides a forward-looking analysis of the energy markets and addresses the implications of their rapid transformation. Written by acknowledged expert Daniel Lacalle, w…
Valuation. Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, University Edition
McKINSEY'S TRUSTED GUIDE TO TEACHING CORPORATE VALUATION, NOW IN ITS 25TH YEAR Valuation, University Edition, Sixth Edition, is filled with the expert guidance from McKinsey & Company that students and professors have come to rely on. New to the full…
McKINSEY'S TRUSTED GUIDE TO TEACHING CORPORATE VALUATION, NOW IN ITS 25TH YEAR Valuation, University Edition, Sixth Edition, is filled with the expert guidance from McKinsey & Company that students and professors have come to rely on. New to the full…
Emerging Markets in an Upside Down World. Challenging Perceptions in Asset Allocation and Investment
The world is upside down. The emerging market countries are more important than many investors realise. They have been catching up with the West over the past few decades. Greater market freedom has spread since the end of the Cold War, and with it i…
The world is upside down. The emerging market countries are more important than many investors realise. They have been catching up with the West over the past few decades. Greater market freedom has spread since the end of the Cold War, and with it i…
Central Counterparties. Mandatory Central Clearing and Initial Margin Requirements for OTC Derivatives
Practical guidance toward handling the latest changes to the OTC derivatives market Central Counterparties is a practical guide to central clearing and bilateral margin requirements, from one of the industry's most influential credit practitioners. W…
Practical guidance toward handling the latest changes to the OTC derivatives market Central Counterparties is a practical guide to central clearing and bilateral margin requirements, from one of the industry's most influential credit practitioners. W…
Winning at Active Management. The Essential Roles of Culture, Philosophy, and Technology
Winning at Active Management conducts an in-depth examination of crucial issues facing the investment management industry, and will be a valuable resource for asset managers, institutional consultants, managers of pension and endowment funds, and adv…
Winning at Active Management conducts an in-depth examination of crucial issues facing the investment management industry, and will be a valuable resource for asset managers, institutional consultants, managers of pension and endowment funds, and adv…
The Wealth Dragon Way. The Why, the When and the How to Become Infinitely Wealthy
Stop procrastinating and become financially free, by building asset-based wealth and creating passive income. The Wealth Dragon Way: The Why, the When and the How to Become Financially Free is a practical guide to becoming financially free through bu…
Stop procrastinating and become financially free, by building asset-based wealth and creating passive income. The Wealth Dragon Way: The Why, the When and the How to Become Financially Free is a practical guide to becoming financially free through bu…
The Investment Advisor Body of Knowledge + Test Bank. Readings for the CIMA Certification
The complete body of knowledge for CIMA candidates and professionals The 2015 Certified Investment Management Analyst Body of Knowledge + Test Bank will help any financial advisor prepare for and pass the CIMA exam, and includes key information and p…
The complete body of knowledge for CIMA candidates and professionals The 2015 Certified Investment Management Analyst Body of Knowledge + Test Bank will help any financial advisor prepare for and pass the CIMA exam, and includes key information and p…
Marketplace Lending, Financial Analysis, and the Future of Credit. Integration, Profitability, and Risk Management
The time for financial technology innovation is now Marketplace Lending, Financial Analysis, and the Future of Credit clearly explains why financial credit institutions need to further innovate within the financial technology arena. Through this text…
The time for financial technology innovation is now Marketplace Lending, Financial Analysis, and the Future of Credit clearly explains why financial credit institutions need to further innovate within the financial technology arena. Through this text…
Life in the Financial Markets. How They Really Work And Why They Matter To You
An accessible and thorough review of the international financial markets Life in the Financial Markets—How They Really Work And Why They Matter To You offers the financial services professional, and anyone interested in knowing more about the profess…
An accessible and thorough review of the international financial markets Life in the Financial Markets—How They Really Work And Why They Matter To You offers the financial services professional, and anyone interested in knowing more about the profess…
Financial Stability. Fraud, Confidence and the Wealth of Nations
Applying the Lessons of History to Understanding Fraud Today and Tomorrow Financial Stability provides a roadmap by which the world can anticipate and avoid future financial disruptions. This unique discussion of past and present financial events off…
Applying the Lessons of History to Understanding Fraud Today and Tomorrow Financial Stability provides a roadmap by which the world can anticipate and avoid future financial disruptions. This unique discussion of past and present financial events off…
Foundations of Financial Risk. An Overview of Financial Risk and Risk-based Financial Regulation
Gain a deeper understanding of the issues surrounding financial risk and regulation Foundations of Financial Risk details the various risks, regulations, and supervisory requirements institutions face in today's economic and regulatory environment. W…
Gain a deeper understanding of the issues surrounding financial risk and regulation Foundations of Financial Risk details the various risks, regulations, and supervisory requirements institutions face in today's economic and regulatory environment. W…
The Future of Pension Management. Integrating Design, Governance, and Investing
A real-world look at the pension revolution underway The Future of Pension Management offers a progress report from the field, using actual case studies from around the world. In the mid-70s, Peter Drucker predicted that demographic dynamics would ev…
A real-world look at the pension revolution underway The Future of Pension Management offers a progress report from the field, using actual case studies from around the world. In the mid-70s, Peter Drucker predicted that demographic dynamics would ev…
The Enduring Advisory Firm. How to Serve Your Clients More Effectively and Operate More Efficiently
A guide for financial advisors who are ready to embrace new opportunities The Enduring Advisory Firm is a book for the forward-thinking financial advisor. Financial advisement is traditionally a hands-on field, so few in the industry feel threatened …
A guide for financial advisors who are ready to embrace new opportunities The Enduring Advisory Firm is a book for the forward-thinking financial advisor. Financial advisement is traditionally a hands-on field, so few in the industry feel threatened …
The xVA Challenge. Counterparty Credit Risk, Funding, Collateral and Capital
A detailed, expert-driven guide to today's major financial point of interest The xVA Challenge: Counterparty Credit Risk, Funding, Collateral, and Capital is a practical guide from one of the leading and most influential credit practitioners, Jon Gre…
A detailed, expert-driven guide to today's major financial point of interest The xVA Challenge: Counterparty Credit Risk, Funding, Collateral, and Capital is a practical guide from one of the leading and most influential credit practitioners, Jon Gre…
DIY Financial Advisor. A Simple Solution to Build and Protect Your Wealth
DIY Financial Advisor: A Simple Solution to Build and Protect Your Wealth DIY Financial Advisor is a synopsis of our research findings developed while serving as a consultant and asset manager for family offices. By way of background, a family office…
DIY Financial Advisor: A Simple Solution to Build and Protect Your Wealth DIY Financial Advisor is a synopsis of our research findings developed while serving as a consultant and asset manager for family offices. By way of background, a family office…
Beat the Crowd. How You Can Out-Invest the Herd by Thinking Differently
Train your brain to be a real contrarian and outsmart the crowd Beat the Crowd is the real contrarian’s guide to investing, with comprehensive explanations of how a true contrarian investor thinks and acts – and why it works more often than not. Best…
Train your brain to be a real contrarian and outsmart the crowd Beat the Crowd is the real contrarian’s guide to investing, with comprehensive explanations of how a true contrarian investor thinks and acts – and why it works more often than not. Best…
The Committee to Destroy the World. Inside the Plot to Unleash a Super Crash on the Global Economy
An updated examination of what's weakening the U.S. economy, and how to fix it The Committee to Destroy the World: Inside the Plot to Unleash a Super Crash on the Global Economy is a passionate and informed analysis of the struggling global economy. …
An updated examination of what's weakening the U.S. economy, and how to fix it The Committee to Destroy the World: Inside the Plot to Unleash a Super Crash on the Global Economy is a passionate and informed analysis of the struggling global economy. …
The End of Accounting and the Path Forward for Investors and Managers
An innovative new valuation framework with truly useful economic indicators The End of Accounting and the Path Forward for Investors and Managers shows how the ubiquitous financial reports have become useless in capital market decisions and lays out …
An innovative new valuation framework with truly useful economic indicators The End of Accounting and the Path Forward for Investors and Managers shows how the ubiquitous financial reports have become useless in capital market decisions and lays out …
The Fix. How Bankers Lied, Cheated and Colluded to Rig the World's Most Important Number
"The first thing you think is where's the edge, where can I make a bit more money, how can I push, push the boundaries. But the point is, you are greedy, you want every little bit of money that you can possibly get because, like I say, that is how yo…
"The first thing you think is where's the edge, where can I make a bit more money, how can I push, push the boundaries. But the point is, you are greedy, you want every little bit of money that you can possibly get because, like I say, that is how yo…

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