

Branded!. How Retailers Engage Consumers with Social Media and Mobility
Written through the eyes of retail and technology executives, Branded! explores retailers who are successfully implementing social media and mobility strategies. Market-leading retailers are engaging technology-savvy customers though social media and…
Written through the eyes of retail and technology executives, Branded! explores retailers who are successfully implementing social media and mobility strategies. Market-leading retailers are engaging technology-savvy customers though social media and…
Luxury China
A guide to reaching and profiting from China's expanding luxury consumer class China's growing consumer base and expanding economy means more disposable income for more Chinese citizens. The Chinese market for luxury goods is expected to expand from …
A guide to reaching and profiting from China's expanding luxury consumer class China's growing consumer base and expanding economy means more disposable income for more Chinese citizens. The Chinese market for luxury goods is expected to expand from …
Luxury Retail Management. How the World's Top Brands Provide Quality Product and Service Support
Noted experts offer invaluable insights into the glamorous world of luxury retail Luxury Retail Management is your gold-plated ticket to the glamorous world of luxury retail. Defining all the tools that are necessary to manage luxury stores, from the…
Noted experts offer invaluable insights into the glamorous world of luxury retail Luxury Retail Management is your gold-plated ticket to the glamorous world of luxury retail. Defining all the tools that are necessary to manage luxury stores, from the…
Greentailing and Other Revolutions in Retail. Hot Ideas That Are Grabbing Customers' Attention and Raising Profits
An introduction to greentailing and the five other biggest trends in the retail business In their newest book on retailing, authors Stern and Ander examine the revolutions occurring in the retail marketplace, with particular emphasis on the influenti…
An introduction to greentailing and the five other biggest trends in the retail business In their newest book on retailing, authors Stern and Ander examine the revolutions occurring in the retail marketplace, with particular emphasis on the influenti…

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