
зарубежные детские книги

Приключения Пиноккио / The adventures of Pinocchio. Уровень 1
Книга содержит адаптированный текст на английском языке сказки К. Коллоди о приключениях Пиноккио. Озорной деревянный человечек попадает в смешные ситуации и опасные приключения, встречает новых друзей и мечтает стать настоящим мальчиком. В издание т…
Книга содержит адаптированный текст на английском языке сказки К. Коллоди о приключениях Пиноккио. Озорной деревянный человечек попадает в смешные ситуации и опасные приключения, встречает новых друзей и мечтает стать настоящим мальчиком. В издание т…
Bolalarga Tushunarli Islom
Aziz bolajonlar! Albatta, siz Alloh haqida kattalardan eshitgansiz va siz musulmon ekanligingizni bilasiz. Yer yuzidagi birinchi odamning ismini bilasizmi? Farishtalar kimliginichi? Ibodat qilishni ham bilasizmi? Ushbu rang-barang kitobda siz ko’…
Aziz bolajonlar! Albatta, siz Alloh haqida kattalardan eshitgansiz va siz musulmon ekanligingizni bilasiz. Yer yuzidagi birinchi odamning ismini bilasizmi? Farishtalar kimliginichi? Ibodat qilishni ham bilasizmi? Ushbu rang-barang kitobda siz ko’…
The velveteen rabbit. Illustrated edition
This is a short story for children and grown-ups. It may remind you about your childhood or your velveteen rabbit or velveteen bear or some other toy. “The Velveteen Rabbit or How Toys Become Real” by Margery Williams is about how toys — and people —…
This is a short story for children and grown-ups. It may remind you about your childhood or your velveteen rabbit or velveteen bear or some other toy. “The Velveteen Rabbit or How Toys Become Real” by Margery Williams is about how toys — and people —…
The Story Giant
A magical story which weaves together fifty world tales – of immense appeal to both adults and children.‘One day a story fell from heaven and landed on a giant’s tongue… ’The Story Giant is a master illusionist and the ur-storyteller. In his memory e…
A magical story which weaves together fifty world tales – of immense appeal to both adults and children.‘One day a story fell from heaven and landed on a giant’s tongue… ’The Story Giant is a master illusionist and the ur-storyteller. In his memory e…
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood of Great Renown in Nottinghamshire is an 1883 novel by the American illustrator and writer Howard Pyle. Consisting of a series of episodes in the story of the English outlaw Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men, the…
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood of Great Renown in Nottinghamshire is an 1883 novel by the American illustrator and writer Howard Pyle. Consisting of a series of episodes in the story of the English outlaw Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men, the…
The Great Big Treasury of Beatrix Potter
Whether you're a parent or a child, a young reader or an older one, The Great Big Treasury of Beatrix Potter is indeed just that – a treasure chest of delightful, charming little stories full of animals and people. Beatrix Potter today has spawned a …
Whether you're a parent or a child, a young reader or an older one, The Great Big Treasury of Beatrix Potter is indeed just that – a treasure chest of delightful, charming little stories full of animals and people. Beatrix Potter today has spawned a …
The Reluctant Dragon
"The Reluctant Dragon" is an 1898 children's story by Kenneth Grahame, originally published as a chapter in his book Dream Days. It is Grahame's most famous short story, arguably better known than Dream Days itself or the related The Golden Age. It c…
"The Reluctant Dragon" is an 1898 children's story by Kenneth Grahame, originally published as a chapter in his book Dream Days. It is Grahame's most famous short story, arguably better known than Dream Days itself or the related The Golden Age. It c…
Поллианна / Pollyanna
Аудиокнига знакомит читателя с удивительной историей девочки-сироты Поллианны, которая обладает поразительной способностью радоваться жизни при любых обстоятельствах. © Портер Элеанор, 2020© Перевод Вертягина Анна, Матвеев Сергей, 2020© & ℗ ООО «Изда…
Аудиокнига знакомит читателя с удивительной историей девочки-сироты Поллианны, которая обладает поразительной способностью радоваться жизни при любых обстоятельствах. © Портер Элеанор, 2020© Перевод Вертягина Анна, Матвеев Сергей, 2020© & ℗ ООО «Изда…
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finnполная версия
Huck Finn escapes from his alcoholic father by faking his own death and so begins his journey through the Deep South, seeking independence and freedom. On his travels, Huck meets an escaped slave, Jim, who is a wanted man, and together they journey d…
Huck Finn escapes from his alcoholic father by faking his own death and so begins his journey through the Deep South, seeking independence and freedom. On his travels, Huck meets an escaped slave, Jim, who is a wanted man, and together they journey d…
Робинзон Крузо / Robinson Crusoe
Книга содержит сокращенный и упрощенный текст приключенческого романа Даниэля Дэфо, повествующего о жизни и удивительных приключениях уроженца Йорка Робинзона Крузо. Текст произведения сопровождается упражнениями на понимание прочитанного, постраничн…
Книга содержит сокращенный и упрощенный текст приключенческого романа Даниэля Дэфо, повествующего о жизни и удивительных приключениях уроженца Йорка Робинзона Крузо. Текст произведения сопровождается упражнениями на понимание прочитанного, постраничн…

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