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Human Emerging and Re-emerging Infections
Emerging and re-emerging pathogens pose several challenges to diagnosis, treatment, and public health surveillance, primarily because pathogen identification is a difficult and time-consuming process due to the “novel” nature of the agent. Proper ide…
Emerging and re-emerging pathogens pose several challenges to diagnosis, treatment, and public health surveillance, primarily because pathogen identification is a difficult and time-consuming process due to the “novel” nature of the agent. Proper ide…
The Biology and Therapeutic Application of Mesenchymal Cells - Set
The Biology and Therapeutic Application of Mesenchymal Cells comprehensively describes the cellular and molecular biology of mesenchymal stem cells and mesenchymal stromal cells, describing their therapeutic potential in a wide variety of preclinical…
The Biology and Therapeutic Application of Mesenchymal Cells comprehensively describes the cellular and molecular biology of mesenchymal stem cells and mesenchymal stromal cells, describing their therapeutic potential in a wide variety of preclinical…
Mechanism of Plant Hormone Signaling under Stress
Plant hormone signaling plays an important role in many physiological and developmental processes including stress response. With the advent of new post-genomic molecular techniques, the potential for increasing our understanding of the impact of hor…
Plant hormone signaling plays an important role in many physiological and developmental processes including stress response. With the advent of new post-genomic molecular techniques, the potential for increasing our understanding of the impact of hor…
Off-label Prescribing. Justifying Unapproved Medicine
Today’s medicines are regulated for their efficacy and safety and, once approved, they can be marketed for certain uses as justified by the data. Regulatory bodies in developed countries are constituted by legal statute and operate as parts of govern…
Today’s medicines are regulated for their efficacy and safety and, once approved, they can be marketed for certain uses as justified by the data. Regulatory bodies in developed countries are constituted by legal statute and operate as parts of govern…
An Introduction to Pain and its relation to Nervous System Disorders
Introduction to Pain and its relation to Nervous System Disorders provides an accessible overview of the latest developments in the science underpinning pain research, including, but not limited to, the physiological, pathological and psychological a…
Introduction to Pain and its relation to Nervous System Disorders provides an accessible overview of the latest developments in the science underpinning pain research, including, but not limited to, the physiological, pathological and psychological a…
The Fundamentals of Scientific Research. An Introductory Laboratory Manual
The Fundamentals of Scientific Research: An Introductory Laboratory Manual is a laboratory manual geared towards first semester undergraduates enrolled in general biology courses focusing on cell biology. This laboratory curriculum centers on studyin…
The Fundamentals of Scientific Research: An Introductory Laboratory Manual is a laboratory manual geared towards first semester undergraduates enrolled in general biology courses focusing on cell biology. This laboratory curriculum centers on studyin…
Stress and Environmental Regulation of Gene Expression and Adaptation in Bacteria, 2 Volume Set
Bacteria in various habitats are subject to continuously changing environmental conditions, such as nutrient deprivation, heat and cold stress, UV radiation, oxidative stress, dessication, acid stress, nitrosative stress, cell envelope stress, heavy …
Bacteria in various habitats are subject to continuously changing environmental conditions, such as nutrient deprivation, heat and cold stress, UV radiation, oxidative stress, dessication, acid stress, nitrosative stress, cell envelope stress, heavy …
Protected Areas. Are They Safeguarding Biodiversity?
Protected areas spearhead our response to the rapidly accelerating biodiversity crisis. However, while the number of protected areas has been growing rapidly over the past 20 years, the extent to which the world’s protected areas are effectively cons…
Protected areas spearhead our response to the rapidly accelerating biodiversity crisis. However, while the number of protected areas has been growing rapidly over the past 20 years, the extent to which the world’s protected areas are effectively cons…
Ecological Parasitology. Reflections on 50 Years of Research in Aquatic Ecosystems
Professor Gerald Esch has already published two books in what is becoming an informal series of essays exploring the way that discoveries about the biology of parasites have influenced ecological and evolutionary theories over a career that has spann…
Professor Gerald Esch has already published two books in what is becoming an informal series of essays exploring the way that discoveries about the biology of parasites have influenced ecological and evolutionary theories over a career that has spann…
Discovery-Based Learning in the Life Sciences
For nearly a decade, scientists, educators and policy makers have issued a call to college biology professors to transform undergraduate life sciences education. As a gateway science for many undergraduate students, biology courses are crucial to add…
For nearly a decade, scientists, educators and policy makers have issued a call to college biology professors to transform undergraduate life sciences education. As a gateway science for many undergraduate students, biology courses are crucial to add…
Improving Crop Resistance to Abiotic Stress
The latest update on improving crop resistance to abiotic stress using the advanced key methods of proteomics, genomics and metabolomics. The wellbalanced international mix of contributors from industry and academia cover work carried out on individu…
The latest update on improving crop resistance to abiotic stress using the advanced key methods of proteomics, genomics and metabolomics. The wellbalanced international mix of contributors from industry and academia cover work carried out on individu…
Climate Change. Identification and Projections
Under certain scenarios on the subject of CO2 emissions, by the end of the century the atmospheric concentration could triple its pre-industrial level. The very large numerical models intended to anticipate the corresponding climate evolutions are de…
Under certain scenarios on the subject of CO2 emissions, by the end of the century the atmospheric concentration could triple its pre-industrial level. The very large numerical models intended to anticipate the corresponding climate evolutions are de…
Ecology of North America
North America contains an incredibly diverse array of natural environments, each supporting unique systems of plant and animal life. These systems, the largest of which are biomes, form intricate webs of life that have taken millennia to evolve. This…
North America contains an incredibly diverse array of natural environments, each supporting unique systems of plant and animal life. These systems, the largest of which are biomes, form intricate webs of life that have taken millennia to evolve. This…
Introduction to Modern Virology
Praised forits clarity of presentation and accessibility, Introduction to Modern Virology has been a successful student text for over 30 years. It provides a broad introduction to virology, which includes the nature of viruses, the interaction of vir…
Praised forits clarity of presentation and accessibility, Introduction to Modern Virology has been a successful student text for over 30 years. It provides a broad introduction to virology, which includes the nature of viruses, the interaction of vir…
Cancer Signaling, Enhanced Edition. From Molecular Biology to Targeted Therapy
Cancer, which has become the second-most prevalent health issue globally, is essentially a malfunction of cell signaling. Understanding how the intricate signaling networks of cells and tissues allow cancer to thrive – and how they can be turned into…
Cancer, which has become the second-most prevalent health issue globally, is essentially a malfunction of cell signaling. Understanding how the intricate signaling networks of cells and tissues allow cancer to thrive – and how they can be turned into…
Invasion Genetics. The Baker and Stebbins Legacy
Invasion Genetics: the Baker & Stebbins legacy provides a state-of-the-art treatment of the evolutionary biology of invasive species, whilst also revisiting the historical legacy of one of the most important books in evolutionary biology: The Genetic…
Invasion Genetics: the Baker & Stebbins legacy provides a state-of-the-art treatment of the evolutionary biology of invasive species, whilst also revisiting the historical legacy of one of the most important books in evolutionary biology: The Genetic…
Wildland Recreation. Ecology and Management
The authoritative guide to understanding and managing the ecological impacts of recreational activities in wildlands This third edition provides an updated and thorough examination of the ecological impacts of recreational use on wildlands and the be…
The authoritative guide to understanding and managing the ecological impacts of recreational activities in wildlands This third edition provides an updated and thorough examination of the ecological impacts of recreational use on wildlands and the be…
Women in the Geosciences. Practical, Positive Practices Toward Parity
Read an interview with the author: «Working Toward Gender Parity in the Geosciences» The geoscience workforce has a lower proportion of women compared to the general population of the United States and compared to many other STEM fields. This volume …
Read an interview with the author: «Working Toward Gender Parity in the Geosciences» The geoscience workforce has a lower proportion of women compared to the general population of the United States and compared to many other STEM fields. This volume …
Ecological Methods
4th edition of this classic Ecology text Computational methods have largely been replaced by descriptions of the available software Includes procedure information for R software and other freely available software systems Now includes web references …
4th edition of this classic Ecology text Computational methods have largely been replaced by descriptions of the available software Includes procedure information for R software and other freely available software systems Now includes web references …
Avian Evolution. The Fossil Record of Birds and its Paleobiological Significance
Knowledge of the evolutionary history of birds has much improved in recent decades. Fossils from critical time periods are being described at unprecedented rates and modern phylogenetic analyses have provided a framework for the interrelationships of…
Knowledge of the evolutionary history of birds has much improved in recent decades. Fossils from critical time periods are being described at unprecedented rates and modern phylogenetic analyses have provided a framework for the interrelationships of…

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