

Человек человеку – волк
Есть ли у человека шанс остаться в живых, если он безоружный, с травмой ноги оказался один на один с волчьей стаей посреди зимней степи...
Есть ли у человека шанс остаться в живых, если он безоружный, с травмой ноги оказался один на один с волчьей стаей посреди зимней степи...
Супермухи. Удивительные истории из жизни самых успешных в мире насекомых
Мир мух удивителен и многогранен: они – незаслуженно забытые опылители, трудолюбивые экологи, ответственные за удаление мусора, а также главные помощники криминалистов. Несмотря на то что у большинства людей назойливая муха вызывает скорее раздражени…
Мир мух удивителен и многогранен: они – незаслуженно забытые опылители, трудолюбивые экологи, ответственные за удаление мусора, а также главные помощники криминалистов. Несмотря на то что у большинства людей назойливая муха вызывает скорее раздражени…
Риточка. Сказки озера Болонь
Риточка - это сборник рассказов о работе сотрудников заповедника Болоньский в рамках программы Правительства Хабаровского края по сохранению мест обитания и изучения экологии и биологии дальневосточного аиста, работе, специалистов и достигнутых резу…
Риточка - это сборник рассказов о работе сотрудников заповедника Болоньский в рамках программы Правительства Хабаровского края по сохранению мест обитания и изучения экологии и биологии дальневосточного аиста, работе, специалистов и достигнутых резу…
Необъятный мир: Как животные ощущают скрытую от нас реальность
Рейтинги и премии • Бестселлер The New York Times • Входит топ-10 лучших книг года по версии The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Time, People, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Slate, Reader’s Digest, Chicago Public Library, Outside, Publishers Wee…
Рейтинги и премии • Бестселлер The New York Times • Входит топ-10 лучших книг года по версии The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Time, People, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Slate, Reader’s Digest, Chicago Public Library, Outside, Publishers Wee…
Необъятный мир: Как животные ощущают скрытую от нас реальность­
Наша планета полнится бесчисленными вкусами и звуками, текстурами и запахами, оттенками и вибрациями, электрическими и магнитными полями, но любое животное, включая и человека, с рождения и до смерти заключено внутри своего особого сенсорного пузыря …
Наша планета полнится бесчисленными вкусами и звуками, текстурами и запахами, оттенками и вибрациями, электрическими и магнитными полями, но любое животное, включая и человека, с рождения и до смерти заключено внутри своего особого сенсорного пузыря …
Риточка. Сказки озера Болонь
Риточка - это сборник рассказов о работе сотрудников заповедника Болоньский в рамках программы Правительства Хабаровского края по сохранению мест обитания и изучения экологии и биологии дальневосточного аиста, работе, специалистов и достигнутых резу…
Риточка - это сборник рассказов о работе сотрудников заповедника Болоньский в рамках программы Правительства Хабаровского края по сохранению мест обитания и изучения экологии и биологии дальневосточного аиста, работе, специалистов и достигнутых резу…
Doodle Dogs For Dummies
[b]Fall in love with a Doodle Dog! This guide tells you everything you need to know about this popular cross-breed.[/b] With their cute names and curly coats, Doodles have become popular pets. And why not? They’re more than just cute—they’re generall…
[b]Fall in love with a Doodle Dog! This guide tells you everything you need to know about this popular cross-breed.[/b] With their cute names and curly coats, Doodles have become popular pets. And why not? They’re more than just cute—they’re generall…
Curlew Moon
‘Focuses a razor light on the plight of one of our most iconic birds. Inspirational!’ Tim BirkheadCurlews are Britain’s largest wading bird, known for their evocative calls which embody wild places; they provoke a range of emotions that many have exp…
‘Focuses a razor light on the plight of one of our most iconic birds. Inspirational!’ Tim BirkheadCurlews are Britain’s largest wading bird, known for their evocative calls which embody wild places; they provoke a range of emotions that many have exp…
Birds For Dummies
[b]Your one-stop guide to caring for your avian companion[/b] Pet birds are intelligent, affectionate, and rewarding companions. No matter what bird you choose, you need to set up a happy home for him with the right stuff. You also need to keep your …
[b]Your one-stop guide to caring for your avian companion[/b] Pet birds are intelligent, affectionate, and rewarding companions. No matter what bird you choose, you need to set up a happy home for him with the right stuff. You also need to keep your …
Parakeets For Dummies
[b]Tweet, tweet, parakeet! Your one-stop resource when you're ready to bring home a budgie[/b] There are lots of perks to owning a parakeet (also known as a budgie). This book introduces you to your beautiful budgie buddy and prepares you to giv…
[b]Tweet, tweet, parakeet! Your one-stop resource when you're ready to bring home a budgie[/b] There are lots of perks to owning a parakeet (also known as a budgie). This book introduces you to your beautiful budgie buddy and prepares you to giv…
Ants should provide both the amateur naturalist and the professional zoologist with a valuable source of reference, and a fascinating account of the lives of an intriguing group of insects.Ants have always exercised a fascination that extends beyond …
Ants should provide both the amateur naturalist and the professional zoologist with a valuable source of reference, and a fascinating account of the lives of an intriguing group of insects.Ants have always exercised a fascination that extends beyond …
[b]A definitive guide to the depth and breadth of the ecological sciences, revised and updated[/b] The revised and updated fifth edition of [i]Ecology: From Individuals to Ecosystems[/i] – now in full colour – offers students and practitioners a revi…
[b]A definitive guide to the depth and breadth of the ecological sciences, revised and updated[/b] The revised and updated fifth edition of [i]Ecology: From Individuals to Ecosystems[/i] – now in full colour – offers students and practitioners a revi…
Pit Bulls For Dummies
[b]The good, the bad, and the snugly about your new best friend[/b] No breed of dog is the subject of more extreme feelings—both good and bad—than the Pit Bull. Man-eating monster or heroic nanny-dog: What's the real story? Are Pit Bulls the ver…
[b]The good, the bad, and the snugly about your new best friend[/b] No breed of dog is the subject of more extreme feelings—both good and bad—than the Pit Bull. Man-eating monster or heroic nanny-dog: What's the real story? Are Pit Bulls the ver…
Cats For Dummies
[b]Everything you need to take care of your feline friend[/b]  Cats are the purrfect pets: they’re relatively easy to care for, a blast to play with, and sure to win the heart of every member of your family with their loving nature—and sometimes sass…
[b]Everything you need to take care of your feline friend[/b]  Cats are the purrfect pets: they’re relatively easy to care for, a blast to play with, and sure to win the heart of every member of your family with their loving nature—and sometimes sass…
Rabbits For Dummies
[b]Now updated–a highly informative guide to the joys of bunny ownership[/b] [i]Rabbits For Dummies[/i] gives readers a well-informed look before hopping headlong into the wonderful world of raising rabbits. From choosing a rabbit and preparing its h…
[b]Now updated–a highly informative guide to the joys of bunny ownership[/b] [i]Rabbits For Dummies[/i] gives readers a well-informed look before hopping headlong into the wonderful world of raising rabbits. From choosing a rabbit and preparing its h…
Mixed Breeds For Dummies
[b]Own and care for a classy dog—no pedigree required![/b] All dogs are unique—but mixed breeds are even more so! The new edition of [i]Mixed Breeds For Dummies[/i] helps you count the ways, walking you through the latest on choosing, training, and c…
[b]Own and care for a classy dog—no pedigree required![/b] All dogs are unique—but mixed breeds are even more so! The new edition of [i]Mixed Breeds For Dummies[/i] helps you count the ways, walking you through the latest on choosing, training, and c…
Life in the Open Ocean
[b]Life in the Open Ocean[/b] [i]Life in the Open Ocean: The Biology of Pelagic Species[/i] provides in-depth coverage of the different marine animal groups that form the communities inhabiting the ocean’s pelagic realm. This comprehensive resource e…
[b]Life in the Open Ocean[/b] [i]Life in the Open Ocean: The Biology of Pelagic Species[/i] provides in-depth coverage of the different marine animal groups that form the communities inhabiting the ocean’s pelagic realm. This comprehensive resource e…
Siberian Huskies For Dummies
[b]Discover how to raise, train, and enjoy your Siberian Husky with this fantastic resource[/b]  The Second Edition of [i]Siberian Huskies For Dummies[/i] offers the most up-to-date information about welcoming a Siberian Husky into your home and lovi…
[b]Discover how to raise, train, and enjoy your Siberian Husky with this fantastic resource[/b]  The Second Edition of [i]Siberian Huskies For Dummies[/i] offers the most up-to-date information about welcoming a Siberian Husky into your home and lovi…
Finches For Dummies
[b]Explore the wide world of finches [/b] [i]Finches For Dummies[/i] is your entry into the fascinating world of finches. Canaries are probably the most well-known type of finch, but finches are a widely diverse species of birds. They actually encomp…
[b]Explore the wide world of finches [/b] [i]Finches For Dummies[/i] is your entry into the fascinating world of finches. Canaries are probably the most well-known type of finch, but finches are a widely diverse species of birds. They actually encomp…
Turtles & Tortoises For Dummies
[b]Your fun guide to selecting, caring, and loving your turtle or tortoise![/b]Coexisting with a turtle or tortoise may not be a warm and fuzzy experience, but it definitely has its rewards. And with more than 250 species to choose from, you’re bound…
[b]Your fun guide to selecting, caring, and loving your turtle or tortoise![/b]Coexisting with a turtle or tortoise may not be a warm and fuzzy experience, but it definitely has its rewards. And with more than 250 species to choose from, you’re bound…

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