Есть ли у человека шанс остаться в живых, если он безоружный, с травмой ноги оказался один на один с волчьей стаей посреди зимней степи...
Есть ли у человека шанс остаться в живых, если он безоружный, с травмой ноги оказался один на один с волчьей стаей посреди зимней степи...
Мир мух удивителен и многогранен: они – незаслуженно забытые опылители, трудолюбивые экологи, ответственные за удаление мусора, а также главные помощники криминалистов. Несмотря на то что у большинства людей назойливая муха вызывает скорее раздражени…
Мир мух удивителен и многогранен: они – незаслуженно забытые опылители, трудолюбивые экологи, ответственные за удаление мусора, а также главные помощники криминалистов. Несмотря на то что у большинства людей назойливая муха вызывает скорее раздражени…
Риточка - это сборник рассказов о работе сотрудников заповедника Болоньский в рамках программы Правительства Хабаровского края по сохранению мест обитания и изучения экологии и биологии дальневосточного аиста, работе, специалистов и достигнутых резу…
Риточка - это сборник рассказов о работе сотрудников заповедника Болоньский в рамках программы Правительства Хабаровского края по сохранению мест обитания и изучения экологии и биологии дальневосточного аиста, работе, специалистов и достигнутых резу…
Рейтинги и премии
• Бестселлер The New York Times
• Входит топ-10 лучших книг года по версии The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Time, People, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Slate, Reader’s Digest, Chicago Public Library, Outside, Publishers Wee…
Рейтинги и премии
• Бестселлер The New York Times
• Входит топ-10 лучших книг года по версии The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Time, People, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Slate, Reader’s Digest, Chicago Public Library, Outside, Publishers Wee…
Наша планета полнится бесчисленными вкусами и звуками, текстурами и запахами, оттенками и вибрациями, электрическими и магнитными полями, но любое животное, включая и человека, с рождения и до смерти заключено внутри своего особого сенсорного пузыря …
Наша планета полнится бесчисленными вкусами и звуками, текстурами и запахами, оттенками и вибрациями, электрическими и магнитными полями, но любое животное, включая и человека, с рождения и до смерти заключено внутри своего особого сенсорного пузыря …
Риточка - это сборник рассказов о работе сотрудников заповедника Болоньский в рамках программы Правительства Хабаровского края по сохранению мест обитания и изучения экологии и биологии дальневосточного аиста, работе, специалистов и достигнутых резу…
Риточка - это сборник рассказов о работе сотрудников заповедника Болоньский в рамках программы Правительства Хабаровского края по сохранению мест обитания и изучения экологии и биологии дальневосточного аиста, работе, специалистов и достигнутых резу…
[b]Fall in love with a Doodle Dog! This guide tells you everything you need to know about this popular cross-breed.[/b]
With their cute names and curly coats, Doodles have become popular pets. And why not? They’re more than just cute—they’re generall…
[b]Fall in love with a Doodle Dog! This guide tells you everything you need to know about this popular cross-breed.[/b]
With their cute names and curly coats, Doodles have become popular pets. And why not? They’re more than just cute—they’re generall…
‘Focuses a razor light on the plight of one of our most iconic birds. Inspirational!’ Tim BirkheadCurlews are Britain’s largest wading bird, known for their evocative calls which embody wild places; they provoke a range of emotions that many have exp…
‘Focuses a razor light on the plight of one of our most iconic birds. Inspirational!’ Tim BirkheadCurlews are Britain’s largest wading bird, known for their evocative calls which embody wild places; they provoke a range of emotions that many have exp…
[b]Your one-stop guide to caring for your avian companion[/b]
Pet birds are intelligent, affectionate, and rewarding companions. No matter what bird you choose, you need to set up a happy home for him with the right stuff. You also need to keep your …
[b]Your one-stop guide to caring for your avian companion[/b]
Pet birds are intelligent, affectionate, and rewarding companions. No matter what bird you choose, you need to set up a happy home for him with the right stuff. You also need to keep your …
[b]Tweet, tweet, parakeet! Your one-stop resource when you're ready to bring home a budgie[/b]
There are lots of perks to owning a parakeet (also known as a budgie). This book introduces you to your beautiful budgie buddy and prepares you to giv…
[b]Tweet, tweet, parakeet! Your one-stop resource when you're ready to bring home a budgie[/b]
There are lots of perks to owning a parakeet (also known as a budgie). This book introduces you to your beautiful budgie buddy and prepares you to giv…
Ants should provide both the amateur naturalist and the professional zoologist with a valuable source of reference, and a fascinating account of the lives of an intriguing group of insects.Ants have always exercised a fascination that extends beyond …
Ants should provide both the amateur naturalist and the professional zoologist with a valuable source of reference, and a fascinating account of the lives of an intriguing group of insects.Ants have always exercised a fascination that extends beyond …
[b]A definitive guide to the depth and breadth of the ecological sciences, revised and updated[/b]
The revised and updated fifth edition of [i]Ecology: From Individuals to Ecosystems[/i] – now in full colour – offers students and practitioners a revi…
[b]A definitive guide to the depth and breadth of the ecological sciences, revised and updated[/b]
The revised and updated fifth edition of [i]Ecology: From Individuals to Ecosystems[/i] – now in full colour – offers students and practitioners a revi…
[b]The good, the bad, and the snugly about your new best friend[/b]
No breed of dog is the subject of more extreme feelings—both good and bad—than the Pit Bull. Man-eating monster or heroic nanny-dog: What's the real story? Are Pit Bulls the ver…
[b]The good, the bad, and the snugly about your new best friend[/b]
No breed of dog is the subject of more extreme feelings—both good and bad—than the Pit Bull. Man-eating monster or heroic nanny-dog: What's the real story? Are Pit Bulls the ver…
[b]Everything you need to take care of your feline friend[/b]
Cats are the purrfect pets: they’re relatively easy to care for, a blast to play with, and sure to win the heart of every member of your family with their loving nature—and sometimes sass…
[b]Everything you need to take care of your feline friend[/b]
Cats are the purrfect pets: they’re relatively easy to care for, a blast to play with, and sure to win the heart of every member of your family with their loving nature—and sometimes sass…
[b]Now updated–a highly informative guide to the joys of bunny ownership[/b]
[i]Rabbits For Dummies[/i] gives readers a well-informed look before hopping headlong into the wonderful world of raising rabbits. From choosing a rabbit and preparing its h…
[b]Now updated–a highly informative guide to the joys of bunny ownership[/b]
[i]Rabbits For Dummies[/i] gives readers a well-informed look before hopping headlong into the wonderful world of raising rabbits. From choosing a rabbit and preparing its h…
[b]Own and care for a classy dog—no pedigree required![/b]
All dogs are unique—but mixed breeds are even more so! The new edition of [i]Mixed Breeds For Dummies[/i] helps you count the ways, walking you through the latest on choosing, training, and c…
[b]Own and care for a classy dog—no pedigree required![/b]
All dogs are unique—but mixed breeds are even more so! The new edition of [i]Mixed Breeds For Dummies[/i] helps you count the ways, walking you through the latest on choosing, training, and c…
[b]Life in the Open Ocean[/b] [i]Life in the Open Ocean: The Biology of Pelagic Species[/i] provides in-depth coverage of the different marine animal groups that form the communities inhabiting the ocean’s pelagic realm. This comprehensive resource e…
[b]Life in the Open Ocean[/b] [i]Life in the Open Ocean: The Biology of Pelagic Species[/i] provides in-depth coverage of the different marine animal groups that form the communities inhabiting the ocean’s pelagic realm. This comprehensive resource e…
[b]Discover how to raise, train, and enjoy your Siberian Husky with this fantastic resource[/b]
The Second Edition of [i]Siberian Huskies For Dummies[/i] offers the most up-to-date information about welcoming a Siberian Husky into your home and lovi…
[b]Discover how to raise, train, and enjoy your Siberian Husky with this fantastic resource[/b]
The Second Edition of [i]Siberian Huskies For Dummies[/i] offers the most up-to-date information about welcoming a Siberian Husky into your home and lovi…
[b]Explore the wide world of finches [/b]
[i]Finches For Dummies[/i] is your entry into the fascinating world of finches. Canaries are probably the most well-known type of finch, but finches are a widely diverse species of birds. They actually encomp…
[b]Explore the wide world of finches [/b]
[i]Finches For Dummies[/i] is your entry into the fascinating world of finches. Canaries are probably the most well-known type of finch, but finches are a widely diverse species of birds. They actually encomp…
[b]Your fun guide to selecting, caring, and loving your turtle or tortoise![/b]Coexisting with a turtle or tortoise may not be a warm and fuzzy experience, but it definitely has its rewards. And with more than 250 species to choose from, you’re bound…
[b]Your fun guide to selecting, caring, and loving your turtle or tortoise![/b]Coexisting with a turtle or tortoise may not be a warm and fuzzy experience, but it definitely has its rewards. And with more than 250 species to choose from, you’re bound…