

Эти гениальные птицы
На протяжении веков люди умаляли таланты своих пернатых собратьев, считая их «безмозглыми», движимыми только инстинктами и способными лишь на простейшие ментальные процессы. Сегодня наука показала: это не так. Птицы принимают сложные навигационные ре…
На протяжении веков люди умаляли таланты своих пернатых собратьев, считая их «безмозглыми», движимыми только инстинктами и способными лишь на простейшие ментальные процессы. Сегодня наука показала: это не так. Птицы принимают сложные навигационные ре…
Непредвиденное путешествие
Рассказы об экспедиционных происшествиях и эпизодах жизненного пути известного зоолога Петра Петровича Стрелкова (1931–2012). Вырисовывается портрет российского интеллигента второй половины прошедшего века, человека с глубокими петербургскими корнями…
Рассказы об экспедиционных происшествиях и эпизодах жизненного пути известного зоолога Петра Петровича Стрелкова (1931–2012). Вырисовывается портрет российского интеллигента второй половины прошедшего века, человека с глубокими петербургскими корнями…
Александр Николаевич Формозов. Жизнь русского натуралиста
В книге рассказано о жизни известного русского ученого-эколога и зоогеографа, профессора Московского университета Александра Николаевича Формозова (1899–1973). Он был писателем и художником-анималистом, автором выдержавших ряд изданий и до сих пор по…
В книге рассказано о жизни известного русского ученого-эколога и зоогеографа, профессора Московского университета Александра Николаевича Формозова (1899–1973). Он был писателем и художником-анималистом, автором выдержавших ряд изданий и до сих пор по…
«Философия зоологии» Жана Батиста Ламарка: взгляд из XXI века
В книге изложено новое понимание эволюционной доктрины Ламарка. До середины XIX века в языке науки не было понятия наследственности, но было заменяющее понятие природы. Родовые и видовые признаки со времен схоластики рассматривались в качестве сущест…
В книге изложено новое понимание эволюционной доктрины Ламарка. До середины XIX века в языке науки не было понятия наследственности, но было заменяющее понятие природы. Родовые и видовые признаки со времен схоластики рассматривались в качестве сущест…
Достающее звено. Книга 1. Обезьяны и все-все-все
Путь человека. Все о том, как зарождалась, развивалась и видоизменялась жизнь на Земле. Понятно, интересно, научно. Начиная с первой публикации книги Ч. Дарвина «Происхождение видов путем естественного отбора», среди ученых пошли споры о «недостающе…
Путь человека. Все о том, как зарождалась, развивалась и видоизменялась жизнь на Земле. Понятно, интересно, научно. Начиная с первой публикации книги Ч. Дарвина «Происхождение видов путем естественного отбора», среди ученых пошли споры о «недостающе…
Marine Ecology. Concepts and Applications
This book began life as a series of lectures given to second and third year undergraduates at Oxford University. These lectures were designed to give students insights as to how marine ecosystems functioned, how they were being affected by natural an…
This book began life as a series of lectures given to second and third year undergraduates at Oxford University. These lectures were designed to give students insights as to how marine ecosystems functioned, how they were being affected by natural an…
Biodiversity. An Introduction
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD ARTWORK This concise introductory text provides a complete overview of biodiversity – what it is, how it arose, its distribution, why it is important, human impact upon it, and what should be done to maintain it. Timely overvie…
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD ARTWORK This concise introductory text provides a complete overview of biodiversity – what it is, how it arose, its distribution, why it is important, human impact upon it, and what should be done to maintain it. Timely overvie…
The Science of Meat Quality
Meat has been a long sought after source of nutrients in human diets. Its nutrient-dense composition of protein, fats, vitamins and minerals makes it an integral part to healthy and balanced diets. As demand for meat continues to increase globally, a…
Meat has been a long sought after source of nutrients in human diets. Its nutrient-dense composition of protein, fats, vitamins and minerals makes it an integral part to healthy and balanced diets. As demand for meat continues to increase globally, a…
Studying Captive Animals. A Workbook of Methods in Behaviour, Welfare and Ecology
Studying Captive Animals outlines the methods that may be used to study the behaviour, welfare and ecology of animals living under the control of humans, including companion animals, feral populations, and those living on farms and in zoos. This book…
Studying Captive Animals outlines the methods that may be used to study the behaviour, welfare and ecology of animals living under the control of humans, including companion animals, feral populations, and those living on farms and in zoos. This book…
Modeling of Living Systems. From Cell to Ecosystem
Modeling is now one of the most efficient methodologies in life sciences. From practice to theory, this book develops this approach illustrated by many examples; general concepts and the current state of the art are also presented and discussed. An h…
Modeling is now one of the most efficient methodologies in life sciences. From practice to theory, this book develops this approach illustrated by many examples; general concepts and the current state of the art are also presented and discussed. An h…
Sustainable Swine Nutrition
Finding sustainable means of swine nutrition is important to both pork industry personnel and the environment alike. This reference comprehensively covers the most recent advancements in sustainability that results in more efficient diets, thus reduc…
Finding sustainable means of swine nutrition is important to both pork industry personnel and the environment alike. This reference comprehensively covers the most recent advancements in sustainability that results in more efficient diets, thus reduc…
Behavioural Ecology. An Evolutionary Approach
Intended for graduate and upper level undergraduate courses in behavioural ecology where students are already familiar with the basic ideas, this book continues to define the subject. A completely new set of contributions has been brought together on…
Intended for graduate and upper level undergraduate courses in behavioural ecology where students are already familiar with the basic ideas, this book continues to define the subject. A completely new set of contributions has been brought together on…
‘Cannabinoids’ is a broad term covering a group of natural products from Cannabis sativa, one of which locks on to specific receptors – protein molecules on the surface of cells – known as cannabinoid receptors. Over the past decades scientists have …
‘Cannabinoids’ is a broad term covering a group of natural products from Cannabis sativa, one of which locks on to specific receptors – protein molecules on the surface of cells – known as cannabinoid receptors. Over the past decades scientists have …
Ecological Data. Design, Management and Processing
Ecologists are increasingly tackling difficult issues like global change, loss of biodiversity and sustainability of ecosystem services. These and related topics are enormously challenging, requiring unprecedented multidisciplinary collaboration and …
Ecologists are increasingly tackling difficult issues like global change, loss of biodiversity and sustainability of ecosystem services. These and related topics are enormously challenging, requiring unprecedented multidisciplinary collaboration and …
Biofouling (the colonisation of an interface by a diverse array of organisms) is almost always a problem where it occurs, as it negatively affects surfaces, the materials that they are made from and the structures that they form, and can even destroy…
Biofouling (the colonisation of an interface by a diverse array of organisms) is almost always a problem where it occurs, as it negatively affects surfaces, the materials that they are made from and the structures that they form, and can even destroy…
Mimicry, Crypsis, Masquerade and other Adaptive Resemblances
Deals with all aspects of adaptive resemblance Full colour Covers everything from classic examples of Batesian, Mullerian, aggressive and sexual mimicries through to human behavioural and microbial molecular deceptions Highlights areas where additona…
Deals with all aspects of adaptive resemblance Full colour Covers everything from classic examples of Batesian, Mullerian, aggressive and sexual mimicries through to human behavioural and microbial molecular deceptions Highlights areas where additona…

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