Raptor biology has evolved enormously since the publication of the original edition of this book under the title Veterinary Aspects of Captive Birds of Prey. With the help of leading international experts, John E. Cooper has updated and expanded this…
Raptor biology has evolved enormously since the publication of the original edition of this book under the title Veterinary Aspects of Captive Birds of Prey. With the help of leading international experts, John E. Cooper has updated and expanded this…
Dentistry has now become an important part of everyday veterinary practice. Small Animal Dentistry provides the practical advice needed to carry out routine dentistry procedures in general practice. With over 400 colour pictures and special sections …
Dentistry has now become an important part of everyday veterinary practice. Small Animal Dentistry provides the practical advice needed to carry out routine dentistry procedures in general practice. With over 400 colour pictures and special sections …
Every day veterinarians in practice are asked to treat pets exhibiting problem behaviors. In the last several years pharmacologic treatments of behavior have made significant advances and can serve as a critical part of therapy. Veterinary Pscyhophar…
Every day veterinarians in practice are asked to treat pets exhibiting problem behaviors. In the last several years pharmacologic treatments of behavior have made significant advances and can serve as a critical part of therapy. Veterinary Pscyhophar…
Designed for the practitioner in the field or the clinic, this quick reference manual provides medical and surgical guidance in a practical, concise manner. Procedural in its approach, this text contains many tables, charts and lists, and step-by-ste…
Designed for the practitioner in the field or the clinic, this quick reference manual provides medical and surgical guidance in a practical, concise manner. Procedural in its approach, this text contains many tables, charts and lists, and step-by-ste…
Ectoparasites are of growing significance in modern veterinary medicine and a detailed understanding of the biology of these parasites is fundamental to their appropriate treatment and control. The authors of this book have therefore provided a compl…
Ectoparasites are of growing significance in modern veterinary medicine and a detailed understanding of the biology of these parasites is fundamental to their appropriate treatment and control. The authors of this book have therefore provided a compl…
Animal Physiotherapy is an essential reference guide for physiotherapists looking to apply the proven benefits of physiotherapy to the treatment of companion and performance animals. Animal Physiotherapy is a growing profession of physiotherapists wh…
Animal Physiotherapy is an essential reference guide for physiotherapists looking to apply the proven benefits of physiotherapy to the treatment of companion and performance animals. Animal Physiotherapy is a growing profession of physiotherapists wh…
Simian Virology is the first text to comprehensively cover all currently known simian viruses. Chapters provide an overview of nonhuman primate models of medically important viral diseases as well as natural infections of nonhuman primates with human…
Simian Virology is the first text to comprehensively cover all currently known simian viruses. Chapters provide an overview of nonhuman primate models of medically important viral diseases as well as natural infections of nonhuman primates with human…
Ultrastructural Pathology, Second Edition is a comprehensive reference on electron microscopy of pathologic tissue in animals and humans. Now presented in an atlas format for easier identification of organelles, the text is designed to bridge the gap…
Ultrastructural Pathology, Second Edition is a comprehensive reference on electron microscopy of pathologic tissue in animals and humans. Now presented in an atlas format for easier identification of organelles, the text is designed to bridge the gap…
This successful book, now in its third edition, continues to provide a comprehensive introduction to the role of epidemiology in veterinary medicine. Since the publication of the second edition there has been considerable expansion in the application…
This successful book, now in its third edition, continues to provide a comprehensive introduction to the role of epidemiology in veterinary medicine. Since the publication of the second edition there has been considerable expansion in the application…
There has been a recent explosion of active concern in matters of animal welfare. The science behind animal welfare has progressed significantly, new codes of practice and legislation have come into to being, and innovative methods to assess welfare …
There has been a recent explosion of active concern in matters of animal welfare. The science behind animal welfare has progressed significantly, new codes of practice and legislation have come into to being, and innovative methods to assess welfare …
Equine Science provides – in one book – all the essential scientific knowledge students require. Describing the structure and function of the various body systems and clearly explaining the scientific rationale behind modern horse husbandry practices…
Equine Science provides – in one book – all the essential scientific knowledge students require. Describing the structure and function of the various body systems and clearly explaining the scientific rationale behind modern horse husbandry practices…
Poultry Coccidiosis is a valuable, comprehensive reference that reviews the biology of coccidia, covers current diagnostic and testing procedures, and thoroughly covers the anti-coccidial vaccines and drugs that are currently available. This user-fri…
Poultry Coccidiosis is a valuable, comprehensive reference that reviews the biology of coccidia, covers current diagnostic and testing procedures, and thoroughly covers the anti-coccidial vaccines and drugs that are currently available. This user-fri…
Bovine Medicine provides practical and comprehensive information on cattle disease and production and is a key reference for all large animal vets. Since the first edition was published in 1991 there have been significant improvements in disease cont…
Bovine Medicine provides practical and comprehensive information on cattle disease and production and is a key reference for all large animal vets. Since the first edition was published in 1991 there have been significant improvements in disease cont…
Fully revised and expanded, Goat Medicine, Second Edition includes discussions on new diseases ranging from bovine spongiform encephalopathy to floppy kid disease as well as major updates on important diseases such as scrapie, mycoplasmosis, paratube…
Fully revised and expanded, Goat Medicine, Second Edition includes discussions on new diseases ranging from bovine spongiform encephalopathy to floppy kid disease as well as major updates on important diseases such as scrapie, mycoplasmosis, paratube…
Dogs are a part of nearly 40 percent of United States households. With this in mind, author Linda P. Case has written the definitive textbook on dogs and their care. Completely updated and revised, the second edition of The Dog covers four areas of c…
Dogs are a part of nearly 40 percent of United States households. With this in mind, author Linda P. Case has written the definitive textbook on dogs and their care. Completely updated and revised, the second edition of The Dog covers four areas of c…
Это самая трогательная книга о спасении и воспитании крошечных котят от известного во всем мире блогера Instagram @kittenxlady. Автор предлагает всесторонний взгляд на первые недели жизни котенка с отличным и подробным хронологическим обзором этапов …
Это самая трогательная книга о спасении и воспитании крошечных котят от известного во всем мире блогера Instagram @kittenxlady. Автор предлагает всесторонний взгляд на первые недели жизни котенка с отличным и подробным хронологическим обзором этапов …
Это самая трогательная книга о спасении и воспитании крошечных котят от известного во всем мире блогера Instagram @kittenxlady.
Автор предлагает всесторонний взгляд на первые недели жизни котенка с отличным и подробным хронологическим обзором этапов…
Это самая трогательная книга о спасении и воспитании крошечных котят от известного во всем мире блогера Instagram @kittenxlady.
Автор предлагает всесторонний взгляд на первые недели жизни котенка с отличным и подробным хронологическим обзором этапов…
Учебное пособие посвящено важному разделу физиологии, необходимому для теоретической подготовки и практической деятельности различных специалистов. В доступной форме в нем изложены основные закономерности функционирования пищеварения и обмена веществ…
Учебное пособие посвящено важному разделу физиологии, необходимому для теоретической подготовки и практической деятельности различных специалистов. В доступной форме в нем изложены основные закономерности функционирования пищеварения и обмена веществ…
В учебном пособии подробно описаны наиболее распространенные в Российской Федерации и в зарубежных странах паразитарные болезни лошадей и других непарнокопытных животных. Сведения пособия изложены по общепринятой схеме, что позволяет специалистам бол…
В учебном пособии подробно описаны наиболее распространенные в Российской Федерации и в зарубежных странах паразитарные болезни лошадей и других непарнокопытных животных. Сведения пособия изложены по общепринятой схеме, что позволяет специалистам бол…
В учебном пособии изложены определения основных терминов, применяемых в ветеринарной фармакологии и смежных с ней дисциплинах. Словарь-справочник составлен по энциклопедическому принципу, где указаны определения, соответствующие программе по фармакол…
В учебном пособии изложены определения основных терминов, применяемых в ветеринарной фармакологии и смежных с ней дисциплинах. Словарь-справочник составлен по энциклопедическому принципу, где указаны определения, соответствующие программе по фармакол…