
урология и нефрология

Неотложные состояния в урологии
Представлены современные сведения по этиологии, клинической картине и диагностике заболеваний органов мочевой и мужской половой систем, требующих оказания экстренной специализированной помощи. Для студентов медицинских учреждений высшего образования.…
Представлены современные сведения по этиологии, клинической картине и диагностике заболеваний органов мочевой и мужской половой систем, требующих оказания экстренной специализированной помощи. Для студентов медицинских учреждений высшего образования.…
Генитальный пролапс
Приведены современные сведения по этиологии, клинической картине, диагностике и лечению генитального пролапса и недержания мочи при напряжении у женщин с позиций интегральной теории. Описаны методы хирургической коррекции с использованием синтетическ…
Приведены современные сведения по этиологии, клинической картине, диагностике и лечению генитального пролапса и недержания мочи при напряжении у женщин с позиций интегральной теории. Описаны методы хирургической коррекции с использованием синтетическ…
Нефрология. Том 1. Заболевания почек
Книга суммирует и обобщает новые экспериментальные и клинические данные, полученные за время, прошедшее с момента выхода предыдущего руководства. Особое внимание уделено иммунологическим процессам при возникновении и прогрессировании гломерулонефрито…
Книга суммирует и обобщает новые экспериментальные и клинические данные, полученные за время, прошедшее с момента выхода предыдущего руководства. Особое внимание уделено иммунологическим процессам при возникновении и прогрессировании гломерулонефрито…
Туберкулез мочеполовой системы. Руководство
Книга суммирует и обобщает новые экспериментальные и клинические данные о туберкулезе мочеполовой системы, полученные за последние 10 лет. Особое внимание уделено распознаванию и лечению туберкулеза почек, мочевой системы и половых органов у мужчин. …
Книга суммирует и обобщает новые экспериментальные и клинические данные о туберкулезе мочеполовой системы, полученные за последние 10 лет. Особое внимание уделено распознаванию и лечению туберкулеза почек, мочевой системы и половых органов у мужчин. …
Urinary Stones. Medical and Surgical Management
Acute urinary stones cause one of the most painful sensations the human body can experience, more painful than childbirth, broken bones, gunshot wounds or burns. Master your patient management with this comprehensive guide to a debilitating medical c…
Acute urinary stones cause one of the most painful sensations the human body can experience, more painful than childbirth, broken bones, gunshot wounds or burns. Master your patient management with this comprehensive guide to a debilitating medical c…
Lecture Notes: Urology
Lecture Notes: Urology is a best-selling concise introduction to urology, presenting the essential core knowledge for medical students and junior doctors. It emphasises clinical presentations and diagnostic problem-solving, providing an integrated ap…
Lecture Notes: Urology is a best-selling concise introduction to urology, presenting the essential core knowledge for medical students and junior doctors. It emphasises clinical presentations and diagnostic problem-solving, providing an integrated ap…
Percutaneous Renal Surgery
Percutaneous renal procedures are highly complex and require a great deal of surgical skill. Improve your patient care with this outstanding instruction manual from the experts. Clinically-focused throughout, the three major conditions managed by per…
Percutaneous renal procedures are highly complex and require a great deal of surgical skill. Improve your patient care with this outstanding instruction manual from the experts. Clinically-focused throughout, the three major conditions managed by per…
Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia provides urologists of all levels with a practical, highly clinical guide to the variety of different symptoms and problems concerning the male lower urinary tract, including benign p…
Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia provides urologists of all levels with a practical, highly clinical guide to the variety of different symptoms and problems concerning the male lower urinary tract, including benign p…
Prostate Cancer. Diagnosis and Clinical Management
Do you manage patients with prostate cancer? Could you use an expert guide examining all possible management options? Prostate Cancer: diagnosis and clinical management providesurologists and oncologists of all levels with up-to-date, evidence-based …
Do you manage patients with prostate cancer? Could you use an expert guide examining all possible management options? Prostate Cancer: diagnosis and clinical management providesurologists and oncologists of all levels with up-to-date, evidence-based …
Radiology and Follow-up of Urologic Surgery
The first guide to identifying and assessing changes following urologic surgery—with follow-up protocols What is the normal appearance of a kidney after radio frequency ablation of a tumor and what does a local recurrence look like? How does the urin…
The first guide to identifying and assessing changes following urologic surgery—with follow-up protocols What is the normal appearance of a kidney after radio frequency ablation of a tumor and what does a local recurrence look like? How does the urin…
Management of Urologic Cancer. Focal Therapy and Tissue Preservation
Managing urologic cancer by preserving, as opposed to removing, affected tissue, is rapidly becoming the favoured choice for urologists and oncologists. Discover all available options and how to achieve the best possible patient management with this …
Managing urologic cancer by preserving, as opposed to removing, affected tissue, is rapidly becoming the favoured choice for urologists and oncologists. Discover all available options and how to achieve the best possible patient management with this …
Ureteric Stenting
The only book dedicated to this important area of urology, Ureteric Stenting comprehensively reviews the entire topic, providing highly specialized advice to enable outstanding clinical management of patients. All aspects of ureteric stenting are cov…
The only book dedicated to this important area of urology, Ureteric Stenting comprehensively reviews the entire topic, providing highly specialized advice to enable outstanding clinical management of patients. All aspects of ureteric stenting are cov…
Overactive Bladder. Practical Management
Overactive Bladder: Practical Management provides urologists, gynecologists and other health practitioners with a comprehensive clinical guide to this very common problem, resulting in a perfect resource to consult time and time again. Beginning with…
Overactive Bladder: Practical Management provides urologists, gynecologists and other health practitioners with a comprehensive clinical guide to this very common problem, resulting in a perfect resource to consult time and time again. Beginning with…
Focal Therapy in Prostate Cancer
This book comprehensively reviews the potential of focal therapy and discusses why the changing face of prostate cancer warrants a change in the way we treat men with the disease. It deals with the mechanisms by which disease can be localized within …
This book comprehensively reviews the potential of focal therapy and discusses why the changing face of prostate cancer warrants a change in the way we treat men with the disease. It deals with the mechanisms by which disease can be localized within …
Pediatric Incontinence. Evaluation and Clinical Management
Pediatric incontinence: evaluation and clinical management offers urologists practical, 'how-to' clinical guidance to what is a very common problem affecting up to 15% of children aged 6 years old. Introductory chapters cover the neurophysiology, psy…
Pediatric incontinence: evaluation and clinical management offers urologists practical, 'how-to' clinical guidance to what is a very common problem affecting up to 15% of children aged 6 years old. Introductory chapters cover the neurophysiology, psy…
Adolescent Urology and Long-Term Outcomes
Adolescent Urology and Long-Term Outcomes provides urologists and pediatric urologists with a comprehensive and expert clinical guide to the main urologic problems that can occur during adolescence. Fully covering disorders related to sex and genital…
Adolescent Urology and Long-Term Outcomes provides urologists and pediatric urologists with a comprehensive and expert clinical guide to the main urologic problems that can occur during adolescence. Fully covering disorders related to sex and genital…
Bladder Cancer. Diagnosis and Clinical Management
Bladder Cancer: Diagnosis and Clinical Management is a 100% clinically-focused guide to bladder cancer, providing practical, modern and evidence-based guidance to the latest in diagnosis and management of the condition. It differs from other books in…
Bladder Cancer: Diagnosis and Clinical Management is a 100% clinically-focused guide to bladder cancer, providing practical, modern and evidence-based guidance to the latest in diagnosis and management of the condition. It differs from other books in…
Pediatric Urology. Surgical Complications and Management
Pediatric Urology: Surgical Complications and Management, 2nd edition focuses 100% on the most common problems that can occur during pediatric urologic surgery, and how best to resolve them, ensuring the best possible outcome for the patient. As well…
Pediatric Urology: Surgical Complications and Management, 2nd edition focuses 100% on the most common problems that can occur during pediatric urologic surgery, and how best to resolve them, ensuring the best possible outcome for the patient. As well…
The Renal System at a Glance
The Renal System at a Glance is a highly illustrated and practical guide to the structure and function of the kidney, renal, and urinary system. It also covers related disorders and abnormalities and their treatment. Fully updated to reflect the many…
The Renal System at a Glance is a highly illustrated and practical guide to the structure and function of the kidney, renal, and urinary system. It also covers related disorders and abnormalities and their treatment. Fully updated to reflect the many…

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