учебные справочники
The easy way to prepare for officer candidate tests Want to ace the AFOQT, ASVAB or ASTB? Help is here! Officer Candidate Tests For Dummies gives you the instruction and practice you need to pass the service-specific candidate tests and further your …
The easy way to prepare for officer candidate tests Want to ace the AFOQT, ASVAB or ASTB? Help is here! Officer Candidate Tests For Dummies gives you the instruction and practice you need to pass the service-specific candidate tests and further your …
The easy way to score high on the PANCE and PANRE Physician Assistant Exam For Dummies, Premier Edition offers test-taking strategies for passing both the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE) and the Physician Assistant National Recer…
The easy way to score high on the PANCE and PANRE Physician Assistant Exam For Dummies, Premier Edition offers test-taking strategies for passing both the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE) and the Physician Assistant National Recer…
Wiley GAAP Workbook provides easy-to-understand guidance and clarity to practical applications of GAAP. Enhancing your comprehension of GAAP to enable practical application of a variety of situations that you may encounter in practice, this workbook …
Wiley GAAP Workbook provides easy-to-understand guidance and clarity to practical applications of GAAP. Enhancing your comprehension of GAAP to enable practical application of a variety of situations that you may encounter in practice, this workbook …
Get insider tips on navigating the recruitment process Find the right school, the right program, the right coach, and the most money You're prepared for challenges on the athletic field. But are you prepared for the challenges of winning an athletic …
Get insider tips on navigating the recruitment process Find the right school, the right program, the right coach, and the most money You're prepared for challenges on the athletic field. But are you prepared for the challenges of winning an athletic …
Everything you need to pass the TASC If you're looking to gauge your readiness for the high school equivalency exam and want to give it all you've got, TASC For Dummies has everything you need. The TASC (Test Assessing Secondary Completion) is a stat…
Everything you need to pass the TASC If you're looking to gauge your readiness for the high school equivalency exam and want to give it all you've got, TASC For Dummies has everything you need. The TASC (Test Assessing Secondary Completion) is a stat…
Key problems for the IEEE Computer Society Certified Software Development Professional (CSDP) Certification Program IEEE Computer Society Real-World Software Engineering Problems helps prepare software engineering professionals for the IEEE Computer …
Key problems for the IEEE Computer Society Certified Software Development Professional (CSDP) Certification Program IEEE Computer Society Real-World Software Engineering Problems helps prepare software engineering professionals for the IEEE Computer …
The UK Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT) is a standardized test used as an entrance examination for the majority of medical and dental schools in the UK. Its purpose is to test the likely aptitude of a candidate for a clinical career. UKCAT For Dummies …
The UK Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT) is a standardized test used as an entrance examination for the majority of medical and dental schools in the UK. Its purpose is to test the likely aptitude of a candidate for a clinical career. UKCAT For Dummies …
Your single, authoritative source to GAAP under the new Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) system By mid-2009, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is expected to release its Accounting Standards Codification (ASC), a new, clearer ind…
Your single, authoritative source to GAAP under the new Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) system By mid-2009, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is expected to release its Accounting Standards Codification (ASC), a new, clearer ind…
Boost your test-taking skills and beat the clock Prepare for the ACT? quickly and painlessly and maximize your score! Are you one of the millions of students taking the ACT? Have no fear! This friendly guide gives you the competitive edge by fully pr…
Boost your test-taking skills and beat the clock Prepare for the ACT? quickly and painlessly and maximize your score! Are you one of the millions of students taking the ACT? Have no fear! This friendly guide gives you the competitive edge by fully pr…
Gearing up for the AP Chemistry exam? AP Chemistry For Dummies is packed with all the resources and help you need to do your very best. This AP Chemistry study guide gives you winning test-taking tips, multiple-choice strategies, and topic guidelines…
Gearing up for the AP Chemistry exam? AP Chemistry For Dummies is packed with all the resources and help you need to do your very best. This AP Chemistry study guide gives you winning test-taking tips, multiple-choice strategies, and topic guidelines…
The essential not-for-profit GAAP reference, updated with the latest standards Wiley Not-for-Profit GAAP 2018 is the essential accounting resource for not-for-profit organizations, providing quick access to the most up-to-date standards and practical…
The essential not-for-profit GAAP reference, updated with the latest standards Wiley Not-for-Profit GAAP 2018 is the essential accounting resource for not-for-profit organizations, providing quick access to the most up-to-date standards and practical…
Wiley CPA Exam Review Focus Notes: Financial Accounting and Reporting, Fifth Edition reinforces key concepts for the new computerized CPA Exam in an easy-to-read-and-carry spinal bound format. It provides a review of all the basic skills and concepts…
Wiley CPA Exam Review Focus Notes: Financial Accounting and Reporting, Fifth Edition reinforces key concepts for the new computerized CPA Exam in an easy-to-read-and-carry spinal bound format. It provides a review of all the basic skills and concepts…
Get the confidence you need to ace the Praxis Core Prepping for the Praxis Core can feel like a pain—but it doesn't have to! Beginning with a thorough overview of the exam to ensure there are no surprises on test day, Praxis Core For Dummies with Onl…
Get the confidence you need to ace the Praxis Core Prepping for the Praxis Core can feel like a pain—but it doesn't have to! Beginning with a thorough overview of the exam to ensure there are no surprises on test day, Praxis Core For Dummies with Onl…
Score your highest on the MAT? Easy. The MAT exam is one of the hardest intellectual challenges in the field of standardized testing. Students preparing to take this exam need a chance to practice the analogy skills necessary to score well on this te…
Score your highest on the MAT? Easy. The MAT exam is one of the hardest intellectual challenges in the field of standardized testing. Students preparing to take this exam need a chance to practice the analogy skills necessary to score well on this te…
Настоящая работа предназначена для использования при проведении консультаций по математическому анализу со студентами I курса университета. Ее цель – оказать методическую поддержку преподавателю при проведении консультаций. Предполагается, что эти ко…
Настоящая работа предназначена для использования при проведении консультаций по математическому анализу со студентами I курса университета. Ее цель – оказать методическую поддержку преподавателю при проведении консультаций. Предполагается, что эти ко…
In the current job environment, people are looking for the biggest edge they can get over the competition, whether it's to find a new job or keep the one they already have. Education and earning a GED can provide people with an advantage over other c…
In the current job environment, people are looking for the biggest edge they can get over the competition, whether it's to find a new job or keep the one they already have. Education and earning a GED can provide people with an advantage over other c…
Справочник предназначен для изучения и повторения школьного курса литературы за 5-9 классы. Книга содержит подробные сведения по литературоведению, необходимые для комплексного анализа художественных произведений школьной программы. Приводятся рекоме…
Справочник предназначен для изучения и повторения школьного курса литературы за 5-9 классы. Книга содержит подробные сведения по литературоведению, необходимые для комплексного анализа художественных произведений школьной программы. Приводятся рекоме…
Это вторая книга из серии «Интерьеры в меняющемся мире». Народы Средиземноморья в Средние века исповедуют монотеизм (христианство, ислам), постепенно к ним присоединяется периферия цивилизованной ойкумены. Анализируются особенности развития интерьеро…
Это вторая книга из серии «Интерьеры в меняющемся мире». Народы Средиземноморья в Средние века исповедуют монотеизм (христианство, ислам), постепенно к ним присоединяется периферия цивилизованной ойкумены. Анализируются особенности развития интерьеро…
В пособии в наглядной и доступной форме приводятся сведения за весь школьный курс истории, основные события и даты.
Издание окажет помощь выпускникам средней школы при подготовке к урокам, различным формам текущего и промежуточного контроля, а также …
В пособии в наглядной и доступной форме приводятся сведения за весь школьный курс истории, основные события и даты.
Издание окажет помощь выпускникам средней школы при подготовке к урокам, различным формам текущего и промежуточного контроля, а также …
В книге в доступной форме рассматриваются основные вопросы правоохранительных органов, включающие все базовые понятия. Краткая форма изложения, а также таблицы и схемы позволяют понять связи между этими понятиями и общие механизмы, по которым функцио…
В книге в доступной форме рассматриваются основные вопросы правоохранительных органов, включающие все базовые понятия. Краткая форма изложения, а также таблицы и схемы позволяют понять связи между этими понятиями и общие механизмы, по которым функцио…