история Средних веков
Тысячелетие, прошедшее с распада Римской империи до начала Реформации, было насыщено преобразованиями, и потому его не так легко описать в рамках одной книги. Тем не менее британский историк Крис Уикхем принял этот вызов. Он показывает Средневековье …
Тысячелетие, прошедшее с распада Римской империи до начала Реформации, было насыщено преобразованиями, и потому его не так легко описать в рамках одной книги. Тем не менее британский историк Крис Уикхем принял этот вызов. Он показывает Средневековье …
Работа посвящена одному из направлений средневековой дипломатической истории: борьбе княжеств Северо-Восточной Руси (Московского, Тверского, Нижегородского), Русско-Литовского государства, а также Русской православной церкви за приоритет в деле воссо…
Работа посвящена одному из направлений средневековой дипломатической истории: борьбе княжеств Северо-Восточной Руси (Московского, Тверского, Нижегородского), Русско-Литовского государства, а также Русской православной церкви за приоритет в деле воссо…
В настоящей книге американский историк, славист и византист Фрэнсис Дворник анализирует события, происходившие в Центральной и Восточной Европе в X–XI вв., когда формировались национальные интересы живших на этих территориях славянских племен. Родивш…
В настоящей книге американский историк, славист и византист Фрэнсис Дворник анализирует события, происходившие в Центральной и Восточной Европе в X–XI вв., когда формировались национальные интересы живших на этих территориях славянских племен. Родивш…
Locus Amoenus provides a pioneering collection of new perspectives on Renaissance garden history, and the impact of its development. Experts in the field illustrate the extent of our knowledge of how the natural world looked and how humans related to…
Locus Amoenus provides a pioneering collection of new perspectives on Renaissance garden history, and the impact of its development. Experts in the field illustrate the extent of our knowledge of how the natural world looked and how humans related to…
England July 1540: it is one of the hottest summers on record and the court of Henry VIII is embroiled, once again, in political scandal. Anne Cleves is out. Thomas Cromwell is to be executed and, in the countryside, an aristocratic teenager named Ca…
England July 1540: it is one of the hottest summers on record and the court of Henry VIII is embroiled, once again, in political scandal. Anne Cleves is out. Thomas Cromwell is to be executed and, in the countryside, an aristocratic teenager named Ca…
Inhalt des Buchs
Das Buch enthält ein kurzes Vorwort, das sich in mehrere thematische Sektionen teilt. Danach kommt die Origo Gentis Langobardorum, die mit seinen sieben Absätzen die Legende des Namens umfasst. Dann gibt es die Historia Langobardorum…
Inhalt des Buchs
Das Buch enthält ein kurzes Vorwort, das sich in mehrere thematische Sektionen teilt. Danach kommt die Origo Gentis Langobardorum, die mit seinen sieben Absätzen die Legende des Namens umfasst. Dann gibt es die Historia Langobardorum…
Издание рассматривает церемониальное пространство английского королевского двора при Якове I в контексте династического строительства первых Стюартов и становления композитарной монархии. Анализ структуры церемониального взаимодействия между членами …
Издание рассматривает церемониальное пространство английского королевского двора при Якове I в контексте династического строительства первых Стюартов и становления композитарной монархии. Анализ структуры церемониального взаимодействия между членами …
Книга известного российского исследователя дает развернутую характеристику византийского и арабского обществ в эпоху возникновения ислама, показана история военно-политических отношений между Византией и арабским Халифатом в VII–VIII вв. и взаимных к…
Книга известного российского исследователя дает развернутую характеристику византийского и арабского обществ в эпоху возникновения ислама, показана история военно-политических отношений между Византией и арабским Халифатом в VII–VIII вв. и взаимных к…
Henry II conquered the largest empire of any English medieval king. Yet it is the people around him we remember: his wife Eleanor, whom he seduced from the French king; his son Richard the Lionheart; Thomas Becket, murdered in his cathedral. Who was …
Henry II conquered the largest empire of any English medieval king. Yet it is the people around him we remember: his wife Eleanor, whom he seduced from the French king; his son Richard the Lionheart; Thomas Becket, murdered in his cathedral. Who was …
Protestant Christianity began with one stubborn monk in 1517. Now it covers the globe and includes almost a billion people. On the 500th anniversary of Luther’s theses, a global history of the revolutionary faith that shaped the modern world.Five hun…
Protestant Christianity began with one stubborn monk in 1517. Now it covers the globe and includes almost a billion people. On the 500th anniversary of Luther’s theses, a global history of the revolutionary faith that shaped the modern world.Five hun…
Профессор НИУ ВШЭ Олег Воскобойников станет вашим проводником по завораживающему миру Средневековья и расскажет, чем же люди, жившие много веков назад, отличались от нас, а чем – были похожи, откуда черпали вдохновение, как любили, как выстраивали ие…
Профессор НИУ ВШЭ Олег Воскобойников станет вашим проводником по завораживающему миру Средневековья и расскажет, чем же люди, жившие много веков назад, отличались от нас, а чем – были похожи, откуда черпали вдохновение, как любили, как выстраивали ие…
Without libraries, what have we? We have no past and no future. This book tells for the first time in English the story of the first great universal library in the age of printing – and of the son of Christopher Columbus who created it.This is the sc…
Without libraries, what have we? We have no past and no future. This book tells for the first time in English the story of the first great universal library in the age of printing – and of the son of Christopher Columbus who created it.This is the sc…
Henry Stuart’s life is the last great forgotten Jacobean tale. Shadowed by the gravity of the Thirty Years’ War and the huge changes taking place across Europe in seventeenth-century society, economy, politics and empire, his life was visually and ve…
Henry Stuart’s life is the last great forgotten Jacobean tale. Shadowed by the gravity of the Thirty Years’ War and the huge changes taking place across Europe in seventeenth-century society, economy, politics and empire, his life was visually and ve…
Love history? Know your stuff with History in an Hour.The Reformation was a long struggle of ideas between the established Catholic Church and the questioning of faith brought about by the Renaissance in Western Europe. Started by Martin Luther in 15…
Love history? Know your stuff with History in an Hour.The Reformation was a long struggle of ideas between the established Catholic Church and the questioning of faith brought about by the Renaissance in Western Europe. Started by Martin Luther in 15…
Love history? Know your stuff with History in an Hour.During the year 1066, England had three different kings and fought three huge battles in defence of the realm, including the bloody Battle of Hastings. The result was the Norman Conquest which def…
Love history? Know your stuff with History in an Hour.During the year 1066, England had three different kings and fought three huge battles in defence of the realm, including the bloody Battle of Hastings. The result was the Norman Conquest which def…
In this brilliant and widely acclaimed work, Peter Burke presents a social and cultural history of the Italian Renaissance. He discusses the social and political institutions which existed in Italy during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and ana…
In this brilliant and widely acclaimed work, Peter Burke presents a social and cultural history of the Italian Renaissance. He discusses the social and political institutions which existed in Italy during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and ana…
Roger Collins, a leading historian, investigates a time in Spanish history known for its multi-religious society – when Christians, Jews and Muslims lived in apparent harmony – revealing a fuller, more complex picture of this fascinating period. Pres…
Roger Collins, a leading historian, investigates a time in Spanish history known for its multi-religious society – when Christians, Jews and Muslims lived in apparent harmony – revealing a fuller, more complex picture of this fascinating period. Pres…
Inspired by research undertaken for the new Medieval & Renaissance Galleries at the Victoria and Albert Museum, Re-thinking Renaissance Objects explores and often challenges some of the key issues and current debates relating to Renaissance art and c…
Inspired by research undertaken for the new Medieval & Renaissance Galleries at the Victoria and Albert Museum, Re-thinking Renaissance Objects explores and often challenges some of the key issues and current debates relating to Renaissance art and c…
The Picts is a survey of the historical and cultural developments in northern Britain between AD 300 and AD 900. Discarding the popular view of the Picts as savages, they are revealed to have been politically successful and culturally adaptive member…
The Picts is a survey of the historical and cultural developments in northern Britain between AD 300 and AD 900. Discarding the popular view of the Picts as savages, they are revealed to have been politically successful and culturally adaptive member…
Widely acknowledged as the essential reference work for this period, this volume brings together more than 700 articles written by 150 top scholars that cover the people, places, activities, and creations of the Anglo-Saxons. The only reference work …
Widely acknowledged as the essential reference work for this period, this volume brings together more than 700 articles written by 150 top scholars that cover the people, places, activities, and creations of the Anglo-Saxons. The only reference work …