справочная литература
Первая книга из серии Оружие мира, рассказывает о реактивных системах залпового огня стран НАТО, о истории их применения, о пущенных в массовое производство системах и опытных образцах, и о их характеристиках, книга снабжена фотографиями и рисунками.…
Первая книга из серии Оружие мира, рассказывает о реактивных системах залпового огня стран НАТО, о истории их применения, о пущенных в массовое производство системах и опытных образцах, и о их характеристиках, книга снабжена фотографиями и рисунками.…
Словарь содержит более 1500 статей и более 5000 перифраз, в том числе цитаты и фразеологизмы. Словарь направлен на формирование профессиональных знаний обучающихся, навыков употреб ления выразительных средств в публицистике, в том числе и таких, как …
Словарь содержит более 1500 статей и более 5000 перифраз, в том числе цитаты и фразеологизмы. Словарь направлен на формирование профессиональных знаний обучающихся, навыков употреб ления выразительных средств в публицистике, в том числе и таких, как …
Перед вами руководство по построению магических структур в вымышленных мирах —справочник для авторов, работающих в жанре фэнтези.
Казалось бы, что сложного может быть в магии? Она не подчиняется логике, ее невозможно ни опровергнуть, ни доказать, но…
Перед вами руководство по построению магических структур в вымышленных мирах —справочник для авторов, работающих в жанре фэнтези.
Казалось бы, что сложного может быть в магии? Она не подчиняется логике, ее невозможно ни опровергнуть, ни доказать, но…
"Как инвестировать в Китай?" - это книга, которая может стать полезным руководством для начинающих инвесторов, которые хотят изучить возможности инвестирования в китайскую экономику. Авторы книги не только обсуждают риски, связанные с инвестированием…
"Как инвестировать в Китай?" - это книга, которая может стать полезным руководством для начинающих инвесторов, которые хотят изучить возможности инвестирования в китайскую экономику. Авторы книги не только обсуждают риски, связанные с инвестированием…
Человеческое тело – уникальный организм, скрывающий в себе множество загадок. Настоящий атлас поможет вам разгадать многие из них.
В книге доступным каждому читателю языком описываются строение и физиология человека и функционирование его отдельных с…
Человеческое тело – уникальный организм, скрывающий в себе множество загадок. Настоящий атлас поможет вам разгадать многие из них.
В книге доступным каждому читателю языком описываются строение и физиология человека и функционирование его отдельных с…
A compendium of extremely interesting and slightly strange true storiesDid you know that Hitler wanted to change the rules of cricket?Or that a 61-year-old retiree once stole a million-pound portrait from the National Gallery in protest at his TV lic…
A compendium of extremely interesting and slightly strange true storiesDid you know that Hitler wanted to change the rules of cricket?Or that a 61-year-old retiree once stole a million-pound portrait from the National Gallery in protest at his TV lic…
A thoroughly updated new edition of the essential reference on the design, practice, and analysis of clinical trials Clinical Trials Dictionary: Terminology and Usage Recommendations, Second Edition presents clear, precise, meticulously detailed entr…
A thoroughly updated new edition of the essential reference on the design, practice, and analysis of clinical trials Clinical Trials Dictionary: Terminology and Usage Recommendations, Second Edition presents clear, precise, meticulously detailed entr…
Use your senses to learn the most important words and phrases in Arabic! With colourful images this attractive and practical guide to Arabic language and culture helps you find what you need quickly and easily. Also contains an Arabic-English and Eng…
Use your senses to learn the most important words and phrases in Arabic! With colourful images this attractive and practical guide to Arabic language and culture helps you find what you need quickly and easily. Also contains an Arabic-English and Eng…
Optimised for larger screens.A laugh-out-loud and exceedingly irreverent collection of comics from the #1 hit web comic, Cyanide and Happiness. Complete with 150 of their funniest classic comics as well as well as 30 brand new ones.WARNING – This boo…
Optimised for larger screens.A laugh-out-loud and exceedingly irreverent collection of comics from the #1 hit web comic, Cyanide and Happiness. Complete with 150 of their funniest classic comics as well as well as 30 brand new ones.WARNING – This boo…
150 simple ways to use this amazing, low cost ingredient. Cleaning, cooking and everything in between!• Make delicious dips and marinades• Soften your towels• Do away with dandruff• Descale your kettle• Discover sumptuous slow roasts• Tone greasy ski…
150 simple ways to use this amazing, low cost ingredient. Cleaning, cooking and everything in between!• Make delicious dips and marinades• Soften your towels• Do away with dandruff• Descale your kettle• Discover sumptuous slow roasts• Tone greasy ski…
The ultimate introductory guide to Agatha Christie and her detectives, including stories featuring Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple, and Tommy & Tuppence.Ever wondered how Agatha Christie became the world's best-selling storyteller? Never read one even th…
The ultimate introductory guide to Agatha Christie and her detectives, including stories featuring Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple, and Tommy & Tuppence.Ever wondered how Agatha Christie became the world's best-selling storyteller? Never read one even th…
WINNER OF THE HRF KEATING AWARD FOR BEST NON-FICTION CRIME BOOK 2018An entertaining history of British thrillers from Casino Royale to The Eagle Has Landed, in which award-winning crime writer Mike Ripley reveals that, though Britain may have lost an…
WINNER OF THE HRF KEATING AWARD FOR BEST NON-FICTION CRIME BOOK 2018An entertaining history of British thrillers from Casino Royale to The Eagle Has Landed, in which award-winning crime writer Mike Ripley reveals that, though Britain may have lost an…
An in-depth guide for aspiring astronomers and Moon observers. Includes detailed Moon maps and covers the history of lunar observation and exploration, the properties of the Moon, its origin and orbit.Optimised for colour tablets, the images in this …
An in-depth guide for aspiring astronomers and Moon observers. Includes detailed Moon maps and covers the history of lunar observation and exploration, the properties of the Moon, its origin and orbit.Optimised for colour tablets, the images in this …
“THIS IS A GREAT GUIDE TO THE NIGHT SKY AT A GREAT PRICE.” Astronomy NowA comprehensive handbook to the planets, stars and constellations visible from the northern hemisphere. 6 pages for each month covering January–December 2019.This practical guide…
“THIS IS A GREAT GUIDE TO THE NIGHT SKY AT A GREAT PRICE.” Astronomy NowA comprehensive handbook to the planets, stars and constellations visible from the northern hemisphere. 6 pages for each month covering January–December 2019.This practical guide…
Compelling and dramatic insights into crucial moments inside the cockpit.Discover the most sensational air disasters of recent years. Transcripts of actual black box recordings of conversations between captains, their crew, and air traffic control on…
Compelling and dramatic insights into crucial moments inside the cockpit.Discover the most sensational air disasters of recent years. Transcripts of actual black box recordings of conversations between captains, their crew, and air traffic control on…
An ornithological quiz book packed with challenging questions for birders, based on the popular ‘Bird Brain of Britain’ contest at the annual BirdFair.The British Birdwatching Fair, held every August at Rutland Water Nature Reserve, attracts over 30,…
An ornithological quiz book packed with challenging questions for birders, based on the popular ‘Bird Brain of Britain’ contest at the annual BirdFair.The British Birdwatching Fair, held every August at Rutland Water Nature Reserve, attracts over 30,…
Q: What’s inside this bumper quiz book?A: More than 500 brand new up-to-date quizzes and 10,000 questions.All quizzes and answers are hyperlinked for ease of use.Choose to hide the answers or view them alongside each quiz; test yourself or be the qui…
Q: What’s inside this bumper quiz book?A: More than 500 brand new up-to-date quizzes and 10,000 questions.All quizzes and answers are hyperlinked for ease of use.Choose to hide the answers or view them alongside each quiz; test yourself or be the qui…
Quizzing has never been so much fun. Quench your thirst for quiz trivia, with 500 brand new quizzes in this bumper edition of 10,000 questions, arranged in Easy, Medium and Difficult sections.All quizzes and answers are hyperlinked for ease of use. C…
Quizzing has never been so much fun. Quench your thirst for quiz trivia, with 500 brand new quizzes in this bumper edition of 10,000 questions, arranged in Easy, Medium and Difficult sections.All quizzes and answers are hyperlinked for ease of use. C…
Use your senses to learn the most important words and phrases in French! With colourful images this attractive and practical guide to French language and culture helps you find what you need quickly and easily. Also contains a French-English and Engl…
Use your senses to learn the most important words and phrases in French! With colourful images this attractive and practical guide to French language and culture helps you find what you need quickly and easily. Also contains a French-English and Engl…
From sports to innovation, art to politics – meet the incredible women who got there first.Ever heard the saying “It’s a man’s world”? Clearly, the speaker had never met Amelia Earhart or Harriet Tubman. Those feisty females, and many more, rivaled t…
From sports to innovation, art to politics – meet the incredible women who got there first.Ever heard the saying “It’s a man’s world”? Clearly, the speaker had never met Amelia Earhart or Harriet Tubman. Those feisty females, and many more, rivaled t…