Рецензируемый научно-практический журнал, охватывающий широкий круг вопросов социально-экономического развития территорий. Основная цель издания журнала – предоставление широким слоям научной общественности и практическим работникам возможности знако…
Рецензируемый научно-практический журнал, охватывающий широкий круг вопросов социально-экономического развития территорий. Основная цель издания журнала – предоставление широким слоям научной общественности и практическим работникам возможности знако…
Это саммари – сокращенная версия книги «Столкновение цивилизаций и преобразование мирового порядка» Сэмюэла Хантингтона. Только самые ценные мысли, идеи, кейсы, примеры.
Еще недавно историки полагали, что миром правят идеологии, а победа США в холодн…
Это саммари – сокращенная версия книги «Столкновение цивилизаций и преобразование мирового порядка» Сэмюэла Хантингтона. Только самые ценные мысли, идеи, кейсы, примеры.
Еще недавно историки полагали, что миром правят идеологии, а победа США в холодн…
Успехи Homo sapiens в конкурентной борьбе бесспорны. Его агрессивность, исключительная изобретательность и поразительная пластичность всегда были выше всех похвал. В конце концов, это чуть ли не единственный биологический вид (среди крупных позвоночн…
Успехи Homo sapiens в конкурентной борьбе бесспорны. Его агрессивность, исключительная изобретательность и поразительная пластичность всегда были выше всех похвал. В конце концов, это чуть ли не единственный биологический вид (среди крупных позвоночн…
Изложены основы теории и практики статистического исследования социально-экономических явлений и процессов. Представлены дополненные и переработанные материалы автора из ранее опубликованных работ учебно-методического характера, а также результаты ег…
Изложены основы теории и практики статистического исследования социально-экономических явлений и процессов. Представлены дополненные и переработанные материалы автора из ранее опубликованных работ учебно-методического характера, а также результаты ег…
Under the blazing Iraqi sun in the summer of 2007, Shannon Meehan, a lieutenant in the U.S. Army, ordered a strike that would take the lives of innocent Iraqi civilians. He thought he was doing the right thing. He thought he was protecting his men. H…
Under the blazing Iraqi sun in the summer of 2007, Shannon Meehan, a lieutenant in the U.S. Army, ordered a strike that would take the lives of innocent Iraqi civilians. He thought he was doing the right thing. He thought he was protecting his men. H…
Sociology For Dummies helps you understand the complex field of sociology, serving as the ideal study guide both when you're deciding to take a class as well as when you are already participating in a course. Avoiding jargon, Sociology For Dummies wi…
Sociology For Dummies helps you understand the complex field of sociology, serving as the ideal study guide both when you're deciding to take a class as well as when you are already participating in a course. Avoiding jargon, Sociology For Dummies wi…
Perspectives on race today Featuring new and engaging essays by noted anthropologists and illustrated with full color photos, RACE: Are We So Different? is an accessible and fascinating look at the idea of race, demonstrating how current scientific u…
Perspectives on race today Featuring new and engaging essays by noted anthropologists and illustrated with full color photos, RACE: Are We So Different? is an accessible and fascinating look at the idea of race, demonstrating how current scientific u…
The Times has the most famous letters page of any newspaper. This selection spanning the years 1914-1918 shows precisely why. While many letters relate to issues around the Great War, there is room for a myriad of subjects concerning the great Britis…
The Times has the most famous letters page of any newspaper. This selection spanning the years 1914-1918 shows precisely why. While many letters relate to issues around the Great War, there is room for a myriad of subjects concerning the great Britis…
A captivating look into the society of the Knights Templar Brought to you by the author of Freemasons For Dummies, The Templar Code is more than an intriguing cipher or a mysterious symbol – it is the Code by which the Knights Templar lived and died,…
A captivating look into the society of the Knights Templar Brought to you by the author of Freemasons For Dummies, The Templar Code is more than an intriguing cipher or a mysterious symbol – it is the Code by which the Knights Templar lived and died,…
Covers the latest competing theories in the field Get a handle on the fundamentals of biological and cultural anthropology When did the first civilizations arise? How many human languages exist? The answers are found in anthropology – and this friend…
Covers the latest competing theories in the field Get a handle on the fundamentals of biological and cultural anthropology When did the first civilizations arise? How many human languages exist? The answers are found in anthropology – and this friend…
Psychologists, political scientists, and experts in election law present a multidisciplinary perspective on voting. Personality characteristics such as motivation, values, and efficacy are considered, as are demographic variables such as education, a…
Psychologists, political scientists, and experts in election law present a multidisciplinary perspective on voting. Personality characteristics such as motivation, values, and efficacy are considered, as are demographic variables such as education, a…
NAPA Bulletin is a peer reviewed occasional publication of the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology, dedicated to the practical problem-solving and policy applications of anthropological knowledge and methods. peer reviewed publicati…
NAPA Bulletin is a peer reviewed occasional publication of the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology, dedicated to the practical problem-solving and policy applications of anthropological knowledge and methods. peer reviewed publicati…
Africa’s Information Revolution was recently announced as the 2016 prizewinner of the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences – congratulations to the authors James T. Murphy and Padraig Carmody! Africa’s Information Revolution presents an in-depth exami…
Africa’s Information Revolution was recently announced as the 2016 prizewinner of the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences – congratulations to the authors James T. Murphy and Padraig Carmody! Africa’s Information Revolution presents an in-depth exami…
Doing Ethnography Today explores the methodologies and theories behind contemporary, collaborative ethnography and provides an opportunity to cultivate experience with included exercises. • Presents ethnography as creative and artful rather than anal…
Doing Ethnography Today explores the methodologies and theories behind contemporary, collaborative ethnography and provides an opportunity to cultivate experience with included exercises. • Presents ethnography as creative and artful rather than anal…
Religion posits one characteristic as an absolute: faith. Compared to faith, all other social distinctions and sources of conflict are insignificant. The New Testament says: ‘We are all equal in the sight of God'. To be sure, this equality applies on…
Religion posits one characteristic as an absolute: faith. Compared to faith, all other social distinctions and sources of conflict are insignificant. The New Testament says: ‘We are all equal in the sight of God'. To be sure, this equality applies on…
Reflective practice is an essential skill for those working in health and social care, but why is it so vital and how can it be learned? As inter-disciplinary working becomes more common, finding shared ways of reflection on practice are becoming mor…
Reflective practice is an essential skill for those working in health and social care, but why is it so vital and how can it be learned? As inter-disciplinary working becomes more common, finding shared ways of reflection on practice are becoming mor…
The Sociology of Medical Screening: Critical Perspectives, New Directions presents a series of readings that provide an up-to-date overview of the diverse sociological issues relating to population-based medical screening. Features new research data …
The Sociology of Medical Screening: Critical Perspectives, New Directions presents a series of readings that provide an up-to-date overview of the diverse sociological issues relating to population-based medical screening. Features new research data …
Many families leave their children for years to be looked after by young people about whom they know next to nothing, from places they have barely heard of. Who are these au pairs, why do they come and what is their experience of this arrangement? Do…
Many families leave their children for years to be looked after by young people about whom they know next to nothing, from places they have barely heard of. Who are these au pairs, why do they come and what is their experience of this arrangement? Do…
A Companion to Latina/o Studies is a collection of 40 original essays written by leading scholars in the field, dedicated to exploring the question of what 'Latino/a' is. Brings together in one volume a diverse range of original essays by established…
A Companion to Latina/o Studies is a collection of 40 original essays written by leading scholars in the field, dedicated to exploring the question of what 'Latino/a' is. Brings together in one volume a diverse range of original essays by established…
The fully revised second edition of this successful volume includes updates on the latest archaeological research in all chapters, and two new essays on Greek and Roman art. It retains its unique, paired essay format, as well as key contributions fro…
The fully revised second edition of this successful volume includes updates on the latest archaeological research in all chapters, and two new essays on Greek and Roman art. It retains its unique, paired essay format, as well as key contributions fro…