Service user involvement in mental health research poses specific challenges for both researchers and service users. The book describes the relevant background and principles underlying the concept of service user involvement in mental health researc…
Service user involvement in mental health research poses specific challenges for both researchers and service users. The book describes the relevant background and principles underlying the concept of service user involvement in mental health researc…
Является первым опытом комплексного учебного пособия по медицинской терминологии, профилизированного для студентов специальности "Педиатрия", и полностью соответствует программе вузовского преподавания предмета "Латинский язык". Кроме основного,
Является первым опытом комплексного учебного пособия по медицинской терминологии, профилизированного для студентов специальности "Педиатрия", и полностью соответствует программе вузовского преподавания предмета "Латинский язык". Кроме основного,
Dopo la grande accoglienza dell'articolo intitolato ”Qual è il ruolo dello psicologo di fronte al nuovo Coronavirus?” che ho pubblicato su Cátedra Abierta de Psicología y Neurociencias lo scorso 12 febbraio 2020, e dato l'interesse suscitato tra coll…
Dopo la grande accoglienza dell'articolo intitolato ”Qual è il ruolo dello psicologo di fronte al nuovo Coronavirus?” che ho pubblicato su Cátedra Abierta de Psicología y Neurociencias lo scorso 12 febbraio 2020, e dato l'interesse suscitato tra coll…
Después de la gran acogida del artículo titulado “¿Cuál es el papel del psicólogo ante el nuevo Coronavirus (COVID-19)?” que publiqué en la Cátedra Abierta de Psicología y Neurociencias el pasado 12 de febrero del 2020, y en vistas al interés suscita…
Después de la gran acogida del artículo titulado “¿Cuál es el papel del psicólogo ante el nuevo Coronavirus (COVID-19)?” que publiqué en la Cátedra Abierta de Psicología y Neurociencias el pasado 12 de febrero del 2020, y en vistas al interés suscita…
Después del éxito de acogida del libro titulado “Aspectos Psicológicos en Tiempos de Pandemia” en donde se abordan desde la perspectiva de la ciencia psicológica diversas cuestiones relacionadas con el impacto de la aparición del COVID-19 en la vida …
Después del éxito de acogida del libro titulado “Aspectos Psicológicos en Tiempos de Pandemia” en donde se abordan desde la perspectiva de la ciencia psicológica diversas cuestiones relacionadas con el impacto de la aparición del COVID-19 en la vida …
The fierce and funny manifesto from broadcaster Emma Barnett.Myth-debunking and taboo-busting, this is going to be the book that everyone is talking about. Period.At a time when women around the world are raising their voices in the fight for equalit…
The fierce and funny manifesto from broadcaster Emma Barnett.Myth-debunking and taboo-busting, this is going to be the book that everyone is talking about. Period.At a time when women around the world are raising their voices in the fight for equalit…
It is not yet over. God has not finished with you. You are not dying now. Yes, you are not. This book is to reassure you that He still has a plan for your life. It doesn’t matter how dark things look. Here you will find many interesting chapters like…
It is not yet over. God has not finished with you. You are not dying now. Yes, you are not. This book is to reassure you that He still has a plan for your life. It doesn’t matter how dark things look. Here you will find many interesting chapters like…
Esse livro te mostrará como obter sua cura divina. Deus ainda pode curar? Sim! Será que podemos viver com saúde perfeita nos dias de hoje? Sim! Nosso Deus é o mesmo ontem, hoje e eternamente. Receba a sua cura, à medida que você lê o livro. Aqui você…
Esse livro te mostrará como obter sua cura divina. Deus ainda pode curar? Sim! Será que podemos viver com saúde perfeita nos dias de hoje? Sim! Nosso Deus é o mesmo ontem, hoje e eternamente. Receba a sua cura, à medida que você lê o livro. Aqui você…
IT TAKES JUST TEN MINUTES a day train your mind – you will feel more awake, more alive and more creative. Using these carefully researched exercises you can increase your attention span, realise your potential and use your mind to its full capacity. …
IT TAKES JUST TEN MINUTES a day train your mind – you will feel more awake, more alive and more creative. Using these carefully researched exercises you can increase your attention span, realise your potential and use your mind to its full capacity. …
In this book, Dr. Dario Polisano will give you the answers that no one has ever given you regarding food and nutrition. He will explain how to achieve psycho-physical well-being, resetting and detoxifying your body, followed by a gradual reintroducti…
In this book, Dr. Dario Polisano will give you the answers that no one has ever given you regarding food and nutrition. He will explain how to achieve psycho-physical well-being, resetting and detoxifying your body, followed by a gradual reintroducti…
Afterward the successful on reception of the book “Psychological Aspects in Times of Pandemic” where a number of issues from the perspective of psychological science are addressed, related to the impact of the appearance COVID-19 on the lives of citi…
Afterward the successful on reception of the book “Psychological Aspects in Times of Pandemic” where a number of issues from the perspective of psychological science are addressed, related to the impact of the appearance COVID-19 on the lives of citi…
Obgleich sich die größten Bedenken im Zusammenhang mit dieser Pandemie insbesondere auf die Folgen im Hinblick auf Atemwegsprobleme konzentrierten, haben die Fortschritte im Wissen über diese Krankheit es ermöglicht, die Auswirkungen zu verstehen, di…
Obgleich sich die größten Bedenken im Zusammenhang mit dieser Pandemie insbesondere auf die Folgen im Hinblick auf Atemwegsprobleme konzentrierten, haben die Fortschritte im Wissen über diese Krankheit es ermöglicht, die Auswirkungen zu verstehen, di…
Условия труда и профессиональные заболевания медицинских работников. (Специалитет). Учебное пособие.
Представлены классификация профессиональных заболеваний медицинских работников, санитарно-гигиеническая характеристика условий их труда. Рассматриваются наиболее актуальные профессиональные болезни и сведения об особенностях их формирования с
Представлены классификация профессиональных заболеваний медицинских работников, санитарно-гигиеническая характеристика условий их труда. Рассматриваются наиболее актуальные профессиональные болезни и сведения об особенностях их формирования с
Представлены современные данные об основах эпидемиологии, а также этиологии, клинической картине, диагностике, лечении и профилактике убиквитарных инфекционных заболеваний у детей разного возраста. Материал изложен в разумно кратком содержании, допол…
Представлены современные данные об основах эпидемиологии, а также этиологии, клинической картине, диагностике, лечении и профилактике убиквитарных инфекционных заболеваний у детей разного возраста. Материал изложен в разумно кратком содержании, допол…
Thyroid health is an increasingly common concern. This updated edition (formerly titled 'Thyroid Problems’) is a clear and practical guide to symptoms, treatment options and self-help measures for those who have, or think they may have a thyroid rela…
Thyroid health is an increasingly common concern. This updated edition (formerly titled 'Thyroid Problems’) is a clear and practical guide to symptoms, treatment options and self-help measures for those who have, or think they may have a thyroid rela…
‘A terrific book. No one put their body on the line quite like Sam Warburton. ’ Brian O’Driscoll ‘It was an absolute privilege to play against Sam. An inspiring leader with an equally inspiring story to tell. ’ Jonny Wilkinson Sam Warburton OBE was n…
‘A terrific book. No one put their body on the line quite like Sam Warburton. ’ Brian O’Driscoll ‘It was an absolute privilege to play against Sam. An inspiring leader with an equally inspiring story to tell. ’ Jonny Wilkinson Sam Warburton OBE was n…
Contains images best viewed on a tablet.Simple Steps to deal positively with anger and frustration.Anger is a natural emotional response to threat, hurt, frustaration or loss. As such, it’s a healthy survival tool – ‘Letting off Steam’ is a vital mea…
Contains images best viewed on a tablet.Simple Steps to deal positively with anger and frustration.Anger is a natural emotional response to threat, hurt, frustaration or loss. As such, it’s a healthy survival tool – ‘Letting off Steam’ is a vital mea…
Данное пособие содержит наиболее значимую теоретическую информацию, а также лабораторный практикум по дисциплине «Физико-химические методы исследования и техника лабораторных работ». Особое внимание уделено вопросам устройства и функционирования лабо…
Данное пособие содержит наиболее значимую теоретическую информацию, а также лабораторный практикум по дисциплине «Физико-химические методы исследования и техника лабораторных работ». Особое внимание уделено вопросам устройства и функционирования лабо…
The international scientific Journal «All Sciences» created at the Electron Scientific School is a scientific publication that publishes the latest scientific results in various fields of science and technology, which is also a collection of publicat…
The international scientific Journal «All Sciences» created at the Electron Scientific School is a scientific publication that publishes the latest scientific results in various fields of science and technology, which is also a collection of publicat…
‘An insomniac’s dream buy!’ THE SUN ‘If you lie awake wondering how to get a good night’s sleep, this could be the answer to all your problems. ’ HAPPIFUL The secret to sleeping better at night for a happier, calmer, more successful day. The Art of S…
‘An insomniac’s dream buy!’ THE SUN ‘If you lie awake wondering how to get a good night’s sleep, this could be the answer to all your problems. ’ HAPPIFUL The secret to sleeping better at night for a happier, calmer, more successful day. The Art of S…