

Spatial and Syndromic Surveillance for Public Health
Following the events of 9/11 and in the current world climate, there is increasing concern of the impact of potential bioterrorism attacks. Spatial surveillance systems are used to detect changes in public health data, and alert us to possible outbre…
Following the events of 9/11 and in the current world climate, there is increasing concern of the impact of potential bioterrorism attacks. Spatial surveillance systems are used to detect changes in public health data, and alert us to possible outbre…
Evidence-Based Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes
Evidence-based Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes brings together an international group of paediatric diabetes specialists to address the cause, course and complications of all types of diabetes. From a careful review of the latest research, they pr…
Evidence-based Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes brings together an international group of paediatric diabetes specialists to address the cause, course and complications of all types of diabetes. From a careful review of the latest research, they pr…
Данная книга посвящена кровохарканью – синдрому, сопровождающему ряд заболеваний, наиболее часто встречающихся в практике врача-терапевта. Зачастую этот синдром у амбулаторных пациентов не оценивается должным образом, а в некоторых случаях и вовсе не…
Данная книга посвящена кровохарканью – синдрому, сопровождающему ряд заболеваний, наиболее часто встречающихся в практике врача-терапевта. Зачастую этот синдром у амбулаторных пациентов не оценивается должным образом, а в некоторых случаях и вовсе не…
Остеопороз, лидер среди заболеваний костей и суставов, требует особенно взвешенного подхода в терапии. Недостаточная диагностика и побочные эффекты от медикаментозной профилактики, затрагивающие коронарные артерии, – вот только некоторые из актуальны…
Остеопороз, лидер среди заболеваний костей и суставов, требует особенно взвешенного подхода в терапии. Недостаточная диагностика и побочные эффекты от медикаментозной профилактики, затрагивающие коронарные артерии, – вот только некоторые из актуальны…
Дерматовенерология. (СПО). Учебник.
Освещены сведения, необходимые медицинской сестре широкого профиля, фельдшеру и фельдшеру-акушеру в практической работе по уходу за больными с воспалительными, инфекционными и паразитарными заболеваниями, новообразованиями кожи, а также для выработки…
Освещены сведения, необходимые медицинской сестре широкого профиля, фельдшеру и фельдшеру-акушеру в практической работе по уходу за больными с воспалительными, инфекционными и паразитарными заболеваниями, новообразованиями кожи, а также для выработки…
Immunotoxicology Strategies for Pharmaceutical Safety Assessment
An important reference which provides an overview of the current and recently introduced methodologies for testing the immunotoxic risks in drug candidates Helps readers understand the significance of the methods and approaches to immunotoxicology te…
An important reference which provides an overview of the current and recently introduced methodologies for testing the immunotoxic risks in drug candidates Helps readers understand the significance of the methods and approaches to immunotoxicology te…
Orofacial Pain. A Guide to Medications and Management
Orofacial Pain: A Guide to Medications and Management brings together guidance and information on the rational use of medications for the treatment of chronic orofacial pain. Focusing on clinically relevant information throughout and aiming itself sq…
Orofacial Pain: A Guide to Medications and Management brings together guidance and information on the rational use of medications for the treatment of chronic orofacial pain. Focusing on clinically relevant information throughout and aiming itself sq…
Pulmonary Infection in the Immunocompromised Patient
The immuno-compromised patient is more susceptible to a broader range of infections than others, and infections of the respiratory tract are among the first and most common to be encountered. In this book the authors review current options for manage…
The immuno-compromised patient is more susceptible to a broader range of infections than others, and infections of the respiratory tract are among the first and most common to be encountered. In this book the authors review current options for manage…
Preservation and Transplantation of Normal Tissues
The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss r…
The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss r…
Integrating Complementary Medicine into Veterinary Practice
Integrating complementary treatment options with traditional veterinary practice is a growing trend in veterinary medicine. Veterinarians and clients alike have an interest in expanding treatment options to include alternative approaches such as West…
Integrating complementary treatment options with traditional veterinary practice is a growing trend in veterinary medicine. Veterinarians and clients alike have an interest in expanding treatment options to include alternative approaches such as West…
Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion
Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Dermatology, Third Edition offers accessible, reliable information on canine and feline dermatology using the popular Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult format—now wi…
Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Dermatology, Third Edition offers accessible, reliable information on canine and feline dermatology using the popular Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult format—now wi…
Diagnosis and Management of Ocular Motility Disorders
The aim of this book has always been to give guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of ocular motility disorders based on clinical experience, as opposed to a comprehensive treatise on the subject drawn from the primary literature. The Third Edition…
The aim of this book has always been to give guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of ocular motility disorders based on clinical experience, as opposed to a comprehensive treatise on the subject drawn from the primary literature. The Third Edition…
Факультетская хирургия Intermediate level surgery. (Специалитет). Учебник.
Изложен материал с подробным описанием как классических, так и современных принципов диагностики, хирургической тактики и комплексного лечения больных в представленных нозологических группах. Соответствует ФГОС ВО последнего поколения. Для студентов …
Изложен материал с подробным описанием как классических, так и современных принципов диагностики, хирургической тактики и комплексного лечения больных в представленных нозологических группах. Соответствует ФГОС ВО последнего поколения. Для студентов …
Гигиенические основы специализированного питания. Учебное пособие для СПО
Рассмотрены основные принципы функциональной направленности питания в лечебных учреждениях, характеристики особенностей питания разных групп населения (дети и подростки, люди пожилого возраста, работники вредных производств), вопросы организации пита…
Рассмотрены основные принципы функциональной направленности питания в лечебных учреждениях, характеристики особенностей питания разных групп населения (дети и подростки, люди пожилого возраста, работники вредных производств), вопросы организации пита…
Основы латинского языка с медицинской терминологией. Упражнения и лексические минимумы. Учебное пособие для СПО
В учебном пособии в краткой, но доступной для понимания форме изложены основные темы, необходимые для освоения фармацевтической и клинической терминологии на латинском языке, даны лексические минимумы по темам занятий и большое количество упражнений …
В учебном пособии в краткой, но доступной для понимания форме изложены основные темы, необходимые для освоения фармацевтической и клинической терминологии на латинском языке, даны лексические минимумы по темам занятий и большое количество упражнений …
Evidence-Based Pediatrics and Child Health with CD-ROM
Evidence Based Pediatrics and Child Health is a ground-breaking new text on pediatrics and child care management, using evidence based approach. It covers all the major childhood conditions and contains the features of both a handbook and a reference…
Evidence Based Pediatrics and Child Health is a ground-breaking new text on pediatrics and child care management, using evidence based approach. It covers all the major childhood conditions and contains the features of both a handbook and a reference…
Case Studies in Modern Drug Discovery and Development
Learn why some drug discovery and development efforts succeed . . . and others fail Written by international experts in drug discovery and development, this book sets forth carefully researched and analyzed case studies of both successful and failed …
Learn why some drug discovery and development efforts succeed . . . and others fail Written by international experts in drug discovery and development, this book sets forth carefully researched and analyzed case studies of both successful and failed …
Principles and Practice of Pharmaceutical Medicine
The long awaited second edition of Principles and Practice of Pharmaceutical Medicine provides an invaluable guide to all areas of drug development and medical aspects of marketing. The title has been extensively revised and expanded to include the l…
The long awaited second edition of Principles and Practice of Pharmaceutical Medicine provides an invaluable guide to all areas of drug development and medical aspects of marketing. The title has been extensively revised and expanded to include the l…
Professional Practice in Health, Education and the Creative Arts
Society is rapidly changing its expectations of professionals in all arenas. In this book we focus on changing patterns of professional practice in health, education and the creative arts. In each of these areas professional practice care is undergoi…
Society is rapidly changing its expectations of professionals in all arenas. In this book we focus on changing patterns of professional practice in health, education and the creative arts. In each of these areas professional practice care is undergoi…
International Perspectives on Health and Social Care
This book forms part of a series entitled Promoting Partnership for Health published in association with the UK Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE). The series explores partnership for health from policy, practice and ed…
This book forms part of a series entitled Promoting Partnership for Health published in association with the UK Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE). The series explores partnership for health from policy, practice and ed…

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