
развитие психики

Сам себе продюсер: теория и практика достижения результата для творческой личности
Законченная методичка по тому, как доводить начатые сложные проекты до материального результата. Эта книга ПОМОЖЕТ: - разобраться с собственными установками, создав библиотеку ценностей применительно к конкретному проекту. - увидеть на конкретном при…
Законченная методичка по тому, как доводить начатые сложные проекты до материального результата. Эта книга ПОМОЖЕТ: - разобраться с собственными установками, создав библиотеку ценностей применительно к конкретному проекту. - увидеть на конкретном при…
Циклоид и шизоид
Вещи, о которых пойдет речь в этой книге, – строение тела и характеры, психологические типы и темпераменты, френология, физиогномика, гипноз, феномен гениальности и многое-многое другое – так или иначе являются предметом психологии и психиатрии. В по…
Вещи, о которых пойдет речь в этой книге, – строение тела и характеры, психологические типы и темпераменты, френология, физиогномика, гипноз, феномен гениальности и многое-многое другое – так или иначе являются предметом психологии и психиатрии. В по…
Как свергнуть диктатора? Методическое пособие для начинающихполная версия
В данной книге описаны некоторые принципы работы мышления, представлено краткое руководство по самоспасению в случае попадания в череду неудач. Далее следует алгоритм достижения устойчивого счастья для одного человека и дальнейшего построения счастл…
В данной книге описаны некоторые принципы работы мышления, представлено краткое руководство по самоспасению в случае попадания в череду неудач. Далее следует алгоритм достижения устойчивого счастья для одного человека и дальнейшего построения счастл…
Любовь к себе
Люди, которые себя не любят, ругают себя и критикуют, уделяют внимание кому угодно, только не себе, – они отказываются от возможностей, которые открывает жизнь, эмоционально убивают себя в деструктивных отношениях. Эта книга – надежный помощник, дар …
Люди, которые себя не любят, ругают себя и критикуют, уделяют внимание кому угодно, только не себе, – они отказываются от возможностей, которые открывает жизнь, эмоционально убивают себя в деструктивных отношениях. Эта книга – надежный помощник, дар …
Nurturing Children and Families. Building on the Legacy of T. Berry Brazelton
This volume celebrates the work and influence of T. Berry Brazelton, one of the world's foremost pediatricians, by bringing together contributions from researchers and clinicians whose own pioneering work has been inspired by Brazelton's foundations …
This volume celebrates the work and influence of T. Berry Brazelton, one of the world's foremost pediatricians, by bringing together contributions from researchers and clinicians whose own pioneering work has been inspired by Brazelton's foundations …
Great Myths of Adolescence
A research-based guide to debunking commonly misunderstood myths about adolescence Great Myths of Adolescence contains the evidence-based science that debunks the myths and commonly held misconceptions concerning adolescence. The book explores myths …
A research-based guide to debunking commonly misunderstood myths about adolescence Great Myths of Adolescence contains the evidence-based science that debunks the myths and commonly held misconceptions concerning adolescence. The book explores myths …
SmartHelp for Good 'n' Angry Kids
SmartHelp for Good ‘n’ Angry Kids provides the reader with an innovative tool for determining a child’s individual learning strengths, and for pairing this information with specific, carefully crafted activities that teach the child about anger and i…
SmartHelp for Good ‘n’ Angry Kids provides the reader with an innovative tool for determining a child’s individual learning strengths, and for pairing this information with specific, carefully crafted activities that teach the child about anger and i…
Great Myths of Adolescence
A research-based guide to debunking commonly misunderstood myths about adolescence Great Myths of Adolescence contains the evidence-based science that debunks the myths and commonly held misconceptions concerning adolescence. The book explores myths …
A research-based guide to debunking commonly misunderstood myths about adolescence Great Myths of Adolescence contains the evidence-based science that debunks the myths and commonly held misconceptions concerning adolescence. The book explores myths …
CBT for Chronic Illness and Palliative Care
There is a growing awareness of the need to address the psychological distress associated with physical ill health; however, current resources are limited and difficult to access. The best way to tackle the issue is by enhancing the skills of those p…
There is a growing awareness of the need to address the psychological distress associated with physical ill health; however, current resources are limited and difficult to access. The best way to tackle the issue is by enhancing the skills of those p…
Working Memory and Academic Learning
Equipping school and child psychologists, and neuropsychologists with critical information on the role of working memory in learning and achievement, Working Memory and Academic Learning offers guidance on assessment tools, interventions, and current…
Equipping school and child psychologists, and neuropsychologists with critical information on the role of working memory in learning and achievement, Working Memory and Academic Learning offers guidance on assessment tools, interventions, and current…
Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Cognitive Development
This definitive volume provides state-of-the-art summaries of current research by leading specialists in different areas of cognitive development. Forms part of a series of four Blackwell Handbooks in Developmental Psychology spanning infancy to adul…
This definitive volume provides state-of-the-art summaries of current research by leading specialists in different areas of cognitive development. Forms part of a series of four Blackwell Handbooks in Developmental Psychology spanning infancy to adul…
Why Youth is Not Wasted on the Young
Why Youth is Not Wasted on the Young examines the nature of childhood through an evolutionary lens and argues that childhood is an essential stage of development with its own unique purposes, separate from those of adulthood; a time of growth and dis…
Why Youth is Not Wasted on the Young examines the nature of childhood through an evolutionary lens and argues that childhood is an essential stage of development with its own unique purposes, separate from those of adulthood; a time of growth and dis…
The Handbook of Training and Practice in Infant and Preschool Mental Health
This comprehensive and highly useful guide offers students and practicing clinicians who work with infant and preschool populations a much-needed resource for developing and honing their professional skills and clinical experiences. The book contains…
This comprehensive and highly useful guide offers students and practicing clinicians who work with infant and preschool populations a much-needed resource for developing and honing their professional skills and clinical experiences. The book contains…
Global Approaches to Early Learning Research and Practice
The health, development, and learning of many young children living in disadvantage areas are at serious risk. Access to education has improved under the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, and there are now programs in low- and middle-incom…
The health, development, and learning of many young children living in disadvantage areas are at serious risk. Access to education has improved under the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, and there are now programs in low- and middle-incom…
Psychotherapy for Depression in Older Adults
The first book in the new Wiley Series on Geropsychology, Psychotherapy for Depression in Older Adults is a practical resource created by a team of international luminaries in the field. Developed in conjunction with the Gerontology Center of the Uni…
The first book in the new Wiley Series on Geropsychology, Psychotherapy for Depression in Older Adults is a practical resource created by a team of international luminaries in the field. Developed in conjunction with the Gerontology Center of the Uni…
The Effects of Early Social-Emotional and Relationship Experience on the Development of Young Orphanage Children
Undertaken at orphanages in Russia, this study tests the role of early social and emotion experience in the development of children. Children were exposed to either multiple caregivers who performed routine duties in a perfunctory manner with minimal…
Undertaken at orphanages in Russia, this study tests the role of early social and emotion experience in the development of children. Children were exposed to either multiple caregivers who performed routine duties in a perfunctory manner with minimal…
Game Play
The long-awaited revision of the only book on game play available for mental health professionals Not only is play a pleasurable, naturally occurring behavior found in humans, it is also a driving force in our development. As opposed to the unstructu…
The long-awaited revision of the only book on game play available for mental health professionals Not only is play a pleasurable, naturally occurring behavior found in humans, it is also a driving force in our development. As opposed to the unstructu…
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
This practical book provides empirically supported techniques that are effective for a wide range of problems, including enuresis, panic disorder, depression, and skills acquisition for the developmentally delayed. * Presents 60 chapters on individua…
This practical book provides empirically supported techniques that are effective for a wide range of problems, including enuresis, panic disorder, depression, and skills acquisition for the developmentally delayed. * Presents 60 chapters on individua…
Developmental Psychology in Action
Developmental Psychology in Action looks at how psychologists contribute to the development and well-being of children in practical ways. The role of psychologists and psychological theory is considered with respect to specific topics which focus on …
Developmental Psychology in Action looks at how psychologists contribute to the development and well-being of children in practical ways. The role of psychologists and psychological theory is considered with respect to specific topics which focus on …
How to Reach 'Hard to Reach' Children
It is now widely acknowledged that the most vulnerable and at risk children are children whom the current systems of education, care and health (especially mental health) are failing. The problem of dealing with 'at risk' children is also a problem o…
It is now widely acknowledged that the most vulnerable and at risk children are children whom the current systems of education, care and health (especially mental health) are failing. The problem of dealing with 'at risk' children is also a problem o…

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