Книга написана про женщин и для женщин. Это некий путеводитель по основным и очень важным женским аспектам. В книге даны рекомендации, как отыскать в себе себя, свою внутреннюю Берегиню. Как жить в гармонии с собой и окружающим миром.
Книга написана про женщин и для женщин. Это некий путеводитель по основным и очень важным женским аспектам. В книге даны рекомендации, как отыскать в себе себя, свою внутреннюю Берегиню. Как жить в гармонии с собой и окружающим миром.
Features assignments and exercises to meet the changing needsof mental health professionals The Veterans and Active Duty Military Psychotherapy Homework Planner provides you with an array of ready-to-use, between-session assignments designed to fit v…
Features assignments and exercises to meet the changing needsof mental health professionals The Veterans and Active Duty Military Psychotherapy Homework Planner provides you with an array of ready-to-use, between-session assignments designed to fit v…
The Couples Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner, Second Edition contains complete prewritten session and patient presentation descriptions for each behavioral problem in The Couples Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Second Edition. The prewritten pro…
The Couples Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner, Second Edition contains complete prewritten session and patient presentation descriptions for each behavioral problem in The Couples Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Second Edition. The prewritten pro…
The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Couples and Family Relationships presents original articles from leading experts that link research, policy, and practice together to reflect the most current knowledge of contemporary relationships. Offers interesting…
The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Couples and Family Relationships presents original articles from leading experts that link research, policy, and practice together to reflect the most current knowledge of contemporary relationships. Offers interesting…
Practical techniques for guiding parents through the stages of adoption and beyond «This book makes a significant contribution to both a greater understanding of adoption and its complex dynamic constellations as well as to serving those who are or c…
Practical techniques for guiding parents through the stages of adoption and beyond «This book makes a significant contribution to both a greater understanding of adoption and its complex dynamic constellations as well as to serving those who are or c…
The must-have guide to honestly and sensitively answering your clients' questions Written to help therapists view their clients' questions as collaborative elements of clinical work, What Do I Say? explores the questions—some direct, others unspoken—…
The must-have guide to honestly and sensitively answering your clients' questions Written to help therapists view their clients' questions as collaborative elements of clinical work, What Do I Say? explores the questions—some direct, others unspoken—…
Winner of the American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year 2011 (Category: Maternal And Child Health) Building on children's natural inclinations to pretend and reenact, play therapy is widely used in the treatment of psychological problems in childh…
Winner of the American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year 2011 (Category: Maternal And Child Health) Building on children's natural inclinations to pretend and reenact, play therapy is widely used in the treatment of psychological problems in childh…
This new edition is an indispensable introduction to the core principles of counselling for those interested in counselling and those considering training. It describes the main styles of counselling, provides an excellent framework for helping, and …
This new edition is an indispensable introduction to the core principles of counselling for those interested in counselling and those considering training. It describes the main styles of counselling, provides an excellent framework for helping, and …
Changing People's Lives While Transforming Your Own. Paths to Social Justice and Global Human Rights
By supporting others and promoting change, helping professionals also enjoy the benefit of personal growth. Changing People's Lives While Transforming Your Own is filled with narratives from individuals from social work, psychology, counseling, and a…
By supporting others and promoting change, helping professionals also enjoy the benefit of personal growth. Changing People's Lives While Transforming Your Own is filled with narratives from individuals from social work, psychology, counseling, and a…
The fifth edition of this bestseller expands and extends Gysbers and Henderson’s acclaimed five-phase model of planning, designing, implementing, evaluating, and enhancing Pre-K–12 guidance and counseling programs. This enduring, influential textbook…
The fifth edition of this bestseller expands and extends Gysbers and Henderson’s acclaimed five-phase model of planning, designing, implementing, evaluating, and enhancing Pre-K–12 guidance and counseling programs. This enduring, influential textbook…
Posttraumatic Growth and Culturally Competent Practice: Lessons Learned from Around the Globe brings welcome attention to applying PTG to culturally competent practice worldwide. It delivers on the promise embedded in its title: lots of lessons withi…
Posttraumatic Growth and Culturally Competent Practice: Lessons Learned from Around the Globe brings welcome attention to applying PTG to culturally competent practice worldwide. It delivers on the promise embedded in its title: lots of lessons withi…
A unique guide to adolescent psychopathology, using a developmental approach Treating Adolescents is a comprehensive guide to adolescent mental health care, synthesizing evidence-based practice and practice-based perspectives to give providers the be…
A unique guide to adolescent psychopathology, using a developmental approach Treating Adolescents is a comprehensive guide to adolescent mental health care, synthesizing evidence-based practice and practice-based perspectives to give providers the be…
Eight practical steps to help military families through the unique issues they face When service members return, it's up to their families to try to soften their re-entry into civilian life. Healing Stress in Military Families offers practical help f…
Eight practical steps to help military families through the unique issues they face When service members return, it's up to their families to try to soften their re-entry into civilian life. Healing Stress in Military Families offers practical help f…
Praise for Working With Grieving and Traumatized Children and Adolescents «This much-needed book effectively argues for the use of structured activities as the basis for exploring trauma-specific questions in clinical work with traumatized children a…
Praise for Working With Grieving and Traumatized Children and Adolescents «This much-needed book effectively argues for the use of structured activities as the basis for exploring trauma-specific questions in clinical work with traumatized children a…
A comprehensive collection of hundreds of thought-provoking stories and activities for use in the treatment of children confronting difficult situations Storytelling and Other Activities for Children in Therapy provides professionals with the knowled…
A comprehensive collection of hundreds of thought-provoking stories and activities for use in the treatment of children confronting difficult situations Storytelling and Other Activities for Children in Therapy provides professionals with the knowled…
The world and all that is in it expresses reality. Every therapy session, each moment in your life, is a koan to be solved, an opportunity to learn about your deeper being. How you respond is your choice. You always have the option to respond with yo…
The world and all that is in it expresses reality. Every therapy session, each moment in your life, is a koan to be solved, an opportunity to learn about your deeper being. How you respond is your choice. You always have the option to respond with yo…
The Addiction Progress Notes Planner contains complete prewritten session and patient presentation descriptions for each behavioral problem in The Addiction Treatment Planner, Third Edition. The prewritten progress notes can be easily and quickly ada…
The Addiction Progress Notes Planner contains complete prewritten session and patient presentation descriptions for each behavioral problem in The Addiction Treatment Planner, Third Edition. The prewritten progress notes can be easily and quickly ada…
This volume tackles key issues in the changing nature of family life from a global perspective, and is essential reading for those studying and working with families. Covers changes in couple relationships and the challenges these pose; parenting pra…
This volume tackles key issues in the changing nature of family life from a global perspective, and is essential reading for those studying and working with families. Covers changes in couple relationships and the challenges these pose; parenting pra…
Nowadays, a considerable amount of evaluation work is implemented internally—both nationally and across the world. As such, it is exceedingly important for evaluators and organizations to be aware of the issues in designing and implementing internal …
Nowadays, a considerable amount of evaluation work is implemented internally—both nationally and across the world. As such, it is exceedingly important for evaluators and organizations to be aware of the issues in designing and implementing internal …
Clinician's Guide to Treating Stress After War: Education and Coping Interventions for Veterans outlines clear strategies that mental health professionals can use to help war returnees become better able to negotiate common problems that diminish the…
Clinician's Guide to Treating Stress After War: Education and Coping Interventions for Veterans outlines clear strategies that mental health professionals can use to help war returnees become better able to negotiate common problems that diminish the…