общая психология
Эта книга может стать чем-то большим, чем просто мотивация. Это жестокая мотивация, с помощью которой действительно можно бросить одну из самых сильных зависимостей - никотиновую. Не верите? Прочитайте книгу и скажите обратное. Здесь не имеет значени…
Эта книга может стать чем-то большим, чем просто мотивация. Это жестокая мотивация, с помощью которой действительно можно бросить одну из самых сильных зависимостей - никотиновую. Не верите? Прочитайте книгу и скажите обратное. Здесь не имеет значени…
Consultation interventions are an increasingly popular alternative to clinical practice, allowing the practitioner to interact with and affect many different individuals and organizations. This type of work challenges mental health professionals, dra…
Consultation interventions are an increasingly popular alternative to clinical practice, allowing the practitioner to interact with and affect many different individuals and organizations. This type of work challenges mental health professionals, dra…
This handbook provides a practical self-help guide to continuing professional development for clinical psychologists. Takes a 'hands-on' approach, addressing the many practical issues in identifying, evaluating and meeting continuing professional dev…
This handbook provides a practical self-help guide to continuing professional development for clinical psychologists. Takes a 'hands-on' approach, addressing the many practical issues in identifying, evaluating and meeting continuing professional dev…
A multidisciplinary resource that combines the latest research with the best practices for working with older adults The Handbook of Gerontology: Evidence-Based Approaches to Theory, Practice, and Policy provides an essential source of important theo…
A multidisciplinary resource that combines the latest research with the best practices for working with older adults The Handbook of Gerontology: Evidence-Based Approaches to Theory, Practice, and Policy provides an essential source of important theo…
This book examines the growing importance of positive psychology and its connection to later life. Applies Social Role Valorisation (SVR) principles to care of older people, particularly those with seriously disabling conditions such as dementia, str…
This book examines the growing importance of positive psychology and its connection to later life. Applies Social Role Valorisation (SVR) principles to care of older people, particularly those with seriously disabling conditions such as dementia, str…
This state-of-the-art handbook provides an authoritative overview of the field of perception, with special emphasis on new developments and trends. Surveys the entire field of perception, including vision, hearing, taste, olfaction, and cutaneous sen…
This state-of-the-art handbook provides an authoritative overview of the field of perception, with special emphasis on new developments and trends. Surveys the entire field of perception, including vision, hearing, taste, olfaction, and cutaneous sen…
Снова у тебя в руках книга о счастье. Но это не руководство о том, как его достичь, а личная история простой девушки. История, в которой героиня идет по своему пути через разрушенную семью, военный город, от неудач к счастью, обретая статус везунчика…
Снова у тебя в руках книга о счастье. Но это не руководство о том, как его достичь, а личная история простой девушки. История, в которой героиня идет по своему пути через разрушенную семью, военный город, от неудач к счастью, обретая статус везунчика…
The Blackwell Handbook of Judgment and Decision Making is a state-of-the art overview of current topics and research in the study of how people make evaluations, draw inferences, and make decisions under conditions of uncertainty and conflict. Contai…
The Blackwell Handbook of Judgment and Decision Making is a state-of-the art overview of current topics and research in the study of how people make evaluations, draw inferences, and make decisions under conditions of uncertainty and conflict. Contai…
Managing Stress After War: Veteran's Workbook and Guide to Wellness outlines clear strategies for tackling problems such as learning healthy coping skills, sleep problems, and managing stress, anger, and depression. Written in an easy-to-understand s…
Managing Stress After War: Veteran's Workbook and Guide to Wellness outlines clear strategies for tackling problems such as learning healthy coping skills, sleep problems, and managing stress, anger, and depression. Written in an easy-to-understand s…
The book explores the clinical challenge of long-term eating disorders and examines the physical and psychological problems, family issues and difficulties in day-to-day living that patients with SEED can experience. Explores the clinical challenge o…
The book explores the clinical challenge of long-term eating disorders and examines the physical and psychological problems, family issues and difficulties in day-to-day living that patients with SEED can experience. Explores the clinical challenge o…
The legal system requires mental health professionals to provide research summaries to support their evaluations in child custody cases. Contributions from leading developmental researchers, legal professionals, and clinicians describe how scientific…
The legal system requires mental health professionals to provide research summaries to support their evaluations in child custody cases. Contributions from leading developmental researchers, legal professionals, and clinicians describe how scientific…
Aggression Replacement Training (ART) is a cognitive-behavioural intervention targeted to aggressive adolescents and children, which is being increasingly adopted worldwide. The outcome of the first major conference on the growing status of ART and i…
Aggression Replacement Training (ART) is a cognitive-behavioural intervention targeted to aggressive adolescents and children, which is being increasingly adopted worldwide. The outcome of the first major conference on the growing status of ART and i…
The second edition of this popular international handbook highlights the developing relationship between psychology and the law. Consisting of all-new material and drawing on the work of practitioners and academics from the UK, Europe, North America …
The second edition of this popular international handbook highlights the developing relationship between psychology and the law. Consisting of all-new material and drawing on the work of practitioners and academics from the UK, Europe, North America …
This handbook focuses on the complex processes and problems of organizational change and relates current knowledge of individual and group psychology to the understanding of the dynamics of change. Complementary and competing insights are presented a…
This handbook focuses on the complex processes and problems of organizational change and relates current knowledge of individual and group psychology to the understanding of the dynamics of change. Complementary and competing insights are presented a…
No topic is more central to innovation and current practice in testing and assessment today than computers and the Internet. This timely publication highlights four main themes that define current issues, technical advances and applications of comput…
No topic is more central to innovation and current practice in testing and assessment today than computers and the Internet. This timely publication highlights four main themes that define current issues, technical advances and applications of comput…
Workplace initiatives to manage diversity seek to fully develop the potential of each employee and turn their unique skills into a business advantage. Such fostering of difference enhances team creativity, innovation and problem-solving and is theref…
Workplace initiatives to manage diversity seek to fully develop the potential of each employee and turn their unique skills into a business advantage. Such fostering of difference enhances team creativity, innovation and problem-solving and is theref…
The Handbook of Personality and Self-Regulation integrates scholarly research on self-regulation in the personality, developmental, and social psychology traditions for a broad audience of social and behavioral scientists interested in the processes …
The Handbook of Personality and Self-Regulation integrates scholarly research on self-regulation in the personality, developmental, and social psychology traditions for a broad audience of social and behavioral scientists interested in the processes …
Данная книга повествует об механизмах и инструментах, цель которых — увеличение времени, повышение эффективности, и работоспособности.
Данная книга повествует об механизмах и инструментах, цель которых — увеличение времени, повышение эффективности, и работоспособности.
В представленной работе дан детальный анализ основных причин виктимизации современных женщин. На основе многолетнего клинического и консультативного опыта автором представлена типологическая характеристика женщин с отягощенным виктимологическим анамн…
В представленной работе дан детальный анализ основных причин виктимизации современных женщин. На основе многолетнего клинического и консультативного опыта автором представлена типологическая характеристика женщин с отягощенным виктимологическим анамн…
Когда мы замужем, мы имеем регулярную, или не очень, но постоянную сексуальную жизнь. Секс либо есть сегодня, либо он будет послезавтра. Мы четко знаем все движения нашего партнера, знаем, чего от него можно ожидать. Какой бы ни была сексуальная жизн…
Когда мы замужем, мы имеем регулярную, или не очень, но постоянную сексуальную жизнь. Секс либо есть сегодня, либо он будет послезавтра. Мы четко знаем все движения нашего партнера, знаем, чего от него можно ожидать. Какой бы ни была сексуальная жизн…