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Первая книга, которая написана без «воды» обо всех ключевых сферах жизни. Выполняя задания последовательно и честно, ты поймешь, что это не просто название книги «Люби. Живи. Сияй» — это твоя реальность.
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Первая книга, которая написана без «воды» обо всех ключевых сферах жизни. Выполняя задания последовательно и честно, ты поймешь, что это не просто название книги «Люби. Живи. Сияй» — это твоя реальность.
Действуй, чтобы изменить свою жизнь!
The prevention of harm from drug use, both legal and illegal, is a major concern to government departments and clinicians throughout the world. Recently, much new research has been conducted regarding global levels and patterns of drug-related harm, …
The prevention of harm from drug use, both legal and illegal, is a major concern to government departments and clinicians throughout the world. Recently, much new research has been conducted regarding global levels and patterns of drug-related harm, …
Personal Construct Psychology (PCP) was devised by George Kelly in 1955 as a new method in psychotherapy. Since then, his techniques have been applied widely throughout psychology and beyond, to include areas as diverse as nursing, conflict resolutio…
Personal Construct Psychology (PCP) was devised by George Kelly in 1955 as a new method in psychotherapy. Since then, his techniques have been applied widely throughout psychology and beyond, to include areas as diverse as nursing, conflict resolutio…
‘This volume provides the most comprehensive presentation to date of the phenomenology, clinical aspects and cognitive therapy of persistent depression. The text is highly readable, replete with illustrative case material, and highlighted by concise …
‘This volume provides the most comprehensive presentation to date of the phenomenology, clinical aspects and cognitive therapy of persistent depression. The text is highly readable, replete with illustrative case material, and highlighted by concise …
Manual of Smoking Cessation provides the crucial knowledge required if you are involved in helping smokers to stop. The manual provides facts, figures, suggested interventions and sources of further information to assist in providing evidence-based t…
Manual of Smoking Cessation provides the crucial knowledge required if you are involved in helping smokers to stop. The manual provides facts, figures, suggested interventions and sources of further information to assist in providing evidence-based t…
Многие мужчины очень много времени проводят за компьютером. Такая виртуальная зависимость приводит к тому, что совсем не остается времени на личную жизнь. Однако, благодаря сайтам знакомств, такие люди находят свою любовь. Некоторые не знают, как чер…
Многие мужчины очень много времени проводят за компьютером. Такая виртуальная зависимость приводит к тому, что совсем не остается времени на личную жизнь. Однако, благодаря сайтам знакомств, такие люди находят свою любовь. Некоторые не знают, как чер…
За столиком кафешки сидела девушка с белоснежной кожей и светлыми волосами. Она выглядела, как иностранка, каким-то странным ветром занесённая в Турцию. И почти каждый раз, когда я посещала это место, я встречала ее. Я прозвала ее Кофеманкой. В один …
За столиком кафешки сидела девушка с белоснежной кожей и светлыми волосами. Она выглядела, как иностранка, каким-то странным ветром занесённая в Турцию. И почти каждый раз, когда я посещала это место, я встречала ее. Я прозвала ее Кофеманкой. В один …
Full of practical information on assessing, diagnosing, and treating alcohol gambling addiction, this handy manual in the new Wiley Series on Treating Addictions is an invaluable tool for anyone who works with clients experiencing problems with gambl…
Full of practical information on assessing, diagnosing, and treating alcohol gambling addiction, this handy manual in the new Wiley Series on Treating Addictions is an invaluable tool for anyone who works with clients experiencing problems with gambl…
The Addiction Treatment Planner, Third Edition provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal review agencie…
The Addiction Treatment Planner, Third Edition provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal review agencie…
Interventions for Amphetamine Misuse is a practical, useable guide for health professionals working in the field. It details the physical and psychological problems associated with the drug's abuse, provides a detailed and evidence-based assessment o…
Interventions for Amphetamine Misuse is a practical, useable guide for health professionals working in the field. It details the physical and psychological problems associated with the drug's abuse, provides a detailed and evidence-based assessment o…
This textbook outlines the key areas of mental health practice for those in the early stages of their training, who may not necessarily come from psychology backgrounds. Accompanies the lecturer’s book ‘Teaching Mental Health’ Focuses on the 'Ten Ess…
This textbook outlines the key areas of mental health practice for those in the early stages of their training, who may not necessarily come from psychology backgrounds. Accompanies the lecturer’s book ‘Teaching Mental Health’ Focuses on the 'Ten Ess…
The College Student Counseling Treatment Planner provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal review agenc…
The College Student Counseling Treatment Planner provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal review agenc…
Online, the opportunity to commit a crime is never more than a few clicks away. Sex Offenders and the Internet explores the nature of online sex offenders in order to help practitioners understand and treat this new category of client. Kerry Sheldon …
Online, the opportunity to commit a crime is never more than a few clicks away. Sex Offenders and the Internet explores the nature of online sex offenders in order to help practitioners understand and treat this new category of client. Kerry Sheldon …
Эзотерика для чайников или Кто правит миром? Магические войны. Почему страдают хорошие люди? Энерговампиры. С кем стоит начинать и продолжать отношения. Береги честь смолоду. Бесплатный сыр. Почему у меня постоянно проблемы? Физическое тело секреты и…
Эзотерика для чайников или Кто правит миром? Магические войны. Почему страдают хорошие люди? Энерговампиры. С кем стоит начинать и продолжать отношения. Береги честь смолоду. Бесплатный сыр. Почему у меня постоянно проблемы? Физическое тело секреты и…
In recent years, dating and romantic partners have been recognized as important peer relations within adolescence and research in this area is just emerging. Peer groups and peer pressure are more well established areas of research into adolescence, …
In recent years, dating and romantic partners have been recognized as important peer relations within adolescence and research in this area is just emerging. Peer groups and peer pressure are more well established areas of research into adolescence, …
In recent years research on parenting has changed stance from one where parents shape child outcomes to an interactive perspective. However this shift is only now transferring to adolescents, with research exploring how the roles that adolescents and…
In recent years research on parenting has changed stance from one where parents shape child outcomes to an interactive perspective. However this shift is only now transferring to adolescents, with research exploring how the roles that adolescents and…
This volume brings together a team of leading psychologists to provide a state-of-the-art overview of adolescent development. Leading experts provide cutting-edge reviews of theory and research. Covers issues currently of most importance in terms of …
This volume brings together a team of leading psychologists to provide a state-of-the-art overview of adolescent development. Leading experts provide cutting-edge reviews of theory and research. Covers issues currently of most importance in terms of …
Developmental Psychology in Action looks at how psychologists contribute to the development and well-being of children in practical ways. The role of psychologists and psychological theory is considered with respect to specific topics which focus on …
Developmental Psychology in Action looks at how psychologists contribute to the development and well-being of children in practical ways. The role of psychologists and psychological theory is considered with respect to specific topics which focus on …
Current and comprehensive information concerning the assessment and treatment of suicidal persons and the prevention of suicidal behavior The eighth leading cause of death in the United States and the second leading cause among U.S. teens, suicide is…
Current and comprehensive information concerning the assessment and treatment of suicidal persons and the prevention of suicidal behavior The eighth leading cause of death in the United States and the second leading cause among U.S. teens, suicide is…
Child Psychopathology presents an overview of the classification and diagnosis; genetic, sociological, and neuropsychiatric influences; and research and behavioral considerations of psychopathology in infants and children. This state-of-the-art volum…
Child Psychopathology presents an overview of the classification and diagnosis; genetic, sociological, and neuropsychiatric influences; and research and behavioral considerations of psychopathology in infants and children. This state-of-the-art volum…