общая психология
The landmark International Handbook of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities presents, explains, and illustrates key methods of research and evaluation of proven relevance and value to the field of intellectual disabilities. It features secti…
The landmark International Handbook of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities presents, explains, and illustrates key methods of research and evaluation of proven relevance and value to the field of intellectual disabilities. It features secti…
III. Language & Thought: Sharon Thompson-Schill (Volume Editor) (Topics covered include embodied cognition; discourse and dialogue; reading; creativity; speech production; concepts and categorization; culture and cognition; reasoning; sentence proces…
III. Language & Thought: Sharon Thompson-Schill (Volume Editor) (Topics covered include embodied cognition; discourse and dialogue; reading; creativity; speech production; concepts and categorization; culture and cognition; reasoning; sentence proces…
II. Sensation, Perception & Attention: John Serences (Volume Editor) (Topics covered include taste; visual object recognition; touch; depth perception; motor control; perceptual learning; the interface theory of perception; vestibular, proprioceptive…
II. Sensation, Perception & Attention: John Serences (Volume Editor) (Topics covered include taste; visual object recognition; touch; depth perception; motor control; perceptual learning; the interface theory of perception; vestibular, proprioceptive…
Проходят дни, недели, годы, и вместе с ними мимо тебя проходит твоя жизнь. Ты погряз в нерешаемых проблемах, не можешь двигаться вперед. Из жизни пропала радость. Кто виноват? И что делать?
В формате дружеской беседы автор, с присущими ей искренность…
Проходят дни, недели, годы, и вместе с ними мимо тебя проходит твоя жизнь. Ты погряз в нерешаемых проблемах, не можешь двигаться вперед. Из жизни пропала радость. Кто виноват? И что делать?
В формате дружеской беседы автор, с присущими ей искренность…
The latest theory, research, and practice information for family therapy The last twenty years have seen an explosion of new, innovative, and empirically supported therapeutic approaches for treating families. Mental health professionals working with…
The latest theory, research, and practice information for family therapy The last twenty years have seen an explosion of new, innovative, and empirically supported therapeutic approaches for treating families. Mental health professionals working with…
This is a companion guide to Think Good Feel Good: A Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Workbook for Children and Young People. Designed for clinicians using the original workbook in their work with children, the book builds upon the workbook materials by o…
This is a companion guide to Think Good Feel Good: A Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Workbook for Children and Young People. Designed for clinicians using the original workbook in their work with children, the book builds upon the workbook materials by o…
Подлинная красота, мудрость и сексуальность имеют только один источник — чистота и искренность вашей необъятной души. Эта книга откроет вам секреты женского счастья, успеха и привлекательности на каждом жизненном этапе. Ведь единственная истинная зад…
Подлинная красота, мудрость и сексуальность имеют только один источник — чистота и искренность вашей необъятной души. Эта книга откроет вам секреты женского счастья, успеха и привлекательности на каждом жизненном этапе. Ведь единственная истинная зад…
The first UK book to address coaching psychology as a discipline, The Psychology of Coaching, Mentoring and Learning provides a thorough understanding of the rationale, theory and practice of coaching and mentoring from a psychological perspective. H…
The first UK book to address coaching psychology as a discipline, The Psychology of Coaching, Mentoring and Learning provides a thorough understanding of the rationale, theory and practice of coaching and mentoring from a psychological perspective. H…
Эту книгу должны прочитать молодые амбициозные люди, у которых имеется стремление меняться, стать лучше и создать собственный мир, в котором он может все!
Эту книгу должны прочитать молодые амбициозные люди, у которых имеется стремление меняться, стать лучше и создать собственный мир, в котором он может все!
Практичная книга по исполнению желаний. В книге представлены десятки способов достигать мечты. Написана легко и читается на одном дыхании. Это про такие книги говорят «бери и делай».
Практичная книга по исполнению желаний. В книге представлены десятки способов достигать мечты. Написана легко и читается на одном дыхании. Это про такие книги говорят «бери и делай».
The Handbook of Family Psychology provides a comprehensive overview of the theoretical underpinnings and established practices relating to family psychology. Provides a thorough orientation to the field of family psychology for clinicians Includes su…
The Handbook of Family Psychology provides a comprehensive overview of the theoretical underpinnings and established practices relating to family psychology. Provides a thorough orientation to the field of family psychology for clinicians Includes su…
Essentials of DAS-IIƠAssessment is the best source of information on the new edition of the DASƠinstrument, providing you with illuminating case reports, expert assessment of the test?s relative strengths and weaknesses, and valuable advice on its cl…
Essentials of DAS-IIƠAssessment is the best source of information on the new edition of the DASƠinstrument, providing you with illuminating case reports, expert assessment of the test?s relative strengths and weaknesses, and valuable advice on its cl…
The WISC-IV is the top intelligence assessment instrument for children in the US, providing essential information into a child s cognitive functioning. Essentials of WISC-IV Assessment with CD-ROM, Second Edition presents professionals with step-by-s…
The WISC-IV is the top intelligence assessment instrument for children in the US, providing essential information into a child s cognitive functioning. Essentials of WISC-IV Assessment with CD-ROM, Second Edition presents professionals with step-by-s…
The book is intended as a practical guide to setting up, staffing and running eating disorders services. The guidance and advice given is based on the experience of the eating disorder service at the Royal Free, which does not have specialised beds, …
The book is intended as a practical guide to setting up, staffing and running eating disorders services. The guidance and advice given is based on the experience of the eating disorder service at the Royal Free, which does not have specialised beds, …
* Complete coverage of administration, scoring, interpretation, and reporting * Expert advice on avoiding common pitfalls * Conveniently formatted for rapid reference Quickly acquire the knowledge and skills you need to confidently administer, score,…
* Complete coverage of administration, scoring, interpretation, and reporting * Expert advice on avoiding common pitfalls * Conveniently formatted for rapid reference Quickly acquire the knowledge and skills you need to confidently administer, score,…
Прочитав пособие, вы будете знать, ЗАЧЕМ к вам пришёл клиент, ЧТО с ним делать и КАК это делать, — ещё до того, как он сформулирует запрос. А потом и вовсе поймете, что запрос — не краеугольный камень. Вы научитесь ставить психокоррекционные задачи и…
Прочитав пособие, вы будете знать, ЗАЧЕМ к вам пришёл клиент, ЧТО с ним делать и КАК это делать, — ещё до того, как он сформулирует запрос. А потом и вовсе поймете, что запрос — не краеугольный камень. Вы научитесь ставить психокоррекционные задачи и…
Эта книга будет некой «шпаргалкой» для Вас, ведь в ней собраны несколько практических советов для восстановления после стрессовой ситуации. Эти способы можно использовать одновременно или использовать каждый в отдельности. Все эти способы «экологичес…
Эта книга будет некой «шпаргалкой» для Вас, ведь в ней собраны несколько практических советов для восстановления после стрессовой ситуации. Эти способы можно использовать одновременно или использовать каждый в отдельности. Все эти способы «экологичес…
Comprehensive Handbook of Psychological Assessment, Volume 2 presents the most up-to-date coverage on personality assessment from leading experts. * Contains contributions from leading researchers in this area. * Provides the most comprehensive, up-t…
Comprehensive Handbook of Psychological Assessment, Volume 2 presents the most up-to-date coverage on personality assessment from leading experts. * Contains contributions from leading researchers in this area. * Provides the most comprehensive, up-t…
Pioneering research has been carried out over the last decade on mentalization and the promotion of mentalizing capacity – the ability to interpret the behavior of oneself and others as based on intentional mental states, such as needs, desires, feel…
Pioneering research has been carried out over the last decade on mentalization and the promotion of mentalizing capacity – the ability to interpret the behavior of oneself and others as based on intentional mental states, such as needs, desires, feel…
Anxiety-based disorders are among the most common mental health problems experienced in the population today. Worry is a prominent feature of most anxiety-based disorders including generalized anxiety disorder, specific phobias, obsessive-compulsive …
Anxiety-based disorders are among the most common mental health problems experienced in the population today. Worry is a prominent feature of most anxiety-based disorders including generalized anxiety disorder, specific phobias, obsessive-compulsive …