В книге приводятся результаты исследований морского мейобентоса последних десятилетий. На основании опыта исследований мейобентоса в различных районах Океана приведен обзор основных методов сбора и обработки мейобентосных проб. Таксономические очерки…
В книге приводятся результаты исследований морского мейобентоса последних десятилетий. На основании опыта исследований мейобентоса в различных районах Океана приведен обзор основных методов сбора и обработки мейобентосных проб. Таксономические очерки…
A fascinating and long overdue examination of viruses – from what they are and what they do, to the vital role they have played in human history.What are viruses? Do they rely on genes, like all other forms of life? Do they follow the same patterns o…
A fascinating and long overdue examination of viruses – from what they are and what they do, to the vital role they have played in human history.What are viruses? Do they rely on genes, like all other forms of life? Do they follow the same patterns o…
Каждое животное, будь то человек, кальмар или оса, является домом для миллионов бактерий и других микробов. Эд Йонг, чей юмор столь же очевиден, как и его эрудиция, побуждает нас посмотреть на себя и наших живых спутников внутри в новом свете – не ка…
Каждое животное, будь то человек, кальмар или оса, является домом для миллионов бактерий и других микробов. Эд Йонг, чей юмор столь же очевиден, как и его эрудиция, побуждает нас посмотреть на себя и наших живых спутников внутри в новом свете – не ка…
Эта книга входит в сотню лучших научно-популярных книг всех времен и народов. Она была издана в 1926 году, переведена на все языки мира и до сих пор регулярно переиздается и пользуется огромным успехом у читателей. Критики называют ее «историей научн…
Эта книга входит в сотню лучших научно-популярных книг всех времен и народов. Она была издана в 1926 году, переведена на все языки мира и до сих пор регулярно переиздается и пользуется огромным успехом у читателей. Критики называют ее «историей научн…
Могут ли микробы влиять на наши эмоции и поступки? Оказывается, они способны не только на это, но и на многое другое!
Доктор медицинских наук Эмеран Майер представляет в своей книге революционный взгляд на устройство человеческого организма и на то, …
Могут ли микробы влиять на наши эмоции и поступки? Оказывается, они способны не только на это, но и на многое другое!
Доктор медицинских наук Эмеран Майер представляет в своей книге революционный взгляд на устройство человеческого организма и на то, …
We can’t see them, but microbes are the dominant form of life on Earth. They make up half of the world’s biomass. They were here billions of years before we were, and they will be here after we are gone. Without their activity, life as we know it wou…
We can’t see them, but microbes are the dominant form of life on Earth. They make up half of the world’s biomass. They were here billions of years before we were, and they will be here after we are gone. Without their activity, life as we know it wou…
This concise and popular introduction to medical microbiology and infection encapsulates the fundamental facts and principles of this rapidly growing and changing subject area. Written by experienced clinicians and teachers, it covers the basic conce…
This concise and popular introduction to medical microbiology and infection encapsulates the fundamental facts and principles of this rapidly growing and changing subject area. Written by experienced clinicians and teachers, it covers the basic conce…
A quick, concise reference to pathogenic microorganisms and the diseases they cause, this book is divided into specific groups of pathogenic microorganisms including bacteria, protozoa, fungi, viruses, and prions. It lists important pathogenic taxa i…
A quick, concise reference to pathogenic microorganisms and the diseases they cause, this book is divided into specific groups of pathogenic microorganisms including bacteria, protozoa, fungi, viruses, and prions. It lists important pathogenic taxa i…
This book covers the ecological activities of microbes in the biosphere with an emphasis on microbial interactions within their environments and communities In thirteen concise and timely chapters, Microbial Ecology presents a broad overview of this …
This book covers the ecological activities of microbes in the biosphere with an emphasis on microbial interactions within their environments and communities In thirteen concise and timely chapters, Microbial Ecology presents a broad overview of this …
The Human Microbiota offers a comprehensive review of all human-associated microbial niches in a single volume, focusing on what modern tools in molecular microbiology are revealing about human microbiota, and how specific microbial communities can b…
The Human Microbiota offers a comprehensive review of all human-associated microbial niches in a single volume, focusing on what modern tools in molecular microbiology are revealing about human microbiota, and how specific microbial communities can b…
This second edition of Principles and Practice of Travel Medicine has been extensively updated to provide a comprehensive description of travel medicine and is an invaluable reference resource to support the clinical practice of travel medicine. This…
This second edition of Principles and Practice of Travel Medicine has been extensively updated to provide a comprehensive description of travel medicine and is an invaluable reference resource to support the clinical practice of travel medicine. This…
This book explains the ecology of viruses by examining their interactive dynamics with their hosting species (in this volume, in animals), including the types of transmission cycles that viruses have evolved encompassing principal and alternate hosts…
This book explains the ecology of viruses by examining their interactive dynamics with their hosting species (in this volume, in animals), including the types of transmission cycles that viruses have evolved encompassing principal and alternate hosts…
Written by authorities from various related specialties, this book presents the most complete treatment possible of the conditions responsible for water- and sanitation-related diseases, the pathogens and their biology, morbidity and mortality result…
Written by authorities from various related specialties, this book presents the most complete treatment possible of the conditions responsible for water- and sanitation-related diseases, the pathogens and their biology, morbidity and mortality result…
Reverse genetics, the genetic manipulation of RNA viruses to create a wild-type or modified virus, has led to important advances in our understanding of viral gene function and interaction with host cells. Since many severe viral human and animal pat…
Reverse genetics, the genetic manipulation of RNA viruses to create a wild-type or modified virus, has led to important advances in our understanding of viral gene function and interaction with host cells. Since many severe viral human and animal pat…
Microbiology of Drinking Water Production and Distribution addresses the public health aspects of drinking water treatment and distribution. It explains the different water treatment processes, such as pretreatment, coagulation, flocculation, sedimen…
Microbiology of Drinking Water Production and Distribution addresses the public health aspects of drinking water treatment and distribution. It explains the different water treatment processes, such as pretreatment, coagulation, flocculation, sedimen…
The premiere two-volume reference on revelations from studying complex microbial communities in many distinct habitats Metagenomics is an emerging field that has changed the way microbiologists study microorganisms. It involves the genomic analysis o…
The premiere two-volume reference on revelations from studying complex microbial communities in many distinct habitats Metagenomics is an emerging field that has changed the way microbiologists study microorganisms. It involves the genomic analysis o…
The premiere two-volume reference on revelations from studying complex microbial communities in many distinct habitats Metagenomics is an emerging field that has changed the way microbiologists study microorganisms. It involves the genomic analysis o…
The premiere two-volume reference on revelations from studying complex microbial communities in many distinct habitats Metagenomics is an emerging field that has changed the way microbiologists study microorganisms. It involves the genomic analysis o…
This book explains the ecology of viruses by examining their interactive dynamics with their hosting species (in this volume, in microbes and plants), including the types of transmission cycles that viruses have evolved encompassing principal and alt…
This book explains the ecology of viruses by examining their interactive dynamics with their hosting species (in this volume, in microbes and plants), including the types of transmission cycles that viruses have evolved encompassing principal and alt…
Parasitic infections remain a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in the world today. Often endemic in developing countries many parasitic diseases are neglected in terms of research funding and much remains to be understood about parasites …
Parasitic infections remain a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in the world today. Often endemic in developing countries many parasitic diseases are neglected in terms of research funding and much remains to be understood about parasites …
The fifth edition of this highly successful book provides students with an essential introduction to the molecular genetics of bacteria covering the basic concepts and the latest developments. It is comprehensive, easy to use and well structured with…
The fifth edition of this highly successful book provides students with an essential introduction to the molecular genetics of bacteria covering the basic concepts and the latest developments. It is comprehensive, easy to use and well structured with…