

The Pharmaceutical Studies Reader
The Pharmaceutical Studies Reader is an engaging survey of the field that brings together provocative, multi-disciplinary scholarship examining the interplay of medical science, clinical practice, consumerism, and the healthcare marketplace. Draws on…
The Pharmaceutical Studies Reader is an engaging survey of the field that brings together provocative, multi-disciplinary scholarship examining the interplay of medical science, clinical practice, consumerism, and the healthcare marketplace. Draws on…
Inside Anthropotechnology. User and Culture Centered Experience
For the last 40 years, anthropotechnology has concentrated its efforts on the study and improvement of the working and living conditions of populations throughout the world. It guides the actors of the design processes by paying attention to the “hum…
For the last 40 years, anthropotechnology has concentrated its efforts on the study and improvement of the working and living conditions of populations throughout the world. It guides the actors of the design processes by paying attention to the “hum…
A Companion to the Anthropology of the Middle East
A Companion to the Anthropology of the Middle East presents a comprehensive overview of current trends and future directions in anthropological research and activism in the modern Middle East. Named as one of Choice's Outstanding Academic Titles of 2…
A Companion to the Anthropology of the Middle East presents a comprehensive overview of current trends and future directions in anthropological research and activism in the modern Middle East. Named as one of Choice's Outstanding Academic Titles of 2…
A Companion to the Anthropology of Environmental Health
A Companion to the Anthropology of Environmental Health presents a collection of readings that utilize a medical anthropological approach to explore the interface of humans and the environment in the shaping of health and illness around the world. Fe…
A Companion to the Anthropology of Environmental Health presents a collection of readings that utilize a medical anthropological approach to explore the interface of humans and the environment in the shaping of health and illness around the world. Fe…
A Handbook of Practicing Anthropology
An essential career-planning resource, A Handbook of Practicing Anthropology presents a comprehensive account of contemporary anthropological practice written primarily by anthropological practitioners Engagingly written and instructive accounts of p…
An essential career-planning resource, A Handbook of Practicing Anthropology presents a comprehensive account of contemporary anthropological practice written primarily by anthropological practitioners Engagingly written and instructive accounts of p…
A Companion to the Anthropology of Religion
A Companion to the Anthropology of Religion presents a collection of original, ethnographically-informed essays that explore the variety of beliefs, practices, and religious experiences in the contemporary world and asks how to think about religion a…
A Companion to the Anthropology of Religion presents a collection of original, ethnographically-informed essays that explore the variety of beliefs, practices, and religious experiences in the contemporary world and asks how to think about religion a…
A Companion to Folklore
A Companion to Folklore presents an original and comprehensive collection of essays from international experts in the field of folklore studies. Unprecedented in depth and scope, this state-of-the-art collection uniquely displays the vitality of folk…
A Companion to Folklore presents an original and comprehensive collection of essays from international experts in the field of folklore studies. Unprecedented in depth and scope, this state-of-the-art collection uniquely displays the vitality of folk…
The Handbook of Language Socialization
Documenting how in the course of acquiring language children become speakers and members of communities, The Handbook of Language Socialization is a unique reference work for an emerging and fast-moving field. Spans the fields of anthropology, educat…
Documenting how in the course of acquiring language children become speakers and members of communities, The Handbook of Language Socialization is a unique reference work for an emerging and fast-moving field. Spans the fields of anthropology, educat…
A Companion to the Anthropology of Europe
A Companion to the Anthropology of Europe offers a survey of contemporary Europeanist anthropology and European ethnology, and a guide to emerging trends in this geographical field of research. Providing a synthesis of the different traditions and co…
A Companion to the Anthropology of Europe offers a survey of contemporary Europeanist anthropology and European ethnology, and a guide to emerging trends in this geographical field of research. Providing a synthesis of the different traditions and co…
A Companion to Cognitive Anthropology
A Companion to Cognitive Anthropology offers a comprehensive overview of the development of cognitive anthropology from its inception to the present day and presents recent findings in the areas of theory, methodology, and field research in twenty-ni…
A Companion to Cognitive Anthropology offers a comprehensive overview of the development of cognitive anthropology from its inception to the present day and presents recent findings in the areas of theory, methodology, and field research in twenty-ni…
Investigating Culture. An Experiential Introduction to Anthropology
The third edition of Investigating Culture: An Experiential Introduction to Anthropology, the highly praised innovative approach to introducing aspects of cultural anthropology to students, features a series of revisions, updates, and new material. O…
The third edition of Investigating Culture: An Experiential Introduction to Anthropology, the highly praised innovative approach to introducing aspects of cultural anthropology to students, features a series of revisions, updates, and new material. O…
People and Nature. An Introduction to Human Ecological Relations
Now updated and expanded, People and Nature is a lively, accessible introduction to environmental anthropology that focuses on the interactions between people, culture, and nature around the world. Written by a respected scholar in environmental anth…
Now updated and expanded, People and Nature is a lively, accessible introduction to environmental anthropology that focuses on the interactions between people, culture, and nature around the world. Written by a respected scholar in environmental anth…
Death, Mourning, and Burial. A Cross-Cultural Reader
The definitive reference on the anthropology of death and dying, expanded with new contributions covering everything from animal mourning to mortuary cannibalism Few subjects stir the imagination more than the study of how people across cultures deal…
The definitive reference on the anthropology of death and dying, expanded with new contributions covering everything from animal mourning to mortuary cannibalism Few subjects stir the imagination more than the study of how people across cultures deal…
Безумное искусство. Страх, скандал, безумие
Книга посвящена бытованию в культуре трех основных психоэмоциональных состояний – страха, скандала и безумия. Ведущие специалисты из России, Франции, Америки и Израиля предлагают читателям увидеть скрытые смыслы, лежащие в основе хорошо знакомых прои…
Книга посвящена бытованию в культуре трех основных психоэмоциональных состояний – страха, скандала и безумия. Ведущие специалисты из России, Франции, Америки и Израиля предлагают читателям увидеть скрытые смыслы, лежащие в основе хорошо знакомых прои…
Поэты и музыканты Средневековья
В настоящей книге отображена духовная жизнь XII и XIII веков, а именно эпоха трубадуров, труверов и миннезанга — одна из важнейших эпох в истории культурного развития человечества. Для широкого круга читателей.
В настоящей книге отображена духовная жизнь XII и XIII веков, а именно эпоха трубадуров, труверов и миннезанга — одна из важнейших эпох в истории культурного развития человечества. Для широкого круга читателей.
Субкультурные картины мира в российской цивилизации 2-е изд., испр. и доп. Монография для вузов
С рубежа XX—XXI вв. в России началась активизация делового человека — так называемого мещанина-предпринимателя, и в настоящее время на наших глазах происходит процесс перехода к новым формам жизни, смена картин мира. В свете этого автор представленно…
С рубежа XX—XXI вв. в России началась активизация делового человека — так называемого мещанина-предпринимателя, и в настоящее время на наших глазах происходит процесс перехода к новым формам жизни, смена картин мира. В свете этого автор представленно…
Мода и гении
В этой книге собраны костюмные биографии шести великих людей. Разделенные веками, все они были иконами стиля своего времени. Теперь мы можем увидеть их жизни сквозь призму моды и истории костюма – под новым, неожиданным углом. Ведь в одежде отражаетс…
В этой книге собраны костюмные биографии шести великих людей. Разделенные веками, все они были иконами стиля своего времени. Теперь мы можем увидеть их жизни сквозь призму моды и истории костюма – под новым, неожиданным углом. Ведь в одежде отражаетс…
История китайских боевых искусств
Ушу – общее название всех китайских боевых искусств. Эта книга познакомит вас с историей ушу и его особыми техниками, боевой этикой, видами оружия, стилями кулачного боя. Вы узнаете об особенностях ушу Шаолиня, гор Уданшань, Эмэйшань и Кунтуншань, а …
Ушу – общее название всех китайских боевых искусств. Эта книга познакомит вас с историей ушу и его особыми техниками, боевой этикой, видами оружия, стилями кулачного боя. Вы узнаете об особенностях ушу Шаолиня, гор Уданшань, Эмэйшань и Кунтуншань, а …
Anthropology in the Public Arena. Historical and Contemporary Contexts
This articulate and authoritative survey of both the popular and academic trends in anthropology demonstrates the broad relevance of anthropological knowledge and argues for a more inclusive conception of the discipline that engages the public imagin…
This articulate and authoritative survey of both the popular and academic trends in anthropology demonstrates the broad relevance of anthropological knowledge and argues for a more inclusive conception of the discipline that engages the public imagin…
The Anthropology of Performance. A Reader
The Anthropology of Performance is an invaluable guide to this exciting and growing area. This cutting-edge volume on the major advancements in performance studies presents the theories, methods, and practices of performance in cultures around the gl…
The Anthropology of Performance is an invaluable guide to this exciting and growing area. This cutting-edge volume on the major advancements in performance studies presents the theories, methods, and practices of performance in cultures around the gl…

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