
корпоративные финансы

Inflated. How Money and Debt Built the American Dream
Americans as a whole view themselves as reasonably prudent and sober people when it comes to matters of money, reflecting the puritan roots of the earliest European settlers. Yet as a community, we also seem to believe that we are entitled to a lifes…
Americans as a whole view themselves as reasonably prudent and sober people when it comes to matters of money, reflecting the puritan roots of the earliest European settlers. Yet as a community, we also seem to believe that we are entitled to a lifes…
Enterprise Risk Management. Today's Leading Research and Best Practices for Tomorrow's Executives
Essential insights on the various aspects of enterprise risk management If you want to understand enterprise risk management from some of the leading academics and practitioners of this exciting new methodology, Enterprise Risk Management is the book…
Essential insights on the various aspects of enterprise risk management If you want to understand enterprise risk management from some of the leading academics and practitioners of this exciting new methodology, Enterprise Risk Management is the book…
The Art of Capital Restructuring. Creating Shareholder Value through Mergers and Acquisitions
The most up-to-date guide on making the right capital restructuring moves The Art of Capital Restructuring provides a fresh look at the current state of mergers, acquisitions, and corporate restructuring around the world. The dynamic nature of M&As r…
The most up-to-date guide on making the right capital restructuring moves The Art of Capital Restructuring provides a fresh look at the current state of mergers, acquisitions, and corporate restructuring around the world. The dynamic nature of M&As r…
Trend Trading Set-Ups. Entering and Exiting Trends for Maximum Profit
An expert reveals a step-by-step process for profiting from neoclassical qualified trend trading Trend Trading Set-Ups extends the neoclassical concept of qualified trend first introduced by Little in Trend Qualification and Trading, providing trader…
An expert reveals a step-by-step process for profiting from neoclassical qualified trend trading Trend Trading Set-Ups extends the neoclassical concept of qualified trend first introduced by Little in Trend Qualification and Trading, providing trader…
History of Greed. Financial Fraud from Tulip Mania to Bernie Madoff
Praise for HISTORY OF GREED «David Sarna is a visionary technologist. He is also a sophisticated investor and financier. He has written a readable, comprehensive, fascinating, and well-researched book that explores troublesome aspects of the financia…
Praise for HISTORY OF GREED «David Sarna is a visionary technologist. He is also a sophisticated investor and financier. He has written a readable, comprehensive, fascinating, and well-researched book that explores troublesome aspects of the financia…
MarketPsych. How to Manage Fear and Build Your Investor Identity
An investor's guide to understanding the most elusive (yet most important) aspect of successful investing – yourself. Why is it that the investing performance of so many smart people reliably and predictably falls short? The answer is not that they k…
An investor's guide to understanding the most elusive (yet most important) aspect of successful investing – yourself. Why is it that the investing performance of so many smart people reliably and predictably falls short? The answer is not that they k…
China's Superbank. Debt, Oil and Influence - How China Development Bank is Rewriting the Rules of Finance
Inside the engine-room of China's economic growth—the China Development Bank Anyone wanting a primer on the secret of China's economic success need look no further than China Development Bank (CDB)—which has displaced the World Bank as the world's bi…
Inside the engine-room of China's economic growth—the China Development Bank Anyone wanting a primer on the secret of China's economic success need look no further than China Development Bank (CDB)—which has displaced the World Bank as the world's bi…
Shadow Banking in China. An Opportunity for Financial Reform
An authoritative guide to the rise of Chinese shadow banking and its systemic implications Shadow Banking in China examines this rapidly growing sector in the Chinese economy, and what it means for your investments. Written by two world-class experts…
An authoritative guide to the rise of Chinese shadow banking and its systemic implications Shadow Banking in China examines this rapidly growing sector in the Chinese economy, and what it means for your investments. Written by two world-class experts…
Managing to the New Regulatory Reality. Doing Business Under the Dodd-Frank Act
How to manage and profit from the new financial regulatory reality Now, more than ever, navigating the new financial regulations is paramount for the survival of many large institutions. Managing to the New Regulatory Reality: Doing Business Under th…
How to manage and profit from the new financial regulatory reality Now, more than ever, navigating the new financial regulations is paramount for the survival of many large institutions. Managing to the New Regulatory Reality: Doing Business Under th…
Active Credit Portfolio Management in Practice
State-of-the-art techniques and tools needed to facilitate effective credit portfolio management and robust quantitative credit analysis Filled with in-depth insights and expert advice, Active Credit Portfolio Management in Practice serves as a compr…
State-of-the-art techniques and tools needed to facilitate effective credit portfolio management and robust quantitative credit analysis Filled with in-depth insights and expert advice, Active Credit Portfolio Management in Practice serves as a compr…
Risk Management. Foundations For a Changing Financial World
Key readings in risk management from CFA Institute, the preeminent organization representing financial analysts Risk management may have been the single most important topic in finance over the past two decades. To appreciate its complexity, one must…
Key readings in risk management from CFA Institute, the preeminent organization representing financial analysts Risk management may have been the single most important topic in finance over the past two decades. To appreciate its complexity, one must…
Trade Like an O'Neil Disciple. How We Made 18,000% in the Stock Market
How two former traders of William J. O'Neil + Company made mad money using O'Neil's trading strategies, and how you can, too From the successes and failures of two William O'Neil insiders, Trade Like an O'Neil Disciple: How We Made Over 18,000% in th…
How two former traders of William J. O'Neil + Company made mad money using O'Neil's trading strategies, and how you can, too From the successes and failures of two William O'Neil insiders, Trade Like an O'Neil Disciple: How We Made Over 18,000% in th…
Quantitative Risk Management. A Practical Guide to Financial Risk
State of the art risk management techniques and practices—supplemented with interactive analytics All too often risk management books focus on risk measurement details without taking a broader view. Quantitative Risk Management delivers a synthesis o…
State of the art risk management techniques and practices—supplemented with interactive analytics All too often risk management books focus on risk measurement details without taking a broader view. Quantitative Risk Management delivers a synthesis o…
Socially Responsible Finance and Investing. Financial Institutions, Corporations, Investors, and Activists
A detailed look at the role of social responsibility in finance and investing The concept of socially responsible finance and investing continues to grow, especially in the wake of one of the most devastating financial crises in history. This include…
A detailed look at the role of social responsibility in finance and investing The concept of socially responsible finance and investing continues to grow, especially in the wake of one of the most devastating financial crises in history. This include…
In Too Deep. BP and the Drilling Race That Took it Down
The truth behind the greatest environmental disaster in U.S. history In 2005, fifteen workers were killed when BP's Texas City Refinery exploded. In 2006, corroded pipes owned by BP led to an oil spill in Alaska. Now, in 2010, eleven men drilling for…
The truth behind the greatest environmental disaster in U.S. history In 2005, fifteen workers were killed when BP's Texas City Refinery exploded. In 2006, corroded pipes owned by BP led to an oil spill in Alaska. Now, in 2010, eleven men drilling for…
The End of Ethics and A Way Back. How To Fix A Fundamentally Broken Global Financial System
Bestselling author and professor Ted Malloch calls for real financial reform to restore confidence and fairness to a broken system From Ponzi schemes to the credit crisis to the real estate bubble, the financial industry seems to have lost its way on…
Bestselling author and professor Ted Malloch calls for real financial reform to restore confidence and fairness to a broken system From Ponzi schemes to the credit crisis to the real estate bubble, the financial industry seems to have lost its way on…
Crisis Wasted?. Leading Risk Managers on Risk Culture
Effective risk management in today’s ever-changing world Crisis Wasted? Leading Risk Managers on Risk Culture sheds light on today’s risk management landscape through a unique collection of interviews from risk leaders in both the banking and investm…
Effective risk management in today’s ever-changing world Crisis Wasted? Leading Risk Managers on Risk Culture sheds light on today’s risk management landscape through a unique collection of interviews from risk leaders in both the banking and investm…
It's Not as Bad as You Think. Why Capitalism Trumps Fear and the Economy Will Thrive
An upbeat antidote to the gloom and doom forecasts of the financial future Just about everyone is worried about the economy and markets. And the fear is that they will stay down for a long time. But a few brave voices say that the gloom and doom fore…
An upbeat antidote to the gloom and doom forecasts of the financial future Just about everyone is worried about the economy and markets. And the fear is that they will stay down for a long time. But a few brave voices say that the gloom and doom fore…
Renminbi Rising. A New Global Monetary System Emerges
Critical analysis of RMB internationalization and the coming global currency shift Renminbi Rising charts the emergence of China's internationalizing currency and provides an in-depth analysis of the global repercussions. Written by a team of renown …
Critical analysis of RMB internationalization and the coming global currency shift Renminbi Rising charts the emergence of China's internationalizing currency and provides an in-depth analysis of the global repercussions. Written by a team of renown …
Trading Economics. A Guide to Economic Statistics for Practitioners and Students
A practical guide to understanding how key economic and market statistics drive financial market trends The recent global financial crisis stressed the need for economists who understand how key economic and market statistics drive financial market t…
A practical guide to understanding how key economic and market statistics drive financial market trends The recent global financial crisis stressed the need for economists who understand how key economic and market statistics drive financial market t…

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