корпоративные финансы
Авторы прослеживают механизмы скрытых монетарных интервенций на финансовых рынках, начиная с XVII в. и заканчивая валютными спекулятивными атаками XXI в., от практик эмиссии ценных бумаг и долговых расписок золотарями и ювелирами к созданию банковски…
Авторы прослеживают механизмы скрытых монетарных интервенций на финансовых рынках, начиная с XVII в. и заканчивая валютными спекулятивными атаками XXI в., от практик эмиссии ценных бумаг и долговых расписок золотарями и ювелирами к созданию банковски…
В учебнике последовательно рассмотрены вопросы теории финансовой науки; изложены принципы архитектурной конструкции финансовой системы государства; использованы научные подходы при изложении учебного материала по налоговой тематике; дана характеристи…
В учебнике последовательно рассмотрены вопросы теории финансовой науки; изложены принципы архитектурной конструкции финансовой системы государства; использованы научные подходы при изложении учебного материала по налоговой тематике; дана характеристи…
Учебник подготовлен в соответствии с требованиями Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта высшего образования по направлениям бакалавриата «Менеджмент» и «Экономика». В нем излагаются основные положения об организации и управления фи…
Учебник подготовлен в соответствии с требованиями Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта высшего образования по направлениям бакалавриата «Менеджмент» и «Экономика». В нем излагаются основные положения об организации и управления фи…
Жестокая правда о трейдинге. Обязательно к прочтению тем, кто думает зарабатывать на бирже.
Жестокая правда о трейдинге. Обязательно к прочтению тем, кто думает зарабатывать на бирже.
Investment Mathematics provides an introductory analysis of investments from a quantitative viewpoint, drawing together many of the tools and techniques required by investment professionals. Using these techniques, the authors provide simple analyses…
Investment Mathematics provides an introductory analysis of investments from a quantitative viewpoint, drawing together many of the tools and techniques required by investment professionals. Using these techniques, the authors provide simple analyses…
— В 2012 году я разработал обучающий курс для Сбербанка. Он и лёг в основу моего метода. Годами отшлифовывал, убирал лишнее. Перед вами — формула Квантового скачка, позволяющая сделать рывок в бизнесе или карьере, — говорит автор.
— Жёстко, агрессивн…
— В 2012 году я разработал обучающий курс для Сбербанка. Он и лёг в основу моего метода. Годами отшлифовывал, убирал лишнее. Перед вами — формула Квантового скачка, позволяющая сделать рывок в бизнесе или карьере, — говорит автор.
— Жёстко, агрессивн…
Детально исследуется роль цен и их влияние на механизмы воспроизводства. Разработан с учетом обширного опыта рыночного ценообразования в развитых странах и России. Авторы излагают различные аспекты ценовых теорий, анализируют проблемы методологически…
Детально исследуется роль цен и их влияние на механизмы воспроизводства. Разработан с учетом обширного опыта рыночного ценообразования в развитых странах и России. Авторы излагают различные аспекты ценовых теорий, анализируют проблемы методологически…
Get the little known – yet crucial – facts about FX options Daily turnover in FX options is an estimated U.S. $ 207 billion, but many fundamental facts about this huge and liquid market are generally unknown. FX Option Performance provides the inform…
Get the little known – yet crucial – facts about FX options Daily turnover in FX options is an estimated U.S. $ 207 billion, but many fundamental facts about this huge and liquid market are generally unknown. FX Option Performance provides the inform…
DIY Financial Advisor: A Simple Solution to Build and Protect Your Wealth DIY Financial Advisor is a synopsis of our research findings developed while serving as a consultant and asset manager for family offices. By way of background, a family office…
DIY Financial Advisor: A Simple Solution to Build and Protect Your Wealth DIY Financial Advisor is a synopsis of our research findings developed while serving as a consultant and asset manager for family offices. By way of background, a family office…
Gain a deeper understanding of the issues surrounding financial risk and regulation Foundations of Financial Risk details the various risks, regulations, and supervisory requirements institutions face in today's economic and regulatory environment. W…
Gain a deeper understanding of the issues surrounding financial risk and regulation Foundations of Financial Risk details the various risks, regulations, and supervisory requirements institutions face in today's economic and regulatory environment. W…
A convenient and up-to-date reference tool for today's financial and nonfinancial managers in public practice and private industry If the very thought of budgets pushes your sanity over the limit, then this practical, easy-to-use guide is just what y…
A convenient and up-to-date reference tool for today's financial and nonfinancial managers in public practice and private industry If the very thought of budgets pushes your sanity over the limit, then this practical, easy-to-use guide is just what y…
"The first thing you think is where's the edge, where can I make a bit more money, how can I push, push the boundaries. But the point is, you are greedy, you want every little bit of money that you can possibly get because, like I say, that is how yo…
"The first thing you think is where's the edge, where can I make a bit more money, how can I push, push the boundaries. But the point is, you are greedy, you want every little bit of money that you can possibly get because, like I say, that is how yo…
Exploit your offshore status to build a robust investment portfolio Most of the world's 200 million expats float in stormy seas. Few can contribute to their home country social programs. They're often forced to fend for themselves when they retire. T…
Exploit your offshore status to build a robust investment portfolio Most of the world's 200 million expats float in stormy seas. Few can contribute to their home country social programs. They're often forced to fend for themselves when they retire. T…
Clear, comprehensive guidance toward the global infrastructure investment market Infrastructure As An Asset Class is the leading infrastructure investment guide, with comprehensive coverage and in-depth expert insight. This new second edition has bee…
Clear, comprehensive guidance toward the global infrastructure investment market Infrastructure As An Asset Class is the leading infrastructure investment guide, with comprehensive coverage and in-depth expert insight. This new second edition has bee…
A guide for financial advisors who are ready to embrace new opportunities The Enduring Advisory Firm is a book for the forward-thinking financial advisor. Financial advisement is traditionally a hands-on field, so few in the industry feel threatened …
A guide for financial advisors who are ready to embrace new opportunities The Enduring Advisory Firm is a book for the forward-thinking financial advisor. Financial advisement is traditionally a hands-on field, so few in the industry feel threatened …
An A to Z guide for understanding employee stock options (ESOs). In Getting Started In Employee Stock Optionsauthors John Olagues and John Summa provide a full understanding of ESOs and demonstrate how to make the most of them. Page by page this auth…
An A to Z guide for understanding employee stock options (ESOs). In Getting Started In Employee Stock Optionsauthors John Olagues and John Summa provide a full understanding of ESOs and demonstrate how to make the most of them. Page by page this auth…
An updated guide to the theory and practice of investment management Many books focus on the theory of investment management and leave the details of the implementation of the theory up to you. This book illustrates how theory is applied in practice …
An updated guide to the theory and practice of investment management Many books focus on the theory of investment management and leave the details of the implementation of the theory up to you. This book illustrates how theory is applied in practice …
A comprehensive volume that covers a complete array of traditional and alternative investment vehicles This practical guide provides a comprehensive overview of traditional and alternative investment vehicles for professional and individual investors…
A comprehensive volume that covers a complete array of traditional and alternative investment vehicles This practical guide provides a comprehensive overview of traditional and alternative investment vehicles for professional and individual investors…
All too often, financial statements conceal more than they reveal. Even after the recent economic crisis, those analyzing financial statements face serious new concerns and challenges. The Fourth Edition of Financial Statement Analysis skillfully put…
All too often, financial statements conceal more than they reveal. Even after the recent economic crisis, those analyzing financial statements face serious new concerns and challenges. The Fourth Edition of Financial Statement Analysis skillfully put…