
современная зарубежная литература

Tainted Blood
Making a deal with a demon is binding, even if you don’t know the person is a demon. Using that to his advantage, Zachary broke the sacred rule and deliberately offered Tiara a deal. He would become her only lover until she found a true mate… which h…
Making a deal with a demon is binding, even if you don’t know the person is a demon. Using that to his advantage, Zachary broke the sacred rule and deliberately offered Tiara a deal. He would become her only lover until she found a true mate… which h…
Do UFOs Exist?
The night was dark. Suddenly, a great glow came through the window and such clarity flooded the room that woke me up. Amazed, I looked everywhere. What was going on? I rubbed my eyes and I really didn´t know if I was still asleep and that was a dream…
The night was dark. Suddenly, a great glow came through the window and such clarity flooded the room that woke me up. Amazed, I looked everywhere. What was going on? I rubbed my eyes and I really didn´t know if I was still asleep and that was a dream…
Sea Of Sorrows
A man returns to Thailand after a fifty-year absence. When he was in Bangkok on leave from the Vietnam War, he met a girl and fell in love. After returning to the battlefield, he was critically wounded and shipped to a hospital in San Diego. A man re…
A man returns to Thailand after a fifty-year absence. When he was in Bangkok on leave from the Vietnam War, he met a girl and fell in love. After returning to the battlefield, he was critically wounded and shipped to a hospital in San Diego. A man re…
Испорченная Кровь Кровные Узы. Книга 7
Сделка с демоном является обязательной, даже если вы не знаете, что это демон. Воспользовавшись этим в своих интересах, Захари нарушил священное правило и намеренно предложил Тиаре сделку. Он станет ее единственным любовником, пока она не найдет для …
Сделка с демоном является обязательной, даже если вы не знаете, что это демон. Воспользовавшись этим в своих интересах, Захари нарушил священное правило и намеренно предложил Тиаре сделку. Он станет ее единственным любовником, пока она не найдет для …
Run Away, My Angel
A paranormal romance between a fallen angel and a human. Azazel is the first of the fallen, the one everyone turns to when they have a problem. So when his former neighbor asks him to host a runaway woman, he accepts without hesitation. This woman wi…
A paranormal romance between a fallen angel and a human. Azazel is the first of the fallen, the one everyone turns to when they have a problem. So when his former neighbor asks him to host a runaway woman, he accepts without hesitation. This woman wi…
One Magic Christmas
A sweet and full of magic story about Christmas and second chances. Samuel, better known as Samuca, is a writer of fantastic novels. All of a sudden, his life turned upside down. In the midst of all the problems he has to deal with, he has to hand ov…
A sweet and full of magic story about Christmas and second chances. Samuel, better known as Samuca, is a writer of fantastic novels. All of a sudden, his life turned upside down. In the midst of all the problems he has to deal with, he has to hand ov…
Raji, Book Three
October 1932. At the beginning of the Great Depression, schools and universities all over America were cutting back, and even closing their campuses. Raji and Fuse, like so many other young people, were to be cut adrift. Having concentrated on nothin…
October 1932. At the beginning of the Great Depression, schools and universities all over America were cutting back, and even closing their campuses. Raji and Fuse, like so many other young people, were to be cut adrift. Having concentrated on nothin…
Raji, Book Two
Raji is accepted to the prestigious Octavia Pompeii Academy. She and Elizabeth Keesler are the only girls in the student body of one hundred cadets. They must endure the derision and taunts from ninety-eight boys who would like nothing better than to…
Raji is accepted to the prestigious Octavia Pompeii Academy. She and Elizabeth Keesler are the only girls in the student body of one hundred cadets. They must endure the derision and taunts from ninety-eight boys who would like nothing better than to…
В этом остросюжетном приключении Тесс и Джейк сражаются с террористами, которые приобрели ядерное оружие. Они также пытаются удержать Россию от начала войны. В то же время им необходимо сбалансировать вопросы взаимоотношений. Находится ли Европа на г…
В этом остросюжетном приключении Тесс и Джейк сражаются с террористами, которые приобрели ядерное оружие. Они также пытаются удержать Россию от начала войны. В то же время им необходимо сбалансировать вопросы взаимоотношений. Находится ли Европа на г…
The Long Shadow Of A Dream
The night that Greta thought of the opportunity to turn her life around, a strong and icy wind from the north was lashing the sea, she could still remember it. she made her mind up: she was going to run away. Thus begins ”The long shadow of a dream”,…
The night that Greta thought of the opportunity to turn her life around, a strong and icy wind from the north was lashing the sea, she could still remember it. she made her mind up: she was going to run away. Thus begins ”The long shadow of a dream”,…
Blue Flame
This fast-pace Supernatural Thriller takes you from battles raging beneath turbulent seas to the dark stillness of space, where mortals, angels, and demons, battle to mold the populus of planet earth. Death comes to us all; whatever creed, colour, re…
This fast-pace Supernatural Thriller takes you from battles raging beneath turbulent seas to the dark stillness of space, where mortals, angels, and demons, battle to mold the populus of planet earth. Death comes to us all; whatever creed, colour, re…
Maya - Illusion
Lek begins to wonder whether everything that she had hoped for for fifteen years was all worth it now that she had achieved her goals. Lek was born the eldest child of four in a typical rice farming family. She did not expect to do anything any diffe…
Lek begins to wonder whether everything that she had hoped for for fifteen years was all worth it now that she had achieved her goals. Lek was born the eldest child of four in a typical rice farming family. She did not expect to do anything any diffe…
Тeсс: Полет Валькирий
В истории Высокой страсти и конфликта Клодин Биссон возвращается в команду Валькирий. Она убеждает Тесс и ее коллег предоставить военно-воздушным силам услуги противника, план, который требует обучения управлению реактивными истребителями. Команда пр…
В истории Высокой страсти и конфликта Клодин Биссон возвращается в команду Валькирий. Она убеждает Тесс и ее коллег предоставить военно-воздушным силам услуги противника, план, который требует обучения управлению реактивными истребителями. Команда пр…
Dragonfly Vs Monarch
The Dragonfly and Monarch are tiny drone aircraft designed to resemble actual insects. They can flitter around military installations and terrorists’ camps without being noticed while they collect video data about these installations and the people i…
The Dragonfly and Monarch are tiny drone aircraft designed to resemble actual insects. They can flitter around military installations and terrorists’ camps without being noticed while they collect video data about these installations and the people i…
Solution: shrink the whole of humanity. An unknown path that once undertaken cannot be reversed but, although everyone keeps saying yes, are we sure that all the dangers have been taken into consideration? Earth is overpopulated. Human beings are now…
Solution: shrink the whole of humanity. An unknown path that once undertaken cannot be reversed but, although everyone keeps saying yes, are we sure that all the dangers have been taken into consideration? Earth is overpopulated. Human beings are now…
An Exciting Future
In Daddy's Hobby, volume one, Lek met a man, Craig, who actually did come back for her, and then took her home to meet his mother. Her dreams seem to be coming true, but not everything is running as smoothly as they had both hoped, so will she wake u…
In Daddy's Hobby, volume one, Lek met a man, Craig, who actually did come back for her, and then took her home to meet his mother. Her dreams seem to be coming true, but not everything is running as smoothly as they had both hoped, so will she wake u…
Hannibal's Elephant Girl
Hannibal must transport sixty war elephants from Carthage in North Africa, across the Middle Sea to Iberia. He has to train his people to accomplish this difficult task. The first part of this project is to load one elephant on a ship and sail to the…
Hannibal must transport sixty war elephants from Carthage in North Africa, across the Middle Sea to Iberia. He has to train his people to accomplish this difficult task. The first part of this project is to load one elephant on a ship and sail to the…
Как поступить, если тебя «поставили на паузу»? 25-летняя Квини живет в Лондоне и работает в модном журнале, а друзья ценят ее чувство юмора. Но она постоянно сомневается в себе и с трудом верит, что добилась всего этого: ведь она первая в своей ямайс…
Как поступить, если тебя «поставили на паузу»? 25-летняя Квини живет в Лондоне и работает в модном журнале, а друзья ценят ее чувство юмора. Но она постоянно сомневается в себе и с трудом верит, что добилась всего этого: ведь она первая в своей ямайс…
Второй меч
Петер Хандке – лауреат Нобелевской премии 2019 года, яркий представитель немецкоязычной литературы, талантливый стилист, сценарист многих известных кинофильмов, в числе которых «Небо над Берлином» и «Страх вратаря перед пенальти». «Второй меч» – пос…
Петер Хандке – лауреат Нобелевской премии 2019 года, яркий представитель немецкоязычной литературы, талантливый стилист, сценарист многих известных кинофильмов, в числе которых «Небо над Берлином» и «Страх вратаря перед пенальти». «Второй меч» – пос…
Обыкновенная страсть
Два романа Анни Эрно под одной обложкой. «Обыкновенная страсть» – автобиографический роман об одержимости, которая способна овладеть влюбленной женщиной. Но можно ли удержать душу от разрушения, если красивый любовник не только не свободен, но и почт…
Два романа Анни Эрно под одной обложкой. «Обыкновенная страсть» – автобиографический роман об одержимости, которая способна овладеть влюбленной женщиной. Но можно ли удержать душу от разрушения, если красивый любовник не только не свободен, но и почт…

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