
зарубежные детективы

The Blackmailers: Dossier No. 113
Monsieur Lecoq of the French Sûreté is called to investigate a Bank Robbery in one of the world’s first detective novels, widely credited as the inspiration for Sherlock Holmes.A sensational bank robbery of 350,000 francs is the talk of Paris, with s…
Monsieur Lecoq of the French Sûreté is called to investigate a Bank Robbery in one of the world’s first detective novels, widely credited as the inspiration for Sherlock Holmes.A sensational bank robbery of 350,000 francs is the talk of Paris, with s…
The Mystery of the Mud Flats
The latest in a new series of classic detective stories from the vaults of HarperCollins is a thrilling mystery concerning twentieth-century pirates smuggling secret cargo across the English Channel.James Carthew-West, the penniless skipper of the Ex…
The latest in a new series of classic detective stories from the vaults of HarperCollins is a thrilling mystery concerning twentieth-century pirates smuggling secret cargo across the English Channel.James Carthew-West, the penniless skipper of the Ex…
The Rogues’ Syndicate: The Maelstrom
This exciting thriller by the late Frank Froest, himself a detective of international fame, will satisfy the most exacting of detective story connoisseurs. Against a familiar London background we have here a tale of breath-taking adventure – knifing,…
This exciting thriller by the late Frank Froest, himself a detective of international fame, will satisfy the most exacting of detective story connoisseurs. Against a familiar London background we have here a tale of breath-taking adventure – knifing,…
Перри Мейсон: Дело о бархатных коготках. Дело о фальшивом глазе
Эрл Стенли Гарднер (1889–1970) – американский писатель, ставший при жизни классиком детективного жанра. В его послужном списке 82 романа, которые принесли Гарднеру титул самого продаваемого англоязычного автора своего времени и сделали рекордсменом п…
Эрл Стенли Гарднер (1889–1970) – американский писатель, ставший при жизни классиком детективного жанра. В его послужном списке 82 романа, которые принесли Гарднеру титул самого продаваемого англоязычного автора своего времени и сделали рекордсменом п…
Страна чудес
После многих лет жизни в Нью-Йорке Орла и Шоу Беннет с двумя детьми переезжают в старый фермерский дом в горной местности. Мечтавшие об уединенной жизни на природе, супруги чувствуют себя неуютно в ветхом жилище, вокруг которого нет ни души. Но наибо…
После многих лет жизни в Нью-Йорке Орла и Шоу Беннет с двумя детьми переезжают в старый фермерский дом в горной местности. Мечтавшие об уединенной жизни на природе, супруги чувствуют себя неуютно в ветхом жилище, вокруг которого нет ни души. Но наибо…
Адам и Софи Уорнер – супружеская пара, которая переживает тяжелые времена в браке. Для спасения ситуации они решают провести выходные на озере. Но в первый же день отдыха Адам, находясь в лодке с трехлетней дочерью, становится свидетелем похищения же…
Адам и Софи Уорнер – супружеская пара, которая переживает тяжелые времена в браке. Для спасения ситуации они решают провести выходные на озере. Но в первый же день отдыха Адам, находясь в лодке с трехлетней дочерью, становится свидетелем похищения же…
Великая депрессия, Восточный Техас. Молодой Гарри Коллинс и его сестра случайно обнаруживают чудовищно изувеченный труп женщины, оставленный в низовьях реки. Вскоре в городе находят еще одно тело, а потом еще одно, и люди паникуют, считая, что где-то…
Великая депрессия, Восточный Техас. Молодой Гарри Коллинс и его сестра случайно обнаруживают чудовищно изувеченный труп женщины, оставленный в низовьях реки. Вскоре в городе находят еще одно тело, а потом еще одно, и люди паникуют, считая, что где-то…
The Bravo of London: And ‘The Bunch of Violets’
The classic crime novel featuring blind detective Max Carrados, whose popularity rivalled that of Sherlock Holmes, complete with a new introduction and an extra short story.In his dark little curio shop Julian Joolby is weaving an extravagant scheme …
The classic crime novel featuring blind detective Max Carrados, whose popularity rivalled that of Sherlock Holmes, complete with a new introduction and an extra short story.In his dark little curio shop Julian Joolby is weaving an extravagant scheme …
The Deductions of Colonel Gore
This brand new edition of the first novel to feature the officer and gentleman detective Colonel Wickham Gore includes the first ever reprint of the only Colonel Gore novella, Too Much Imagination.Colonel Gore is reunited with old friends at a dinner…
This brand new edition of the first novel to feature the officer and gentleman detective Colonel Wickham Gore includes the first ever reprint of the only Colonel Gore novella, Too Much Imagination.Colonel Gore is reunited with old friends at a dinner…
The Shop Window Murders
The delight of Christmas shoppers at the unveiling of a London department store’s famous window display turns to horror when one of the mannequins is discovered to be a dead body…Mander’s Department Store in London’s West End is so famous for its ela…
The delight of Christmas shoppers at the unveiling of a London department store’s famous window display turns to horror when one of the mannequins is discovered to be a dead body…Mander’s Department Store in London’s West End is so famous for its ela…
Called Back
The first in a new series of classic detective stories from the vaults of HarperCollins involves a blind man who stumbles across a murder. As he has not seen anything, the assassins let him go, but he finds it is impossible to walk away from murder.“…
The first in a new series of classic detective stories from the vaults of HarperCollins involves a blind man who stumbles across a murder. As he has not seen anything, the assassins let him go, but he finds it is impossible to walk away from murder.“…
The Rasp
A victim is bludgeoned to death with a woodworker’s rasp in this first case for the famed gentleman detective Anthony Gethryn – the latest in a new series of classic detective novels from the vaults of HarperCollins.Ex-Secret Service agent Anthony Ge…
A victim is bludgeoned to death with a woodworker’s rasp in this first case for the famed gentleman detective Anthony Gethryn – the latest in a new series of classic detective novels from the vaults of HarperCollins.Ex-Secret Service agent Anthony Ge…
The Office of the Dead
The final novel in Andrew Taylor’s ground-breaking Roth trilogy, which was adapted into the acclaimed drama Fallen Angel. A powerful thriller for fans of S J Watson.Janet Byfield has everything Wendy Appleyard lacks: she’s beautiful; she has a handso…
The final novel in Andrew Taylor’s ground-breaking Roth trilogy, which was adapted into the acclaimed drama Fallen Angel. A powerful thriller for fans of S J Watson.Janet Byfield has everything Wendy Appleyard lacks: she’s beautiful; she has a handso…
A Proposal to Die For
‘This book is a cross between «Downton Abbey» and «Miss Marple».’ – Katherine (Goodreads)The first book in the new Lady Alkmene Callender Mystery seriesA murderous beginningWith her father away in India, Lady Alkmene Callender finds being left to her…
‘This book is a cross between «Downton Abbey» and «Miss Marple».’ – Katherine (Goodreads)The first book in the new Lady Alkmene Callender Mystery seriesA murderous beginningWith her father away in India, Lady Alkmene Callender finds being left to her…
Fatal Masquerade
Lady Alkmene and Jake Dubois are back in a gripping new adventure facing dangerous opponents at a masked ball in the countryside.Masked danger…Lady Alkmene Callender has always loved grand parties, but when she receives an invitation to a masked ball…
Lady Alkmene and Jake Dubois are back in a gripping new adventure facing dangerous opponents at a masked ball in the countryside.Masked danger…Lady Alkmene Callender has always loved grand parties, but when she receives an invitation to a masked ball…
Diamonds of Death
‘as delightful as the first book.’ – The Stories of Chantel DacostaThe second Lady Alkmene Callender MysteryA family of secrets…After hearing about the vicious murder of her relation, Lord Winters, Lady Alkmene is intrigued to find out that the cat b…
‘as delightful as the first book.’ – The Stories of Chantel DacostaThe second Lady Alkmene Callender MysteryA family of secrets…After hearing about the vicious murder of her relation, Lord Winters, Lady Alkmene is intrigued to find out that the cat b…
The Girls In The Woods
‘Thriller lovers will be riveted by this novel. Beautifully written, good character description and that twist at the end… you’re gonna love it!’ – SerialReader on GoodreadsDon’t go into the woods. Because you’re in for a big surprise…In an old album…
‘Thriller lovers will be riveted by this novel. Beautifully written, good character description and that twist at the end… you’re gonna love it!’ – SerialReader on GoodreadsDon’t go into the woods. Because you’re in for a big surprise…In an old album…
Without a Trace
Lily’s gone.Someone took her.Unless she was she never there…A little girl has gone missing.Lily was last seen being tucked into bed by her adoring mother, Nova. But the next morning, the bed is empty except for a creepy toy rabbit.Has Nova’s abusive …
Lily’s gone.Someone took her.Unless she was she never there…A little girl has gone missing.Lily was last seen being tucked into bed by her adoring mother, Nova. But the next morning, the bed is empty except for a creepy toy rabbit.Has Nova’s abusive …
Cмертельный узел
Манхэтон. Детективы полиции Глория Берч и Брайн Уэйн готовы рискнуть жизнью, чтобы выйти на след художника, который с необъяснимой жестокостью безжалостно и методично убивает молодых девушек. Ситуация осложняется тем, что сама детектив Берч может…
Манхэтон. Детективы полиции Глория Берч и Брайн Уэйн готовы рискнуть жизнью, чтобы выйти на след художника, который с необъяснимой жестокостью безжалостно и методично убивает молодых девушек. Ситуация осложняется тем, что сама детектив Берч может…
Sanctuary in Chef Voleur
SHE WAS A COMPLICATION P.I. MACK GRIFFIN DIDN'T NEED–BUT A TEMPTATION HE COULDN'T RESIST. From the moment he opens his door to her, P.I. Mack Griffin knows he's inviting trouble. Not only has Hannah Martin fled to New Orleans after witnessing a bruta…
SHE WAS A COMPLICATION P.I. MACK GRIFFIN DIDN'T NEED–BUT A TEMPTATION HE COULDN'T RESIST. From the moment he opens his door to her, P.I. Mack Griffin knows he's inviting trouble. Not only has Hannah Martin fled to New Orleans after witnessing a bruta…

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