исторические любовные романы
Lady Francesca Haughston had given up on romance for herself, finding passion instead in making desirable matches for others. So it seemed only fair, when she learned she had been deceived into breaking her own long-ago engagement to Sinclair, Duke o…
Lady Francesca Haughston had given up on romance for herself, finding passion instead in making desirable matches for others. So it seemed only fair, when she learned she had been deceived into breaking her own long-ago engagement to Sinclair, Duke o…
Подлинная история невероятно трогательной любви, повествование о которой органично вплетено в описание боевых действий в Лапландии во время Советско-финской войны 1939–1940 годов. В романе честно показано, как финны противостояли вторжению и в итоге …
Подлинная история невероятно трогательной любви, повествование о которой органично вплетено в описание боевых действий в Лапландии во время Советско-финской войны 1939–1940 годов. В романе честно показано, как финны противостояли вторжению и в итоге …
Nell Trim wants revenge – for her sister and for all the other young women the Marquess of Leath has ruined with his wildly seductive ways. She has a bold plan to stop his philandering, as long as she can resist the rogue’s attractions herself! But f…
Nell Trim wants revenge – for her sister and for all the other young women the Marquess of Leath has ruined with his wildly seductive ways. She has a bold plan to stop his philandering, as long as she can resist the rogue’s attractions herself! But f…
THE FORBIDDEN FRUITS WERE THE SWEETESTEvan Mountjoy learned that the moment his hungry heart became aware of Judith Wells. And when she swore she'd belong to no man, her passionate refusals only served to stir his deep and all-consuming desire! Judit…
THE FORBIDDEN FRUITS WERE THE SWEETESTEvan Mountjoy learned that the moment his hungry heart became aware of Judith Wells. And when she swore she'd belong to no man, her passionate refusals only served to stir his deep and all-consuming desire! Judit…
Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesThe long journey across the West end…
Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesThe long journey across the West end…
Lady Raine Had Need of a Husband…But not just any man would do. She required a man of honor to protect her young brother's inheritance. And from the moment she laid eyes upon Benedict Ainsworth at court, she knew her search was over. But her scheming…
Lady Raine Had Need of a Husband…But not just any man would do. She required a man of honor to protect her young brother's inheritance. And from the moment she laid eyes upon Benedict Ainsworth at court, she knew her search was over. But her scheming…
Провинциальный художник всю свою жизнь поклонялся очаровательной героине портрета. Картина обладает мистической притягательностью. Герой живёт в искусственном мире иллюзий, игнорируя чувства со стороны реальной молодой девушки. Возможно ли избежать т…
Провинциальный художник всю свою жизнь поклонялся очаровательной героине портрета. Картина обладает мистической притягательностью. Герой живёт в искусственном мире иллюзий, игнорируя чувства со стороны реальной молодой девушки. Возможно ли избежать т…
In bed with the enemy!The war is over, Napoleon is in exile and Ellie Duchamp’s world is changed for ever. Now, embroiled in a web of espionage on the Kentish coast, Ellie finds herself at the mercy of a dangerous but intriguing stranger – ex-army ca…
In bed with the enemy!The war is over, Napoleon is in exile and Ellie Duchamp’s world is changed for ever. Now, embroiled in a web of espionage on the Kentish coast, Ellie finds herself at the mercy of a dangerous but intriguing stranger – ex-army ca…
Can He Salvage her Reputation?Trapped in the Arctic ice, intrepid explorer Captain Conrad Essington was driven on by thoughts of his fiancée, Katie Vickers. Finally home, he’s ready to take her in his arms and kiss away the nightmare of that devastat…
Can He Salvage her Reputation?Trapped in the Arctic ice, intrepid explorer Captain Conrad Essington was driven on by thoughts of his fiancée, Katie Vickers. Finally home, he’s ready to take her in his arms and kiss away the nightmare of that devastat…
TO RESTORE HER REPUTATION, SHE MUST FIRST DESTROY IT…When Dianthe Lovejoy is accused of murdering a courtesan who bears an uncanny resemblance to her, she must go into hiding. And the only man who can protect her is her enemy–notorious rake and gambl…
TO RESTORE HER REPUTATION, SHE MUST FIRST DESTROY IT…When Dianthe Lovejoy is accused of murdering a courtesan who bears an uncanny resemblance to her, she must go into hiding. And the only man who can protect her is her enemy–notorious rake and gambl…
Продолжение первой части романа, в котором Ольга Вересова и Алексей Рубцов продолжают отстаивать свою независимость в семье и обществе.
Продолжение первой части романа, в котором Ольга Вересова и Алексей Рубцов продолжают отстаивать свою независимость в семье и обществе.
«Откуда есть пошла русская земля», никто не знает... Гипербореи, откуда пришли вы и куда сгинули? Ничто и никто не приходит из ниоткуда. Никто не уходит в никуда. Герои, живущие на нашей земле во времена Трои и могущества и процветания Египта, Ассири…
«Откуда есть пошла русская земля», никто не знает... Гипербореи, откуда пришли вы и куда сгинули? Ничто и никто не приходит из ниоткуда. Никто не уходит в никуда. Герои, живущие на нашей земле во времена Трои и могущества и процветания Египта, Ассири…
1815 год. Леди Хелен Бейнс приехала в Брюссель накануне сражения при Ватерлоо, чтобы разыскать младшего брата Дэвида, ставшего графом после смерти их родителей. Но юнец хочет посмотреть на предстоящее великое сражение с Наполеоном. В сопровождении ст…
1815 год. Леди Хелен Бейнс приехала в Брюссель накануне сражения при Ватерлоо, чтобы разыскать младшего брата Дэвида, ставшего графом после смерти их родителей. Но юнец хочет посмотреть на предстоящее великое сражение с Наполеоном. В сопровождении ст…
A most forbidden attraction!Frederica Bracewell grew up under a cloud of shame. As an illegitimate child, she was treated by her uncle like a servant. It isn’t until she encounters the new gamekeeper that shy, innocent Frederica starts to feel like a…
A most forbidden attraction!Frederica Bracewell grew up under a cloud of shame. As an illegitimate child, she was treated by her uncle like a servant. It isn’t until she encounters the new gamekeeper that shy, innocent Frederica starts to feel like a…
Abduction Was But A Prelude To Marriage – Or so Bryce had been let to believe when he'd kidnapped the Lady Rhiannon to be his liege lord's mate.Though never had he seen a more reluctant bride! How could he, in all chivalry, allow such a spirited beau…
Abduction Was But A Prelude To Marriage – Or so Bryce had been let to believe when he'd kidnapped the Lady Rhiannon to be his liege lord's mate.Though never had he seen a more reluctant bride! How could he, in all chivalry, allow such a spirited beau…
SHE NEEDED TO MARRY…Caroline Morgan is determined to make a success out of her aunt's New Zealand business. But until Caro has a husband, the bank won't lend her the money she so desperately needs.Caro discovers Leander Gray, the younger son of an ar…
SHE NEEDED TO MARRY…Caroline Morgan is determined to make a success out of her aunt's New Zealand business. But until Caro has a husband, the bank won't lend her the money she so desperately needs.Caro discovers Leander Gray, the younger son of an ar…
1815 год. Богатый грузинский князь Серго Асатиани решает жениться на русской подданной. Приняв предложение, граф Бутурлин соглашается отдать свою дочь Елену в жены влиятельному князю. Молодая невеста отправляется в далекую Грузию на предстоящую свадь…
1815 год. Богатый грузинский князь Серго Асатиани решает жениться на русской подданной. Приняв предложение, граф Бутурлин соглашается отдать свою дочь Елену в жены влиятельному князю. Молодая невеста отправляется в далекую Грузию на предстоящую свадь…
Tate Montgomery Needed a New Life And Johanna Patterson was the kind of woman who could make him leave the past behind.But how would he ever convince this reclusive spinster to open up her heart to him and his boys? It seemed to Johanna that she had …
Tate Montgomery Needed a New Life And Johanna Patterson was the kind of woman who could make him leave the past behind.But how would he ever convince this reclusive spinster to open up her heart to him and his boys? It seemed to Johanna that she had …
Eligible, attractive Alex Montgomery, Earl of Arlington, has always done just as he pleases.Society ladies adore him, and a string of mistresses warm his bed. He's yet to meet the woman who could refuse him. . . . Then he's introduced to the striking…
Eligible, attractive Alex Montgomery, Earl of Arlington, has always done just as he pleases.Society ladies adore him, and a string of mistresses warm his bed. He's yet to meet the woman who could refuse him. . . . Then he's introduced to the striking…
GUY ST EDMOND, RETURNING WARRIOR, WILL LET NOTHING STAND IN THE WAY OF HIS DESIRESpoken of only in whispers – and with a name that strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies – Guy St Edmond wields his ancient sword like the Devil and his charm like …
GUY ST EDMOND, RETURNING WARRIOR, WILL LET NOTHING STAND IN THE WAY OF HIS DESIRESpoken of only in whispers – and with a name that strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies – Guy St Edmond wields his ancient sword like the Devil and his charm like …