исторические любовные романы
HELLBENT ON JUSTICEJessie Hammond was driven by the need to clear her brother's name. Nothing–and no one–would stand in her way. Not even handsome Deputy Marshal Matthew Langtry, who suspected her of harboring dark secrets….Matt Langtry was a lawman …
HELLBENT ON JUSTICEJessie Hammond was driven by the need to clear her brother's name. Nothing–and no one–would stand in her way. Not even handsome Deputy Marshal Matthew Langtry, who suspected her of harboring dark secrets….Matt Langtry was a lawman …
Dukes – dangerous & enthrallingRufus Drake: Duke of WickednessInnocent Anna Bishop needs help and the only man she can turn to is notorious rogue, Rufus Drake. The new Duke’s help comes with strings – he demands a single kiss. There’s just one proble…
Dukes – dangerous & enthrallingRufus Drake: Duke of WickednessInnocent Anna Bishop needs help and the only man she can turn to is notorious rogue, Rufus Drake. The new Duke’s help comes with strings – he demands a single kiss. There’s just one proble…
Прислушиваясь к вещим снам, но не научившись распознавать знаки, Есения становится заложницей двух братьев, продавших душу дьяволу. Действуя в корыстных целях, они вносили в семьи горе и утрату.
Хватит ли мужества Есении противостоять козням братьев,…
Прислушиваясь к вещим снам, но не научившись распознавать знаки, Есения становится заложницей двух братьев, продавших душу дьяволу. Действуя в корыстных целях, они вносили в семьи горе и утрату.
Хватит ли мужества Есении противостоять козням братьев,…
Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesAS A BRIDE, SHE WAS WORTHLESS Indeed…
Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesAS A BRIDE, SHE WAS WORTHLESS Indeed…
The Princess And The Rogue Hugh Caldwell had spent twelve years fighting for England, without thought for the future. Yet when he rescued the fair Rosaleen, he knew he had finally found a prize worth protecting, if only he could convince the mysterio…
The Princess And The Rogue Hugh Caldwell had spent twelve years fighting for England, without thought for the future. Yet when he rescued the fair Rosaleen, he knew he had finally found a prize worth protecting, if only he could convince the mysterio…
Подлинная история невероятно трогательной любви, повествование о которой органично вплетено в описание боевых действий в Лапландии во время Советско-финской войны 1939–1940 годов. В романе честно показано, как финны противостояли вторжению и в итоге …
Подлинная история невероятно трогательной любви, повествование о которой органично вплетено в описание боевых действий в Лапландии во время Советско-финской войны 1939–1940 годов. В романе честно показано, как финны противостояли вторжению и в итоге …
She would be his undoing…A hardened, battle-weary warrior, Reynaud has forgotten what it is to be in the company of a beautiful woman, to delight in her comfort and warmth.On his return to Granada he is drawn to Leonor, and senses that she can heal h…
She would be his undoing…A hardened, battle-weary warrior, Reynaud has forgotten what it is to be in the company of a beautiful woman, to delight in her comfort and warmth.On his return to Granada he is drawn to Leonor, and senses that she can heal h…
Tomboy Willie Thorne Had The Face Of An Angel Despite the fact that she could outdrink and outshoot most of the men in the Colorado Territory.And Sloan Devlin was damned if she wasn't the closest thing to Paradise he'd seen in a long time. Wilhelmina…
Tomboy Willie Thorne Had The Face Of An Angel Despite the fact that she could outdrink and outshoot most of the men in the Colorado Territory.And Sloan Devlin was damned if she wasn't the closest thing to Paradise he'd seen in a long time. Wilhelmina…
Some Like It WickedRupert Stirling, Duke of Stratton, has long since acquired the nickname Devil. And with outrageous exploits both in and out of ladies' bedchambers, my, has he earned it!Risqué behaviour is beyond Pandora Maybury, widowed Duchess of…
Some Like It WickedRupert Stirling, Duke of Stratton, has long since acquired the nickname Devil. And with outrageous exploits both in and out of ladies' bedchambers, my, has he earned it!Risqué behaviour is beyond Pandora Maybury, widowed Duchess of…
The Rake to Ruin HerKnown as ‘Magnificent Max’, diplomat Max Ransleigh was famed for his lethal charm until a political betrayal left him exiled from government and his reputation in tatters. He seems a very unlikely saviour for a well-bred young lad…
The Rake to Ruin HerKnown as ‘Magnificent Max’, diplomat Max Ransleigh was famed for his lethal charm until a political betrayal left him exiled from government and his reputation in tatters. He seems a very unlikely saviour for a well-bred young lad…
As new wife to the Duke of Avonlea, shy and beautiful Lucinda has gained acceptance and protection–surely her harrowing past is finally behind her? Then Lucinda receives word from her enemy, and she must flee to save her husband from scandal…Justin i…
As new wife to the Duke of Avonlea, shy and beautiful Lucinda has gained acceptance and protection–surely her harrowing past is finally behind her? Then Lucinda receives word from her enemy, and she must flee to save her husband from scandal…Justin i…
When he left two years before, Colby Bloxham was running from his past, and his pain. Now he's ready to face his responsibilities…and make some long-overdue amends to his baby daughter and the woman who took her in–Colby's former sweetheart, Anna Cal…
When he left two years before, Colby Bloxham was running from his past, and his pain. Now he's ready to face his responsibilities…and make some long-overdue amends to his baby daughter and the woman who took her in–Colby's former sweetheart, Anna Cal…
Провинциальный художник всю свою жизнь поклонялся очаровательной героине портрета. Картина обладает мистической притягательностью. Герой живёт в искусственном мире иллюзий, игнорируя чувства со стороны реальной молодой девушки. Возможно ли избежать т…
Провинциальный художник всю свою жизнь поклонялся очаровательной героине портрета. Картина обладает мистической притягательностью. Герой живёт в искусственном мире иллюзий, игнорируя чувства со стороны реальной молодой девушки. Возможно ли избежать т…
Продолжение первой части романа, в котором Ольга Вересова и Алексей Рубцов продолжают отстаивать свою независимость в семье и обществе.
Продолжение первой части романа, в котором Ольга Вересова и Алексей Рубцов продолжают отстаивать свою независимость в семье и обществе.
«Откуда есть пошла русская земля», никто не знает... Гипербореи, откуда пришли вы и куда сгинули? Ничто и никто не приходит из ниоткуда. Никто не уходит в никуда. Герои, живущие на нашей земле во времена Трои и могущества и процветания Египта, Ассири…
«Откуда есть пошла русская земля», никто не знает... Гипербореи, откуда пришли вы и куда сгинули? Ничто и никто не приходит из ниоткуда. Никто не уходит в никуда. Герои, живущие на нашей земле во времена Трои и могущества и процветания Египта, Ассири…
Roan Devereaux Could Gentle Any Filly With A Look And A Touch – but Kate Cassidy presented a real challenge. With her coltish grace and mile-wide stubborn streak, she was more woman than most men could handle – and exactly what he needed. Men were im…
Roan Devereaux Could Gentle Any Filly With A Look And A Touch – but Kate Cassidy presented a real challenge. With her coltish grace and mile-wide stubborn streak, she was more woman than most men could handle – and exactly what he needed. Men were im…
1815 год. Богатый грузинский князь Серго Асатиани решает жениться на русской подданной. Приняв предложение, граф Бутурлин соглашается отдать свою дочь Елену в жены влиятельному князю. Молодая невеста отправляется в далекую Грузию на предстоящую свадь…
1815 год. Богатый грузинский князь Серго Асатиани решает жениться на русской подданной. Приняв предложение, граф Бутурлин соглашается отдать свою дочь Елену в жены влиятельному князю. Молодая невеста отправляется в далекую Грузию на предстоящую свадь…
Rebels with no rulesThe Gentleman RogueIn the middle of a Mayfair ballroom two apparent strangers stand in amazement. Ned Stratham and Emma Northcote never thought they would see one another again – this rogue’s charm once captivated her but now she’…
Rebels with no rulesThe Gentleman RogueIn the middle of a Mayfair ballroom two apparent strangers stand in amazement. Ned Stratham and Emma Northcote never thought they would see one another again – this rogue’s charm once captivated her but now she’…
A Lady Risks AllIt would be unwise to mistake me for an innocent debutante – for years I have graced the smoky gloom of many a billiards club and honed my skills at my father’s side.But now he has a new protégé – a Captain Greer Barrington – and whil…
A Lady Risks AllIt would be unwise to mistake me for an innocent debutante – for years I have graced the smoky gloom of many a billiards club and honed my skills at my father’s side.But now he has a new protégé – a Captain Greer Barrington – and whil…
Tristan of Brackenmoore Was DesperateIf a bouquet of forget-me-nots could but make the Lady Lily Gray remember what they'd once shared, Tristan would have gathered the flowers from beneath the winter snows. But his one true love had no memory of thei…
Tristan of Brackenmoore Was DesperateIf a bouquet of forget-me-nots could but make the Lady Lily Gray remember what they'd once shared, Tristan would have gathered the flowers from beneath the winter snows. But his one true love had no memory of thei…