
историческая литература

Killing Cupid
He is watching her…The chillingly brilliant read from Mark Edwards and Louise Voss, the bestselling authors of Catch Your Death.Doesn’t love always feel this way?Alex Parkinson is in love with his writing tutor, Siobhan. He has never loved anyone lik…
He is watching her…The chillingly brilliant read from Mark Edwards and Louise Voss, the bestselling authors of Catch Your Death.Doesn’t love always feel this way?Alex Parkinson is in love with his writing tutor, Siobhan. He has never loved anyone lik…
Winter’s Children: Curl up with this gripping, page-turning mystery as the nights get darker
‘A heartwarming read.’ CloserGrieving widow, Kay Partridge and her daughter Evie, unable to face the oncoming Christmas festivities, move into a cottage at majestic Wintergill Farm in the Yorkshire Dales to escape.But Wintergill is far from the quiet…
‘A heartwarming read.’ CloserGrieving widow, Kay Partridge and her daughter Evie, unable to face the oncoming Christmas festivities, move into a cottage at majestic Wintergill Farm in the Yorkshire Dales to escape.But Wintergill is far from the quiet…
Daughters of Liverpool
Evocative and heartrending saga of Liverpool during World War Two, from the author of AS TIME GOES BY – rising star Annie GrovesKatie’s full of trepidation as she arrives in Liverpool. It’s her first posting and her work will be so secret that she ca…
Evocative and heartrending saga of Liverpool during World War Two, from the author of AS TIME GOES BY – rising star Annie GrovesKatie’s full of trepidation as she arrives in Liverpool. It’s her first posting and her work will be so secret that she ca…
История для ленивых
«История для ленивых» Макса Бужанского – продолжение его книги «История мира в 88 главах», вышедшей в минувшем году в издательстве «Фолио». Эти мини-эссе – изложение истории различных эпох известным блогером в его самобытной манере, с присущими ему ч…
«История для ленивых» Макса Бужанского – продолжение его книги «История мира в 88 главах», вышедшей в минувшем году в издательстве «Фолио». Эти мини-эссе – изложение истории различных эпох известным блогером в его самобытной манере, с присущими ему ч…
Democracy Needs Aristocracy
In one of the most explosive and hotly debated books of the past year, Sir Peregrine Worsthorne presents a reactionary and playful look at the origins, evolution and demise of the aristocracy and what we can expect to replace them.Every country has t…
In one of the most explosive and hotly debated books of the past year, Sir Peregrine Worsthorne presents a reactionary and playful look at the origins, evolution and demise of the aristocracy and what we can expect to replace them.Every country has t…
Хранительница книг из Аушвица
Четырнадцатилетнюю Диту забрали из гетто Терезина вместе с матерью и отцом, и теперь она выживает в лагере смерти Аушвиц в детском блоке. Старший по блоку, Фреди Хирш, рассказывает Дите о подпольной библиотеке и просит ее проследить за сохранностью в…
Четырнадцатилетнюю Диту забрали из гетто Терезина вместе с матерью и отцом, и теперь она выживает в лагере смерти Аушвиц в детском блоке. Старший по блоку, Фреди Хирш, рассказывает Дите о подпольной библиотеке и просит ее проследить за сохранностью в…
Hva var hensikten med korset?
Korset i forskjellige versjoner har blitt brukt siden antikken til utilitaristiske formål - å tenne bål. Deretter ble korset guddommeliggjort og ble en hellig gjenstand.
Korset i forskjellige versjoner har blitt brukt siden antikken til utilitaristiske formål - å tenne bål. Deretter ble korset guddommeliggjort og ble en hellig gjenstand.
What was the purpose of the cross?
The cross in different versions has been used since ancient times for utilitarian purposes - lighting a fire. Subsequently, the cross was deified and became a sacred object.
The cross in different versions has been used since ancient times for utilitarian purposes - lighting a fire. Subsequently, the cross was deified and became a sacred object.
Сильвия и Голландские исторические миниатюры
Рассказ «Сильвия» это первое прозаическое произведение автора-драматурга, современный рассказ из серии «Голландские рассказы и повести», написанный в 2019 году в позабытом ныне элитарном стиле «искусство ради искусства», культивируемом блестящими пис…
Рассказ «Сильвия» это первое прозаическое произведение автора-драматурга, современный рассказ из серии «Голландские рассказы и повести», написанный в 2019 году в позабытом ныне элитарном стиле «искусство ради искусства», культивируемом блестящими пис…
Причины расформирования СССР
В данной книге излагаю своё видение причин сего происшествия, предпосылки и последствия. Книга из цикла "Откровения".
В данной книге излагаю своё видение причин сего происшествия, предпосылки и последствия. Книга из цикла "Откровения".
Рассказы о Суворове
В этой книжке помещены рассказы известного детского писателя, знатока отечественной истории С. Алексеева о жизни великого русского полководца Александра Васильевича Суворова (1730–1800). Для младшего школьного возраста. В формате PDF A4 сохранен изд…
В этой книжке помещены рассказы известного детского писателя, знатока отечественной истории С. Алексеева о жизни великого русского полководца Александра Васильевича Суворова (1730–1800). Для младшего школьного возраста. В формате PDF A4 сохранен изд…
Christmas on the Mersey
An emotional and compelling wartime drama from the author of Only a Mother Knows and A Christmas Promise. Perfect for fans of Katie Flynn.The phoney war is over and Hitler’s bombs are raining down on the city of Liverpool.Rita Kennedy is forced to fa…
An emotional and compelling wartime drama from the author of Only a Mother Knows and A Christmas Promise. Perfect for fans of Katie Flynn.The phoney war is over and Hitler’s bombs are raining down on the city of Liverpool.Rita Kennedy is forced to fa…
Brothers in Arms
Charismatic hero Jack Steel returns, in a new and perilous adventure.England 1708 and Jack Steel returns to Flanders from England a married man. But his wife Lady Henrietta Vaughan is proving expensive and Jack must look for a promotion. At the battl…
Charismatic hero Jack Steel returns, in a new and perilous adventure.England 1708 and Jack Steel returns to Flanders from England a married man. But his wife Lady Henrietta Vaughan is proving expensive and Jack must look for a promotion. At the battl…
American Slavery: History in an Hour
Love history? Know your stuff with History in an Hour.From the first slaves arriving in Jamestown in 1619, the cotton fields in the Southern States and shipbuilding in New England, to the slaves who laid down their lives in war so that Americans coul…
Love history? Know your stuff with History in an Hour.From the first slaves arriving in Jamestown in 1619, the cotton fields in the Southern States and shipbuilding in New England, to the slaves who laid down their lives in war so that Americans coul…
Dickens: History in an Hour
Love history? Know your stuff with History in an Hour.Charles Dickens remains – 200 years after his birth – arguably Britain’s most successful writer. Works such as Great Expectations and Oliver Twist have amused and inspired readers in all languages…
Love history? Know your stuff with History in an Hour.Charles Dickens remains – 200 years after his birth – arguably Britain’s most successful writer. Works such as Great Expectations and Oliver Twist have amused and inspired readers in all languages…
Fifty Things You Need To Know About British History
What are the 50 key events you need to understand to grasp British history?If you could choose the 50 things that define British history, events of significance not only in themselves, but in their importance to wider themes running through our past,…
What are the 50 key events you need to understand to grasp British history?If you could choose the 50 things that define British history, events of significance not only in themselves, but in their importance to wider themes running through our past,…
On a Wing and a Prayer
The fourth in a series of books featuring four young women whose lives will be forever changed by WWII. Perfect for fans of Katie Flynn.Rose Petrie is desperate to do something for the war effort. Despite the daily hardships and the nightly bombing r…
The fourth in a series of books featuring four young women whose lives will be forever changed by WWII. Perfect for fans of Katie Flynn.Rose Petrie is desperate to do something for the war effort. Despite the daily hardships and the nightly bombing r…
Faster than Lightning: My Autobiography
Whether you know athletics or not, and even whether you know sport or not, chances are you know Usain Bolt. The fastest man on the planet, not just now but ever, Usain has won the hearts of people everywhere with his mind-blowing performances and his…
Whether you know athletics or not, and even whether you know sport or not, chances are you know Usain Bolt. The fastest man on the planet, not just now but ever, Usain has won the hearts of people everywhere with his mind-blowing performances and his…
Ellie Pride
The stunning saga from the bestselling author of Child of the Mersey and Only a Mother Knows. Perfect for fans of Katie Flynn.A stirring, heartrending story of love, passion, duty and family, set in the early years of the 1900s as the First World War…
The stunning saga from the bestselling author of Child of the Mersey and Only a Mother Knows. Perfect for fans of Katie Flynn.A stirring, heartrending story of love, passion, duty and family, set in the early years of the 1900s as the First World War…
Сестри крові
Події роману «Сестри крові» розвиваються в Ґданську, на українському корсарському кораблі «Стрибог», який полює на іспанські ґалеони, та, звичайно, у Львові. Діють в ньому здебільшого ті самі герої, що й в романі «Аптекар», хоча з'явилися й нові. Одн…
Події роману «Сестри крові» розвиваються в Ґданську, на українському корсарському кораблі «Стрибог», який полює на іспанські ґалеони, та, звичайно, у Львові. Діють в ньому здебільшого ті самі герої, що й в романі «Аптекар», хоча з'явилися й нові. Одн…

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