
историческая литература

Topics About Which I Know Nothing
Scintillating, surprising, inventive fiction from one of the most talented writers in Britain – this is a superb collection of short stories from the acclaimed author of the Chaos Walking series and ‘More Than This’.Have you heard the urban myth abou…
Scintillating, surprising, inventive fiction from one of the most talented writers in Britain – this is a superb collection of short stories from the acclaimed author of the Chaos Walking series and ‘More Than This’.Have you heard the urban myth abou…
The Colour of Heaven
From the author of THE DISCOVERY OF CHOCOLATE – a romantic historical quest set in Renaissance Florence and China surrounding the search for ultramarine.THE COLOUR OF HEAVEN is a fictional account of a young man who travelled to what are now Afghanis…
From the author of THE DISCOVERY OF CHOCOLATE – a romantic historical quest set in Renaissance Florence and China surrounding the search for ultramarine.THE COLOUR OF HEAVEN is a fictional account of a young man who travelled to what are now Afghanis…
The Family on Paradise Pier
A stunning historical saga set in the early decades of the twentieth century which follows the lives and loves of one extraordinary family.We first meet the Goold Verschoyle children in 1915. Though there is a war going on in the world outside, they …
A stunning historical saga set in the early decades of the twentieth century which follows the lives and loves of one extraordinary family.We first meet the Goold Verschoyle children in 1915. Though there is a war going on in the world outside, they …
The Mamur Zapt and the Donkey-Vous
A classic murder mystery from the award-winning Michael Pearce, which sees the Mamur Zapt investigate a series of suspicious kidnappings in the Cairo of the 1900s.Cairo in the 1900s. ‘Tourists are quite safe provided they don’t do anything stupidly r…
A classic murder mystery from the award-winning Michael Pearce, which sees the Mamur Zapt investigate a series of suspicious kidnappings in the Cairo of the 1900s.Cairo in the 1900s. ‘Tourists are quite safe provided they don’t do anything stupidly r…
Пишите по утрам письма небу
«Они ушли однажды в это небо, и небо их оставило себе» Посвящается всем лётчикам истребителям Великой Отечественной Войны.
«Они ушли однажды в это небо, и небо их оставило себе» Посвящается всем лётчикам истребителям Великой Отечественной Войны.
William Shakespeare: History in an Hour
Love history? Know your stuff with History in an Hour.In a writing career that spanned over twenty years during the explosion of poetic and theatrical creativity of late Elizabethan and early Jacobean periods, William Shakespeare produced a body of w…
Love history? Know your stuff with History in an Hour.In a writing career that spanned over twenty years during the explosion of poetic and theatrical creativity of late Elizabethan and early Jacobean periods, William Shakespeare produced a body of w…
Spaces, Objects and Identities in Early Modern Italian Medicine
This collection, by an international team of scholars, presents exciting research currently being undertaken on early modern Italy which questions the conventional boundaries of medical history. Brings together historians of medicine and scholars of …
This collection, by an international team of scholars, presents exciting research currently being undertaken on early modern Italy which questions the conventional boundaries of medical history. Brings together historians of medicine and scholars of …
An Unlikely Countess: Lily Budge and the 13th Earl of Galloway
A vivid and moving portrait of the inimitable Lily Budge, who overcame poverty and class to become the 13th Countess of Galloway, and one of Scotland’s most colourful eccentrics.Randolph Stewart was lobotomized as a teenager after a crude diagnosis o…
A vivid and moving portrait of the inimitable Lily Budge, who overcame poverty and class to become the 13th Countess of Galloway, and one of Scotland’s most colourful eccentrics.Randolph Stewart was lobotomized as a teenager after a crude diagnosis o…
Обломки мифа, или «Мёртвые сраму не имут»
Это повесть о Восточном (хазарском) походе киевского князя Святослава Игоревича. О путешествие в землю вятичей, где князь обрёл новых друзей и союзников, о битве с хазарами и взятие их городов. Также в этом походе закладываются причины дальнейших соб…
Это повесть о Восточном (хазарском) походе киевского князя Святослава Игоревича. О путешествие в землю вятичей, где князь обрёл новых друзей и союзников, о битве с хазарами и взятие их городов. Также в этом походе закладываются причины дальнейших соб…
Türk xalqları və dilləri
Türk xalqları Altay dağlarında geniş bir ərazidə formalaşaraq digər xalqların dil qrupları ilə: monqol, tunqus-mançu və tibet-çin dilləri ilə qarşılıqlı əlaqədə olurlar. Türk dillərinin və xalqlarının inkişafı prosesində onların danışanları, dialektl…
Türk xalqları Altay dağlarında geniş bir ərazidə formalaşaraq digər xalqların dil qrupları ilə: monqol, tunqus-mançu və tibet-çin dilləri ilə qarşılıqlı əlaqədə olurlar. Türk dillərinin və xalqlarının inkişafı prosesində onların danışanları, dialektl…
В одном британском городке XVIII века, одержимом религиозно-мистическими предрассудками, состоятельный молодой человек влюбляется в селянку, но будто весь мир, ополчившись против этого союза, приготовил им тяжелые испытания. Случается трагедия, начин…
В одном британском городке XVIII века, одержимом религиозно-мистическими предрассудками, состоятельный молодой человек влюбляется в селянку, но будто весь мир, ополчившись против этого союза, приготовил им тяжелые испытания. Случается трагедия, начин…
Значит, судьба… Дорогами войны
У обороняющейся роты советских солдат уже подходили к концу боеприпасы и ротный послал солдата к отставшему обозу машин с боезапасом. Но те застряли в грязи и он попросил пригнать хотя бы одну. Но и у противника та же история — танки продвигались впе…
У обороняющейся роты советских солдат уже подходили к концу боеприпасы и ротный послал солдата к отставшему обозу машин с боезапасом. Но те застряли в грязи и он попросил пригнать хотя бы одну. Но и у противника та же история — танки продвигались впе…
The Good Soldier: A Tale of Passion
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.‘Why can't people have what they want? The things were all there to content everybody; yet everybody has the wrong thing.’Just before the First World War, two yo…
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.‘Why can't people have what they want? The things were all there to content everybody; yet everybody has the wrong thing.’Just before the First World War, two yo…
Tristram Shandy
Now seen as one of the great English comic novels, Tristram Shandy caused a stir on publication in polite 18th-century English society. The novel broke with conventions of form and structure, foreshadowing Postmodern authors by 200 years, and scandal…
Now seen as one of the great English comic novels, Tristram Shandy caused a stir on publication in polite 18th-century English society. The novel broke with conventions of form and structure, foreshadowing Postmodern authors by 200 years, and scandal…
The Awakening
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.‘I would give up the unessential; I would give my money, I would give my life for my children; but I wouldn't give myself.’Heralded as one of the first instances of fem…
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.‘I would give up the unessential; I would give my money, I would give my life for my children; but I wouldn't give myself.’Heralded as one of the first instances of fem…
Twelve Years a Slave: A True Story
The shocking first-hand account of one man’s remarkable fight for freedom; now an award-winning motion picture.‘Why had I not died in my young years – before God had given me children to love and live for? What unhappiness and suffering and sorrow it…
The shocking first-hand account of one man’s remarkable fight for freedom; now an award-winning motion picture.‘Why had I not died in my young years – before God had given me children to love and live for? What unhappiness and suffering and sorrow it…
The Evolution of Inanimate Objects: The Life and Collected Works of Thomas Darwin
LONGLISTED FOR THE WELLCOME TRUST BOOK PRIZE 2012While carrying out historical research at an Ontario asylum, psychiatrist Harry Karlinsky comes across a familiar surname in the register. Could the “Thomas Darwin of Down, England” be a relative of th…
LONGLISTED FOR THE WELLCOME TRUST BOOK PRIZE 2012While carrying out historical research at an Ontario asylum, psychiatrist Harry Karlinsky comes across a familiar surname in the register. Could the “Thomas Darwin of Down, England” be a relative of th…
The Emerald Comb
'If you want a book that is exciting, fast-paced and impossible to put down, with plenty of twists and turns, then you need to buy this book! I can't wait to read more of Kathleen's novels.' – Emma's Book ReviewsSome secrets are best left buried…Rese…
'If you want a book that is exciting, fast-paced and impossible to put down, with plenty of twists and turns, then you need to buy this book! I can't wait to read more of Kathleen's novels.' – Emma's Book ReviewsSome secrets are best left buried…Rese…
A Most Improper Proposal
Isabella Adams has tasted desire—and paid the price.With four scandalous attachments to her name, only the fierce patronage of Lady Watson has kept the doors of fashionable society open. And yet, when a handsome stranger literally sweeps her off her …
Isabella Adams has tasted desire—and paid the price.With four scandalous attachments to her name, only the fierce patronage of Lady Watson has kept the doors of fashionable society open. And yet, when a handsome stranger literally sweeps her off her …
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Исповедь с большой буквы. Жестокая история без истории. Настоящая любовь в поиске настоящей любви. Вы думаете, что любите? Не спешите, потому что возможно мы говорим на разных языках. Прочтите! И вы узнаете, любите ли вы на самом деле...

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