историческая литература
Um amor que só um conto de fadas pode criar… Um amor que só um conto de fadas pode criar… Lady Delilah Everly não levou a vida encantada que alguns podem acreditar. Perversa nem sequer começava a descrever sua mãe ou como tratava aqueles que deveria …
Um amor que só um conto de fadas pode criar… Um amor que só um conto de fadas pode criar… Lady Delilah Everly não levou a vida encantada que alguns podem acreditar. Perversa nem sequer começava a descrever sua mãe ou como tratava aqueles que deveria …
Un amor que solamente un cuento de hadas puede crear… Un amor que solamente un cuento de hadas puede crear… Lady Delilah Everly no ha tenido una vida tan maravillosa como algunos podrían creer. El mal ni siquiera empezó a describir a su madre o como …
Un amor que solamente un cuento de hadas puede crear… Un amor que solamente un cuento de hadas puede crear… Lady Delilah Everly no ha tenido una vida tan maravillosa como algunos podrían creer. El mal ni siquiera empezó a describir a su madre o como …
Forbidden TerritoryThat was where Maddie Garret was leading him–not just through the wilds of Texas, but deep into the secret reaches of his heart. But could Texas Ranger Jonah Danhill, half Comanche and all lawman, accept the tragedy of his people's…
Forbidden TerritoryThat was where Maddie Garret was leading him–not just through the wilds of Texas, but deep into the secret reaches of his heart. But could Texas Ranger Jonah Danhill, half Comanche and all lawman, accept the tragedy of his people's…
上帝的圣约应许不会反悔。本书旨在助你实现上帝对你生命的所有应许。经过钜细无遗的研究,加之见证,可以得知上帝有能力也愿意成就对我们作出的许诺。祂说,祂会监守并成就祂所许下的话语。 本书中我们将以批判的眼光构释上帝的应许:上帝缘何许下承诺、上帝会如何持守应许,以及应许如何成就丰硕生命。每个圣约背后都有其缘起、时机和条件,这些我们都要清楚明白,以活出上帝于我们生命当中的美好意愿。毫无疑问,在上帝里一切都有可能! 往下细阅。祝福您!
上帝的圣约应许不会反悔。本书旨在助你实现上帝对你生命的所有应许。经过钜细无遗的研究,加之见证,可以得知上帝有能力也愿意成就对我们作出的许诺。祂说,祂会监守并成就祂所许下的话语。 本书中我们将以批判的眼光构释上帝的应许:上帝缘何许下承诺、上帝会如何持守应许,以及应许如何成就丰硕生命。每个圣约背后都有其缘起、时机和条件,这些我们都要清楚明白,以活出上帝于我们生命当中的美好意愿。毫无疑问,在上帝里一切都有可能! 往下细阅。祝福您!
Türk halkları Altay Dağları bölgesinde geniş bir alanda oluşmakta ve Moğol, Tunguso-Mançu ve Tibet-Çin olmak üzere diğer halk dil gruplarıyla etkileşime girmektedir. Türk dillerinin ve halklarının — onların ana dili olan halklarının gelişimi sürecind…
Türk halkları Altay Dağları bölgesinde geniş bir alanda oluşmakta ve Moğol, Tunguso-Mançu ve Tibet-Çin olmak üzere diğer halk dil gruplarıyla etkileşime girmektedir. Türk dillerinin ve halklarının — onların ana dili olan halklarının gelişimi sürecind…
KNIGHTS OF THE BLACK ROSE AS THE MYSTERY UNFOLDED, SO DID THEIR LOVE… .Newly returned from the Crusades, Simon of Blackstone had thought to confront his past, not find himself the prime suspect for a murder he didn't commit. Yet to uncover the real k…
KNIGHTS OF THE BLACK ROSE AS THE MYSTERY UNFOLDED, SO DID THEIR LOVE… .Newly returned from the Crusades, Simon of Blackstone had thought to confront his past, not find himself the prime suspect for a murder he didn't commit. Yet to uncover the real k…
Тюрк норуоттара Алтай хайаларын оройуонугар киэҥ сиринэн тайаан сытар уонна норуоттар атын тылларынан буолаллар: монгол, тунгусо- манчжур уонна тибето- Кытай тылларын кытта бииргэ үлэлииллэр. Түүр тыллара уонна норуоттар тыллара сайдыыларын процеһыга…
Тюрк норуоттара Алтай хайаларын оройуонугар киэҥ сиринэн тайаан сытар уонна норуоттар атын тылларынан буолаллар: монгол, тунгусо- манчжур уонна тибето- Кытай тылларын кытта бииргэ үлэлииллэр. Түүр тыллара уонна норуоттар тыллара сайдыыларын процеһыга…
This is the story of the man who conquered and seduced the one who, immortalized indecipherably by Leonardo, with her gaze then seduced the world. It is the story of Tristan, a young pontifical diplomat with a mysterious and dark past who, among stra…
This is the story of the man who conquered and seduced the one who, immortalized indecipherably by Leonardo, with her gaze then seduced the world. It is the story of Tristan, a young pontifical diplomat with a mysterious and dark past who, among stra…
Desde los inicios del siglo XX hasta la posguerra de la II Guerra Mundial se desarrolla la historia de la familia Barrieri, de sus cuatro hijos y de todos los personajes que, en el bien y en el mal, están a su alrededor. La I Guerra Mundial, el duro …
Desde los inicios del siglo XX hasta la posguerra de la II Guerra Mundial se desarrolla la historia de la familia Barrieri, de sus cuatro hijos y de todos los personajes que, en el bien y en el mal, están a su alrededor. La I Guerra Mundial, el duro …
Hannibal must transport sixty war elephants from Carthage in North Africa, across the Middle Sea to Iberia. He has to train his people to accomplish this difficult task. The first part of this project is to load one elephant on a ship and sail to the…
Hannibal must transport sixty war elephants from Carthage in North Africa, across the Middle Sea to Iberia. He has to train his people to accomplish this difficult task. The first part of this project is to load one elephant on a ship and sail to the…
Hannibalnak hatvan háborús elefántot kell szállítania az észak-afrikai Karthágóból, a Közép-tengeren át Ibériáig. Ki kell képeznie embereit e nehéz feladat végrehajtására. Ennek a projektnek az az első része, hogy egy elefántot be kell rakni egy hajó…
Hannibalnak hatvan háborús elefántot kell szállítania az észak-afrikai Karthágóból, a Közép-tengeren át Ibériáig. Ki kell képeznie embereit e nehéz feladat végrehajtására. Ennek a projektnek az az első része, hogy egy elefántot be kell rakni egy hajó…
Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesHe won his fame– his freedom–in the …
Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesHe won his fame– his freedom–in the …
THE MIDWIFE FOR THE SAKE OF HIS CHILD Widowed father Gar Lundstrom's offer of a marriage of convenience had given Leah the chance of a new life for herself caring for his children. Yet what would happen to her newfound happiness when the stalwart far…
THE MIDWIFE FOR THE SAKE OF HIS CHILD Widowed father Gar Lundstrom's offer of a marriage of convenience had given Leah the chance of a new life for herself caring for his children. Yet what would happen to her newfound happiness when the stalwart far…
Victim of an abusive marriage, Iana vowed in her widowhood never again to put her fate in masculine hands. But one man, Henri Gillet, heir to the Trouville dynasty, had aroused her slumbering desires–and endangered her deepest resolve.Love, Henri Gil…
Victim of an abusive marriage, Iana vowed in her widowhood never again to put her fate in masculine hands. But one man, Henri Gillet, heir to the Trouville dynasty, had aroused her slumbering desires–and endangered her deepest resolve.Love, Henri Gil…
CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE……between a mysterious Apache, who claims he's a Texas Ranger, and some very angry desperados, she doesn't know who to trust. The last thing Shiloh Drummond wants is a man in her life, although right now this ranger is all she …
CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE……between a mysterious Apache, who claims he's a Texas Ranger, and some very angry desperados, she doesn't know who to trust. The last thing Shiloh Drummond wants is a man in her life, although right now this ranger is all she …
BENEATH THE DESERT STARSThere was something tantalizingly mysterious about the man Chloe Randall had met on board the luxury cruise ship bound for exotic Morocco. With her head full of romantic images of her film idol Rudolph Valentino, she couldn't …
BENEATH THE DESERT STARSThere was something tantalizingly mysterious about the man Chloe Randall had met on board the luxury cruise ship bound for exotic Morocco. With her head full of romantic images of her film idol Rudolph Valentino, she couldn't …
Um livro para entender a história da China.
Embora o objetivo deste livro seja fornecer ao leitor uma história curta e compreensível da China, o interesse do autor pelas culturas dos povos da fronteira e das minorias é percebido ao longo de suas pági…
Um livro para entender a história da China.
Embora o objetivo deste livro seja fornecer ao leitor uma história curta e compreensível da China, o interesse do autor pelas culturas dos povos da fronteira e das minorias é percebido ao longo de suas pági…
Un libro per capire la storia cinese.
Scopo di questo libro è fornire al lettore una breve e comprensibile storia della Cina. L’interesse dell’autore, che si percepisce scorrendo queste pagine, si rivolge soprattutto alle culture di frontiera e alle …
Un libro per capire la storia cinese.
Scopo di questo libro è fornire al lettore una breve e comprensibile storia della Cina. L’interesse dell’autore, che si percepisce scorrendo queste pagine, si rivolge soprattutto alle culture di frontiera e alle …
Año 2017: la joven estudiosa Lucia Balleani, está ordenando y clasificando los textos de la biblioteca de la fundación Hoenstaufen mientras trabaja en el antiguo palacio que había sido la residencia de la noble familia Baldeschi – Balleani, de la que…
Año 2017: la joven estudiosa Lucia Balleani, está ordenando y clasificando los textos de la biblioteca de la fundación Hoenstaufen mientras trabaja en el antiguo palacio que había sido la residencia de la noble familia Baldeschi – Balleani, de la que…
Түрк элдери Алтай тоолорунун аймагында кеңири мейкиндикте калыптанып, башка элдердин тилдик топтору: монгол, тунгус-манжур жана Тибет-Кытай менен өз ара аракеттенишет. Түрк тилдеринин жана элдеринин-алардын эне тилдеринин өнүгүү процессинде бир жагын…
Түрк элдери Алтай тоолорунун аймагында кеңири мейкиндикте калыптанып, башка элдердин тилдик топтору: монгол, тунгус-манжур жана Тибет-Кытай менен өз ара аракеттенишет. Түрк тилдеринин жана элдеринин-алардын эне тилдеринин өнүгүү процессинде бир жагын…