
иностранные языки

Amazing Aviators: A2-B1
The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history.Contents:Joseph-Michel Montgolfier, who helped humans to flyLouis Blériot, the first person to cross the sea in an aeroplaneCharles Lindbergh, first to cross the Atlantic aloneAmelia Earhart, the …
The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history.Contents:Joseph-Michel Montgolfier, who helped humans to flyLouis Blériot, the first person to cross the sea in an aeroplaneCharles Lindbergh, first to cross the Atlantic aloneAmelia Earhart, the …
Writing: B2+
Learn to write better academic essays*The Collins Academic Skills Series – winner of the ELTon 2014 Innovation in Learner Resources Award.*Collins Academic Skills Series: Writing gives you the skills and strategies you need to write well-structured e…
Learn to write better academic essays*The Collins Academic Skills Series – winner of the ELTon 2014 Innovation in Learner Resources Award.*Collins Academic Skills Series: Writing gives you the skills and strategies you need to write well-structured e…
Easy Learning French Conversation
A unique guide to communicating in French. It will help you to find out more about French culture and to practise your spoken French with a free downloadable audio file.An ideal tool for learners of French at all levels, whether at school, in evening…
A unique guide to communicating in French. It will help you to find out more about French culture and to practise your spoken French with a free downloadable audio file.An ideal tool for learners of French at all levels, whether at school, in evening…
Collins Arabic Phrasebook and Dictionary Gem Edition
With stunning new design and layout and the most up-to-date travel information, the market's most indispensable phrasebook and dictionary has been reinvented for ebook readers, and is better than ever. Gem Arabic will give you the right word at the r…
With stunning new design and layout and the most up-to-date travel information, the market's most indispensable phrasebook and dictionary has been reinvented for ebook readers, and is better than ever. Gem Arabic will give you the right word at the r…
Research: B2+
Improve your reading and referencing skills*The Collins Academic Skills Series – winner of the ELTon 2014 Innovation in Learner Resources Award.*Collins Academic Skills Series: Research will give you the skills you need for successful academic readin…
Improve your reading and referencing skills*The Collins Academic Skills Series – winner of the ELTon 2014 Innovation in Learner Resources Award.*Collins Academic Skills Series: Research will give you the skills you need for successful academic readin…
Group Work: B2+
Work together for academic success*The Collins Academic Skills Series – winner of the ELTon 2014 Innovation in Learner Resources Award.*Collins Academic Skills Series: Group Work will give you the skills you need to work well with others, and help yo…
Work together for academic success*The Collins Academic Skills Series – winner of the ELTon 2014 Innovation in Learner Resources Award.*Collins Academic Skills Series: Group Work will give you the skills you need to work well with others, and help yo…
Amazing Scientists: B2
The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history.Contents:Alessandro Volta, inventor of the batteryMichael Faraday, inventor of the electric motorMarie Curie, famous for her work on radioactivityAlbert Einstein, creator of the Theory of Relativi…
The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history.Contents:Alessandro Volta, inventor of the batteryMichael Faraday, inventor of the electric motorMarie Curie, famous for her work on radioactivityAlbert Einstein, creator of the Theory of Relativi…
Amazing Thinkers & Humanitarians: B2
The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history.Contents:Confucius, the great Chinese philosopherSocrates, the great Greek philosopherAristotle, the first to organize scientific knowledgeWilliam Wilberforce who ended the British slave tradeKarl…
The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history.Contents:Confucius, the great Chinese philosopherSocrates, the great Greek philosopherAristotle, the first to organize scientific knowledgeWilliam Wilberforce who ended the British slave tradeKarl…
Amazing Writers: B2
The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history.Contents:Voltaire, the French writer who believed in equality for allCharlotte Brontë, the British novelist who wrote Jane EyreMark Twain, the American who wrote Huckleberry Finn and Tom SawyerJac…
The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history.Contents:Voltaire, the French writer who believed in equality for allCharlotte Brontë, the British novelist who wrote Jane EyreMark Twain, the American who wrote Huckleberry Finn and Tom SawyerJac…
Amazing Composers: A2-B1
The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history.Contents:Johann Sebastian Bach who wrote the Brandenburg ConcertosWolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the child geniusGiuseppe Verdi who wrote the operas Aida and La TraviataJohann Strauss, ‘The Waltz King’P…
The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history.Contents:Johann Sebastian Bach who wrote the Brandenburg ConcertosWolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the child geniusGiuseppe Verdi who wrote the operas Aida and La TraviataJohann Strauss, ‘The Waltz King’P…
Amazing Philanthropists: B1
The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history.Contents:Alfred Nobel, creator of the Nobel PrizeAndrew Carnegie, the businessman who built libraries for poor peopleJohn D. Rockefeller who made money from oil and gave it all awayThomas Barnardo…
The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history.Contents:Alfred Nobel, creator of the Nobel PrizeAndrew Carnegie, the businessman who built libraries for poor peopleJohn D. Rockefeller who made money from oil and gave it all awayThomas Barnardo…
Amazing Women: A2
The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history.Contents:Harriet Tubman, the slave who helped hundreds of other slaves to escapeEmmeline Pankhurst who wanted women to be able to voteMaria Montessori, the doctor who found a new way to teach chil…
The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history.Contents:Harriet Tubman, the slave who helped hundreds of other slaves to escapeEmmeline Pankhurst who wanted women to be able to voteMaria Montessori, the doctor who found a new way to teach chil…
美丽的斯普利特 - 克罗地亚
旅游和会话指南 如果斯普利特对您是座陌生的城市,我写这本指南,不仅想向您介绍它的历史古迹和美丽风景,而且向您提供一个必要的语言工具,以使您能够充分享受您的旅行,在各种情况下也能去表达自己。 衷心希望这本指南能够为好奇的旅行者所用,帮助他们不仅认识一些未知之地,而且学会一门语言。 祝旅行愉快
旅游和会话指南 如果斯普利特对您是座陌生的城市,我写这本指南,不仅想向您介绍它的历史古迹和美丽风景,而且向您提供一个必要的语言工具,以使您能够充分享受您的旅行,在各种情况下也能去表达自己。 衷心希望这本指南能够为好奇的旅行者所用,帮助他们不仅认识一些未知之地,而且学会一门语言。 祝旅行愉快
Split La Belle - Croatie
Guide et conversations en langue croate. J’ai réalisé ce guide avec la volonté d’offrir des informations non seulement sur les lieux historiques et les beautés d’une Split méconnue, mais aussi sur les outils linguistiques nécessaires pour pouvoir pro…
Guide et conversations en langue croate. J’ai réalisé ce guide avec la volonté d’offrir des informations non seulement sur les lieux historiques et les beautés d’une Split méconnue, mais aussi sur les outils linguistiques nécessaires pour pouvoir pro…
Чудесный Город Сплит - Хорватия
Туристический путеводитель и русско-хорватский разговорник Этот путеводитель был создан мной не только для того, чтобы предоставить информацию об исторических памятниках и красивейших местах малознакомого туристам Сплита, но и обеспечить их необходим…
Туристический путеводитель и русско-хорватский разговорник Этот путеводитель был создан мной не только для того, чтобы предоставить информацию об исторических памятниках и красивейших местах малознакомого туристам Сплита, но и обеспечить их необходим…
Collins Gem Polish Phrasebook and Dictionary
A handy Polish phrasebook and dictionary, easy-to-read design and simple navigation, Gem Polish will give you the right word at the right time – every time for your travels in Poland.Communicate with ease in all of the most common travel situations. …
A handy Polish phrasebook and dictionary, easy-to-read design and simple navigation, Gem Polish will give you the right word at the right time – every time for your travels in Poland.Communicate with ease in all of the most common travel situations. …
Collins Gem Czech Phrasebook and Dictionary
The market's most indispensable phrasebook and dictionary has been reinvented for ereaders, and is better than ever. With the most up-to-date travel information, easy-to-read page design and simple navigation, Gem Czech will give you the right word a…
The market's most indispensable phrasebook and dictionary has been reinvented for ereaders, and is better than ever. With the most up-to-date travel information, easy-to-read page design and simple navigation, Gem Czech will give you the right word a…
Belgrado Fascinante
Dedicado a Belgrado: Tomé un poco de tus años y letra por letra comencé a unir los mundos. Sanja. El primer libro guía completamente escrito en caracteres cirílicos y latinos. Es una guía de los lugares históricos y de entretenimiento, de conversacio…
Dedicado a Belgrado: Tomé un poco de tus años y letra por letra comencé a unir los mundos. Sanja. El primer libro guía completamente escrito en caracteres cirílicos y latinos. Es una guía de los lugares históricos y de entretenimiento, de conversacio…
Красивият Сплит – Хърватия
Пътеводител и разговорник на хърватски език Съставих този пътеводител с желанието да предложа информация не само за историческите места и красоти на непознатия Сплит, но и за езиковите инструменти, необходими, за да се насладите напълно на пътуването…
Пътеводител и разговорник на хърватски език Съставих този пътеводител с желанието да предложа информация не само за историческите места и красоти на непознатия Сплит, но и за езиковите инструменти, необходими, за да се насладите напълно на пътуването…
Учебное пособие по домашнему чтению по роману С. Шелдона Гнев Ангелов (юридическая тематика). (Аспирантура, Бакалавриат, Магистратура). Учебное пособие.
Пособие охватывает большой объем лексического материала. Повторяемость лексических единиц обеспечивает непроизвольное запоминание специфических лексических оборотов и активного словаря юридической терминологии. Материал представлен в виде активных за…
Пособие охватывает большой объем лексического материала. Повторяемость лексических единиц обеспечивает непроизвольное запоминание специфических лексических оборотов и активного словаря юридической терминологии. Материал представлен в виде активных за…

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