Описаны анатомо-физиологические особенности пищевода, желудка, пищеводно-желудочного перехода, эпидемиология, статистика, патогенез, клинические проявления, диагностика, консервативное, медикаментозное и хирургическое лечение гастроэзофагеальной рефл…
Описаны анатомо-физиологические особенности пищевода, желудка, пищеводно-желудочного перехода, эпидемиология, статистика, патогенез, клинические проявления, диагностика, консервативное, медикаментозное и хирургическое лечение гастроэзофагеальной рефл…
Жалобы на боли в области желудка и кишечника – одни из самых распространенных в мире. Причем в одних случаях требуется срочная госпитализация (аппендицит или перетонит, например), а в других – достаточно домашнего лечения. Как узнать, когда «уже стои…
Жалобы на боли в области желудка и кишечника – одни из самых распространенных в мире. Причем в одних случаях требуется срочная госпитализация (аппендицит или перетонит, например), а в других – достаточно домашнего лечения. Как узнать, когда «уже стои…
Представлены анатомо-физиологические особенности поджелудочной железы, клинические проявления патологических процессов, диагностика и хирургическое лечение панкреатических кист и свищей. Отдельные главы посвящены осложнениям (нагноениям, кровотечения…
Представлены анатомо-физиологические особенности поджелудочной железы, клинические проявления патологических процессов, диагностика и хирургическое лечение панкреатических кист и свищей. Отдельные главы посвящены осложнениям (нагноениям, кровотечения…
Изложена информация об анатомо-функциональных особенностях, методах обследования колопроктологических пациентов. Отражены вопросы этиологии, патогенеза, классификации, клинической картины, диагностики и лечения аномалий и пороков развития, основных н…
Изложена информация об анатомо-функциональных особенностях, методах обследования колопроктологических пациентов. Отражены вопросы этиологии, патогенеза, классификации, клинической картины, диагностики и лечения аномалий и пороков развития, основных н…
Описаны анатомо-физиологические особенности толстой кишки в детском возрасте, факторы, способствующие формированию функциональных расстройств органов пищеварительного тракта, клиническая картина, диагностика патологии на основе Римских критериев IV. …
Описаны анатомо-физиологические особенности толстой кишки в детском возрасте, факторы, способствующие формированию функциональных расстройств органов пищеварительного тракта, клиническая картина, диагностика патологии на основе Римских критериев IV. …
The second edition of Clinical Dilemmas in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: New Challenges, is a practical, up-to-date handbook providing expert guidance on specific clinical dilemmas and areas of difficulty that the gastroenterologist regularly faces in …
The second edition of Clinical Dilemmas in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: New Challenges, is a practical, up-to-date handbook providing expert guidance on specific clinical dilemmas and areas of difficulty that the gastroenterologist regularly faces in …
Esophageal Cancer and Barrett’s Esophagus, 3E, focuses on these two common and key conditions that affect the esophagus, providing expert guidance to their pathogenesis, cause, prevention, diagnosis and clinical management. Top international names in…
Esophageal Cancer and Barrett’s Esophagus, 3E, focuses on these two common and key conditions that affect the esophagus, providing expert guidance to their pathogenesis, cause, prevention, diagnosis and clinical management. Top international names in…
Using a case-based approach, Colorectal Surgery: Clinical Care and Management provides practical, clinical and expert guidance to illustrate the best care and clinical management of patients requiring colorectal surgery for colorectal disease. Real-l…
Using a case-based approach, Colorectal Surgery: Clinical Care and Management provides practical, clinical and expert guidance to illustrate the best care and clinical management of patients requiring colorectal surgery for colorectal disease. Real-l…
Pancreatitis: medical and surgical management provides gastroenterologists and GI surgeons, both fully qualified and in training, with a focused, evidence-based approach to the most exciting developments in the diagnosis and clinical management of pa…
Pancreatitis: medical and surgical management provides gastroenterologists and GI surgeons, both fully qualified and in training, with a focused, evidence-based approach to the most exciting developments in the diagnosis and clinical management of pa…
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: A Clinician’s Guide provides practical guidance for the diagnosis and management of those suspected or known to have one of the forms of these complex diseases. It is perfect both for gastroenterology trainees learning to…
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: A Clinician’s Guide provides practical guidance for the diagnosis and management of those suspected or known to have one of the forms of these complex diseases. It is perfect both for gastroenterology trainees learning to…
Cirrhosis: a practical guide to management provides gastroenterologists and hepatologists with an up-to-date clinical guide presenting the very best evidence-based practice in the diagnosis, treatment and management of liver cirrhosis and its many co…
Cirrhosis: a practical guide to management provides gastroenterologists and hepatologists with an up-to-date clinical guide presenting the very best evidence-based practice in the diagnosis, treatment and management of liver cirrhosis and its many co…
Do you have patients referred to you suffering from NAFLD? Are you looking for an expert guide to the latest in clinical management? If so, this is the book for you, providing an expert and comprehensive analysis of NAFLD: what it is, why it happens,…
Do you have patients referred to you suffering from NAFLD? Are you looking for an expert guide to the latest in clinical management? If so, this is the book for you, providing an expert and comprehensive analysis of NAFLD: what it is, why it happens,…
This market-leading book, with comprehensive coverage of the entire spectrum of liver disease in children, returns with 12 brand new chapters covering key areas in liver transplantation, viral hepatitis, and liver disease in infancy. Authored by the …
This market-leading book, with comprehensive coverage of the entire spectrum of liver disease in children, returns with 12 brand new chapters covering key areas in liver transplantation, viral hepatitis, and liver disease in infancy. Authored by the …
Signaling Pathways in Liver Diseases, Third Edition again provides hepatologists and hepatology researchers with an expert overview of the complex and novel cellular/extracellular signaling pathways in the liver, and their role in liver diseases. The…
Signaling Pathways in Liver Diseases, Third Edition again provides hepatologists and hepatology researchers with an expert overview of the complex and novel cellular/extracellular signaling pathways in the liver, and their role in liver diseases. The…
The most important and reliable resource for treating diseases of the liver For more than 55 years, «Schiff» has been acclaimed as the most outstanding liver book in the world. This new 12th edition brings the field completely up to date and includes…
The most important and reliable resource for treating diseases of the liver For more than 55 years, «Schiff» has been acclaimed as the most outstanding liver book in the world. This new 12th edition brings the field completely up to date and includes…
Whereas other textbooks mix a clinical approach with large amounts of the basic science of gastroenterology, this book concentrates on providing practicing gastroenterologists with 100% clinically focused, evidence-based chapters on how to correctly …
Whereas other textbooks mix a clinical approach with large amounts of the basic science of gastroenterology, this book concentrates on providing practicing gastroenterologists with 100% clinically focused, evidence-based chapters on how to correctly …
Hepatology at a Glance is an accessible, illustrated introduction to this increasingly important specialty. This brand new title helps the reader to develop a solid understanding of liver disease, and to recognise, diagnose and treat all types of rou…
Hepatology at a Glance is an accessible, illustrated introduction to this increasingly important specialty. This brand new title helps the reader to develop a solid understanding of liver disease, and to recognise, diagnose and treat all types of rou…
First Edition – Winner of 2004 BMA Medical Book Competition in Gastroenterology The second edition of this prize winning book is written by some of the world’s foremost experts in the field of colonoscopy and colonic imaging. Every chapter has been u…
First Edition – Winner of 2004 BMA Medical Book Competition in Gastroenterology The second edition of this prize winning book is written by some of the world’s foremost experts in the field of colonoscopy and colonic imaging. Every chapter has been u…
Clinical Dilemmas in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease offers hepatologists practical, up-to-date and expert guidance on the most topical dilemmas, difficulties and areas of controversy/difficulty surrounding this ever-increasing area of liver diseas…
Clinical Dilemmas in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease offers hepatologists practical, up-to-date and expert guidance on the most topical dilemmas, difficulties and areas of controversy/difficulty surrounding this ever-increasing area of liver diseas…
Mount Sinai Expert Guides: Gastroenterology will provide physicians with an extremely clinical and accessible handbook covering the major GI diseases and symptoms, their diagnosis and clinical management. Perfect as a point-of-care resource on the ho…
Mount Sinai Expert Guides: Gastroenterology will provide physicians with an extremely clinical and accessible handbook covering the major GI diseases and symptoms, their diagnosis and clinical management. Perfect as a point-of-care resource on the ho…