Расположенная на самой окраине Восточной Азии, Корея славится удивительной красотой и разнообразием природы. Не случайно ее жители назвали свою страну так поэтично: «Страна утренней свежести». Тысячелетиями трудясь на земле, освоенной предками, корей…
Расположенная на самой окраине Восточной Азии, Корея славится удивительной красотой и разнообразием природы. Не случайно ее жители назвали свою страну так поэтично: «Страна утренней свежести». Тысячелетиями трудясь на земле, освоенной предками, корей…
«Большая книга скандинавских мифов» – наиболее полное и последовательное собрание северных легенд и преданий на русском языке. Здесь вы найдете более 150 мифов, героических преданий и избранных саг, действие многих из которых разворачивается на земля…
«Большая книга скандинавских мифов» – наиболее полное и последовательное собрание северных легенд и преданий на русском языке. Здесь вы найдете более 150 мифов, героических преданий и избранных саг, действие многих из которых разворачивается на земля…
A charming new pocket edition of one of Tolkien’s major pieces of short fiction, and his only finished work dating from after publication of The Lord of the Rings.What began as a preface to The Golden Key by George MacDonald eventually grew into this…
A charming new pocket edition of one of Tolkien’s major pieces of short fiction, and his only finished work dating from after publication of The Lord of the Rings.What began as a preface to The Golden Key by George MacDonald eventually grew into this…
This revised and expanded edition of Tolkien’s own Hobbit-inspired poetry includes previously unpublished poems and notes, and is beautifully illustrated by Narnia artist Pauline Baynes.‘Here is something that no devotee of the Hobbit epic can afford…
This revised and expanded edition of Tolkien’s own Hobbit-inspired poetry includes previously unpublished poems and notes, and is beautifully illustrated by Narnia artist Pauline Baynes.‘Here is something that no devotee of the Hobbit epic can afford…
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.When Paris falls in love with legendary beauty Helen of Troy, the devastating effects of their affair on their families and fellow citizens are unimaginable. Bat…
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.When Paris falls in love with legendary beauty Helen of Troy, the devastating effects of their affair on their families and fellow citizens are unimaginable. Bat…
Есть ли место сказке в мире смартфонов и компьютеров? Может ли домик на окраине коттеджного посёлка оказаться избушкой бабы Яги, а твой новый одноклассник сыном Морского царя? Денис Королёв теперь знает точно.
Есть ли место сказке в мире смартфонов и компьютеров? Может ли домик на окраине коттеджного посёлка оказаться избушкой бабы Яги, а твой новый одноклассник сыном Морского царя? Денис Королёв теперь знает точно.
Вьетнамские сказки и легенды представляют собой драгоценные сокровища национального фольклора. Кроме того, во Вьетнаме сказкотворчество — это весьма современный процесс. Коллекция вьетнамских сказок постоянно пополняется новыми творениями, которые ве…
Вьетнамские сказки и легенды представляют собой драгоценные сокровища национального фольклора. Кроме того, во Вьетнаме сказкотворчество — это весьма современный процесс. Коллекция вьетнамских сказок постоянно пополняется новыми творениями, которые ве…
Сказка "Клубок Мокоши" написана по мотивам славянских мифов. Её события происходят в те стародавние времена, когда боги спускались на землю и беседовали с людьми, а мифологические существа были такой же обыденностью, как природные или бытовые явления…
Сказка "Клубок Мокоши" написана по мотивам славянских мифов. Её события происходят в те стародавние времена, когда боги спускались на землю и беседовали с людьми, а мифологические существа были такой же обыденностью, как природные или бытовые явления…
Comprising the ancient texts of The Belgariad and The Malloreon, The Rivan Codex is a book which stands in the same relationship to the Belgariad and Malloreon as The Silmarillion does to The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.Before David Eddings star…
Comprising the ancient texts of The Belgariad and The Malloreon, The Rivan Codex is a book which stands in the same relationship to the Belgariad and Malloreon as The Silmarillion does to The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.Before David Eddings star…
Stunning Japanese novel with a chilling twist – the follow-up to Ring and Spiral.Kaoru's father, Hideyuki, lies dying in a Tokyo hospital, his body ravaged by viral cancer. This nightmarish incurable disease has sprung out of nowhere and has begun to…
Stunning Japanese novel with a chilling twist – the follow-up to Ring and Spiral.Kaoru's father, Hideyuki, lies dying in a Tokyo hospital, his body ravaged by viral cancer. This nightmarish incurable disease has sprung out of nowhere and has begun to…
Painstakingly restored from Tolkien’s manuscripts and presented for the first time as a continuous and standalone story, the epic tale of Beren and Lúthien will reunite fans of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings with Elves and Men, Dwarves and Orcs…
Painstakingly restored from Tolkien’s manuscripts and presented for the first time as a continuous and standalone story, the epic tale of Beren and Lúthien will reunite fans of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings with Elves and Men, Dwarves and Orcs…
In the Tale of The Fall of Gondolin are two of the greatest powers in the world. There is Morgoth of the uttermost evil, unseen in this story but ruling over a vast military power from his fortress of Angband. Deeply opposed to Morgoth is Ulmo, secon…
In the Tale of The Fall of Gondolin are two of the greatest powers in the world. There is Morgoth of the uttermost evil, unseen in this story but ruling over a vast military power from his fortress of Angband. Deeply opposed to Morgoth is Ulmo, secon…
The lost tales of ‘Animal-land’, written and illustrated by C.S. Lewis and his brother Warnie, which they developed into the chronicles of the kingdom of Boxen, newly published to mark the centenary of the first story.Half a century before the public…
The lost tales of ‘Animal-land’, written and illustrated by C.S. Lewis and his brother Warnie, which they developed into the chronicles of the kingdom of Boxen, newly published to mark the centenary of the first story.Half a century before the public…
Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature 2000. Part travel diary, part philosophy, part love story, ‘Soul Mountain’ is an elegant, unforgettable novel that journeys deep into the heart of modern-day China.In 1982 Chinese playwright, novelist and arti…
Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature 2000. Part travel diary, part philosophy, part love story, ‘Soul Mountain’ is an elegant, unforgettable novel that journeys deep into the heart of modern-day China.In 1982 Chinese playwright, novelist and arti…
Our life is brief . . .The definitive English language translation of the internationally best-selling Russian novel – a brilliant dark fantasy combining psychological suspense, enchantment, and terror that makes us consider human existence in a fres…
Our life is brief . . .The definitive English language translation of the internationally best-selling Russian novel – a brilliant dark fantasy combining psychological suspense, enchantment, and terror that makes us consider human existence in a fres…
The lost classic masterpiece of magical realms, admired by Tolkien and the great prototype for The Lord of the Rings and modern fantasy fiction.On the far side of darkness lies a world where two mighty forces are making ready for a war of kingdom aga…
The lost classic masterpiece of magical realms, admired by Tolkien and the great prototype for The Lord of the Rings and modern fantasy fiction.On the far side of darkness lies a world where two mighty forces are making ready for a war of kingdom aga…
The second volume in the classic epic trilogy of parallel worlds, admired by Tolkien and the great prototype for The Lord of the Rings and modern fantasy fiction.A lady strays from a garden path and enters a different realm. A king wages dynastic war…
The second volume in the classic epic trilogy of parallel worlds, admired by Tolkien and the great prototype for The Lord of the Rings and modern fantasy fiction.A lady strays from a garden path and enters a different realm. A king wages dynastic war…
The third volume in the classic epic trilogy of parallel worlds, admired by Tolkien and the great prototype for The Lord of the Rings and modern fantasy fiction.E. R. Eddison was the author of three of the most remarkable fantasies in the English lan…
The third volume in the classic epic trilogy of parallel worlds, admired by Tolkien and the great prototype for The Lord of the Rings and modern fantasy fiction.E. R. Eddison was the author of three of the most remarkable fantasies in the English lan…
The first volume in the classic epic trilogy of parallel worlds, admired by Tolkien and the great prototype for The Lord of the Rings and modern fantasy fiction.According to legend, the Gates of Zimiamvia lead to a land ‘that no mortal foot may tread…
The first volume in the classic epic trilogy of parallel worlds, admired by Tolkien and the great prototype for The Lord of the Rings and modern fantasy fiction.According to legend, the Gates of Zimiamvia lead to a land ‘that no mortal foot may tread…
The whole of the magnificent Riftwar Cycle by bestselling author Raymond E. Feist, master of magic and adventure, now available in ebookDurine, Kethol and Pirojil are three mercenaries who have spent twenty years fighting other people's battles: agai…
The whole of the magnificent Riftwar Cycle by bestselling author Raymond E. Feist, master of magic and adventure, now available in ebookDurine, Kethol and Pirojil are three mercenaries who have spent twenty years fighting other people's battles: agai…