

Applied Diffusion Processes from Engineering to Finance
The aim of this book is to promote interaction between engineering, finance and insurance, as these three domains have many models and methods of solution in common for solving real-life problems. The authors point out the strict inter-relations that…
The aim of this book is to promote interaction between engineering, finance and insurance, as these three domains have many models and methods of solution in common for solving real-life problems. The authors point out the strict inter-relations that…
Quantile Regression. Estimation and Simulation
Contains an overview of several technical topics of Quantile Regression Volume two of Quantile Regression offers an important guide for applied researchers that draws on the same example-based approach adopted for the first volume. The text explores …
Contains an overview of several technical topics of Quantile Regression Volume two of Quantile Regression offers an important guide for applied researchers that draws on the same example-based approach adopted for the first volume. The text explores …
В царстве математической смекалки
Перед вами широко известная книга Емельяна Игнатьевича Игнатьева (1869–1923), педагога и общепризнанного классика популярной математической литературы. «В царстве смекалки» переиздавалась множество раз и неизменно пользовалась успехом: задачи, голово…
Перед вами широко известная книга Емельяна Игнатьевича Игнатьева (1869–1923), педагога и общепризнанного классика популярной математической литературы. «В царстве смекалки» переиздавалась множество раз и неизменно пользовалась успехом: задачи, голово…
ARCH Models for Financial Applications
Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedastic (ARCH) processes are used in finance to model asset price volatility over time. This book introduces both the theory and applications of ARCH models and provides the basic theoretical and empirical backgroun…
Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedastic (ARCH) processes are used in finance to model asset price volatility over time. This book introduces both the theory and applications of ARCH models and provides the basic theoretical and empirical backgroun…
Statistical Models and Methods for Reliability and Survival Analysis
Statistical Models and Methods for Reliability and Survival Analysis brings together contributions by specialists in statistical theory as they discuss their applications providing up-to-date developments in methods used in survival analysis, statist…
Statistical Models and Methods for Reliability and Survival Analysis brings together contributions by specialists in statistical theory as they discuss their applications providing up-to-date developments in methods used in survival analysis, statist…
Robustness Theory and Application
A preeminent expert in the field explores new and exciting methodologies in the ever-growing field of robust statistics Used to develop data analytical methods, which are resistant to outlying observations in the data, while capable of detecting outl…
A preeminent expert in the field explores new and exciting methodologies in the ever-growing field of robust statistics Used to develop data analytical methods, which are resistant to outlying observations in the data, while capable of detecting outl…
Decision Theory. Principles and Approaches
Decision theory provides a formal framework for making logical choices in the face of uncertainty. Given a set of alternatives, a set of consequences, and a correspondence between those sets, decision theory offers conceptually simple procedures for …
Decision theory provides a formal framework for making logical choices in the face of uncertainty. Given a set of alternatives, a set of consequences, and a correspondence between those sets, decision theory offers conceptually simple procedures for …
Bayesian Networks. An Introduction
Bayesian Networks: An Introduction provides a self-contained introduction to the theory and applications of Bayesian networks, a topic of interest and importance for statisticians, computer scientists and those involved in modelling complex data sets…
Bayesian Networks: An Introduction provides a self-contained introduction to the theory and applications of Bayesian networks, a topic of interest and importance for statisticians, computer scientists and those involved in modelling complex data sets…
Математика в занимательных рассказах
Даже в литературных текстах: романах-приключениях и фантастических рассказах встречаются головоломки, которые без знания математики не разрешить. «Математика в занимательных рассказах» Якова Перельмана поможет читателю понять теорию вероятности, разг…
Даже в литературных текстах: романах-приключениях и фантастических рассказах встречаются головоломки, которые без знания математики не разрешить. «Математика в занимательных рассказах» Якова Перельмана поможет читателю понять теорию вероятности, разг…
Занимательная геометрия
Может ли быть геометрия в лесу, в открытом поле, в дороге, впотьмах, на съемочной площадке, в газетных заголовках и статьях, там, где небо с землей сходятся? Оказывается, может! Везде вокруг нас можно найти геометрические величины и понятия. Это плос…
Может ли быть геометрия в лесу, в открытом поле, в дороге, впотьмах, на съемочной площадке, в газетных заголовках и статьях, там, где небо с землей сходятся? Оказывается, может! Везде вокруг нас можно найти геометрические величины и понятия. Это плос…
Весь курс начальной школы в схемах и таблицах. Математика. 1-4 классы
В учебном пособии известных педагогов О.В. Узоровой, Е.А. Нефёдовой базовый материал по математике для учащихся 1–4-х классов представлен в виде таблиц и схем. К каждому правилу даны примеры и практические задания. Особое внимание уделено решению зад…
В учебном пособии известных педагогов О.В. Узоровой, Е.А. Нефёдовой базовый материал по математике для учащихся 1–4-х классов представлен в виде таблиц и схем. К каждому правилу даны примеры и практические задания. Особое внимание уделено решению зад…
Fractional Calculus with Applications in Mechanics. Vibrations and Diffusion Processes
This book contains mathematical preliminaries in which basic definitions of fractional derivatives and spaces are presented. The central part of the book contains various applications in classical mechanics including fields such as: viscoelasticity, …
This book contains mathematical preliminaries in which basic definitions of fractional derivatives and spaces are presented. The central part of the book contains various applications in classical mechanics including fields such as: viscoelasticity, …
Цифры и числа
Первые знания – самые важные и самые запоминающиеся. Поэтом серия «Моя первая книга» – это интересно и познавательно, весело и увлекательно.
Первые знания – самые важные и самые запоминающиеся. Поэтом серия «Моя первая книга» – это интересно и познавательно, весело и увлекательно.
Stochastic Methods for Pension Funds
Quantitative finance has become these last years a extraordinary field of research and interest as well from an academic point of view as for practical applications. At the same time, pension issue is clearly a major economical and financial topic fo…
Quantitative finance has become these last years a extraordinary field of research and interest as well from an academic point of view as for practical applications. At the same time, pension issue is clearly a major economical and financial topic fo…
Цифры и числа
Ребёнок ещё мал, а мир вокруг такой сложный. Наши книги сделают их знакомство и приятным, и полезным. Серия «Книга умного малыша» поможет крохе получить первые, самые важные знания и развить дарования, которые заложены в нём природой.
Ребёнок ещё мал, а мир вокруг такой сложный. Наши книги сделают их знакомство и приятным, и полезным. Серия «Книга умного малыша» поможет крохе получить первые, самые важные знания и развить дарования, которые заложены в нём природой.
The Bayesian Way: Introductory Statistics for Economists and Engineers
A comprehensive resource that offers an introduction to statistics with a Bayesian angle, for students of professional disciplines like engineering and economics The Bayesian Way offers a basic introduction to statistics that emphasizes the Bayesian …
A comprehensive resource that offers an introduction to statistics with a Bayesian angle, for students of professional disciplines like engineering and economics The Bayesian Way offers a basic introduction to statistics that emphasizes the Bayesian …
Nonlinear Time Series Analysis
A comprehensive resource that draws a balance between theory and applications of nonlinear time series analysis Nonlinear Time Series Analysis offers an important guide to both parametric and nonparametric methods, nonlinear state-space models, and B…
A comprehensive resource that draws a balance between theory and applications of nonlinear time series analysis Nonlinear Time Series Analysis offers an important guide to both parametric and nonparametric methods, nonlinear state-space models, and B…
Fractional Calculus with Applications in Mechanics. Wave Propagation, Impact and Variational Principles
The books Fractional Calculus with Applications in Mechanics: Vibrations and Diffusion Processes and Fractional Calculus with Applications in Mechanics: Wave Propagation, Impact and Variational Principles contain various applications of fractional ca…
The books Fractional Calculus with Applications in Mechanics: Vibrations and Diffusion Processes and Fractional Calculus with Applications in Mechanics: Wave Propagation, Impact and Variational Principles contain various applications of fractional ca…
Handbook of Nonresponse in Household Surveys
A comprehensive, one-stop guide to identifying, reducing, and managing nonresponse in household surveys Nonresponse and its impact on the sample selection mechanism of a survey is a common problem that often arises while collecting survey data. Handb…
A comprehensive, one-stop guide to identifying, reducing, and managing nonresponse in household surveys Nonresponse and its impact on the sample selection mechanism of a survey is a common problem that often arises while collecting survey data. Handb…
Panel Data Econometrics with R
Panel Data Econometrics with R provides a tutorial for using R in the field of panel data econometrics. Illustrated throughout with examples in econometrics, political science, agriculture and epidemiology, this book presents classic methodology and …
Panel Data Econometrics with R provides a tutorial for using R in the field of panel data econometrics. Illustrated throughout with examples in econometrics, political science, agriculture and epidemiology, this book presents classic methodology and …

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