

1000 рекомендаций. Для преподавателя общеобразовательных дисциплин
Актуальные вопросы, с которыми встречается каждый преподаватель — это составление планирующей и отчетной документации. Данная серия представляет набор актуальных материалов для использования в работе.
Актуальные вопросы, с которыми встречается каждый преподаватель — это составление планирующей и отчетной документации. Данная серия представляет набор актуальных материалов для использования в работе.
Introductory Modern Algebra. A Historical Approach
Praise for the First Edition «Stahl offers the solvability of equations from the historical point of view…one of the best books available to support a one-semester introduction to abstract algebra.» —CHOICE Introductory Modern Algebra: A Historical A…
Praise for the First Edition «Stahl offers the solvability of equations from the historical point of view…one of the best books available to support a one-semester introduction to abstract algebra.» —CHOICE Introductory Modern Algebra: A Historical A…
Markov Chains. Analytic and Monte Carlo Computations
Markov Chains: Analytic and Monte Carlo Computations introduces the main notions related to Markov chains and provides explanations on how to characterize, simulate, and recognize them. Starting with basic notions, this book leads progressively to ad…
Markov Chains: Analytic and Monte Carlo Computations introduces the main notions related to Markov chains and provides explanations on how to characterize, simulate, and recognize them. Starting with basic notions, this book leads progressively to ad…
Markov Chains. From Theory to Implementation and Experimentation
A fascinating and instructive guide to Markov chains for experienced users and newcomers alike This unique guide to Markov chains approaches the subject along the four convergent lines of mathematics, implementation, simulation, and experimentation. …
A fascinating and instructive guide to Markov chains for experienced users and newcomers alike This unique guide to Markov chains approaches the subject along the four convergent lines of mathematics, implementation, simulation, and experimentation. …
Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Geostatistical Modeling and Kriging
Statistical Methods for Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Data Analysis provides a complete range of spatio-temporal covariance functions and discusses ways of constructing them. This book is a unified approach to modeling spatial and spatio-temporal data …
Statistical Methods for Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Data Analysis provides a complete range of spatio-temporal covariance functions and discusses ways of constructing them. This book is a unified approach to modeling spatial and spatio-temporal data …
Специальные функции в 2 ч. Часть 1. Справочник для вузов
В книге «Специальные функции» в отличие от известных справочных руководств значительно расширены сведения по всем известным специальным функциям, введены новые разделы по функции распределения Релея Райса и неполным цилиндрическим функциям, содержатс…
В книге «Специальные функции» в отличие от известных справочных руководств значительно расширены сведения по всем известным специальным функциям, введены новые разделы по функции распределения Релея Райса и неполным цилиндрическим функциям, содержатс…
Performing Data Analysis Using IBM SPSS
Features easy-to-follow insight and clear guidelines to perform data analysis using IBM SPSS® Performing Data Analysis Using IBM SPSS® uniquely addresses the presented statistical procedures with an example problem, detailed analysis, and the related…
Features easy-to-follow insight and clear guidelines to perform data analysis using IBM SPSS® Performing Data Analysis Using IBM SPSS® uniquely addresses the presented statistical procedures with an example problem, detailed analysis, and the related…
Basic Data Analysis for Time Series with R
Written at a readily accessible level, Basic Data Analysis for Time Series with R emphasizes the mathematical importance of collaborative analysis of data used to collect increments of time or space. Balancing a theoretical and practical approach to …
Written at a readily accessible level, Basic Data Analysis for Time Series with R emphasizes the mathematical importance of collaborative analysis of data used to collect increments of time or space. Balancing a theoretical and practical approach to …
Case Studies in Bayesian Statistical Modelling and Analysis
Provides an accessible foundation to Bayesian analysis using real world models This book aims to present an introduction to Bayesian modelling and computation, by considering real case studies drawn from diverse fields spanning ecology, health, genet…
Provides an accessible foundation to Bayesian analysis using real world models This book aims to present an introduction to Bayesian modelling and computation, by considering real case studies drawn from diverse fields spanning ecology, health, genet…
Beginning Partial Differential Equations
A broad introduction to PDEs with an emphasis on specialized topics and applications occurring in a variety of fields Featuring a thoroughly revised presentation of topics, Beginning Partial Differential Equations, Third Edition provides a challengin…
A broad introduction to PDEs with an emphasis on specialized topics and applications occurring in a variety of fields Featuring a thoroughly revised presentation of topics, Beginning Partial Differential Equations, Third Edition provides a challengin…
Математика: основные математические структуры 2-е изд. Учебное пособие для академического бакалавриата
Учебное пособие посвящено основным типам математических структур. В первых трех главах рассматриваются такие фундаментальные типы структур, как алгебраические, порядковые и топологические. Авторы дополняют их еще двумя типами — пространства с мерой и…
Учебное пособие посвящено основным типам математических структур. В первых трех главах рассматриваются такие фундаментальные типы структур, как алгебраические, порядковые и топологические. Авторы дополняют их еще двумя типами — пространства с мерой и…
Understanding Uncertainty
Praise for the First Edition «…a reference for everyone who is interested in knowing and handling uncertainty.» —Journal of Applied Statistics The critically acclaimed First Edition of Understanding Uncertainty provided a study of uncertainty address…
Praise for the First Edition «…a reference for everyone who is interested in knowing and handling uncertainty.» —Journal of Applied Statistics The critically acclaimed First Edition of Understanding Uncertainty provided a study of uncertainty address…
Aerospace Actuators. Signal-by-Wire and Power-by-Wire
This book is the second in a series of volumes which cover the topic of aerospace actuators following a systems-based approach. This second volume brings an original, functional and architectural vision to more electric aerospace actuators. The aspec…
This book is the second in a series of volumes which cover the topic of aerospace actuators following a systems-based approach. This second volume brings an original, functional and architectural vision to more electric aerospace actuators. The aspec…
Multivariate Density Estimation. Theory, Practice, and Visualization
Clarifies modern data analysis through nonparametric density estimation for a complete working knowledge of the theory and methods Featuring a thoroughly revised presentation, Multivariate Density Estimation: Theory, Practice, and Visualization, Seco…
Clarifies modern data analysis through nonparametric density estimation for a complete working knowledge of the theory and methods Featuring a thoroughly revised presentation, Multivariate Density Estimation: Theory, Practice, and Visualization, Seco…
Исследование операций: принципы принятия решений и обеспечение безопасности 2-е изд., пер. и доп. Учебное пособие для академического бакалавриата
В учебном пособии рассматриваются математические методы исследования операций и даются обобщенные понятия формализованной теории системной безопасности. Издание состоит из трех частей. Первая посвящена исходным принципам исследования операций и эффек…
В учебном пособии рассматриваются математические методы исследования операций и даются обобщенные понятия формализованной теории системной безопасности. Издание состоит из трех частей. Первая посвящена исходным принципам исследования операций и эффек…
Method of Lines PDE Analysis in Biomedical Science and Engineering
Presents the methodology and applications of ODE and PDE models within biomedical science and engineering With an emphasis on the method of lines (MOL) for partial differential equation (PDE) numerical integration, Method of Lines PDE Analysis in Bio…
Presents the methodology and applications of ODE and PDE models within biomedical science and engineering With an emphasis on the method of lines (MOL) for partial differential equation (PDE) numerical integration, Method of Lines PDE Analysis in Bio…
Introduction to Bayesian Estimation and Copula Models of Dependence
Presents an introduction to Bayesian statistics, presents an emphasis on Bayesian methods (prior and posterior), Bayes estimation, prediction, MCMC,Bayesian regression, and Bayesian analysis of statistical modelsof dependence, and features a focus on…
Presents an introduction to Bayesian statistics, presents an emphasis on Bayesian methods (prior and posterior), Bayes estimation, prediction, MCMC,Bayesian regression, and Bayesian analysis of statistical modelsof dependence, and features a focus on…
Numerical Methods for Inverse Problems
This book studies methods to concretely address inverse problems. An inverse problem arises when the causes that produced a given effect must be determined or when one seeks to indirectly estimate the parameters of a physical system. The author uses …
This book studies methods to concretely address inverse problems. An inverse problem arises when the causes that produced a given effect must be determined or when one seeks to indirectly estimate the parameters of a physical system. The author uses …
Modern Industrial Statistics. with applications in R, MINITAB and JMP
Fully revised and updated, this book combines a theoretical background with examples and references to R, MINITAB and JMP, enabling practitioners to find state-of-the-art material on both foundation and implementation tools to support their work. Top…
Fully revised and updated, this book combines a theoretical background with examples and references to R, MINITAB and JMP, enabling practitioners to find state-of-the-art material on both foundation and implementation tools to support their work. Top…
Statistical Analysis in Forensic Science. Evidential Values of Multivariate Physicochemical Data
A practical guide for determining the evidential value of physicochemical data Microtraces of various materials (e.g. glass, paint, fibres, and petroleum products) are routinely subjected to physicochemical examination by forensic experts, whose role…
A practical guide for determining the evidential value of physicochemical data Microtraces of various materials (e.g. glass, paint, fibres, and petroleum products) are routinely subjected to physicochemical examination by forensic experts, whose role…

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