Natural gas is the world’s cleanest fossil fuel; it generates less air pollution and releases less CO2 per unit of useful energy than liquid fuels or coals. With its vast supplies of conventional resources and nonconventional stores, the extension of…
Natural gas is the world’s cleanest fossil fuel; it generates less air pollution and releases less CO2 per unit of useful energy than liquid fuels or coals. With its vast supplies of conventional resources and nonconventional stores, the extension of…
Thermodynamics is the science that describes the behavior of matter at the macroscopic scale, and how this arises from individual molecules. As such, it is a subject of profound practical and fundamental importance to many science and engineering fie…
Thermodynamics is the science that describes the behavior of matter at the macroscopic scale, and how this arises from individual molecules. As such, it is a subject of profound practical and fundamental importance to many science and engineering fie…
Filling the gap for a reference dedicated to the characterization of polymer blends and their micro and nano morphologies, this book provides comprehensive, systematic coverage in a one-stop, two-volume resource for all those working in the field. Le…
Filling the gap for a reference dedicated to the characterization of polymer blends and their micro and nano morphologies, this book provides comprehensive, systematic coverage in a one-stop, two-volume resource for all those working in the field. Le…
This book covers the study of electromagnetic wave theory and describes how electromagnetic technologies affect our daily lives. From ER to ET: How Electromagnetic Technologies Are Changing Our Lives explores electromagnetic wave theory including its…
This book covers the study of electromagnetic wave theory and describes how electromagnetic technologies affect our daily lives. From ER to ET: How Electromagnetic Technologies Are Changing Our Lives explores electromagnetic wave theory including its…
The book assumes next to no prior knowledge of the topic. The first part introduces the core mathematics, always in conjunction with the physical context. In the second part of the book, a series of examples showcases some of the more conceptually ad…
The book assumes next to no prior knowledge of the topic. The first part introduces the core mathematics, always in conjunction with the physical context. In the second part of the book, a series of examples showcases some of the more conceptually ad…
An essential guide to studying symmetrical component theory Provides concise treatment of symmetrical components Describes major sequence models of power system components Discusses Electromagnetic Transient Program (EMTP) models Includes worked exam…
An essential guide to studying symmetrical component theory Provides concise treatment of symmetrical components Describes major sequence models of power system components Discusses Electromagnetic Transient Program (EMTP) models Includes worked exam…
A step-by-step guide for students (and faculty) on the use of Aspen in teaching thermodynamics • Easily-accessible modern computational techniques opening up new vistas in teaching thermodynamics A range of applications of Aspen Plus in the predictio…
A step-by-step guide for students (and faculty) on the use of Aspen in teaching thermodynamics • Easily-accessible modern computational techniques opening up new vistas in teaching thermodynamics A range of applications of Aspen Plus in the predictio…
Shows how the concepts of vectorization and design masks can be used to help the designer in comparing different designs and making the right choices. The book addresses series and parallel multicell conversion directly, and the concepts can be gener…
Shows how the concepts of vectorization and design masks can be used to help the designer in comparing different designs and making the right choices. The book addresses series and parallel multicell conversion directly, and the concepts can be gener…
Quantum mechanics (QM) is latently present in the life of electrical engineers already, since the hardware of todays information technology – from electrical data processing, through interconversion of electronic and optical information, to data stor…
Quantum mechanics (QM) is latently present in the life of electrical engineers already, since the hardware of todays information technology – from electrical data processing, through interconversion of electronic and optical information, to data stor…
The electrochemical storage of energy has become essential in assisting the development of electrical transport and use of renewable energies. French researchers have played a key role in this domain but Asia is currently the market leader. Not wanti…
The electrochemical storage of energy has become essential in assisting the development of electrical transport and use of renewable energies. French researchers have played a key role in this domain but Asia is currently the market leader. Not wanti…
After a quick survey of the famous pioneers of human movement analysis and the actual needs in different domains, this book presents the main types of systems available on the market (with the pros and cons), and then details the most widely used: th…
After a quick survey of the famous pioneers of human movement analysis and the actual needs in different domains, this book presents the main types of systems available on the market (with the pros and cons), and then details the most widely used: th…
This topical and timely textbook is a collection of problems for students, researchers, and practitioners interested in state-of-the-art material and device applications in quantum mechanics. Most problem are relevant either to a new device or a devi…
This topical and timely textbook is a collection of problems for students, researchers, and practitioners interested in state-of-the-art material and device applications in quantum mechanics. Most problem are relevant either to a new device or a devi…
The electrochemical energy storage is a means to conserve electrical energy in chemical form. This form of storage benefits from the fact that these two energies share the same vector, the electron. This advantage allows us to limit the losses relate…
The electrochemical energy storage is a means to conserve electrical energy in chemical form. This form of storage benefits from the fact that these two energies share the same vector, the electron. This advantage allows us to limit the losses relate…
Most practitioners within wind energy have only a very basic knowledge about meteorology, leading to a lack of understanding of one of the most fundamental subjects in wind energy. This book will therefore provide an easy-to-understand introduction t…
Most practitioners within wind energy have only a very basic knowledge about meteorology, leading to a lack of understanding of one of the most fundamental subjects in wind energy. This book will therefore provide an easy-to-understand introduction t…
В пособие включены теоретическое введение, задачи и лабораторные работы по физическим свойствам металлов и сплавов. Пособие предназначено для студентов специальности 150501 «Материаловедение в машиностроении», бакалавров по направлению подготовки 150…
В пособие включены теоретическое введение, задачи и лабораторные работы по физическим свойствам металлов и сплавов. Пособие предназначено для студентов специальности 150501 «Материаловедение в машиностроении», бакалавров по направлению подготовки 150…
• О том, как работает сознание, знают все.
• Как работает мозг знают многие.
• Что такое нервный импульс толком не знает никто!
• В этой книге мы с вами исследуем эволюцию человеческих представлений и заблуждений о природе нервного импульса.
•Только …
• О том, как работает сознание, знают все.
• Как работает мозг знают многие.
• Что такое нервный импульс толком не знает никто!
• В этой книге мы с вами исследуем эволюцию человеческих представлений и заблуждений о природе нервного импульса.
•Только …
С увлекательнейшей наукой физикой и различными физическими явлениями – тепловыми, световыми, звуковыми и магнитными – поможет познакомиться книга Якова Исидоровича Перельмана «Головоломки по физике». Из этой книги можно узнать, как тушат огонь с помо…
С увлекательнейшей наукой физикой и различными физическими явлениями – тепловыми, световыми, звуковыми и магнитными – поможет познакомиться книга Якова Исидоровича Перельмана «Головоломки по физике». Из этой книги можно узнать, как тушат огонь с помо…
Непостоянная скорость света. Вечный Двигатель своими руками. Устройство Машины Времени. Антигравитация. Связь взаимно подобных форм. Телепортация в быту. Концентрация природной энергии. Сенсационные опыты на кухонном столе. Классическая наука. Мир в …
Непостоянная скорость света. Вечный Двигатель своими руками. Устройство Машины Времени. Антигравитация. Связь взаимно подобных форм. Телепортация в быту. Концентрация природной энергии. Сенсационные опыты на кухонном столе. Классическая наука. Мир в …
Лабораторный практикум составлен в соответствии с требованиями к содержанию курса общей физики; включает описание лабораторных работ, методику их выполнения, краткие теоретические сведения. Практикум предназначен студентам и преподавателям инженерно-…
Лабораторный практикум составлен в соответствии с требованиями к содержанию курса общей физики; включает описание лабораторных работ, методику их выполнения, краткие теоретические сведения. Практикум предназначен студентам и преподавателям инженерно-…