история Древнего мира
A Companion to Science, Technology, and Medicine in Ancient Greece and Rome brings a fresh perspective to the study of these disciplines in the ancient world, with 60 chapters examining these topics from a variety of critical and technical perspectiv…
A Companion to Science, Technology, and Medicine in Ancient Greece and Rome brings a fresh perspective to the study of these disciplines in the ancient world, with 60 chapters examining these topics from a variety of critical and technical perspectiv…
Antiquity: Greeks and Romans in Context provides a chronological introduction to the history of ancient Mediterranean civilizations within the larger context of its contemporary Eurasian world. Innovative approach organizes Greek and Roman history in…
Antiquity: Greeks and Romans in Context provides a chronological introduction to the history of ancient Mediterranean civilizations within the larger context of its contemporary Eurasian world. Innovative approach organizes Greek and Roman history in…
Drawing on recent scholarly advances and new evidence, Timothy Barnes offers a fresh and exciting study of Constantine and his life. First study of Constantine to make use of Kevin Wilkinson's re-dating of the poet Palladas to the reign of Constantin…
Drawing on recent scholarly advances and new evidence, Timothy Barnes offers a fresh and exciting study of Constantine and his life. First study of Constantine to make use of Kevin Wilkinson's re-dating of the poet Palladas to the reign of Constantin…
The Complete Archaeology of Greece covers the incredible richness and variety of Greek culture and its central role in our understanding of European civilization, from the Palaeolithic era of 400,000 years ago to the early modern period. In a single …
The Complete Archaeology of Greece covers the incredible richness and variety of Greek culture and its central role in our understanding of European civilization, from the Palaeolithic era of 400,000 years ago to the early modern period. In a single …
The Greek Polis and the Invention of Democracy presents a series of essays that trace the Greeks’ path to democracy and examine the connection between the Greek polis as a citizen state and democracy as well as the interaction between democracy and v…
The Greek Polis and the Invention of Democracy presents a series of essays that trace the Greeks’ path to democracy and examine the connection between the Greek polis as a citizen state and democracy as well as the interaction between democracy and v…
A Companion to Ancient Thrace presents a series of essays that reveal the newly recognized complexity of the social and cultural phenomena of the peoples inhabiting the Balkan periphery of the Classical world. • Features a rich and detailed overview …
A Companion to Ancient Thrace presents a series of essays that reveal the newly recognized complexity of the social and cultural phenomena of the peoples inhabiting the Balkan periphery of the Classical world. • Features a rich and detailed overview …
Alexander’s Heirs offers a narrative account of the approximately forty years following the death of Alexander the Great, during which his generals vied for control of his vast empire, and through their conflicts and politics ultimately created the H…
Alexander’s Heirs offers a narrative account of the approximately forty years following the death of Alexander the Great, during which his generals vied for control of his vast empire, and through their conflicts and politics ultimately created the H…
The third edition of Ancient Greek Civilization is a concise, engaging introduction to the history and culture of ancient Greece from the Minoan civilization to the age of the Roman Empire. Explores the evolution and development of Greek art, literat…
The third edition of Ancient Greek Civilization is a concise, engaging introduction to the history and culture of ancient Greece from the Minoan civilization to the age of the Roman Empire. Explores the evolution and development of Greek art, literat…
Peace in the Ancient World: Concepts and Theories conducts a comparative investigation of why certain ancient societies produced explicit concepts and theories of peace and others did not. Explores the idea that concepts of peace in antiquity occurre…
Peace in the Ancient World: Concepts and Theories conducts a comparative investigation of why certain ancient societies produced explicit concepts and theories of peace and others did not. Explores the idea that concepts of peace in antiquity occurre…
Incorporating the latest scholarly research, the third edition of A History of the Ancient Near East ca. 3000–323 BC presents a comprehensive overview of the multicultural civilizations of the ancient Near East. Integrates the most up-to-date researc…
Incorporating the latest scholarly research, the third edition of A History of the Ancient Near East ca. 3000–323 BC presents a comprehensive overview of the multicultural civilizations of the ancient Near East. Integrates the most up-to-date researc…
The two-volume A Companion to Sparta presents the first comprehensive, multi-authored series of essays to address all aspects of Spartan history and society from its origins in the Greek Dark Ages to the late Roman Empire. Offers a lucid, comprehensi…
The two-volume A Companion to Sparta presents the first comprehensive, multi-authored series of essays to address all aspects of Spartan history and society from its origins in the Greek Dark Ages to the late Roman Empire. Offers a lucid, comprehensi…
Provides a new narrative history of the ancient world, from the beginnings of civilization in the ancient Near East and Egypt to the fall of Constantinople Written by an expert in the field, this book presents a narrative history of Babylon from the …
Provides a new narrative history of the ancient world, from the beginnings of civilization in the ancient Near East and Egypt to the fall of Constantinople Written by an expert in the field, this book presents a narrative history of Babylon from the …
The second edition of Sport and Spectacle in the Ancient World updates Donald G. Kyle’s award-winning introduction to this topic, covering the Ancient Near East up to the late Roman Empire. • Challenges traditional scholarship on sport and spectacle …
The second edition of Sport and Spectacle in the Ancient World updates Donald G. Kyle’s award-winning introduction to this topic, covering the Ancient Near East up to the late Roman Empire. • Challenges traditional scholarship on sport and spectacle …
The Second Edition of A History of the Later Roman Empire features extensive revisions and updates to the highly-acclaimed, sweeping historical survey of the Roman Empire from the accession of Diocletian in AD 284 to the death of Heraclius in 641. Fe…
The Second Edition of A History of the Later Roman Empire features extensive revisions and updates to the highly-acclaimed, sweeping historical survey of the Roman Empire from the accession of Diocletian in AD 284 to the death of Heraclius in 641. Fe…
Первой Пунической войне суждено было навсегда остаться в тени второй войны Рима с Карфагеном. Морские битвы при Милах и Экноме, грандиозные сражения на суше при Панорме и Баграде оказались забыты на фоне блестящих побед Ганнибала при Треббии, Тразиме…
Первой Пунической войне суждено было навсегда остаться в тени второй войны Рима с Карфагеном. Морские битвы при Милах и Экноме, грандиозные сражения на суше при Панорме и Баграде оказались забыты на фоне блестящих побед Ганнибала при Треббии, Тразиме…
Исход Второй Пунической войны навсегда изменил Античный мир, а значит, и пути развития нашей цивилизации. Этот конфликт интересен тем, что впервые боевые действия развернулись одновременно на нескольких фронтах, на огромной территории – в Италии, Исп…
Исход Второй Пунической войны навсегда изменил Античный мир, а значит, и пути развития нашей цивилизации. Этот конфликт интересен тем, что впервые боевые действия развернулись одновременно на нескольких фронтах, на огромной территории – в Италии, Исп…
«Лезвия колесниц серпоносных нередко / Столь неожиданно рвут тела в беспорядочной бойне, / Что на земле увидать отсеченные руки и ноги…» – так римский поэт описывал смертоносное действие колесниц с серпами на поле боя. Колесницы с косоподобными лезви…
«Лезвия колесниц серпоносных нередко / Столь неожиданно рвут тела в беспорядочной бойне, / Что на земле увидать отсеченные руки и ноги…» – так римский поэт описывал смертоносное действие колесниц с серпами на поле боя. Колесницы с косоподобными лезви…
В книге выстраивается новая хронология Римской империи эпохи Кризиса III века (235-284) и эпохи Домината (284-395). На основе традиционных источников показано, что античная Римская империя является дубликатом средневековой Римской империи и все событ…
В книге выстраивается новая хронология Римской империи эпохи Кризиса III века (235-284) и эпохи Домината (284-395). На основе традиционных источников показано, что античная Римская империя является дубликатом средневековой Римской империи и все событ…
2 августа 338 г. до н. э. около небольшого городка Херонея, расположенного в Центральной Греции, на обширной равнине встретились македонская армия под командованием царя Филиппа II и войска антимакедонской коалиции греческих городов-государств. В пос…
2 августа 338 г. до н. э. около небольшого городка Херонея, расположенного в Центральной Греции, на обширной равнине встретились македонская армия под командованием царя Филиппа II и войска антимакедонской коалиции греческих городов-государств. В пос…
Первая часть книги посвящена анализу биографических сведений Фукидида, дается характеристика первой книги Фукидида как историко-философского Ведения, в котором Фукидид предстает перед читателем как исследователь, придающий большое значение рассмотрен…
Первая часть книги посвящена анализу биографических сведений Фукидида, дается характеристика первой книги Фукидида как историко-философского Ведения, в котором Фукидид предстает перед читателем как исследователь, придающий большое значение рассмотрен…