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Arsenic. Exposure Sources, Health Risks, and Mechanisms of Toxicity
This book illustrates the chemistry, toxicology, and health effects of arsenic using novel modeling techniques, case studies, experimental data, and future perspectives. • Covers exposure sources, health risks, and mechanisms of one of the most toxic…
This book illustrates the chemistry, toxicology, and health effects of arsenic using novel modeling techniques, case studies, experimental data, and future perspectives. • Covers exposure sources, health risks, and mechanisms of one of the most toxic…
Fluid Dynamics in Complex Fractured-Porous Systems
Despite of many years of studies, predicting fluid flow, heat, and chemical transport in fractured-porous media remains a challenge for scientists and engineers worldwide. This monograph is the third in a series on the dynamics of fluids and transpor…
Despite of many years of studies, predicting fluid flow, heat, and chemical transport in fractured-porous media remains a challenge for scientists and engineers worldwide. This monograph is the third in a series on the dynamics of fluids and transpor…
Plant-Environment Interaction. Responses and Approaches to Mitigate Stress
The increase in global population, urbanization and industrialization is resulting in the conversion of cultivated land into wasteland. Providing food from these limited resources to an ever-increasing population is one of the biggest challenges that…
The increase in global population, urbanization and industrialization is resulting in the conversion of cultivated land into wasteland. Providing food from these limited resources to an ever-increasing population is one of the biggest challenges that…
Vaccines and Autoimmunity
In light of the discovery of Autoimmune Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants, or ASIA, Vaccines and Autoimmunity explores the role of adjuvants – specifically aluminum in different vaccines – and how they can induce diverse autoimmune clinical manifestation…
In light of the discovery of Autoimmune Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants, or ASIA, Vaccines and Autoimmunity explores the role of adjuvants – specifically aluminum in different vaccines – and how they can induce diverse autoimmune clinical manifestation…
Human Stem Cell Technology and Biology. A Research Guide and Laboratory Manual
Human Stem Cell Technology & Biology: A Research Guide and Laboratory Manual integrates readily accessible text, electronic and video components with the aim of effectively communicating the critical information needed to understand and culture human…
Human Stem Cell Technology & Biology: A Research Guide and Laboratory Manual integrates readily accessible text, electronic and video components with the aim of effectively communicating the critical information needed to understand and culture human…
Bats and Human Health. Ebola, SARS, Rabies and Beyond
An important resource that reviews the various infectious diseases that affect bats and bat populations Bats and Human Health: Ebola, SARS, Rabies and Beyond covers existing literature on viral, bacterial, protozoan, and fungal infections of bats and…
An important resource that reviews the various infectious diseases that affect bats and bat populations Bats and Human Health: Ebola, SARS, Rabies and Beyond covers existing literature on viral, bacterial, protozoan, and fungal infections of bats and…
Ex-vivo and In-vivo Optical Molecular Pathology
The result of a unique collaboration between clinicians, chemists and physicists, this book provides an unparalleled overview of a new generation of diagnostic tools in clinical pathology. The introductory chapters cover the present status and limita…
The result of a unique collaboration between clinicians, chemists and physicists, this book provides an unparalleled overview of a new generation of diagnostic tools in clinical pathology. The introductory chapters cover the present status and limita…
Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology
Written as an advanced text for toxicology students, this book is much more than an introduction and provides in-depth information describing the underlying mechanisms through which toxicants produce their adverse responses. • Links traditional toxic…
Written as an advanced text for toxicology students, this book is much more than an introduction and provides in-depth information describing the underlying mechanisms through which toxicants produce their adverse responses. • Links traditional toxic…
Antelope Conservation. From Diagnosis to Action
Antelopes constitute a fundamental part of ecosystems throughout Africa and Asia where they act as habitat architects, dispersers of seeds, and prey for large carnivores. The fascication they hold in the human mind is evident from prehistoric rock pa…
Antelopes constitute a fundamental part of ecosystems throughout Africa and Asia where they act as habitat architects, dispersers of seeds, and prey for large carnivores. The fascication they hold in the human mind is evident from prehistoric rock pa…
Wnt Signaling in Development and Disease. Molecular Mechanisms and Biological Functions
Wnt signaling in Development and Disease: Molecular Mechanisms and Biological Functions reviews the core topics in Wnt signaling, from molecular pathway mechanisms to its role in embryogenesis, adult tissue homeostasis, and chronic disease. Written b…
Wnt signaling in Development and Disease: Molecular Mechanisms and Biological Functions reviews the core topics in Wnt signaling, from molecular pathway mechanisms to its role in embryogenesis, adult tissue homeostasis, and chronic disease. Written b…
Microbiology of Aerosols
An introduction to the microbiology of bioaerosols and their impact on the world in which we live The microbiology of aerosols is an emerging field of research that lies at the interface of a variety of scientific and health-related disciplines. This…
An introduction to the microbiology of bioaerosols and their impact on the world in which we live The microbiology of aerosols is an emerging field of research that lies at the interface of a variety of scientific and health-related disciplines. This…
Antimicrobial Resistance in Wastewater Treatment Processes
Antimicrobial resistance is arguably the greatest threat to worldwide human health. This book evaluates the roles of human water use, treatment and conservation in the development and spread of antimicrobial resistance. Designed as a companion volume…
Antimicrobial resistance is arguably the greatest threat to worldwide human health. This book evaluates the roles of human water use, treatment and conservation in the development and spread of antimicrobial resistance. Designed as a companion volume…
Emerging Epidemics. Management and Control
A global perspective on the management and prevention of emerging and re-emerging diseases Emerging infectious diseases are newly identified or otherwise previously unknown infections that cause public health challenges. Re-emerging infectious diseas…
A global perspective on the management and prevention of emerging and re-emerging diseases Emerging infectious diseases are newly identified or otherwise previously unknown infections that cause public health challenges. Re-emerging infectious diseas…
Reactive Oxygen Species in Plants. Boon Or Bane - Revisiting the Role of ROS
Describes the basics of ROS metabolism in plants and examines the broad range of ROS signaling mechanisms New discoveries about the effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS) on plants have turned ROS from being considered a bane into a boon, because t…
Describes the basics of ROS metabolism in plants and examines the broad range of ROS signaling mechanisms New discoveries about the effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS) on plants have turned ROS from being considered a bane into a boon, because t…
Magnetotails in the Solar System
All magnetized planets in our solar system (Mercury, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) interact strongly with the solar wind and possess well developed magnetotails. It is not only the strongly magnetized planets that have magnetotails. Ma…
All magnetized planets in our solar system (Mercury, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) interact strongly with the solar wind and possess well developed magnetotails. It is not only the strongly magnetized planets that have magnetotails. Ma…
Conservation and the Genetics of Populations
Loss of biodiversity is among the greatest problems facing the world today. Conservation and the Genetics of Populations gives a comprehensive overview of the essential background, concepts, and tools needed to understand how genetic information can …
Loss of biodiversity is among the greatest problems facing the world today. Conservation and the Genetics of Populations gives a comprehensive overview of the essential background, concepts, and tools needed to understand how genetic information can …
Metabolic Ecology. A Scaling Approach
One of the first textbooks in this emerging important field of ecology. Most of ecology is about metabolism: the ways that organisms use energy and materials. The energy requirements of individuals – their metabolic rates – vary predictably with thei…
One of the first textbooks in this emerging important field of ecology. Most of ecology is about metabolism: the ways that organisms use energy and materials. The energy requirements of individuals – their metabolic rates – vary predictably with thei…
Reintroduction Biology. Integrating Science and Management
This book aims to further advance the field of reintroduction biology beyond the considerable progress made since the formation of the IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group. Using an issue-based framework that purposely avoids a structure based o…
This book aims to further advance the field of reintroduction biology beyond the considerable progress made since the formation of the IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group. Using an issue-based framework that purposely avoids a structure based o…
Wild Rangelands. Conserving Wildlife While Maintaining Livestock in Semi-Arid Ecosystems
Rangeland ecosystems which include unimproved grasslands, shrublands, savannas and semi-deserts, support half of the world’s livestock, while also providing habitats for some of the most charismatic of wildlife species. This book examines the pressur…
Rangeland ecosystems which include unimproved grasslands, shrublands, savannas and semi-deserts, support half of the world’s livestock, while also providing habitats for some of the most charismatic of wildlife species. This book examines the pressur…

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