

Пособие посвящено формированию у обучающихся системы астрофизических знаний о космических объектах и методах их исследования. Рассмотрены общие сведения о мегамире в целом, планетах, звездах и галактиках. Даны задания для самостоятельной работы обуча…
Пособие посвящено формированию у обучающихся системы астрофизических знаний о космических объектах и методах их исследования. Рассмотрены общие сведения о мегамире в целом, планетах, звездах и галактиках. Даны задания для самостоятельной работы обуча…
Нейтронные звезды. Как понять зомби из космоса
Представьте себе сферический объект диаметром всего километров двадцать, но при этом в два-три раза массивнее нашего Солнца. Таковы нейтронные звезды, загадочные и удивительные. Они делают шестьсот оборотов в секунду, причем их вращение столь регуляр…
Представьте себе сферический объект диаметром всего километров двадцать, но при этом в два-три раза массивнее нашего Солнца. Таковы нейтронные звезды, загадочные и удивительные. Они делают шестьсот оборотов в секунду, причем их вращение столь регуляр…
Human Universe
This is the fully illustrated eBook, recommended for viewing on a colour tablet.Top ten Sunday Times Bestseller‘Engaging, ambitious and creative’ GuardianWhere are we? Are we alone? Who are we? Why are we here? What is our future?Human Universe tackl…
This is the fully illustrated eBook, recommended for viewing on a colour tablet.Top ten Sunday Times Bestseller‘Engaging, ambitious and creative’ GuardianWhere are we? Are we alone? Who are we? Why are we here? What is our future?Human Universe tackl…
The Infinite Monkey Cage – How to Build a Universe
The Infinite Monkey Cage, the legendary BBC Radio 4 programme, brings you this irreverent celebration of scientific marvels. Join us on a hectic leap through the grand and bizarre ideas conjured up by human imagination, from dark matter to consciousn…
The Infinite Monkey Cage, the legendary BBC Radio 4 programme, brings you this irreverent celebration of scientific marvels. Join us on a hectic leap through the grand and bizarre ideas conjured up by human imagination, from dark matter to consciousn…
Moongazing: Beginner’s guide to exploring the Moon
An in-depth guide for aspiring astronomers and Moon observers. Includes detailed Moon maps and covers the history of lunar observation and exploration, the properties of the Moon, its origin and orbit.Optimised for colour tablets, the images in this …
An in-depth guide for aspiring astronomers and Moon observers. Includes detailed Moon maps and covers the history of lunar observation and exploration, the properties of the Moon, its origin and orbit.Optimised for colour tablets, the images in this …
Forces of Nature
A breathtaking and beautiful exploration of our planet, this groundbreaking book accompanies the BBC One TV series, providing the deepest answers to the simplest questions.‘What is motion?’‘Why is every snowflake different?’‘Why is life symmetrical?’…
A breathtaking and beautiful exploration of our planet, this groundbreaking book accompanies the BBC One TV series, providing the deepest answers to the simplest questions.‘What is motion?’‘Why is every snowflake different?’‘Why is life symmetrical?’…
2019 Guide to the Night Sky Southern Hemisphere: A month-by-month guide to exploring the skies above Australia, New Zealand and South Africa
A comprehensive handbook to the planets, stars and constellations visible from the southern hemisphere. 6 pages for each month covering January–December 2019.This practical guide is both an easy introduction to astronomy and a useful reference for se…
A comprehensive handbook to the planets, stars and constellations visible from the southern hemisphere. 6 pages for each month covering January–December 2019.This practical guide is both an easy introduction to astronomy and a useful reference for se…
2019 Guide to the Night Sky: Bestselling month-by-month guide to exploring the skies above Britain and Ireland
“THIS IS A GREAT GUIDE TO THE NIGHT SKY AT A GREAT PRICE.” Astronomy NowA comprehensive handbook to the planets, stars and constellations visible from the northern hemisphere. 6 pages for each month covering January–December 2019.This practical guide…
“THIS IS A GREAT GUIDE TO THE NIGHT SKY AT A GREAT PRICE.” Astronomy NowA comprehensive handbook to the planets, stars and constellations visible from the northern hemisphere. 6 pages for each month covering January–December 2019.This practical guide…
Magnetoseismology. Ground-based Remote Sensing of Earth's Magnetosphere
Written by a researcher at the forefront of the field, this first comprehensive account of magnetoseismology conveys the physics behind these movements and waves, and explains how to detect and investigate them. Along the way, it describes the princi…
Written by a researcher at the forefront of the field, this first comprehensive account of magnetoseismology conveys the physics behind these movements and waves, and explains how to detect and investigate them. Along the way, it describes the princi…
Old Stellar Populations. How to Study the Fossil Record of Galaxy Formation
The book discusses the theoretical path to decoding the information gathered from observations of old stellar systems. It focuses on old stellar systems because these are the fossil record of galaxy formation and provide invaluable information ont he…
The book discusses the theoretical path to decoding the information gathered from observations of old stellar systems. It focuses on old stellar systems because these are the fossil record of galaxy formation and provide invaluable information ont he…
Infrared Spectroscopy of Triatomics for Space Observation
This book is dedicated to the application of the different theoretical models described in Volume 1 to identify the near-, mid- and far-infrared spectra of linear and nonlinear triatomic molecules in gaseous phase or subjected to environmental constr…
This book is dedicated to the application of the different theoretical models described in Volume 1 to identify the near-, mid- and far-infrared spectra of linear and nonlinear triatomic molecules in gaseous phase or subjected to environmental constr…
Astrophysical Hydrodynamics
This latest edition of the proven and comprehensive treatment on the topic – from the bestselling author of «Tapestry of Modern Astrophysics» – has been updated and revised to reflect the newest research results. Suitable for AS0000 and AS0200 course…
This latest edition of the proven and comprehensive treatment on the topic – from the bestselling author of «Tapestry of Modern Astrophysics» – has been updated and revised to reflect the newest research results. Suitable for AS0000 and AS0200 course…
The Magnetic Universe
Magnetism is one of the most pervasive features of the Universe, with planets, stars and entire galaxies all having associated magnetic fields. All of these fields are generated by the motion of electrically conducting fluids, the so-called dynamo ef…
Magnetism is one of the most pervasive features of the Universe, with planets, stars and entire galaxies all having associated magnetic fields. All of these fields are generated by the motion of electrically conducting fluids, the so-called dynamo ef…
Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy
Comprehensive, authoritative coverage of interferometric techniques for radio astronomy In this Second Edition of Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy, three leading figures in the development of large imaging arrays, including very-long-b…
Comprehensive, authoritative coverage of interferometric techniques for radio astronomy In this Second Edition of Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy, three leading figures in the development of large imaging arrays, including very-long-b…
Black Holes, White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars
This self-contained textbook brings together many different branches of physics–e.g. nuclear physics, solid state physics, particle physics, hydrodynamics, relativity–to analyze compact objects. The latest astronomical data is assessed. Over 250 exer…
This self-contained textbook brings together many different branches of physics–e.g. nuclear physics, solid state physics, particle physics, hydrodynamics, relativity–to analyze compact objects. The latest astronomical data is assessed. Over 250 exer…
Solar Astrophysics
This revised edition of Solar Astrophysics describes our current understanding of the sun – from its deepest interior, via the layers of the directly observable atmosphere to the solar wind, right out to its farthest extension into interstellar space…
This revised edition of Solar Astrophysics describes our current understanding of the sun – from its deepest interior, via the layers of the directly observable atmosphere to the solar wind, right out to its farthest extension into interstellar space…
Очерки истории шумерской астрономии
Астрономия в широком смысле слова – как отражение всех культурных рефлексий, связанных с небом и светилами, – формировала картину мира уже на самых ранних этапах истории человечества. Книга Г. Куртика посвящена изучению астрономических познаний одной…
Астрономия в широком смысле слова – как отражение всех культурных рефлексий, связанных с небом и светилами, – формировала картину мира уже на самых ранних этапах истории человечества. Книга Г. Куртика посвящена изучению астрономических познаний одной…
Вселенная в инфографике
Человек увлечен астрономией на протяжении многих веков, с тех пор как он в порыве любознательности впервые поглядел на небо… Трудно вообразить себе масштабы Вселенной… Книга «Вселенная в инфографике» содержит интереснейшую информацию по астрономии, о…
Человек увлечен астрономией на протяжении многих веков, с тех пор как он в порыве любознательности впервые поглядел на небо… Трудно вообразить себе масштабы Вселенной… Книга «Вселенная в инфографике» содержит интереснейшую информацию по астрономии, о…
Вселенная и космос
Нашу планету окружает далекий и загадочный космос, в котором происходит множество захватывающих явлений. К сожалению, лишь считаные из них мы видели вживую. А ведь как было бы здорово побывать на спутнике Земли – Луне или увидеть взлет ракеты в космо…
Нашу планету окружает далекий и загадочный космос, в котором происходит множество захватывающих явлений. К сожалению, лишь считаные из них мы видели вживую. А ведь как было бы здорово побывать на спутнике Земли – Луне или увидеть взлет ракеты в космо…
Chasing the Moon: The Story of the Space Race - from Arthur C. Clarke to the Apollo landings
Chasing the Moon thoroughly reimagines the race to the moon, upending much of the conventional mythology. With newly revealed stories about the moon race, from its earliest days to the monumental achievement of the lunar landing in 1969, the book fea…
Chasing the Moon thoroughly reimagines the race to the moon, upending much of the conventional mythology. With newly revealed stories about the moon race, from its earliest days to the monumental achievement of the lunar landing in 1969, the book fea…

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