С какой целью и как появился человек на Земле, каково его предназначение? Какова связь между человеком и космосом? Существуют гипотезы о внеземном происхождение человека. На наш взгляд, для человека Космос есть производная процесса эволюции от атома…
С какой целью и как появился человек на Земле, каково его предназначение? Какова связь между человеком и космосом? Существуют гипотезы о внеземном происхождение человека. На наш взгляд, для человека Космос есть производная процесса эволюции от атома…
Специалист по квантовой гравитации, теории космических струн, директор Института космологии Университета Тафтса (США) Александр Виленкин в лучших традициях популярной литературы рассказывает, как родились и сформировались сложнейшие построения, описы…
Специалист по квантовой гравитации, теории космических струн, директор Института космологии Университета Тафтса (США) Александр Виленкин в лучших традициях популярной литературы рассказывает, как родились и сформировались сложнейшие построения, описы…
After the huge national and international success of ‘Longitude’ and ‘Gallileo’s Daughter’, Dava Sobel tells the human story of the nine planets of our solar system.This groundbreaking work traces the ‘lives’ of each member of our solar family, from …
After the huge national and international success of ‘Longitude’ and ‘Gallileo’s Daughter’, Dava Sobel tells the human story of the nine planets of our solar system.This groundbreaking work traces the ‘lives’ of each member of our solar family, from …
Bestselling author Simon Winchester writes a magnificent history of the pioneering engineers who developed precision machinery to allow us to see as far as the moon and as close as the Higgs b…
Bestselling author Simon Winchester writes a magnificent history of the pioneering engineers who developed precision machinery to allow us to see as far as the moon and as close as the Higgs b…
Как известно, физика работает с упрощёнными моделями явлений.
В данной книге рассматриваются уточнения, связанные с гравитационными явлениями (для чего приводится фрагмент типовой теории, преподаваемой в ВУЗах, а далее показывается, где «ошибки»). Пр…
Как известно, физика работает с упрощёнными моделями явлений.
В данной книге рассматриваются уточнения, связанные с гравитационными явлениями (для чего приводится фрагмент типовой теории, преподаваемой в ВУЗах, а далее показывается, где «ошибки»). Пр…
A first-time skywatcher’s guide from bright new talent, BBC Blue Peter astronomer, Anton VamplewMost books on stargazing claim to be for beginners, but by page 12 are talking about celestial equators and sidereal months. No wonder so many people have…
A first-time skywatcher’s guide from bright new talent, BBC Blue Peter astronomer, Anton VamplewMost books on stargazing claim to be for beginners, but by page 12 are talking about celestial equators and sidereal months. No wonder so many people have…
A comprehensive handbook to the planets, stars and constellations visible from the southern hemisphere. 6 pages for each month covering January–December 2019.This practical guide is both an easy introduction to astronomy and a useful reference for se…
A comprehensive handbook to the planets, stars and constellations visible from the southern hemisphere. 6 pages for each month covering January–December 2019.This practical guide is both an easy introduction to astronomy and a useful reference for se…
It is common opinion, that the orbits of the planets are unchanged, however, this is not so. In this changeable world there is nothing absolutely constant. So, orbits of planets are untwisting on spiral, which can be ascending or descending. The Sun …
It is common opinion, that the orbits of the planets are unchanged, however, this is not so. In this changeable world there is nothing absolutely constant. So, orbits of planets are untwisting on spiral, which can be ascending or descending. The Sun …
Chasing the Moon thoroughly reimagines the race to the moon, upending much of the conventional mythology. With newly revealed stories about the moon race, from its earliest days to the monumental achievement of the lunar landing in 1969, the book fea…
Chasing the Moon thoroughly reimagines the race to the moon, upending much of the conventional mythology. With newly revealed stories about the moon race, from its earliest days to the monumental achievement of the lunar landing in 1969, the book fea…
A breathtaking and beautiful exploration of our planet, this groundbreaking book accompanies the BBC One TV series, providing the deepest answers to the simplest questions.‘What is motion?’‘Why is every snowflake different?’‘Why is life symmetrical?’…
A breathtaking and beautiful exploration of our planet, this groundbreaking book accompanies the BBC One TV series, providing the deepest answers to the simplest questions.‘What is motion?’‘Why is every snowflake different?’‘Why is life symmetrical?’…
Jupiter: The Ruthless One – Mars: The Doomed One – Sun: The Fiery One – Saturn: The Beautiful One – Pluto: The Mysterious OneProfessor Brian Cox is back with another insightful and mind-blowing exploration of space. This time he shows us our solar sy…
Jupiter: The Ruthless One – Mars: The Doomed One – Sun: The Fiery One – Saturn: The Beautiful One – Pluto: The Mysterious OneProfessor Brian Cox is back with another insightful and mind-blowing exploration of space. This time he shows us our solar sy…
Authored by an experienced writer and a well-known researcher of stellar evolution, interstellar matter and spectroscopy, this unique treatise on the formation and observation of organic compounds in space includes a spectroscopy refresher, as well a…
Authored by an experienced writer and a well-known researcher of stellar evolution, interstellar matter and spectroscopy, this unique treatise on the formation and observation of organic compounds in space includes a spectroscopy refresher, as well a…
Reach for the stars Stargazing is the practice of observing the night sky and its contents – from constellations through to planets and galaxies. Stars and other night sky objects can be seen with the naked eye, or seen in greater numbers and in more…
Reach for the stars Stargazing is the practice of observing the night sky and its contents – from constellations through to planets and galaxies. Stars and other night sky objects can be seen with the naked eye, or seen in greater numbers and in more…
This collection of fundamental formulae, up-to-date references and definitions in plasma physics is vital to anyone with an interest in plasmas or ionized gases, whether in physics, astronomy or engineering. Both theorists and experimentalists will f…
This collection of fundamental formulae, up-to-date references and definitions in plasma physics is vital to anyone with an interest in plasmas or ionized gases, whether in physics, astronomy or engineering. Both theorists and experimentalists will f…
Advance praise for Philip Plait s Bad Astronomy «Bad Astronomy is just plain good! Philip Plait clears up every misconception on astronomy and space you never knew you suffered from.» –Stephen Maran, Author of Astronomy for Dummies and editor of The …
Advance praise for Philip Plait s Bad Astronomy «Bad Astronomy is just plain good! Philip Plait clears up every misconception on astronomy and space you never knew you suffered from.» –Stephen Maran, Author of Astronomy for Dummies and editor of The …
A systematic, carefully authored review of our current observational and theoretical knowledge of dark energy. Providing a brief and concise overview, the book covers theory and experiment in equal detail, directly linking the two. A final section al…
A systematic, carefully authored review of our current observational and theoretical knowledge of dark energy. Providing a brief and concise overview, the book covers theory and experiment in equal detail, directly linking the two. A final section al…
This 22nd volume in the series contains 15 invited reviews and highlight contributions from outstanding speakers presented during the 2009 annual meeting of the Astronomical Society on the subject of «Deciphering the Universe through Spectroscopy», h…
This 22nd volume in the series contains 15 invited reviews and highlight contributions from outstanding speakers presented during the 2009 annual meeting of the Astronomical Society on the subject of «Deciphering the Universe through Spectroscopy», h…
Distance determination is an essential technique in astronomy, and is briefly covered in most textbooks on astrophysics and cosmology. It is rarely covered as a coherent topic in its own right. When it is discussed the approach is frequently very dry…
Distance determination is an essential technique in astronomy, and is briefly covered in most textbooks on astrophysics and cosmology. It is rarely covered as a coherent topic in its own right. When it is discussed the approach is frequently very dry…
Written by selected astronomers at the forefront of their fields, this timely and novel book compiles the latest results from research on white dwarf stars, complementing existing literature by focusing on fascinating new developments in our understa…
Written by selected astronomers at the forefront of their fields, this timely and novel book compiles the latest results from research on white dwarf stars, complementing existing literature by focusing on fascinating new developments in our understa…