
архитектурные конструкции

Performance Based Building Design 1. From Below Grade Construction to Cavity Walls
Just like building physics, performance based building design was hardly an issue before the energy crises of the 1970s. With the need to upgrade energy efficiency, the interest in overall building performance grew. The term «performance» encompasses…
Just like building physics, performance based building design was hardly an issue before the energy crises of the 1970s. With the need to upgrade energy efficiency, the interest in overall building performance grew. The term «performance» encompasses…
Performance Based Building Design 2. From Timber-framed Construction to Partition Walls
Just like building physics, performance based building design was hardly an issue before the energy crises of the 1970ies. With the need to upgrade energy efficiency, the interest in overall building performance grew. The term «performance» encompass…
Just like building physics, performance based building design was hardly an issue before the energy crises of the 1970ies. With the need to upgrade energy efficiency, the interest in overall building performance grew. The term «performance» encompass…
Theory of Structures. Fundamentals, Framed Structures, Plates and Shells
This book provides the reader with a consistent approach to theory of structures on the basis of applied mechanics. It covers framed structures as well as plates and shells using elastic and plastic theory, and emphasizes the historical background an…
This book provides the reader with a consistent approach to theory of structures on the basis of applied mechanics. It covers framed structures as well as plates and shells using elastic and plastic theory, and emphasizes the historical background an…
Writing a Built Environment Dissertation. Practical Guidance and Examples
As a built environment student you are likely to be required to research, write and submit a dissertation as a core component of your degree studies. As a vocational profession, students of the built environment often have strong practical aspiration…
As a built environment student you are likely to be required to research, write and submit a dissertation as a core component of your degree studies. As a vocational profession, students of the built environment often have strong practical aspiration…
How to Estimate with RSMeans Data. Basic Skills for Building Construction
Using North America's most recognized construction cost data from RSMeans, this step-by-step guide develops problem-solving skills through over 300 sample problems and exercises. All of the major construction items, including site work, concrete and …
Using North America's most recognized construction cost data from RSMeans, this step-by-step guide develops problem-solving skills through over 300 sample problems and exercises. All of the major construction items, including site work, concrete and …
Construction Management Strategies. A Theory of Construction Management
An authoritative textbook on construction management offering a clear model for understanding theoretical aspects. The construction industry has become a truly global network of interconnected stakeholders making demands which require the involvement…
An authoritative textbook on construction management offering a clear model for understanding theoretical aspects. The construction industry has become a truly global network of interconnected stakeholders making demands which require the involvement…
Managing Change in Construction Projects. A Knowledge-Based Approach
Managing Change in Construction Projects: a knowledge-based approach offers a new perspective on construction project change by viewing the process of change management as a knowledge-intensive activity, where team members bring their tacit and expli…
Managing Change in Construction Projects: a knowledge-based approach offers a new perspective on construction project change by viewing the process of change management as a knowledge-intensive activity, where team members bring their tacit and expli…
Post-Disaster Reconstruction of the Built Environment. Rebuilding for Resilience
Disasters threaten all parts of the world and they appear to be increasing in frequency, scale and intensity. Despite huge improvements in the emergency response, permanent reconstruction is often uncoordinated, inefficiently managed and slow to begi…
Disasters threaten all parts of the world and they appear to be increasing in frequency, scale and intensity. Despite huge improvements in the emergency response, permanent reconstruction is often uncoordinated, inefficiently managed and slow to begi…
Performance Based Building Design 2. From Timber-framed Construction to Partition Walls
Just like building physics, performance based building design was hardly an issue before the energy crises of the 1970ies. With the need to upgrade energy efficiency, the interest in overall building performance grew. The term «performance» encompass…
Just like building physics, performance based building design was hardly an issue before the energy crises of the 1970ies. With the need to upgrade energy efficiency, the interest in overall building performance grew. The term «performance» encompass…
Design and Analysis of Connections in Steel Structures. Fundamentals and Examples
The book introduces all the aspects needed for the safe and economic design and analysis of connections using bolted joints in steel structures. This is not treated according to any specific standard but making comparison among the different norms an…
The book introduces all the aspects needed for the safe and economic design and analysis of connections using bolted joints in steel structures. This is not treated according to any specific standard but making comparison among the different norms an…
Requirements Engineering for Computer Integrated Environments in Construction
Efficient communication, collaboration, data exchange and sharing are crucial for the success of today's many multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary work environments. The implementation of computer integrated environments (CIE) is increasing and t…
Efficient communication, collaboration, data exchange and sharing are crucial for the success of today's many multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary work environments. The implementation of computer integrated environments (CIE) is increasing and t…
Financial Management and Accounting Fundamentals for Construction
SUCCESSFUL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY BEGINS WITH THIS HANDS-ON GUIDE While construction professionals are skilled in the technical side of their work, they often find the financial management aspect of the business daunting. F…
SUCCESSFUL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY BEGINS WITH THIS HANDS-ON GUIDE While construction professionals are skilled in the technical side of their work, they often find the financial management aspect of the business daunting. F…
Governance and Knowledge Management for Public-Private Partnerships
The book not only gives a clear picture of the policy and strategic framework of PFI/PPP projects, the governance and knowledge management issues through different phases from planning, design development to operation and service delivery and the pro…
The book not only gives a clear picture of the policy and strategic framework of PFI/PPP projects, the governance and knowledge management issues through different phases from planning, design development to operation and service delivery and the pro…
Marketing and Selling Professional Services in Architecture and Construction
This practical book on selling and marketing will help architects, engineers, project managers, facilities managers, surveyors, and contractors ‘sell’ themselves to prospective clients. As clients become more sophisticated at both local and internati…
This practical book on selling and marketing will help architects, engineers, project managers, facilities managers, surveyors, and contractors ‘sell’ themselves to prospective clients. As clients become more sophisticated at both local and internati…
Градостроительные основы развития и реконструкции жилой застройки
Монография подготовлена коллективом российских и финских авторов. Российский авторский коллектив – руководитель, проф. МГСУ, д-р арх. Ю.В.Алексеев, доц., к.арх., Г.Ю.Сомов, проф., д.т.н. В.М.Ройтман, проф., к.т.н. Н.С. Никитина, проф., к.т.н. А.Н.Топ…
Монография подготовлена коллективом российских и финских авторов. Российский авторский коллектив – руководитель, проф. МГСУ, д-р арх. Ю.В.Алексеев, доц., к.арх., Г.Ю.Сомов, проф., д.т.н. В.М.Ройтман, проф., к.т.н. Н.С. Никитина, проф., к.т.н. А.Н.Топ…
Архитектурно-строительные конструкции
Описаны основные архитектурно-строительные конструкции, которые используются при проектировании жилых, промышленных, сельскохозяйственных и общественных зданий. Приведено также описание строительных конструкций, сопряженных с инженерным оборудованием…
Описаны основные архитектурно-строительные конструкции, которые используются при проектировании жилых, промышленных, сельскохозяйственных и общественных зданий. Приведено также описание строительных конструкций, сопряженных с инженерным оборудованием…
Функция, конструкция, композиция в архитектуре
Рассмотрены социально-функциональные требования к массовым и уникальным типам гражданских зданий и соответствующие этим требованиям характерные объемно-планировочные решения. Оценено влияние научно-технического прогресса, новых конструкций, материало…
Рассмотрены социально-функциональные требования к массовым и уникальным типам гражданских зданий и соответствующие этим требованиям характерные объемно-планировочные решения. Оценено влияние научно-технического прогресса, новых конструкций, материало…
В учебнике рассмотрены основы градостроительства, методика проектирования ведущих объектов капитального строительства – жилых, общественных и промышленных зданий, принципы проектирования конструктивных систем и отдельных конструктивных элементов здан…
В учебнике рассмотрены основы градостроительства, методика проектирования ведущих объектов капитального строительства – жилых, общественных и промышленных зданий, принципы проектирования конструктивных систем и отдельных конструктивных элементов здан…
Изложены основополагающие принципы и методы архитектуры, раскрывающие ее сущность, функциональный метод проектирования, методику архитектурного конструирования, модульную систему координации размеров, принципы и средства архитектурной композиции, тех…
Изложены основополагающие принципы и методы архитектуры, раскрывающие ее сущность, функциональный метод проектирования, методику архитектурного конструирования, модульную систему координации размеров, принципы и средства архитектурной композиции, тех…
Конструкции водяных и ветряных мельниц России XIX–XX веков
В монографии кратко изложена история строительства водяных и ветряных мельниц в России в прошедшие века. Приведены сведения о конструкциях и методах подбора основного оборудования, строительных и гидротехнических сооружений ветряных и водяных мельниц…
В монографии кратко изложена история строительства водяных и ветряных мельниц в России в прошедшие века. Приведены сведения о конструкциях и методах подбора основного оборудования, строительных и гидротехнических сооружений ветряных и водяных мельниц…

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