
архитектурные конструкции

Водоснабжение и водоотведение жилого многоквартирного дома. Методические указания к курсовой работе по дисциплине «Инженерные системы туристских комплексов и спортивных сооружений»
Методические указания способствуют закреплению теоретических знаний и приобретению практических навыков расчета и конструирования внутренних систем водоснабжения и водоотведения здания. Приведены необходимые сведения и пояснения по объёму и содержани…
Методические указания способствуют закреплению теоретических знаний и приобретению практических навыков расчета и конструирования внутренних систем водоснабжения и водоотведения здания. Приведены необходимые сведения и пояснения по объёму и содержани…
Отопление и вентиляция жилого многоквартирного дома. Методичекие указания к курсовому проекту по дисциплине «Инженерные системы туристских комплексов и спортивных сооружений»
Способствуют закреплению теоретических знаний и приобретению практических навыков расчета и конструирования систем центрального водяного отопления и естественной вытяжной вентиляции. В ходе выполнения проекта студенты используют знания, полученные в …
Способствуют закреплению теоретических знаний и приобретению практических навыков расчета и конструирования систем центрального водяного отопления и естественной вытяжной вентиляции. В ходе выполнения проекта студенты используют знания, полученные в …
The Bluebeam Guidebook
Expert tips for the last piece in the paperless puzzle The Bluebeam Guidebook offers comprehensive coverage of the industry’s leading PDF tool to help AEC professionals adopt a more efficient digital workflow. With desktop, mobile, and server-based p…
Expert tips for the last piece in the paperless puzzle The Bluebeam Guidebook offers comprehensive coverage of the industry’s leading PDF tool to help AEC professionals adopt a more efficient digital workflow. With desktop, mobile, and server-based p…
Audel Carpenter's and Builder's Layout, Foundation, and Framing
Here's knowledge you can build on Whether you're building a storage shed or your dream house, the same principles govern choosing a site, setting the foundation, erecting the walls, and putting on the roof. This handy how-to guide has been totally re…
Here's knowledge you can build on Whether you're building a storage shed or your dream house, the same principles govern choosing a site, setting the foundation, erecting the walls, and putting on the roof. This handy how-to guide has been totally re…
Barry's Advanced Construction of Buildings
Robin Barry's Construction of Buildings was first published in 1958 in 5 volumes, rapidly becoming a standard text on construction. In its current 2 volume format Barry remains hugely popular with both students and lecturers of construction and relat…
Robin Barry's Construction of Buildings was first published in 1958 in 5 volumes, rapidly becoming a standard text on construction. In its current 2 volume format Barry remains hugely popular with both students and lecturers of construction and relat…
Barry's Introduction to Construction of Buildings
Robin Barry's Construction of Buildings was first published in 1958 in 5 volumes, rapidly becoming a standard text on construction. In its current 2 volume format Barry remains hugely popular with both students and lecturers of construction and relat…
Robin Barry's Construction of Buildings was first published in 1958 in 5 volumes, rapidly becoming a standard text on construction. In its current 2 volume format Barry remains hugely popular with both students and lecturers of construction and relat…
Advanced Research Methods in the Built Environment
This book provides a bridge between the introductory research methods books and the discipline-specific, higher level texts. Its unique feature is the coverage of the detailed process of research rather than the findings of research projects. Chapter…
This book provides a bridge between the introductory research methods books and the discipline-specific, higher level texts. Its unique feature is the coverage of the detailed process of research rather than the findings of research projects. Chapter…
Structural Timber Design to Eurocode 5
Structural Timber Design to Eurocode 5 provides practising engineers and specialist contractors with comprehensive, detailed information and in-depth guidance on the design of timber structures based on the common rules and rules for buildings in Eur…
Structural Timber Design to Eurocode 5 provides practising engineers and specialist contractors with comprehensive, detailed information and in-depth guidance on the design of timber structures based on the common rules and rules for buildings in Eur…
Praxis des Bauprozessmanagements. Termine, Kosten und Qualität zuverlässig steuern
The book shows how the efficiency of construction projects can be considerably improved through process optimisation, industrialisation and the use of new technologies (sensor technologies, digital communications, real time control etc.).
The book shows how the efficiency of construction projects can be considerably improved through process optimisation, industrialisation and the use of new technologies (sensor technologies, digital communications, real time control etc.).
Mauerwerk Kalender 2011. Schwerpunkt - Nachhaltige Bauprodukte und Konstruktionen
Proven and new: practical compendium for masonry for 35 years and counting: basics, examples, code commentaries – current and firsthand. Focus for 2011: Sustainable building products and structures
Proven and new: practical compendium for masonry for 35 years and counting: basics, examples, code commentaries – current and firsthand. Focus for 2011: Sustainable building products and structures
Mauerwerk Kalender 2012. Schwerpunkt - Eurocode 6
Proven and new: practical compendium for masonry for 36 years and counting: basics, examples, code commentaries – current and firsthand. Focus for 2012: Eurocode 6 with its German National Annexes
Proven and new: practical compendium for masonry for 36 years and counting: basics, examples, code commentaries – current and firsthand. Focus for 2012: Eurocode 6 with its German National Annexes
Mauerwerk Kalender 2012. Schwerpunkt - Eurocode 6
Proven and new: practical compendium for masonry for 36 years and counting: basics, examples, code commentaries – current and firsthand. Focus for 2012: Eurocode 6 with its German National Annexes
Proven and new: practical compendium for masonry for 36 years and counting: basics, examples, code commentaries – current and firsthand. Focus for 2012: Eurocode 6 with its German National Annexes
The book is no encyclopedia of construction materials but rather a systematic description with the emphasis on the basics of material behaviour in order to assist the understanding of the dependencies of the material constants, which are not actually…
The book is no encyclopedia of construction materials but rather a systematic description with the emphasis on the basics of material behaviour in order to assist the understanding of the dependencies of the material constants, which are not actually…
The book is no encyclopedia of construction materials but rather a systematic description with the emphasis on the basics of material behaviour in order to assist the understanding of the dependencies of the material constants, which are not actually…
The book is no encyclopedia of construction materials but rather a systematic description with the emphasis on the basics of material behaviour in order to assist the understanding of the dependencies of the material constants, which are not actually…
Индустриальное домостроение в трёхлучевой системе координат Дома «Лотос». Часть 2. Конструкции, технология
В книге показано, что нет оснований считать, что все сборные железобетонные конструкции многоэтажных жилых домов должны строиться в декартовой системе координат. Можно создать новую индустриальную систему строительства в трёхлучевой системе координат…
В книге показано, что нет оснований считать, что все сборные железобетонные конструкции многоэтажных жилых домов должны строиться в декартовой системе координат. Можно создать новую индустриальную систему строительства в трёхлучевой системе координат…
Архитектура зданий в примерах, задачах, тестах
В данном учебном пособии впервые предпринята попытка предложить материал для практических и контрольных занятий по специальной учебной дисциплине МДК 01.01.01. «Проектирование архитектурных конструкций». Эти материалы включают в себя задачи по темам …
В данном учебном пособии впервые предпринята попытка предложить материал для практических и контрольных занятий по специальной учебной дисциплине МДК 01.01.01. «Проектирование архитектурных конструкций». Эти материалы включают в себя задачи по темам …
Audel Practical Electricity
Everything begins with the basics To succeed in any of today's electrical specialties, you must first understand the fundamentals. This concise guidebook, fully updated and revised to comply with the National Electrical Code,? provides that solid fou…
Everything begins with the basics To succeed in any of today's electrical specialties, you must first understand the fundamentals. This concise guidebook, fully updated and revised to comply with the National Electrical Code,? provides that solid fou…
Audel Complete Building Construction
You can build on this foundation Whether construction is your livelihood or you're just planning a home addition, you need to know the latest about materials, methods, and more. From locating the structure on the site to installing roof shingles, thi…
You can build on this foundation Whether construction is your livelihood or you're just planning a home addition, you need to know the latest about materials, methods, and more. From locating the structure on the site to installing roof shingles, thi…
Extending and Improving Your Home. An Introduction
Written for small builders and tradesmen such as bricklayers and carpenters, as well as householders wanting to provide more space and enhanced living conditions without the substantial cost of moving house. While there are many books that deal with …
Written for small builders and tradesmen such as bricklayers and carpenters, as well as householders wanting to provide more space and enhanced living conditions without the substantial cost of moving house. While there are many books that deal with …
Programme Procurement in Construction. Learning from London 2012
This book … adds to the impressive ‘legacy’ of learning which is still emerging from the successful delivery of the London 2012 construction programme. The authors combine the reforming zeal of a champion for change, who was there every step of the w…
This book … adds to the impressive ‘legacy’ of learning which is still emerging from the successful delivery of the London 2012 construction programme. The authors combine the reforming zeal of a champion for change, who was there every step of the w…

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