A comprehensive introduction to the ethics of sustainability for empowering professionals and practitioners in many different fields By building the framework for balancing technological developments with their social and environmental effects, susta…
A comprehensive introduction to the ethics of sustainability for empowering professionals and practitioners in many different fields By building the framework for balancing technological developments with their social and environmental effects, susta…
The complete guide to portfolio development for interior designers It's a widely known fact that interior designers need a strong visual presence in the form of a well-crafted, professional-looking portfolio. Surprisingly, however, many interior desi…
The complete guide to portfolio development for interior designers It's a widely known fact that interior designers need a strong visual presence in the form of a well-crafted, professional-looking portfolio. Surprisingly, however, many interior desi…
A unique graphical guide for using architectural terminology to jump-start the design process This design studio companion presents architectural terms with special emphasis on using these terms to generate design ideas. It highlights the architectur…
A unique graphical guide for using architectural terminology to jump-start the design process This design studio companion presents architectural terms with special emphasis on using these terms to generate design ideas. It highlights the architectur…
A revolutionary, collaborative approach to design and construction project delivery Integrating Project Delivery is the first book-length discussion of IPD, the emergent project delivery method that draws on each stakeholder's unique knowledge to add…
A revolutionary, collaborative approach to design and construction project delivery Integrating Project Delivery is the first book-length discussion of IPD, the emergent project delivery method that draws on each stakeholder's unique knowledge to add…
This new edition examines management of built heritage through the use of values-led decision making, based on an understanding of the significance of the cultural asset. It considers how significance is assessed and used as an effective focus and dr…
This new edition examines management of built heritage through the use of values-led decision making, based on an understanding of the significance of the cultural asset. It considers how significance is assessed and used as an effective focus and dr…
An inside view of how one of the world's leading architecture and engineering practice does business Sustainable Built Environments: Principles and Practice offers detailed, environmentally sound design solutions to a wide range of building engineeri…
An inside view of how one of the world's leading architecture and engineering practice does business Sustainable Built Environments: Principles and Practice offers detailed, environmentally sound design solutions to a wide range of building engineeri…
There is a great deal of innovation in the use of wood in construction, from impressive modern buildings to new construction products that reduce build times and improve building performance. As a renewable resource with proven low embodied energy, w…
There is a great deal of innovation in the use of wood in construction, from impressive modern buildings to new construction products that reduce build times and improve building performance. As a renewable resource with proven low embodied energy, w…
A highly original architectural history of Solomon’s Temple and Islam’s Dome of the Rock that doubles as a social and cultural history of the region The most extensive study of the interrelated history of two monuments, Solomon’s Temple and The Dome …
A highly original architectural history of Solomon’s Temple and Islam’s Dome of the Rock that doubles as a social and cultural history of the region The most extensive study of the interrelated history of two monuments, Solomon’s Temple and The Dome …
SUPERB EXECUTION RELIES UPON RIGOROUS PROJECT DOCUMENTATION A project will only be built as well as it is documented. This publication focuses on the key documentation needs of the landscape architectural design and construction documentation process…
SUPERB EXECUTION RELIES UPON RIGOROUS PROJECT DOCUMENTATION A project will only be built as well as it is documented. This publication focuses on the key documentation needs of the landscape architectural design and construction documentation process…
How to use industry standards to create complete, consistent, and accurate equipment inventories The National Institute of Science and Technology estimates that the loss of information between the construction of buildings and their operation and mai…
How to use industry standards to create complete, consistent, and accurate equipment inventories The National Institute of Science and Technology estimates that the loss of information between the construction of buildings and their operation and mai…
From ARCOM and The American Institute of Architects A complete visual guide to choosing and using finish materials In this unique guide, the authors of MASTERSPEC and Architectural Graphic Standards join forces to offer architects vital single-source…
From ARCOM and The American Institute of Architects A complete visual guide to choosing and using finish materials In this unique guide, the authors of MASTERSPEC and Architectural Graphic Standards join forces to offer architects vital single-source…
The must-have reference on construction product representation—and the essential study aid for the Certified Construction Product Representative (CCPR) Exam The CSI Practice Guides are a library of comprehensive references specifically and carefully …
The must-have reference on construction product representation—and the essential study aid for the Certified Construction Product Representative (CCPR) Exam The CSI Practice Guides are a library of comprehensive references specifically and carefully …
The bright future and exciting possibilities of BIM Many architects and engineers regard BIM as a disruptive force, changing the way building professionals design, build, and ultimately manage a built structure. With its emphasis on continuing advanc…
The bright future and exciting possibilities of BIM Many architects and engineers regard BIM as a disruptive force, changing the way building professionals design, build, and ultimately manage a built structure. With its emphasis on continuing advanc…
SALON-interior был создан в 1994 году и с момента основания публикует лучшие работы ведущих архитекторов, дизайнеров и декораторов, созданные в России и странах ближнего зарубежья. SALON-interior – авторитетный российский журнал по архитектуре и диза…
SALON-interior был создан в 1994 году и с момента основания публикует лучшие работы ведущих архитекторов, дизайнеров и декораторов, созданные в России и странах ближнего зарубежья. SALON-interior – авторитетный российский журнал по архитектуре и диза…
First published in 1996, The Eyes of the Skin has become a classic of architectural theory. It asks the far-reaching question why, when there are five senses, has one single sense – sight – become so predominant in architectural culture and design? W…
First published in 1996, The Eyes of the Skin has become a classic of architectural theory. It asks the far-reaching question why, when there are five senses, has one single sense – sight – become so predominant in architectural culture and design? W…
With scripting, computer programming becomes integral to the digital design process. It provides unique opportunities for innovation, enabling the designer to customise the software around their own predilections and modes of working. It liberates th…
With scripting, computer programming becomes integral to the digital design process. It provides unique opportunities for innovation, enabling the designer to customise the software around their own predilections and modes of working. It liberates th…
В конце XIX века в разных концах Европы молодое и энергичное поколение дизайнеров и художников, задалось целью избавиться от историзма и эклектики, почти полувека царивших в искусстве, и создать новый самобытный стиль, иную художественную форму, кото…
В конце XIX века в разных концах Европы молодое и энергичное поколение дизайнеров и художников, задалось целью избавиться от историзма и эклектики, почти полувека царивших в искусстве, и создать новый самобытный стиль, иную художественную форму, кото…
«Московский Журнал. История государства Российского» – ежемесячный литературно-художественный историко-краеведческий журнал. Издается с 1991 года.
На страницах издания печатаются статьи о Москве, литературе, истории, краеведении и архитектуре, а так…
«Московский Журнал. История государства Российского» – ежемесячный литературно-художественный историко-краеведческий журнал. Издается с 1991 года.
На страницах издания печатаются статьи о Москве, литературе, истории, краеведении и архитектуре, а так…
«Московский Журнал. История государства Российского» – ежемесячный литературно-художественный историко-краеведческий журнал. Издается с 1991 года.
На страницах издания печатаются статьи о Москве, литературе, истории, краеведении и архитектуре, а так…
«Московский Журнал. История государства Российского» – ежемесячный литературно-художественный историко-краеведческий журнал. Издается с 1991 года.
На страницах издания печатаются статьи о Москве, литературе, истории, краеведении и архитектуре, а так…
«Москва изнутри» с Еленой Крижевской – это путешествие для тех, кто влюблен в этот город или хочет в него влюбиться.
Книга проведёт вас по самым красивым и необычным домам. Вы проследите всю историю росписи интерьеров собора Василия Блаженного, пройд…
«Москва изнутри» с Еленой Крижевской – это путешествие для тех, кто влюблен в этот город или хочет в него влюбиться.
Книга проведёт вас по самым красивым и необычным домам. Вы проследите всю историю росписи интерьеров собора Василия Блаженного, пройд…