анатомия и физиология
Despite the growing interest in the role of psychological trauma in the genesis of psychiatric disorders, few volumes have addressed these issues from a multidisciplinary and international perspective. Given the complexity of reslience and posttrauma…
Despite the growing interest in the role of psychological trauma in the genesis of psychiatric disorders, few volumes have addressed these issues from a multidisciplinary and international perspective. Given the complexity of reslience and posttrauma…
There are wide inconsistencies between, and even within, countries in how community-orientated care is defined and interpreted. The analysis presented in this book take as a starting point an evidence-based balanced care model in which services are p…
There are wide inconsistencies between, and even within, countries in how community-orientated care is defined and interpreted. The analysis presented in this book take as a starting point an evidence-based balanced care model in which services are p…
A unique biographical review of the global contributors to field of anatomy Knowledge of human anatomy has not always been an essential component of medical education and practice. Most European medical schools did not emphasize anatomy in their curr…
A unique biographical review of the global contributors to field of anatomy Knowledge of human anatomy has not always been an essential component of medical education and practice. Most European medical schools did not emphasize anatomy in their curr…
Биохакеры считают, что укреплять здоровье дешевле и выгоднее, чем лечить болезнь. Организм человека состоит из множества разных систем. И биохакинг позволяет понять, как эти системы работают.
Авторы – практикующий врач Олли Совиярви, специалист по ци…
Биохакеры считают, что укреплять здоровье дешевле и выгоднее, чем лечить болезнь. Организм человека состоит из множества разных систем. И биохакинг позволяет понять, как эти системы работают.
Авторы – практикующий врач Олли Совиярви, специалист по ци…
Цель этой книги – увидеть за внешней оболочкой тела органы и системы жизнеобеспечения, понять, как и при каких условиях они работают надежно и долговечно, а при каких неизбежно и закономерно будут давать сбой. В книге говорится, как без лекарств и оп…
Цель этой книги – увидеть за внешней оболочкой тела органы и системы жизнеобеспечения, понять, как и при каких условиях они работают надежно и долговечно, а при каких неизбежно и закономерно будут давать сбой. В книге говорится, как без лекарств и оп…
Мы не задумываемся, какие механизмы нашего тела задействованы, когда мы дышим, ходим, моргаем или поднимаем руки. Наш организм работает 24 часа в сутки, 7 дней в неделю, но мы начинаем обращать внимание на детали тонко устроенной работы тела, только …
Мы не задумываемся, какие механизмы нашего тела задействованы, когда мы дышим, ходим, моргаем или поднимаем руки. Наш организм работает 24 часа в сутки, 7 дней в неделю, но мы начинаем обращать внимание на детали тонко устроенной работы тела, только …
Кое-кому кажется, что анус не таит в себе никаких загадок. Но любой медик подтвердит, что это несусветная чушь. Кто-то скажет, что не существует серьезных анальных заболеваний. И это утверждение так самонадеянно, что даже опасно. Другие полагают, что…
Кое-кому кажется, что анус не таит в себе никаких загадок. Но любой медик подтвердит, что это несусветная чушь. Кто-то скажет, что не существует серьезных анальных заболеваний. И это утверждение так самонадеянно, что даже опасно. Другие полагают, что…
«Ой, фу!»
Табу в нашем мире живут столько же, сколько существует общество. Все мы стремимся быть ухоженными, хорошо пахнуть, но стоит нам остаться наедине с самим собой, как наше тело начинает жить собственной жизнью: палец сам тянется к ноздре – изб…
«Ой, фу!»
Табу в нашем мире живут столько же, сколько существует общество. Все мы стремимся быть ухоженными, хорошо пахнуть, но стоит нам остаться наедине с самим собой, как наше тело начинает жить собственной жизнью: палец сам тянется к ноздре – изб…
Treatment of Cerebral Palsy and Motor Delay is first and foremost a practical book, a distillation of Sophie Levitt’s considerable experience in treating those affected by cerebral palsy. This fifth edition outlines therapeutic approaches and suggest…
Treatment of Cerebral Palsy and Motor Delay is first and foremost a practical book, a distillation of Sophie Levitt’s considerable experience in treating those affected by cerebral palsy. This fifth edition outlines therapeutic approaches and suggest…
Treatment of Cerebral Palsy and Motor Delay is a highly practical, easy-to-read resource for all paediatric practitioners and students working with the developmental abilities and difficulties of children, providing a thorough overview of cerebral pa…
Treatment of Cerebral Palsy and Motor Delay is a highly practical, easy-to-read resource for all paediatric practitioners and students working with the developmental abilities and difficulties of children, providing a thorough overview of cerebral pa…
While there are many excellent pacing and defibrillation books, they are nearly all written by physicians for physicians. The second edition of the successful The Nuts and Bolts of Cardiac Pacing has been thoroughly updated, reflecting the new challe…
While there are many excellent pacing and defibrillation books, they are nearly all written by physicians for physicians. The second edition of the successful The Nuts and Bolts of Cardiac Pacing has been thoroughly updated, reflecting the new challe…
Offering patients a higher safety profile and less discomfort than radio-frequency ablation, catheter cryoablation is a safe, effective and efficient alternative for clinicians treating atrial fibrillation and other arrhythmias. In The Practice of Ca…
Offering patients a higher safety profile and less discomfort than radio-frequency ablation, catheter cryoablation is a safe, effective and efficient alternative for clinicians treating atrial fibrillation and other arrhythmias. In The Practice of Ca…
Human Neuroanatomy, 2nd Edition is a comprehensive overview of the anatomy of the human brain and spinal cord. The book is written at a level to be of use as a text for advanced students and a foundational reference for researchers, clinicians in the…
Human Neuroanatomy, 2nd Edition is a comprehensive overview of the anatomy of the human brain and spinal cord. The book is written at a level to be of use as a text for advanced students and a foundational reference for researchers, clinicians in the…
This innovative textbook provides a readable, contemporary and fully integrated introduction to endocrine glands, their hormones and how their function relates to homeostasis. It explores the pathology of endocrine disease by relating the underpinnin…
This innovative textbook provides a readable, contemporary and fully integrated introduction to endocrine glands, their hormones and how their function relates to homeostasis. It explores the pathology of endocrine disease by relating the underpinnin…
Written by experienced and well-respected physicians and professors, this new all-color volume presents the ultrasonic topographical and pathotopographical anatomy of the body, including the head, neck, chest, anterolateral abdominal wall, abdominal …
Written by experienced and well-respected physicians and professors, this new all-color volume presents the ultrasonic topographical and pathotopographical anatomy of the body, including the head, neck, chest, anterolateral abdominal wall, abdominal …
With a growing population of young patients with congenital heart disease reaching adulthood, this unique new book offers an in-depth guide to managing the challenges and issues related to device therapy in this patient group. The only book resource …
With a growing population of young patients with congenital heart disease reaching adulthood, this unique new book offers an in-depth guide to managing the challenges and issues related to device therapy in this patient group. The only book resource …
Ultrastructure Atlas of Human Tissues presents a variety of scanning and transmission electron microscope images of the major systems of the human body. Photography with the electron microscope records views of the intricate substructures and microde…
Ultrastructure Atlas of Human Tissues presents a variety of scanning and transmission electron microscope images of the major systems of the human body. Photography with the electron microscope records views of the intricate substructures and microde…
Written by the authority on hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and an HCM patient, and fully endorsed by the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Association (HCMA), the leading advocacy and support organization, the 3rd Edition of this best-selling guide offe…
Written by the authority on hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and an HCM patient, and fully endorsed by the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Association (HCMA), the leading advocacy and support organization, the 3rd Edition of this best-selling guide offe…
Highly Commended in Obstetrics and gynaecology in the 2017 BMA Medical Book Awards Embryology at a Glance is a highly illustrated and innovative introduction to key embryological concepts, with concise, memorable descriptions of major embryological d…
Highly Commended in Obstetrics and gynaecology in the 2017 BMA Medical Book Awards Embryology at a Glance is a highly illustrated and innovative introduction to key embryological concepts, with concise, memorable descriptions of major embryological d…
Instant Anatomy presents anatomy and anatomical relationships in a simple, unique, schematic manner to aid the speedy understanding and retrieval of anatomical facts. It shows structures such as nerves and blood vessels in their entirety, unlike the …
Instant Anatomy presents anatomy and anatomical relationships in a simple, unique, schematic manner to aid the speedy understanding and retrieval of anatomical facts. It shows structures such as nerves and blood vessels in their entirety, unlike the …