Amina Queen of Persia. Historical Fantasy
Amina Queen of Persia. Historical Fantasy

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Amina Queen of Persia. Historical Fantasy

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2023
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– Were you bitten by a vampire?

No, I just cut myself in the kitchen by accident, Lera answered.

Don’t lie, I saw how this mouse attacked you, said Elsa.

Well, I bit, so what of it, Lera began to get nervous.

You heard what Plato told us all, a vampire’s bite means that in a day you too will turn into a vampire, said Elsa.

Give me your word that you won’t tell Plato about this bite, Lera said.

I can’t give you words, because we are a team and the sooner we treat you, the safer it is for us, Elsa said and went to Plato.

Elsa knocked on his door and asked:

– This is Elsa, can I come in?

Plato was sitting at the table and thinking about something.

Elsa, it’s late, why aren’t you resting? – asked Plato.

Plato, we have an emergency, today Lera was bitten by a vampire, we need to do something, Elsa explained.

– Why didn’t she say so herself? – asked Plato.

She was scared, I accidentally noticed this and remembered how the mouse attacked her, said Elsa.

Okay, let’s go have a look, said Plato and they went into Lera’s room.

He examined the wound and asked:

– Why didn’t you tell me right away?

I was afraid that you would kill me, Lera answered.

You’re putting us all in danger, don’t you understand that, said Plato.

I want to live, Lera answered and began to cry.

So, Elsa, you stay with Lera and be careful, Zhenya and I need to go somewhere, said Plato.

– Will you save me? – Lera asked.

Of course we will save you, trust us, said Plato and went to open the garage.

Then they got into the car and drove away.

Elsa, don’t leave me, I’m scared, Lera said.

Don’t be afraid, I’m with you, nothing threatens you, Elsa answered.

– I’m going to die, right? – Lera asked.

No, Plato will definitely come up with something, I answered.

Why does this happen in life? I’m still young, but it’s time for me to die, Lera said.

Calm down, everything will be fine, Elsa answered.

It’s good to reassure others, as long as it doesn’t affect me, I don’t know how I would behave if this happened to me, but I’m sure of one thing, that you need to believe and hope, Elsa thought.

– Where are we going now? – Zhenya asks.

There is one scientist who recently began to develop an antidote after he believed in the existence of vampires, Plato explained.

And he already has this antidote? – Zhenya asked.

I don’t know yet, one of our mutual acquaintances recommended it to me, so don’t tell anyone about it, Plato warned.

– How did he believe in vampires? – Zhenya asked.

– Once he and his wife were walking in the park and a vampire attacked his wife. This scientist tried to fight him off from his wife, but while escaping, the vampire still bit his wife and a day later she turned into a vampire, said Plato.

– And after that he began to make an antidote? – Zhenya asked.

Yes, he decided that by doing this he would save many unfortunate people, answered Plato.

The road was not close, so they had been driving for about forty minutes and finally

the street on which this scientist lived appeared.

Rising to the third floor of a five-story building, Plato rang the bell.

– Who’s there? – asked a male voice.

This is Plato, I agreed to meet with you an hour ago, said Plato.

Yes, I remember, I remember,” the man said and opened the front door.

Good evening, forgive us for such a late visit, said Plato.

It’s okay, come in, don’t stand outside the threshold, the man answered.

Sergey Eduardovich, I came to you at a very big request, Platon began the conversation.

Take off your shoes and go to the kitchen, we’ll drink tea, I rarely have guests, so I’m glad that at least someone will visit me, the scientist smiled.

He put the kettle on the stove and on the table like a pike As ordered, bagels, cookies and sweets appeared.

Sergei Eduardovich was a man of about sixty, short, thin, with gray hair. For many years he devoted himself to science, to various experiments, coming up with formulas for immortality, as he thought then. But then, as I grew older, I realized that immortality cannot exist on earth for only one reason, the Lord made everyone mortal, as a gift worthy, immortality is promised in the Scriptures in heaven.

– So, what brings you to me, young people? – asked the scientist.

– Sergey Eduardovich, we are coming to you about this question. I know that you are currently working on a serum against vampire bites, said Plato.

Yes, that’s true,” answered the scientist.

My friends and I are now fighting against vampires, and this afternoon, when encountering them, our friend was bitten by a vampire, Plato explained.

I know this to the core, answered the scientist.

– I want to ask, did you make this serum? – asked Plato.

How can I tell you, I have some samples of my research, but they have not yet been tested by me on infected people, said the scientist.

But we urgently need to introduce an antidote into the girl’s body, said Plato.

And if this serum doesn’t help, how will I be able to look people in the eyes after this, said the scientist.

It will help, I’m sure, otherwise why all this, then let it be as it is, we’ll just throw up our hands and say that we are powerless in the fight against evil, said Plato.

I understand you and will give you what you ask, and if it helps, I will do it for hundreds and thousands of people, said the scientist and went into another room. He was gone for a long time, but then he appeared with his head held high and said:

Here’s my invention, guys, let this serum help the poor girl, said the scientist and handed Plato a test tube with green liquid.

– Tell me how to enter it? – asked Plato.

Take a regular syringe and divide this serum into two equal parts, inject it into the buttock and six hours later, inject the second part, the scientist explained.

Thank you, Sergei Eduardovich, said Platon.

But promise me that if successful, you will come to me with this girl and show me the result, said the scientist.

Of course, I give my word that I will come, Platon answered, and together with Zhenya, after saying goodbye to the scientist, they hurried home.

The time was late, two o’clock in the morning, Plato had to wake up Leroux to administer the serum. She slept so soundly that it was impossible to wake her the first time.

Elsa gave Lera an injection and set the clock for eight o’clock in the morning to repeat the procedure.

Chapter No. 8

In ancient Persia, King Abid was about to give birth to a child. Various soothsayers came from all overseas countries, who, after certain rituals, all told the king that he would have an heir.

The king was twenty years older than his wife and was already fifty-two years old.

He did not like to go on campaigns, he liked to sit on the throne and give out decrees left and right. He was plump, of average height, with a slight bald spot on his head, and loved women, wine and various performances. He had no children and dreamed of an heir who would sit on the throne after his death.

The queen was thirty-two years old, a beautiful woman, with long black hair, straight bangs at eyebrow level. She was dressed in a loose turquoise dress so that her belly was not noticeable.

Time passed and Queen Asia, in her seventh month of pregnancy, invited a woman who had been looking for a meeting with her for seven days and nights and could not get in for a conversation.

The guards brought the woman to the queen and walked out the door.

The woman was a beggar, dressed in some shabby, old clothes, she looked about forty years old. She made a living from her predictions, which, according to rumors, always came true.

– Well, tell me, why did you come? – Asia asked.

I heard that your husband is waiting for an heir, but you can disappoint him, you will give birth to a girl and she will be named Amina, the woman said.

Where does this information come from? All the priests and soothsayers say that I carry a boy under my heart, said Asia.

Don’t trust them, they are charlatans and, in order to please the king, they are ready to say anything for their own good, listen to me, you will have a girl, said the woman.

I don’t believe a single word you say, get out of my kingdom and you won’t get a single coin for your deception, the queen shouted.

Believe me, otherwise you will bring a curse on your family for three generations, said the woman.

Guards,” the queen shouted and two guards ran into the room.

– I obey, madam, they answered in unison.

Take this crazy woman away and never let her in again, Asia shouted.

The queen understood that the king only wanted a son and if a daughter was born, he could do whatever he wanted with her.

The time has come and the queen began giving birth. The king celebrated this event with his main nobles and merchants. Then the maid came up to him and said:

– Dear king, your daughter was born.

Quiet, everyone, Abid shouted and silence fell in the hall.

Repeat what you just said, Abid ordered.

You have a girl, answered the maid.

– What is she saying, I had a son, not a daughter. Guards, I order you to burn this witch alive in the square, Abid shouted.

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